A few days later.

Zheng Shu came to Northeast China under the arrangement of Zhao Fangxu. As soon as he got off the airport, he saw the car arranged by Moutong.

After running around all the way, Zheng Shu came to a relatively desolate village, where there was a large yard that looked like a farmhouse.

"Taoist Master Zheng Shu, this is the place that the company has arranged for you. Someone has already been contacted by Shi Lao, and someone should be sent over soon."

"Wow! It really has local characteristics, very good, very good."

Zheng Shu glanced curiously, and then followed the driver to the yard.

Here, Gao Lian, the person in charge of the Northeast Region, has been waiting for a long time.

Gao Lian looked tall and thin, and even the suit he wore looked a bit baggy. He was probably in his forties or fifties.

His cheeks are somewhat sunken and he looks a bit like a weasel. He has short hair, some unshaven hair on his chin, and wears a pair of round glasses. His face looks quite serious at first glance.

"Welcome, Master Zheng."

"Hello, Director Gao."

After the two shook hands and exchanged greetings, they sat together at the big dining table in the room. Gao Lian waved his men away before turning his attention to Zheng Shu again.

"Sorry, Daozhang Zheng, Gao Yushan's existence is top secret. Apparently the reason for your coming this time is to meet Mr. Guan, so I can't take the initiative to greet him."

"Understood. Chairman Zhao has told me before. Don't worry, I can understand." Zheng Shu behaved quite considerately.

He understood what Gao Lian meant. If it was for his daughter, theoretically he should go and greet her in person.

But because of Gao Yushan's special nature, it is better for as few people to know about her as possible. Even Zheng Shu came here this time using Guan Shihua's commission as a shield.

"Then when should I go to treat Erzhuang?"

Since Gao Yushan's existence must be concealed as much as possible, it is naturally impossible to rush for treatment as soon as he comes up.

Gao Lian pondered for a while: "Well... Daozhang Zheng will have to wait here for two more days. The most appropriate time should be to make a time difference on the way back after finishing the matter with Shi Lao. But in that case , Daozhang Zheng may have to work a little harder."

"Ha, there's nothing wrong with being tired. This kind of thing doesn't take much effort as long as you prepare the materials. Besides, I'm familiar with Erzhuang. It would be best if she can recover as soon as possible."

"Then we will have to trouble Daozhang Zheng."

Gao Lian stood up and bowed solemnly to Zheng Shu.

"The person in charge is very polite."

The two chatted in some more details, and Gao Lian left in a hurry. It could be seen that these regional leaders have been very busy recently.

Before leaving, Gao Lian had already given instructions to his men, asking them to take Zheng Shu around for a few days. Zheng Shu would naturally not refuse his kindness.

Two days later, Zheng Shu met the person who invited him openly this time: one of the ten people, the goddess Guan Shihua.

"I didn't expect that it would be Shi Lao who came to pick me up in person. This is really flattering for this junior."

At first glance, Guan Shihua looks like a short old woman. Except for her fancy dress, there is nothing too special about her.

However, Zheng Shu could feel that there were a large number of other independent consciousnesses in her body, which should be the spirit stored in her body.

"Why are you being so formal? Old lady, I'm just an idler. Besides, this time we're here to ask you to do something, so of course we have to be sincere."

Guan Shihua walked up to Zheng Shu with her crutches. After looking up and down, she couldn't help showing surprise in her eyes.

"It's incredible. Just standing here makes the spirit in my body scared. Although I have heard many rumors, I never thought that you can have such cultivation at such a young age. Could it be that you, kid? Reincarnation of an immortal?"

"Immortal?" Zheng Shu's eyes moved, "Does Senior Guan also believe in the theory of immortality? But apart from the legends about the founders of various sects, no one has actually seen an immortal, right?"

"Immortal...Old woman, I have never seen an immortal. Before you appeared, the most likely person in the world to become an immortal was the old Celestial Master on Longhu Mountain. But he is now restricted by the Celestial Master. , Although I am strong in this life, it can only be like this."

