"Xiao Zhang, you still have to have more confidence in Taoist Zheng and his judgment." Huang Boren stood tall and tall on the deck, educating Zhang Chulan with a smile.

"Okay, everyone else should stop gathering here. It's time to go to the cabin to calm down those people's emotions. Then send a few people to the beach to organize the injured."


A group of people on the boat watched Huang Boren commanding so calmly, and a feeling of admiration emerged in their hearts.

They had to admit that although the other party looked like an ordinary bureaucrat in normal times, he was indeed quite calm at such a critical moment.

Zheng Shu looked at Huang Boren, who had his back turned to everyone, and blinked, with a strange smile on his face.

"Ahem, what about that, Director Huang, I'll leave first. I'd like you to coordinate the rest of the things here."

"It's a small matter, Daozhang Zheng, walk slowly!"

After watching Zheng Shu's back disappear into the air, and then turning his head to check that there was no one else on the deck, Huang Boren's legs went limp and he collapsed on the deck.

"Damn it! Damn it! This is not a job for humans!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Huang Boren suddenly remembered something, rolled around and picked up his walkie-talkie from the ground, and contacted Zhao Fangxu through the boat.

Although a nuclear bomb is much less destructive than a meteorite that can destroy the entire ecosystem, it is still necessary to inform Lao Zhao and let him prepare in advance.

After all, from a launch perspective, the final destination of this thing is probably the country on the other side of the ocean.

America, some remote area.

In an inaccessible jungle, there is a luxurious manor suddenly located.

This is the temporary headquarters used by Behemoth's high-level officials to discuss matters. Because of Behemoth's actions against Nathan Island this time, most of the high-level officials came here.

Even the senior officials who couldn't come due to some reasons participated in the gathering in the form of a computer conference.

Based on a special complex of Americans, they especially like to build this kind of luxurious manor in these inaccessible places, and will fence off a large area around it as a private area and prohibit anyone from entering.

For example, this manor, although it is in an inaccessible jungle, has all kinds of luxurious entertainment facilities and even a private amusement park.

The area covering several hundred kilometers with the manor as the center is a private area, all of which are erected with high-voltage electricity walls.

In addition to the dense surveillance cameras, there are also fly shooters or other strangers patrolling the interior of the manor from time to time to prevent anyone from entering the manor.

Inside this manor, these high-level officials of Behemoth even built a relatively dilapidated-looking village. Every time something important happened, they would hold some less legal hunting games here.

At this moment, due to Zheng Shu's deliberate blockade of electronic information, people inside the manor did not know that a catastrophe was imminent. The news they received was still limited to the order passed back by Ron for the final attack on the royal city.

The big shots were discussing the next situation in the conference room that outsiders could not enter, looking forward to the future of Behemoth, while the servants were nervously preparing things for the next banquet in the hall.

However, this "harmonious" atmosphere was disrupted by a sudden phone call.

Because the network was completely blocked by Zheng Shu, all means of communication through the network failed. Fortunately, people from the outside who knew the information finally contacted them through the emergency telephone line.

"What the hell? Aircraft carrier?!"

Although theoretically this phone number would only be used for emergency calls, and the person on the other end of the phone probably wouldn't joke around, the person listening to the phone still felt that the other person might have something wrong with his brain.

After confirming several times, the person who answered the phone looked at the other people in the conference room in confusion.

"He said a fast-flying aircraft carrier is flying here, so let's evacuate quickly..."

The other senior Behemoths looked at each other, a little suspicious that the person who answered the phone had heard wrongly, but just in case, they hurriedly packed up their things and prepared to leave the manor.

As a place where high-level officials occasionally gather, there are of course complete emergency evacuation measures in place.

In addition to the secret underground passages extending in all directions, there are also several secret passages underground to ensure that the enemy will never catch them all.

But all these preparations have no meaning in the next attack.

It was too late when they learned the information. Before the car could leave the manor, the blow from the sky had already arrived.

Under the deep night sky, a "shooting star" suddenly pierced the sky, falling straight towards this luxurious manor with a dazzling light and deafening roar.

