(328) Violent energy explosion

At this moment, the dark lord has no choice.

Also, there are no more complicated thoughts and ideas.

After all, no matter how the next thing is done, it doesn’t matter how the next thing develops.

For everyone, the most anticipated thing in their hearts is.

As long as Su Chen can win this battle, for everyone, it is the result that everyone wants to see the most.

So at this moment, when so many thoughts and thoughts are really placed in front of “five five seven”.

As for what will happen next, and in what direction will it happen.

For everyone, everyone’s hearts are already very much looking forward to it.

For Su Chen, in fact, the dark lord still has a lot of complicated thoughts and ideas in his heart.

After all, he has not yet entered a stage where he understands Su Chen’s strength very well.

So, for the follow-up things how to do, how to develop.

Although the dark lord already has such thoughts and considerations in his heart.

However, when the actual fighting situation was placed in front of him.

To be honest, in the heart of the dark lord, the thoughts are still very complicated and heavy.

After all, no matter how the follow-up is done, no matter how it develops.

For myself, it is always a very worthy of attention and attention.

So that when these problems and situations have been thought into their own hearts.

In the next time, I saw Su Chen facing the dark lord’s own response.

Su Chen then lowered his expression and eyes seriously.

Then, with a very serious and dignified attitude, he replied to the dark lord.

“I really don’t know where you got the courage to say such arrogant words! 99

At this moment, this sentence in Su Chen’s mouth has a very powerful feeling.

And, after so many questions were heard in the ears of the dark lord.

In the next time, I saw that the expression in the expression of the dark lord began to undergo a very huge change.

After all, Su Chen’s words are really deterrent to him.

Moreover, even the dark lord never thought of it.

After such a long fight.

Su Chen didn’t even look weak at all.

Even, he was still able to show such a strong attitude and face him.

This is something that I have never thought of no matter what.

The atmosphere was cold.

As the dark lord’s eyes have fallen on himself.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen didn’t hesitate too much.

Wearing a very serious and heavy expression directly, he stared at the figure of the dark lord.

When you face it, you can see it very clearly.

At this moment, in the eyes of Su Chen and the dark lord, there is already a very powerful atmosphere.

It seems that both of them have been able to know very clearly.

No matter what happens next, no matter what happens next.

Now is the time to win.

And, whether it is Su Chen or the Dark Lord.

As long as it is done, it means that there will be a person who will die in this battle.

This is also something that Su Chen and the dark lord are very clear about.


When an extremely powerful explosion sounded through the scene.

For a time, the spirits of countless people began to become a little nervous.

It seems that no one thought that at this time, the dark lord could still deal with them in this way.

First of all, Su Chen’s strength is already very strong, and, when faced with it, it is very serious.

So now, as more and more problems and situations are unfolding in front of them.

For a time, the thoughts of everyone’s hearts have undergone an incomparably huge change.

It seems that there is no idea at all, things will develop like this,

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