Guan Shihua sighed twice and walked towards the house very familiarly with a cane.

"But if I really want to say it, old lady, I do believe in the existence of immortals."

"Oh? Why?" Zheng Shu was a little curious.

"Hey! There's nothing to hide. This reason actually has something to do with what I entrusted you with this time."

"All ears."

Zheng Shu became interested. After the two sat down, he picked up the tea next to him and poured a cup of tea for Guan Shihua.

"By now, the little Taoist priest should be able to guess that the person we want you to help resurrect this time is not a human being."

"I can almost guess it, but I wasn't very sure at the beginning. I didn't confirm it with you until now."

Guan Shihua seemed to be lost in thought while holding the tea cup, and seemed to be remembering something. After a long time, she sighed.

"Yes, it is very expensive to set up the resurrection circle. Even if I die, I will not be qualified to enjoy such a thing. But if it is for some existence, the wizards and shamans in the entire Northeast are willing to do their best.

But even an old woman like me knows how big the physical difference is between humans and these spirits. What can be used by humans may not be effective for them. "

As he spoke, Guan Shihua raised his head and looked at Zheng Shu. There was even a trace of fear in the eyes of this centenarian.

"Little Taoist Priest, please give me some accurate information. Can this thing of yours resurrect something that is not a human being?"

"You see what you said is true." Zheng Shu laughed when he heard the words, "I have already guessed that the person to be resurrected is not a human being but he still dares to come. Doesn't this already explain the answer?"

"That's good, that's good..." Guan Shihua showed an unabashed cheerful smile on his face, "It would be good if it can be useful, so that I can give an explanation to the people in the hall."

"Guan Lao, don't laugh to yourself. You haven't told me specifically who is going to be resurrected. Of course, if possible, it would be better if you could also tell me the cause of this person's death."

"Of course, there's nothing to hide..."

The most popular line of witchcraft in the Northeast is Chuma Xian. The so-called "Chuma" refers to some animals, such as foxes, snakes, weasels, etc., who are cultivated into elves and possess the human body, and then make people have the ability to judge and heal others. disease ability.

The so-called "immortals" are actually animals that have awakened their consciousness and can control their own innate energy. Strangers generally call them "elves" or "spirits".

Most people know more about the "Five Immortals", namely Fox Fairy (fox), Huang Fairy (weasel), White Fairy (hedgehog), Willow Fairy (snake), and Gray Fairy (mouse). They are commonly known as "Fox Yellow White Willow". "Grey" is the five great immortals.

But in fact, Chuma Xianlai does not mean that there are only these five animals, but that these five animals are the most famous. Just like Liuxian, they are actually divided into "Liu" and "Chang". Classificationally speaking, they are poisonous snakes and Python distinction.

There are actually Chuma Immortals that are not among the Five Immortals, such as some tigers, owls, bears, etc., but they are too rare.

After all, in nature, the animals that can awaken their minds and harness their innate energy to evolve into elves are only a minority among the few. Compared with the animal populations represented by the "Five Immortals", the population of other animals is not large. Combined with the proportion of awakened minds, there are even fewer people who can become elves.

Of course, once animals become elves, they have many obvious advantages over humans.

Because the innate Qi is stronger than humans, once they can control Qi, their lifespan will be greatly increased, even far exceeding that of human Qi practitioners.

But this time, the spirit that Guan Shihua needs Zheng Shu to resurrect is not a special "immortal" within the Five Immortals system.

"That person's true form...if strictly calculated, it should be a dragon." Guan Shihua's expression was serious.

"Oh... ah?!" Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head to look at Guan Shihua, almost causing a sonic boom because he raised his head too fast, "What the hell?"

"Yes, it's a dragon. That's why I told you before that although I have never seen an immortal, I believe in the existence of immortals."

Zheng Shu carefully looked at Guan Shihua in front of him, and judged from the spiritual power emanating from her that she had indeed not lied again. Zheng Shu even analyzed the spirits emanating from several spirits in her body and found that they I also agree with her statement.