Countless explosions of light flashed around the meteor. They were the explosions of military interceptor missiles, but no matter what, these missiles could not get close to the aircraft carrier.

The moment Zheng Shu projected the aircraft carrier, he had already carved a large number of magic patterns on it, which were used as navigation and protection for the aircraft carrier's "Javelin".

Most of the missiles were deflected. Even if one or two missiles occasionally broke through the defense and hit the aircraft carrier, the damage to this terrifying steel monster was negligible.

Soon, the "Meteor" came into contact with the manor on the ground. After a moment of silence, a deafening roar echoed through the sky.

Areas with a radius of hundreds of kilometers trembled under the impact of the aircraft carrier, and bottomless gaps opened in the earth, swallowing up the life and matter above.

Heat waves rolled in, smoke filled the air, and the smell of burning and death filled the air.

The manor collapsed instantly under the powerful impact, and the solid stone walls were turned into powder under the power of a natural disaster. The spectacular manor was reduced to ruins in this sudden disaster, and its former glory was instantly wiped out.

Zheng Shu did deliberately control the destructive power of this attack, but his control of the destructive power was limited to not hurting innocent people. This mountain range and jungle were not within his scope of consideration.

The pure physical shock wave caused by the aircraft carrier falling to the ground has far exceeded the destructive power of conventional nuclear bombs.

Under such terrifying power, no matter whether they chose to take the above-ground passage or the underground passage, Behemoth's senior officials, even if they were protected by their own bodyguards, were all turned into ashes in an instant.

The only ones who survived in the entire area were the aliens and fly shooters patrolling the outer walls of the manor.

After surviving the aftermath of the hurricane, they looked at the apocalyptic scene in front of them, and their bodies and minds were involuntarily swallowed up by fear and despair.

Further away, the sounds of a large number of armed helicopters were rapidly approaching. This was the response of the United States after discovering that its homeland was under attack.

Things behind Nathan Island are much simpler to deal with. Although Zheng Shu is not here, I have seen Zheng Shu play with the aircraft carrier like a toy, whether it is the aliens on Nathan Island or those Bessiemores. Si's receptor soldiers were very cooperative.

Well behaved.jpg.

The other strangers who were hiding in the dark and did not show up also retreated very consciously, which also made Huang Boren and Zhang Chulan's subsequent work much easier.

As for the nuclear attack on the US mainland, Wenshan and the others have rich experience in handling this. Although Zheng Shu is not sure where their strange experiences come from, they did handle it quite appropriately.

In this way, these troublesome things have nothing to do with Zheng Shu, and it also gives him enough time to deal with the various things accumulated after he suddenly disappeared for more than a month.

Fortunately, during the month when Zheng Shu disappeared due to the difference in time velocity caused by ultra-high gravity, Nadoutong had been advancing according to the previously formulated plan.

So in the few days before Zheng Shu came back, the matter about the resurrection circle had spread throughout the alien world through various secret news channels.

The reason why it has not spread among ordinary people and the upper class elites is because this is just a "pilot test" conducted by the country.

After all, even if they are just powerful people, they are much more numerous than ordinary strangers. It will definitely be too late to rely solely on Zheng Shu alone.

At that time, there will be some desperate people who want to have some fun, so in order to prevent this from happening, the country simply blocked this information from ordinary people.

After the researchers within the country have completely analyzed the resurrection circle, they will consider disseminating this information step by step among ordinary people and dignitaries.

Zheng Shu is not sure what kind of impact the resurrection circle will have on people's lives in the future, but in just a few days, his last purpose of researching the resurrection circle has been achieved.

Looking at the two pieces of information in his hand, Zheng Shu chuckled and threw them on the table next to him.

The information is about the recent situation of the Tianxia Huifeng family and the Wang family.

This is also the last purpose of Zheng Shu's plan to reveal his resurrection circle: to repay the Feng family's original favor.

The information circulating about the resurrection circle naturally also contains information about the most suitable ones for being resurrected.

