Sky War God

Chapter 2346: You are not my opponent!

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Palace Master Chiyan controlled the flame attribute power in his palm print, trying to swallow Ye Feng's body.

However, the power of this fist of Ye Feng is obviously stronger than he imagined.

Before his flame attribute power really landed on Ye Feng's body, he felt his body trembled madly.

The whole person's complexion became extremely ugly, the destructive power clinging to his body, causing his body to vibrate severely, and a powerful counter-shock force came, causing his body to be shocked. 'S in the void retreated towards the rear!

When he landed, Palace Master Chiyan's body had retreated several steps before he stabilized his figure.

The palace lord of Chiyan Palace's breath floated for a while, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

Before, he thought that the attack he released would make Ye Feng look good, but he didn't realize that, Ye Feng slammed his body away with a random punch.

Ye Feng looked at Palace Master Chiyan sarcastically, and said with contempt: "Before I said you didn't see enough by yourself, but you just didn't believe it!"

This sentence made Palace Master Chiyan immediately become ashamed and angry, the cold light flashed in his pupils, and a very cold voice was uttered in his mouth: "Boy, there is no good end to the arrogance!"

While speaking, the crowd saw Palace Master Chiyan's arm wave, and there was a terrifying aura bursting out of his palm, and endless flame attribute power lingered in his palm.

As he waved his palm, those flame attribute powers continued to evolve in the void, turning into an astonishing flame attribute power, even trying to encase Ye Feng's body at this moment.

The entire space scorched by the flame attribute power was extremely hot, as if everything was about to melt away.

Many people trembled, and they were shocked by the flame attribute power released by Palace Master Chiyan.

Ye Feng looked at Palace Master Chiyan, with a sarcastically smile on his face: "Don't think that only you in this world understand the power of the flame attribute!"

As they spoke, the crowd was surprised to find that on Ye Feng's body, there was also an astonishing flame attribute power bursting out. The endless flame attribute was just to constantly surging around him, completely enveloping his body. among them.

Let Ye Feng's whole person look like a flame giant.

The flame attribute released by Palace Master Chiyan was not qualified to approach Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng stood there calmly, those flame attribute forces still couldn't burn him.

And he walked forward step by step, and his whole body seemed to be integrated into this flame power.

It didn’t take long before his body descended in front of the Palace Master Chiyan Palace, and Palace Master Chiyan Palace’s expression was suddenly shocked, and he saw that Ye Feng’s big horrible palm print had been slapped towards his body. In the past, this palm print was also fused with terrifying flame attribute power.

A cold glow flashed in the eyes of Palace Master Chiyan Palace, and his footsteps stepped forward, and an astonishing fist glow burst out, and the power of this fist glow was equally terrifying.

In a very short time, it collided with Ye Feng's attack.

Once again there was an astonishing sound of shock. When the two attacks collided, the power of destruction spread wildly. This time the collision, the Chiyan Palace Lord himself did not have much confidence.

The fact is exactly the same, his body was stunned and retreated madly, and the astonishing might of destruction encased his body.

He felt an unspeakable pressure, and almost spit out blood in his mouth, which he swallowed back.

At the same time, Palace Master Chiyan Palace waved his arms again, and the flame attribute power in his palm was extremely powerful.

Unleash an amazing flame beast, open its huge mouth and swallow it crazy towards Ye Feng's body. If it were changed to someone else, it would have been completely swallowed by this flame behemoth.

However, Ye Feng was different from the others. Facing the devouring of this giant flame beast, he looked so indifferent.

Stepping forward, the punches with extremely strong flame attribute power burst out, as if a punch could destroy everything.


Shocking sound of concussion spread throughout the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void. Many people trembled and stared blankly at all this.

They saw that under Ye Feng's fist, the giant flame beast released by Palace Master Chiyan was completely shattered.

But Ye Feng's body had already descended in front of him, and a terrifying attack was released again, and the power of destruction swept across the sky, not giving Palace Master Chiyan any chance to breathe.

The palace lord of Chiyan Palace looked ugly, summoned all his war spirits and domain power, and the two forces attacked Ye Feng together.

This has turned this space into a sea of ​​fire of the doomsday, and everything will be melted in this sea of ​​fire.

However, facing the threat of two fatal attacks from the Palace Master Chiyan Palace, Ye Feng didn't care. He had bursts of space attribute power fusing with meteor butterfly steps.

