Sky War God

Chapter 2347: The golden light of Buddha!

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For this kind of person, Ye Feng would never have any kind of politeness, and opened his mouth to invite Jiuzhiyinsheng.

Jiuzhiyinsheng's expression is extremely ugly. Before that, he had been crushed by Ye Feng, and now he stepped forward to fight, and he had no chance of winning.

It's just that, except for the fact that he and the Bat Monster King, Li Guihuang and others knew about it, he didn't disclose it.

"What? Don't you dare to fight? Don't you dare to yell in the night sky that day?"

Seeing Jiuzhiyinsheng not speaking, Ye Feng sarcastically said directly to the other party.

His words made Jiuzhiyinsheng's look again ugly, and there was a cold glow in his pupils.

"You are bullying the child and hurting you?"

At this moment, the palace lord of Xuanyin Palace, who was sitting not far from Jiuzhiyinsheng, spoke. There was a bit of majesty in his words, causing many people present to look at him involuntarily.

The Master of the Xuanyin Palace is strong, and this is recognized by everyone, but he has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, and the Xuanyin Palace has always been managed by the nine-finger Yinsheng.

Nowadays, Lingtian Sacred Palace is holding a gathering of heroes, and the palace lord of Xuanyin Palace has specially returned from the tour, leading many powerful people in Xuanyin Palace to participate in this hero feast.

Unexpectedly, his son Jiuzhi Yinsheng was so provoked by Ye Feng, he was naturally angry.

"Is there any injury? Do you mean to replace him in the battle?"

Ye Feng looked at Palace Master Xuanyin with cold eyes and said, after he said his words, Palace Master Xuanyin was taken aback.

Then he laughed sarcastically, looking at Ye Feng as if he were looking at a fool.

The other people are also the same, they know that this Xuanyin Palace Master is an extremely old person.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the nine divine palaces under the Lingtian Sacred Palace, Palace Master Xuanyin is also one of the top powerhouses.

Even the palace lord of Chiyan Palace, Palace lord of Tianlei Palace, and Palace lord of Ancient Demon Palace who had previously fought with Ye Feng would not be the opponent of Palace lord of Xuanyin.

Just because the opponent has been practicing for too long, some people even say that Palace Master Xuanyin is the only strong person in Lingtian Continent who has survived from ancient times to the present.

Even today's Lingtian Saint Emperor is much younger than the palace owner of Xuanyin Palace.

It's just that the personal talent of the Palace Master Xuanyin may not be considered very high, which has caused him to have been unable to break the artistic conception. So far, his cultivation is still in the realm of the upper emperor.

But they all know that even if they are both high-ranking emperors, the gap between them is not the same.

The Palace Master Xuanyin is the kind of very powerful in the upper emperor's realm, and his strength is accumulated over time.

Therefore, after Ye Feng uttered these arrogant words, Palace Master Xuanyin would let out such a sarcastic laugh.

"Are you sure you want to challenge the old man?"

The Palace Master Xuanyin put away his smile, his eyes fell on Ye Feng and asked.

"Your heirs dare not fight, so naturally you have to replace them. Is there anything wrong?"

Ye Feng looked at Palace Master Xuanyin with a sneer and said that he already knew that this person was an extremely ancient existence.

But no matter how old the other party is, how many years he has cultivated, he is still a powerful emperor, and now Ye Feng has completed the fourth reincarnation and reshaping his body.

Therefore, fighting under fair conditions, Ye Feng will not be afraid of any superior emperor!

"Very well, the old man admires your courage very much, but you must think clearly that the strength of the old man is not comparable to those of others. Don't regret it when the time comes, saying that the old man is bullying the small!"

Palace Master Xuanyin's eyes fell on Ye Feng, and said ironically.

While speaking, he got up directly from his seat, step by step to the center of the hall.

A bit of excitement appeared on many people's faces, and there was a hint of irony in their eyes towards Ye Feng.

Thinking that Ye Feng was a bit too arrogant, a powerful upper emperor like Palace Master Xuanyin, he dared to challenge the other side.

"Father, the palace owner of Xuanyin Palace should be able to handle it."

Ling Tianyang spoke to the Holy Emperor Ling Tian, ​​with a triumphant expression on his face.

He also believes that Palace Master Xuanyin can definitely take Ye Feng down easily, even if Ye Feng defeated Palace Master Tianlei with his own power, the two Ancient Demon Palace Masters would still not be Xuanyin Palace. The main opponent.

Saint Emperor Ling Tian nodded to Ling Tianyang. He had been with the Palace Master Xuanyin for many years, and he naturally understood the strength of the other party.

Maybe he is only a bit worse than him on the entire Lingtian Continent. How could an ordinary person be the opponent of Palace Master Xuanyin? There is simply no comparison.

With the master of the Palace of Xuanyin, Ling Tian Shenghuang can basically rest assured that the outcome of this battle should have been doomed.

"Junior, the old man gives you a chance, let's do it at will!"