To put it simply, there are actually two types, one is the complete body, and the other is the complete soul.

If both are present, it is naturally the most suitable, but if one is missing for various reasons, then the other condition must exist.

Most aliens cannot guarantee the integrity of the body. After all, it depends on the way of death, so many people focus on the soul.

Under normal conditions, a person's soul will dissipate very quickly after death. Even if someone from the Quanzhen lineage has reached the realm of Yangshen, the soul can only persist for a period of time longer than ordinary people. Without the support of special skills, the soul will dissipate very quickly. It will disappear quickly.

And this so-called special skill refers to the witchcraft lineage.

This lineage originally dealt with various spirits. If they died in front of them, if necessary, all people of the Witch Gu lineage could condense their souls.

It was also because of the information about the resurrection circle that the witchcraft lineage, which had been declining, burst into glory again.

After confirming the accuracy of the information, many foreign families or villages are now thinking of ways to send one or several of their children to Yunnan or the Northeast to learn the lineage of witchcraft.

Among the witchcraft lineage, the top one is naturally the Eight Wonders skill mastered by the Feng family and the Wang family: restraining spirits and dispatching generals.

Although theoretically speaking, there is not much difference between the souls that can be captured by Ju Lingqian and the souls that can be captured by ordinary witchcraft, but many people always have a psychological illusion.

Therefore, during this period of time, Tianxiahui's already prosperous momentum has taken a step further.

By the way, even Baiyun Temple was affected. After all, here you can learn how to restrain spirits and dispatch generals as long as you can pay the price.

Although this kind of expense is enough to make many big forces feel pain in their muscles and bones, there are also many people who grit their teeth and come to visit Baiyun Temple.

But what's weird is that although many people from the Wang family, who also have the command of Julingshuang, come to ask for help, the number of people is much smaller than that of the first two families.

This is the subtlety of Zheng Shu's plan. For the same reason that the major alien forces choose Julingsendang due to psychological effects, they will also give up choosing the Wang family because of psychological effects.

The reason is also very simple, because the Wang family's Ju Ling sent generals are too "complete".

As for the difference between the Wang family and the Feng family, Wang Bing had already "explained" it in detail at the Luotian Dajiao.

So now it is clear to everyone that the Wang family's spirit-binding generals have an additional ability to "serve spirits".

This is where the difference lies.

Theoretically speaking, even if the stranger has his soul imprisoned, if the soul itself resists, it will be very difficult for others to know some information.

Generally speaking, getting information from the soul's mouth is actually the same process as getting information from the mouth of a person. Basically, apart from Akatsuki's emotion and reason, the rest is all kinds of torture and torture.

Otherwise, the so-called Bright Soul Technique of the Lu family would not be considered a special ability.

But "serving the spirit" is different from the previous situation. Although Wang Bing only said that his strength can be permanently improved by serving the spirit, he did not say whether he would gain the memory of the soul.

Thinking with the simplest logic, those things are what make up the soul. Since it can swallow up power, it is not too strange to swallow up memory by the way.

Based on this speculation, if we proceed with the divergence again, and if the means of serving the spirit are high enough, can it be possible to swallow the memory alone without affecting the integrity of the soul.

Others don't know and don't dare to gamble.

So now there is a strange situation in the alien world. Even the ordinary sects who are good at witchcraft and Gu are much more popular than the Wang family. The reason is because the Wang family has a "complete" spirit-gathering general.

After all, for each sect, the mere possibility of revealing their unique skills is enough reason not to choose the Wang family.

As for the current reaction of the Wang family, there is no need for Zheng Shu to pay attention.

After all, he was just trying to return a favor to the Feng family. If the Feng family could still lose to the Wang family despite the huge advantage he helped create, then he would have nothing to say.

Next, things on your own side are more important...

Turning to look at the door, Zheng Shu raised his voice slightly: "Please come in, the door is not closed."

(Okay, the author is exhausted, and the updates I owed last month have finally been paid. Let me just be a salty fish for the rest of this month.)

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