Sky War God

Chapter 2348: Wangzhang golden body decided to show its power

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This guzheng is obviously not an ordinary sonic instrument. Wherever the sonic attack released by the guzheng hits, the space seems to be shaken to collapse.

Ye Feng's horrible Buddhist Dao palm print came, and collided with the sonic attack released by the guzheng, and there were astonishing shocking sounds constantly, and the power of destruction was released madly.

However, Ye Feng's big Buddha and Taoism palm print seemed to be invincible, and any attack under this palm print seemed so pale and weak.

This includes the endless sonic attacks released by the Palace Master Xuanyin. Under Ye Feng's palmprint, those sonic attacks were constantly shaken and destroyed.

In an extremely short period of time, the palm print of Ye Feng had already approached the body of Palace Master Xuanyin, which made Palace Master Xuanyin's complexion not very attractive.

His fingers kept plucking the strings of the Guzheng, and the amazing sonic properties of the strings were released.

At the same time, the Palace Master Xuanyin quickly incorporated a force into the Guzheng. After this force was incorporated, the Guzheng seemed to become more mysterious, and the sound wave attack power it released was also stronger.

When these forces were released together, Palace Master Xuanyin reluctantly intercepted Ye Feng's amazing Buddhist Dao palm print.

But the terrifying shock wave formed after the destruction of the big palm print of Buddhism and Taoism still quickly swooped towards the body of Palace Master Xuanyin.

Palace Master Xuanyin's body was shaken back for a while, his body aura floated.

Many people's eyes flickered, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. They didn't seem to expect that the Buddhism attribute power that Ye Feng understood was so powerful.

"Are you a Buddha or a demon?"

The palace lord of Xuanyin Palace asked Ye Feng with an ugly face. In the previous battle, Ye Feng had used extremely powerful magic power to suppress the two of the lord of the ancient demon palace.

Now, he uses the sonic attribute power to fight Ye Feng, and Ye Feng has changed his body completely, his aura has completely changed, and he has turned into a terrifying Buddhist monk.

Wanzhang golden light wrapped his body so that his whole person was like an ancient Buddha, and the attack power he released using the power of the Buddha's Tao was really terrifying.

This made Palace Master Xuanyin somehow unable to determine Ye Feng's true identity.

"If you have a Buddha in your heart, you are a Buddha, and if you have a demon in your heart, you are also a demon!"

Ye Feng looked at the Palace Master Xuanyin, and said lightly.

As he spoke, I saw a word in his mouth, and the Great Dao Sanskrit sounded in the void, and the endless light of Buddhism emerged in the space, and then quickly gathered in one place.

The prescription position began to evolve continuously, and the ancient Buddhist characters floated around, and gradually turned into an ancient Buddhist bell.

On the ancient bell, there are arrays of Buddhist Sanskrit carvings on it, giving people a very simple and vicissitudes of life.


The next moment, the crowd heard an astonishing sound from the ancient bell, and endless sonic attacks were released on the ancient bell.

This sonic attack was melodious and frustrated, and it was fused with a powerful Buddhist attribute power. When released, it seemed to be able to purify all the evil forces in this space.

Compared with the sonic attack released by the Guzheng master of the Xuanyin Palace, the sonic attack released by the ancient Buddhist bell is like a sea of ​​stars, as if surpassing the regular power of this space.

Slowly heading towards the body of the Palace Master Xuanyin, the Palace Master Xuanyin narrowed his eyes, as if he did not expect that Ye Feng would use the Buddhism attribute power to evolve a sound wave attack on him.

You know, as the palace lord of the Xuanyin Palace, what he is best at is sonic attacks, and now, a junior of the Supreme Martial King realm is actually using his best power to deal with him.

For the Palace Master Xuanyin, it was simply a humiliation, so he faced Ye Feng's sonic attack.

The palace lord of the Xuanyin Palace released the infinite sonic attribute power, and saw him stretch out his hand, and the guzheng in his hand quickly drifted towards the void.

When it stops at a certain prescription position, it just floats in the air, and endless sound waves surround this guzheng.

Immediately, the Guzheng gradually enlarged and turned into a huge musical instrument measuring tens of feet in a short time.

Palace Master Xuanyin's fingers were constantly fluctuating in the emptiness, and the strings on the giant guzheng actually jumped with his fingers.

With every beating, supreme sound waves are released, and these sound waves turn into the strongest offensive and defensive force, quickly colliding with the sonic attack released by Ye Feng's Buddha Dao Bell.

When the two forces collided, the power of destruction was so terrible that no words could describe it, and the crowd couldn't help covering their ears.

Although these two sonic attacks were not directed against them, even the counter-shock force generated when these two sonic attacks were contended is not something ordinary people can resist.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the next period of time, two sonic attacks criss-crossed in the void, flashing endless destruction when they collided.

