(327) Powerful magic energy

Finally, when such a situation has been placed in front of him.

As for what to do next.

These situations and problems have actually become very clear things in my heart.

After all, no matter how the follow-up things are done, no matter how they develop.

For myself, for myself, these situations and problems have become things that everyone is looking forward to very much.

So, now, as the dark lord has begun to set off.

Moreover, he has already made such a powerful state and posture towards Liang Chen.

After being noticed in the eyes of everyone at the scene.

What should be done about the subsequent events and situations.

Or how to deal with it in the end – these problems.

In fact, these situations have become my own heart, and I am very concerned about the Hefeichang-concerned things.

The atmosphere became a little tense and a little heavier at this moment.

Especially as more and more thoughts and questions are placed in front of you.

The look on Su Chen’s expression has already begun to become more and more heavy and dignified at this moment.

After all, the actions of the Dark Lord have undoubtedly had a huge impact on Su Chen.

On the one hand, in any case, the performance of the dark lord is already very powerful.

If you want to solve it, then such a situation must have become the most clear thing in your heart.

Let’s not say what the dark lord will do next, or how to deal with it.

For Su Chen, these issues are very worthy of attention and very worthy of attention.

So, no matter how the follow-up happens, or how it develops.

For Su Chen, what he can know very clearly and very clearly in his heart is.

When these problems are really faced by themselves.

The next moment, Su Chen Hideyoshi lowered his expression heavily and solemnly.

The eyes looked at the shadow of the dark lord and watched the past.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen also didn’t have so many ideas and so many considerations.

He directly stared at the figure of the dark lord with a sharp and dignified face.

At the same time, wearing a very serious expression, he went towards the figure of the dark lord and directly rescued him.

Time seems to have suddenly become so energetic and silent at this moment.

So that when more and more problems are placed in front of him.

No matter how the next thing to do, or how to face.

Su Chen’s heart has always been able to know very clearly.

The occurrence of these problems will definitely bring very factors and influences to themselves.

…… ask for flowers ……

After all, when things have developed to this point, the dark lord must have been able to clearly know in his heart what he should do next.

So that when the follow-up question comes to mind.

At this moment, Su Chen immediately set off, thinking of the figure of the dark lord, and charged forward.

The dark lord moves very fast, but! Su Chen moves faster,

It was as if something was happening in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared directly from everyone’s sight.

At this moment, the atmosphere became a little tense.

Everyone watched Su Chen’s figure charged towards the dark lord’s figure with their own eyes.

At the same time, the expression and gaze in the expression have already undergone a very huge change and difference at this moment.

It seemed that he never thought that things would turn out like this.

This is something that the Dark Lord never thought of in his heart no matter what.

So, when I noticed Su Chen’s performance.

The gaze and expression in the dark lord’s eyes have begun to undergo a very huge change.

“Su Chen, next, let’s show you the true strength!

At this moment, the dark lord’s voice became a little heavy.

And when they sounded, they all begged very solemnly,

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