Let his body be light and elegant, as if surpassing the distance of this space, quickly avoiding these two attacks.

At the same time, the big palm print in his hand was shot again at this moment. This palm print seemed to be stronger than before, causing Palace Master Chiyan's body to bear unprecedented pressure.

His expression was shocked, and he tried to use two attacks to resist, but his attack appeared vulnerable under Ye Feng's palm print and was shaken to pieces in a short time.

I could only watch Ye Feng's palm prints overwhelmingly come!


The host of the Chiyan Palace uttered an exclamation sound, but it was too late. Ye Feng's palm print slammed down on his body, and the crowd listened to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks.

Under the effect of Ye Feng's palm print, the body of the Chiyan Palace Lord was shot and flew out at this moment, and when he landed, he vomited blood!

The power of destruction fused on Ye Feng's palm prints is still spreading in his body, if not for him to possess an extremely powerful defensive magic weapon.

Under Ye Feng's palm print, he has nothing but to be killed!

Many people trembled, and Ye Feng's offensive power was simply too strong. A person who was such a terrifying man of the Chiyan Palace Lord still had no resistance in front of him, and was slapped and flew out.

This scene made Ling Tian Shenghuang's face pale, including his three princes as well. Ye Feng challenged the nine palace masters one after another and crushed each other strongly.

This is definitely the greatest shame for them Lingtian Sacred Palace.


The palace lord of Chiyan Palace on the ground made a rapid coughing sound, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Under the effect of Ye Feng's palmprint, although his cultivation base was not abolished, he was also extremely injured. It would take a long time for him to recover as before.

At this moment, the pain in his mind seemed to be far greater than the physical pain. I never dreamed that I would be so suppressed in front of a junior in the Supreme Martial King realm. It was really shameful!

Ye Feng didn't look at Palace Master Chiyan again, his gaze turned and fell directly on Palace Master Lishui who had also spoken before.

This made the Lishui Palace Master's involuntary inheritance, and his expression showed a little panic, as if he had no bottom in his heart.

"You looked dissatisfied before, so you will come to the next battle!"

Ye Feng said to the palace lord of Lishui, his words were rather plain, as if he was randomly choosing an opponent, and he didn't care about the identity of the palace lord of Lishui at all.

The palace lord of Lishui had an ugly look. He had seen the fate of the palace lord Chiyan just now. His strength was comparable to that of the palace lord Yan. If he fought Ye Feng, he had no chance of winning.

"Why? Didn't you still want to have a match with me before? Now I have this opportunity."

Ye Feng spoke to the palace lord of Lishui, with a bit of irony in his words.

Many people's eyes fell on the Lishui Palace Master's body, making the other person's look even more blue. My heart is even more dilemma.

"I am not your opponent, you can find someone else!"

Finally, the palace lord of Lishui Palace could not withstand the pressure released from Ye Feng, so he spoke to Ye Feng.

His words made many people present look stunned. They didn't seem to expect that this sentence would be uttered by the powerful Lishui Palace Master.

Before the battle, the Lishui Palace Lord had already given up first, because he was afraid of Ye Feng.

Many people looked at the palace lord of Lishui Palace with a bit of irony in their eyes, thinking that the other party was a little too useless.


A clear and moving sound came out and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and he saw that the teacups in the hands of Saint Emperor Ling Tian were crushed by him.

He looked at the ashamed Palace Master of Lishui at the moment, and a murderous intent appeared on his body.

Facing the challenge of a person of the Supreme Martial King Realm, the Lishui Palace Master didn't even have the courage to fight, and he almost lost their face in Lingtian Saint Palace!

The lord of the Lishui Palace naturally felt the anger of Ling Tian Shenghuang, which made his body tremble involuntarily, and his heart swelled even more.

Ye Feng also smiled sarcastically at the palace lord of Lishui. He ignored the other party. He turned his gaze and fell directly on Jiuzhi Yinsheng, and said to him: "Look at how you have been eager to try before. Still want to bear the taste of failure?"

Ye Feng's words immediately stunned the crowd present, and they reacted in a short time. From Ye Feng's words, they could hear that Jiuzhiyinsheng seemed to have lost to Ye Feng before.

Ye Feng was not the one who took the initiative to make trouble. When he was fighting with other people, this nine-finger sound saint often said bad things about him below, and he heard all these things.

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