"excuse me."

The door to the room was pushed open, revealing Zhao Fangxu's unusually kind-looking face.

"Director Zhao, you are a rare visitor. Why do you have time to come see me today?"

Zheng Shu put down what he was doing and looked at the chairman of the company. Although it was a question, he already had a certain idea in his heart.

"Well, the international situation has been changing recently, and there are too many things to deal with, so I came to the Taoist Master's place to hide for some peace and quiet." Zhao Fangxu closed the door cheerfully, pulled up a chair and sat down in a very familiar manner. .

A certain culprit who caused the changes in the international situation simply played dumb, skipped all kinds of pleasantries, and asked the other party's purpose.

"Let's be honest, who do you want me to resurrect? What's the reward? I remember it didn't take long before the news spread, and someone already gathered all the materials?"

Zheng Shu didn't have much resistance to the fact that someone wanted to invite him to cast the resurrection circle. He could even be said to be impatient. After all, this matter was related to his collection of materials for casting the God's Arms.

"Hahaha, actually...this time it's still a commission from the company." Zhao Fangxu smiled and handed Zheng Shu a stack of information.


Zheng Shu took the information and looked through it curiously, with a strange look on his face: "Er Zhuang?"

"Ahem! This is her nickname. Lao Gao is indeed a bit patriarchal, so he chose such a nickname. The name of the National People's Congress is Gao Yushan. You should be familiar with it. I remember she said that you two I’ve met him twice.”

"Yes, her ability to convert mental power into electromagnetic waves gave me a lot of inspiration... No, if I remember correctly, she should be under strict protection. Could it be that there are some traitors who attacked the base? ?”

Zheng Shu understood something. If the target of resurrection was Gao Yushan, he would understand. This girl's abilities were of extremely high strategic value.

If nothing else, just look at the reaction of people on the Internet to the name "Phantom".

Behemoth even prepared a complete response department just for her, wasting countless manpower and material resources, and even had to spend a lot of lives to resist Gao Yushan in the network.

However, even so, those "hunters" always suffered heavy losses when facing Gao Yushan.

After all, in the Internet, Gao Yushan, a Quanzhen lineage with dual cultivation of life and soul, is as strong as the hunters who simply upload their spiritual power to the Internet, which is almost the difference between an alien and an ordinary strong man.

However, Zheng Shu also felt very confused. If he remembered correctly, Gao Yushan's location should be very secret, and logically speaking, there was nothing in the original work that would lead to her death.

"That's not true. Lao Gao is quite safe in his work. The place where Er Zhuang is is safe so far. And..." Zhao Fangxu seemed to be a little confused and thought about how to explain, "In fact, Er Zhuang is not dead either. , we just wanted to try it this time.”

"Try it?" Zheng Shu recalled the state of Gao Yushan's body and immediately understood what he meant.

"Are you trying to see if you can directly restore her body through the resurrection circle?"

"That's what I mean." Zhao Fangxu smiled.

Zheng Shu lowered his head and thought for a moment: "I remember that Gao Yushan also practiced the inner alchemy of the Quanzhen lineage, and her cultivation seemed to be good. She should have reached the level of a Yangshen. In this case, in theory, as long as she has her head And the soul can be fully resurrected without any negative effects."

If an ordinary alien chooses to be resurrected in this way, because the body is too mutilated, it is likely to lead to defects such as reduced cultivation or lack of abilities.

However, the main effect of Gao Yushan's ability is to convert his soul into electromagnetic waves, so as long as the soul is complete enough, it will not have much impact.

"But... there is one thing I don't quite understand."

"What?" Zhao Fangxu was a little curious.

"Since we hope to restore Gao Yushan's body through resurrection, why not do it directly?"

"Uh...you should know about Erzhuang's physical condition, right?"

"roughly understand."

"Can you recover from such a serious injury?"

"It's very simple." Zheng Shu snapped his fingers.

