[329] Unacceptable results

After all, there is one thing that everyone has never thought of in their hearts.

The situation has developed to the present, and such a change will take place.

Such a situation is something that everyone has never imagined in their hearts.

And everyone really didn’t expect that things would become like this now.

On the one hand, the strength of the dark lord has been clearly expressed.

It also allowed everyone to see his own strength, which has reached a very terrifying level.

On the other hand, as more and more situations and problems are placed in front of you.

Then, what I can see more clearly is that the look and eyes that appear in Su Chen’s expression at this moment have begun to have a huge change.

It seems that all of this has become a very complicated thing in his heart.

So far, this is probably the case.

As for the follow-up time, Su Chen and the dark lord will fight in what way. This is something that everyone has no way to guess.

Because now there are too many situations that have been placed in front of him.

And these are the things that I am looking forward to very much in my heart.

On the one hand, everyone’s expectations for Su Chen are too high.

Because no one wants to die here.

However, if they don’t want to die here, then they have only one way to choose, that is, they must defeat the dark lord.

This has become a hard condition that they need to face now.

That is to say, only if this requirement is met, the next progress can be made.

Therefore, in the subsequent time, no matter how the situation happens, no matter how the situation develops.

For everyone, there is one thing that everyone can always know very clearly in their hearts.

If these issues have been clearly placed in front of everyone.

How to make a choice about how to make a choice for yourself.

In fact, all of this has become something that is very worth looking forward to in my heart.

In the next time, when everyone was still caught in their thoughts.

Suddenly, I saw that Su Chen moved directly.

His speed is very fast, and, like light and shadow, he directly passed through the body of the dark lord.

At this moment, the whole scene was stagnant.

Everyone’s eyes seemed to stop.

Everyone at the scene, with their eyes wide as cows, turned towards Su Chen’s body and faced the past.

They all showed a look of horror.

In everyone’s heart, the strength of the dark lord is already very powerful.

However, what everyone never imagined was that Su Chen’s strength was even stronger than that of the Dark Lord!

This is something that everyone has never thought of no matter what.

So at this moment, when such a situation has been shown in front of everyone.

During the time they came down, I saw that the expressions and gazes in everyone’s eyes became a little weaker.

after such a fight.

Everyone seems to have too many complicated ideas about the situation in front of them.

On the one hand, everyone saw Su Chen’s strength, and on the other hand, the attack also knew 557 things. The strength of the dark lord is definitely not something they can easily touch.

So now, when these issues are placed in front of everyone’s eyes.

Everyone’s heart couldn’t help but have an idea.

That is, for the occurrence and development of the follow-up matter, what will it look like.

At this moment, Su Chen’s expression and state are very calm.

And when facing the dark lord, there was no sign of panic on his face.

After all, no matter how the follow-up things are done, it doesn’t matter what kind of way the follow-up things are done.

These situations, in short, are things that have a very big relationship with them.

Therefore, one of the things that Su Chen is most concerned about at the moment is the battle between himself and the dark lord,

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