The palace lord of Xuanyin Palace's eyes fell on Ye Feng's body, speaking to him, his words seemed extremely confident. It seemed to bring a bit of the majesty of an extremely strong man.

Naturally, Ye Feng would not have any politeness. The violent aura of his body was released. At the same time, the meteor butterfly stepped out, and Ye Feng's body seemed to travel through the void, and he descended into the Xuanyin Palace in a very short time Before the Lord.

An astonishing palm print was opened, and the palm print was fused with the mighty power of destruction, and the 5 attribute powers were instilled on it, making the entire space tremble crazily.

This palm print came quickly, and immediately enveloped the space in front of Palace Master Xuanyin.

Palace Master Xuanyin's expression was extremely flat, and an amazing sound wave attribute power was released from his body, facing the palm print of Ye Feng.

He released a fluttering attack, but the sonic attribute power contained in it was extremely powerful.

In just an instant, the attacks of the two powerhouses collided, and the crowd heard a terrifying concussion sound throughout the world, and the power of destruction burst forth wildly.

The sonic attribute power of the Palace Lord Xuanyin constantly competed with the 5 attribute powers released by Ye Feng, the void exploded, and the entire space was occupied by the might of destruction.

Under this collision, Ye Feng only felt that his body was wrapped in a sonic attribute power, and his body was shaken back for a while. That sonic attribute power seemed to have turned into a sonic ribbon, to Ye Feng's body Completely restrained.

"Palace Master Xuanyin deserves to be one of the oldest existences in the entire Lingtian Continent. A random sonic attack has such power. It seems that Ye Feng should be defeated soon!"

Seeing this scene, there was a strong person present immediately speaking like this, shocked by the attacking power of Palace Master Xuanyin.

The palace lord of the Xuanyin Palace showed a bit of arrogance on his face. How powerful is his strength, in fact, what a junior like Ye Feng can resist?

After this attack took the upper hand, triumphant expressions also appeared on the faces of the powerhouses in Xuanyin Palace. Especially the Nine Fingers Yinsheng, he almost laughed out of joy.

It was his father who was strong, always strong, and crushed Ye Feng when he shot. It seems that his hatred must be reported by his father!

"Junior, how powerful is the old man's sonic attack? If you are afraid, the old man can forgive you for a life, as long as you are willing to apologize to the old man."

Palace Master Xuanyin smiled and spoke, his expression arrogant, as if what he said was the greatest gift to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on the palace lord of Xuanyin Palace, and said sarcastically: "I think too much!"

While speaking, the crowd saw that there was a flash of golden light on Ye Feng's body, and a series of ancient Buddhist characters rose up, lingering around him.

In the void, there was a Dao Sanskrit sound, and when the Sanskrit sound fell, it seemed to be able to purify all evil demons. Ye Feng's whole body was wrapped in a burst of golden light, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into an ancient Buddha.

The next moment, I saw a word in his mouth, and ancient Buddhist characters continued to float out of his mouth. The endless ancient Buddhist characters formed a powerful force, constantly drifting towards the body of the Palace Master Xuanyin.

An unexpected light flashed in the eyes of the palace lord of Xuanyin Palace, and it seemed that he had not expected that Ye Feng would have realized such a powerful Buddhist attribute power.

Those ancient Buddhist characters penetrated everything and descended, crazily wrapped around the body of the Palace Master Xuanyin, and the endless light of Buddhists was released in the ancient characters.

Immediately, the terrifying power of the exercises was continuously released towards the body of the palace lord of Xuanyin, and the sound waves of the palace lord of Xuanyin came out, and Ningbo seemed to be constantly evolving in space.

Formed strands of the strongest killing power, centered on his body, quickly spreading in all directions.

Immediately, it collided with Ye Feng's ancient Buddhist character attack. The next moment, the crowd heard the terrifying sound of rumbling continuously.

The power of destruction spread in the void, the ancient Buddhist characters and the sound waves constantly contended, and the entire space seemed to be turned into a doomsday scene.

The crowd was It seemed that Ye Feng was still proficient in Buddhism. And from the attack he released, it can be seen that the Buddhist way he comprehended seems to have reached an extremely high level.

Palace Master Xuanyin's sonic attack is indeed powerful. Facing the ancient Buddhist character attack released by Ye Feng, his sonic attack is evenly divided with the opponent in a short time, and there is even a faint sign of a strong rebound.

However, just as the sonic attack released by Palace Master Xuanyin was about to rebound, Ye Feng snapped it out.

His palm prints were fused with the strongest golden light of Buddhism, and the ancient Buddhist characters floated on it.

A palm print seemed to have turned into an extremely huge Buddha character in the void, carrying an amazing power and patted the body of the Palace Master Xuanyin.

The power of this attack has greatly exceeded the imagination of everyone present, making many people's hearts tremble involuntarily.

The palace lord of Xuanyin Palace looked cold, and saw him stretch out his hand, a guzheng appeared in his hand, his fingers plucked the strings, and endless sound waves were released in the guzheng.

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