Ye Feng clasped his hands together, muttering words in his mouth, and the Dao Sanskrit sounded, and endless ancient Buddhist characters floated on it.

The ancient Buddhist bell continued to rotate and evolve in the void, turning into the strongest power of destruction, and sweeping in all directions frantically.

The ancient bell rang again, and the sonic attack was engulfed by ancient Buddhist characters, engulfing the body of the Palace Master Xuanyin like a stormy sea.

The palace lord of Xuanyin Palace looked slightly a little surprised, but he did not expect that the ancient Buddhist bell that Ye Feng had evolved was so powerful.

His zither is also constantly fluctuating, and the sonic attacks are equally terrifying. Under the effect of the sonic attacks released by Ye Feng's ancient Buddhist bell, the sonic attacks released by his zither are gradually suppressed.


At the same time, Ye Feng spit out a word, its eyes opened wide, and golden light flashed in its pupils.

With such a sound in his mouth, the endless golden light of Buddhism emerged in the void and gathered together.

Then it gradually evolved into a huge "curse", and the terrifying power released from the curse could not be described in words.

Carrying an extremely terrifying might of destruction, he madly blasted towards the body of Palace Master Xuanyin.

The palace lord of the Xuanyin Palace was shocked. He never expected that Ye Feng would be able to evolve such a tyrannical attack by releasing Buddhism and Taoism at will.

Not only did Ye Feng comprehend the power of the attributes of Buddhism and Taoism, but he also practiced the powerful Buddhist and Taoist techniques.

Under the influence of these two tyrannical methods of Buddhism and Daoism, the attacks he released have surpassed the multiple attributes of the world, and they have become one of their own.

This curse word whizzed towards the body of Palace Master Xuanyin. Although Palace Master Xuanyin was shocked, she could not give up.

I saw his palm waved, and the sonic attribute power in the void continued to converge towards his palm.

Immediately I saw him shoot it out with a palm, those terrifying sonic attributes turned into the strongest killing power, as if an indescribable sonic shock wave formed in the void, madly colliding with the huge Buddhist mantra. Together!


In a very short period of time, the crowd heard such an astonishing sound of concussion, and the terrifying might of destruction emerged from the space.

That huge Buddhist mantra destroys everything and comes, even if the strong transverse sound wave shock wave released by Palace Master Xuanyin is full of power, it is still suppressed by this Buddhist mantra in a short time.

There was another terrifying shock sound. Under the action of this Buddhist mantra, the endless sonic shock wave burst and shattered and turned into invisible.

And this terrifying Buddhist curse word also penetrated everything at this moment, directly descending on the palace lord of Xuanyin Palace.

Another shocking sound rang in all directions, and Palace Master Xuanyin made a muffled sound under the bombardment of this Buddhist curse.

His body shook wildly, and the power of Buddhism's destruction loomed around him, making his whole body seem to have suffered a devastating blow.

He couldn't hold on anymore, he was directly shaken out at this moment, and he vomited blood when he landed.

This scene caused the hearts of everyone present to tremble fiercely, and there were unbelievable expressions on their faces. No one thought that the ancient existence of Palace Master Xuanyin would still be defeated by Ye Feng.

The Buddhism attribute power that Ye Feng just released was too strong, and it was not something ordinary people could resist.

Palace Master Xuanyin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth on the ground, obviously not willing to admit defeat.

His body stood up again in a short period of time, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed the ultimate coldness.


The next moment, the crowd saw Palace Master Xuanyin stepping out, and his body quickly disappeared in place. A strong sonic attribute force cut through the space, pushing his body to descend on Ye Feng in the blink of an eye. Specifically, in front of, an amazing sound wave palm was shot, and this palm was integrated with the strongest potential in the body of the master of the Xuanyin Palace.

A palm came down, trying to shake Ye Feng's body completely.

A cold light flashed in Ye Feng’s eyes, and the terrifying Buddha Dao palm print was photographed at this moment. The power of Buddhism attributed to the extreme, bursts of golden light from Buddhism appeared, setting off his body extremely sacred, giving a person A solemn feeling.

This chapter came directly on the great sound waves of Palace Master Xuanyin, and once again there was an astonishing sound of shock, Palace Master Xuanyin had been injured before.

Although he has mobilized all the potential in his body at this moment, you are not Ye Feng's opponent.

Within a short period of time, the crowd heard a muffled sound from the palace lord Xuanyin Palace's mouth again, and his body was directly blasted away, and blood protruding from his mouth again!

However, just as all this happened, in a certain prescription in the hall, a figure appeared behind Ye Feng's body like a ghost, and a destructive palm print directly bombarded Ye Feng's back!

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