"Of course it would be better if it can be repaired directly." Zhao Fangxu pondered for a moment, "In that case, can I entrust you, Chief Zheng Xiaodao, to treat Gao Yushan well? Of course the reward will not be small. And it's not just the company, Mr. That guy Gao should also prepare a lot of rewards, after all, he is a wealthy person."

"Then the relationship is good, of course I have no problem." Zheng Shu showed a satisfied smile.

The two talked for a while about the details of the matter, and finally confirmed that because it was difficult for Gao Yushan to move, Zheng Shu was asked to go on a "business trip" this time.

After settling on the deal, Zheng Shu and Zhao Fangxu talked for a while.

Before leaving, Zhao Fangxu said one more thing to Zheng Shu:

"By the way, thank you Abbot Xin for having someone contact me some time ago. I hope you can go back if you have time. It seems I have something to tell you."

"Do you know what it is?"

"What else could it be? Someone must have begged him with a favor. I hope you can resurrect someone."

"Favor...it's really troublesome." Zheng Shu looked up at the ceiling and sighed helplessly.

"I think you can go take a look, maybe there will be some surprises."

After Zhao Fangxu said these words, he hurriedly left the room. After all, the noise Zheng Shu made before was really too big, so he was really busy recently.

Zheng Shu didn't have much reaction after hearing this, and stayed alone in the room for a while.

"Forget it, it just so happens that I haven't seen the master and master for a long time, so I might as well go and have a look."

"You brat, you finally know you're back!"

Zheng Shu listened to his master's words and stood there, silently enduring the strong slap on his shoulder.

"Master, I was wrong. I have been very busy recently, so I haven't come back for a while. After a while, I can go back and live there permanently."

"Forget it, you're old now, and we can't control you anymore. And judging from the troubles you've had recently, there really isn't much we can do to help you. Just remember to be careful when you go out."

Abbot Xie Xin sighed, and his originally tough figure seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

Helping his master to sit back on the futon, Zheng Shu sat cross-legged in front of him and then asked curiously.

"Master, why did you ask me to come back?"

"What else can there be? It's just that someone took advantage of my previous favor and begged me. I hope I can tell you who to resurrect. Alas, this is the cause and effect I left behind back then, cause and effect. The feeling of being haunted is really unpleasant, and my ancestors were right." Abbot Xie Xin seemed to sigh a little.

Zheng Shu can understand to some extent. His abbot has spent most of his time in the temple for so many years and has not gone out much. Even if he goes out, it is only to meet his colleagues, so the people who can be related to his favors can be said to be quite large. It's rare.

But correspondingly, it is generally difficult to refuse such a favor.

"Master, you see what you said, isn't it the duty of us juniors to help you remove the cause and effect?" Zheng Shu smiled nonchalantly.

"By the way, who is the person requesting this time? Who wants to be resurrected?"

"It's a bit strange to talk about this. The person who begged me this time was the old guy Guan Shihua. As for the person who said he wanted to be resurrected... the old guy didn't want to say it no matter what. He said that he would only come after you pass. Will explain.”

Abbot Xie Xin "tsk", and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Guan Shihua's concealment of some information.

"If it doesn't work out, just put it off. It would be bad if the person she wants to resurrect is not a good person."

"Haha, that's not the case."

Zheng Shu smiled and lowered his head to think.

The client is one of the ten people, Goddess Guan Shihua, which is not too surprising to Zheng Shu. After all, favors can be related to people of Abbot Xie Xin's age. There are only so many left in the alien world now. personal.

And there are actually quite a few people who can gather the materials for the resurrection magic circle in a short period of time. As one of the ten, Guan Shihua has almost mastered all the alien resources in the entire three eastern provinces except the company.

Even if a lot of resources were spent to copy the information of Baiyun Temple's Ji Lingqian, if it is really necessary, given the situation in the Northeast, it is not impossible to get these materials together under the circumstances of selling iron.

After all, although it is a bit lonely now, it was considered prosperous back then, and the family was rich enough.