In other words, at least in the eyes of Guan Shihua and these "immortals", that person's body is a dragon!

This makes it understandable what Guan Shihua said before. After all, even legendary creatures like dragons can exist, so the so-called immortals are not unacceptable.

But...this doesn't make sense!

Zheng Shu remembered very clearly that when he first came to this world, he had checked the available strengthening templates. In this world, all the strengthening templates related to "Fantasy Species" could not be used, and the only ones that could be used were those similar to lions. Or the wild boar, an animal that already exists.

In other words, according to the judgment of the panel, there are no fantasy creatures in this world, at least there should not be extraordinary creatures with the same appearance, size and concept as dragons.

There was a discrepancy between Guan Shihua's perception and the information on the panel. For Zheng Shu, of course he believed in his own panel more.

"In other words, is there a deviation in some key information..."

Zheng Shu didn't think or struggle too much. After all, he could tell the truth at a glance.

"Since it's a dragon... then which one should have left a more obvious trace in human history?" Zheng Shu asked.

"There are related legends about that one." Guan Shihua smiled, "It's different from ordinary dragons. That one's surname is not 'Ao', but 'Li'."

"Li...fuck!" Zheng Shu leaned back involuntarily and looked at Guan Shihua with wide eyes.

"Bald-tailed (yi) Balao Li?!"

"Cough cough cough cough!!"

Upon hearing what Zheng Shu said, Guan Shihua was so frightened that she coughed quickly.

"Ah, sorry sorry!"

Zheng Shu also reacted immediately. If it was just a simple myth and legend, it would be okay for him to call it that, but now this person is a real person. Even if he is dead, it is a bit disrespectful for him to say this.

Now Zheng Shu finally understood why this elf's death was able to provoke all the strangers in the three northeastern provinces to join forces. This elf's status in the northeast was indeed a bit high.

To put it simply, this is the Dragon God of Heilongjiang!

The "bald-tailed old plum" is a myth and legend widely circulated in Northeast China and Shandong. In some places, it is also called "bald-tailed old plum".

There are many versions about his life story, but no matter which version, they all have the same points.

One is about the origin of this dragon being called "Bald Tail". To put it simply, this dragon's parents are humans. After it was born, it was feared by its parents, so it originally planned to use a knife (some versions are sickles). Hacked to death.

At the critical moment, Lao Li turned around to avoid, but a section of his tail was cut off, so he was called "bald tail".

As for the second more important point, it is the status that the bald-tailed old Li finally achieved.

No matter which version of the myths and legends he is in, this person eventually became the Dragon God of Heilongjiang. In other words, the reason why Heilongjiang is called Heilongjiang is because Lao Li himself is a black dragon.

"Wait a minute!" Zheng Shu suddenly discovered a problem, "With this person's strength, there is no reason to die suddenly, right? Who is so bold and bold to dare to take this person's idea?"

Zheng Shu still didn't say anything. If Bald-tailed Old Li is the real thing, then he must have an extremely transcendent status in the Northeast's Chumaxian system.

Even if they may have some misunderstanding about Lao Li's true species, at least they are definitely not weak in terms of strength!

Zheng Shu couldn't think of any organization that would take such a big risk to attack this person. After all, as long as he dared to take action, in addition to facing Lao Li, a monster with an unknown identity, he would also have to face the entire East. All the aliens in the three provinces counterattacked.

With this level of strength, Zheng Shu could not think of any other possibility except for the country to take action, but judging from the attitudes of Guan Shihua and Zhao Fangxu, it should not be the country that takes action.

"The person who caused this person's fall was a foreign state-level force..." Guan Shihua answered Zheng Shu's doubts.

Zheng Shu frowned when he heard this: "Foreign state-level forces can come here to take action, but everyone in the Northeast is doing it for free?"

"That's not true. This can actually be traced back to the war period..." Guan Shihua sighed again.

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