"However, she is unwilling to disclose information about the person she wants to resurrect. Could it be that... the person she wants to resurrect is not a person?"

Zheng Shu's eyes lit up when he thought of this, and he suddenly felt that his thinking had broadened a lot.

Because of the special geographical location, the most mainstream witchcraft system for foreigners there is based on Baojiaxian.

Although this system is also a type of spirit summoning in witchcraft, the special thing is that the spirits they summon are generally real living creatures, but part of the power is transferred to themselves.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the fighting method of inviting spirits to take over, but theoretically speaking, as long as a powerful enough spirit is invited, even a newbie can obtain extremely strong power.

But at the same time, this technique is also absolutely restrained by Ju Lingqian.

Therefore, after the Eight Wonders of Magic Skills were obtained by the Wang family, Guan Shihua, one of the ten masters, became more and more low-key in his activities, and even seemed to disappear in the alien world in the past few years.

Later, Baiyunguan was willing to send the incomplete Juling to others to copy, and Guan Shihua became active again.

The main reason why the extremely greedy Wang family is unwilling to develop in the Northeast even if they have mastered the art of restraining spirits and sending generals, is because unlike normal spirits, the Baojiaxian system there has been reduced. The spirit invited in spiritual magic is a living creature.

With their strength and characteristics, as long as they dare to step outside the pass, they will definitely be secretly killed by these Baojiaxian who are still alive.

Of course, due to certain prohibitions after the founding of the People's Republic of China, those Baojiaxian who have opened their spiritual wisdom are also prohibited from entering the customs, so the specific things about these Baojiaxian are quite mysterious to outsiders.

However, thanks to the particularity of this body shape, the witchcraft and Gu system, which has been quite declining in the pass, still retains a considerable degree of prosperity in the three eastern provinces.

"It would be understandable if the person who wants to be resurrected is not a person, but an immortal who died unexpectedly."

If someone simply dies, even if the person is Guan Shihua's grandson, the value is not worth spending so many materials and resources to resurrect.

After all, as Zheng Shu estimated at the beginning, the materials needed to resurrect the magic circle are simply impossible for ordinary forces to assemble.

The only way to get it together is to rely on official power, which means that in addition to the obvious resources, they must also have a lot of favors.

In addition, there is a favor from Abbot Xie Xin. With all these resources put together, it is no exaggeration to say that even if Guan Shihua himself died unexpectedly, he would not be qualified to be spent so much by the alien world of the Northeast system. resource.

After all, Guan Shihua's position is closely watched by many people. Although the issue of interests is quite cruel, it is also very straightforward.

Therefore, the existence that can allow the entire alien world in the three eastern provinces to unite their efforts to resurrect must be a "thing" that will even affect the interests of the entire three eastern provinces after death.

This requirement is too harsh, and the human possibility is too low. Considering the special cultivation system in the three eastern provinces, the possibility of not being human is the highest.

"That's why I don't tell you the specific information about the object that needs to be resurrected. It's actually because I'm not sure whether the resurrection circle is useful..."

After all, although the information about the resurrection circle has been spread, the company will definitely not be kind enough to send out all the specific information. It would be good for the alien world to know a few general and key points.

"Master, I can go there." Zheng Shu gave a specific answer after pondering.

"You kid, don't force yourself." Abbot Xie Xin frowned.

"Don't worry, because of Chairman Zhao Fangxu's request, I just wanted to go there, so it's just a stop by." Zheng Shu smiled.

"And for me, this matter is actually not a bad thing. If things are really as I imagined, I might be able to get a lot of benefits. In addition... I was also on Longhu Mountain with That Liu Kunsheng made an appointment, and now I just happen to drop by to meet him."

Touching the special bead in his pocket, Zheng Shu narrowed his eyes.

Although the conclusion about his "life experience" has now been reached, there is no harm in it anyway, and he just wants to go over to confirm some situations.

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