"What are you going to do?!"

King Nathan was slightly frightened that her body suddenly levitated. She made tentative contact and found that she should be in a spherical force field.

Elena on the side seemed much calmer. Looking at Zheng Shu's behavior, she seemed to have a premonition of what he was going to do next, but she had no intention of stopping it, and she had no power to stop it.

So Elena just hugged King Nathan and used her own strength to calm her spirit so that she would not panic too much.

"Don't worry, this is just a security measure to prevent any accidents from hurting you later."

"What accident?" Upon hearing this, King Nathan suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

"See for yourself!"

Zheng Shu did not answer her directly, but waved his hand to make the force field surrounding the two of them move farther away.

Turning his head to look at the not-so-thick tree in front of him, Zheng Shu covered it with his energy to ensure that the tree would not break in the next movement.

The body slowly floated up to ensure that he could continue to exert force upwards. Zheng Shu hugged the trunk of the tree with his two hands and exerted a little force.



The ground suddenly shook, and the ground shook unnaturally in most of the area covered by the royal city.

Zheng Shu's body continued to rise, and under the pull of his hands, the holy tree was also constantly being pulled up.

"What are you going to do? No, stop!!!" King Nathan realized what Zheng Shu wanted to do, and clapped his hands hard to shield himself from the force field.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to her roar. He just wrapped his hands around the tree trunk and continued flying towards the sky. The ground cracked and countless roots popped out.

The holy tree does not look too thick on the ground, but its rhizomes are surprisingly strong. Each rhizome is much thicker than the trunk. On the surrounding rhizomes that were first talked about, there are a large number of wood-like parts. Something that transforms humans.

Those were the long-lost branch breakers and the returned Nathan Guards. Some of the human heads that had not been absorbed by the tree for too long were even making sounds unconsciously, which looked extremely scary.

As Zheng Shu continued to rise, the main trunk in the center of the tree finally revealed its mysterious face.

It was a giant lignified burl that glowed golden and looked like it was made of melted lignified human heads.

However, in theory, it is a very scary-looking thing, but under the soft golden light, it seems to have an alternative sense of holiness.

This is the king of the forest for thousands of years, and this is what is said on Nathan Island about returning to the tree.

"What an ugly thing." Zheng Shu had a look of disgust on his face.

Zheng Shu has always been a human racist. Although he does not think that humans must be superior, he will never look good when facing some evil creatures that feed on humans.

In Zheng Shu's opinion, the tree on Nathan Island is an evil thing that feeds on humans.

Although it appears to be very sacred on Nathan Island and can provide a lot of power, since this tree feeds on humans, it cannot change the nature of evil.

Perhaps the wizards who first created the tree did not intend to create such a monster, but after years of worship and the sacrifice of human life, the tree has completely deteriorated.

"This kind of thing is a scourge if it exists in this world!"

Zheng Shu exerted force with both hands, and most of the royal city collapsed completely. A large number of tree roots carried soil and bricks and were forcefully pulled up by Zheng Shu.

From a distance, it looked like a giant stone roughly half the size of the royal city was lifted into the air by Zheng Shu.

Although there is only a tree on the ground that does not look too big, the roots under the ground have spread over most of the royal city. This is why the people on Nathan Island call this tree the "Holy Forest" s reason.

If it hadn't been for the support of Zheng Shu, who was pulled out of the ground so hard and carried so many bricks, stones and earth, this tree would have broken off due to natural gravity.

"How can it be……"

King Nathan on the side had forgotten to continue shouting at this time. Seeing the scene in front of him was unbelievable. Even Elena, who had been comforting her emotions, couldn't help but feel a little distracted when she saw this scene.

The human body is so small compared to the entire sacred forest, but such a small body can forcefully pull the entire sacred forest out of the ground.

Such an obvious difference in size and strength made everyone who saw this scene feel a little ridiculous.

The direction of the drag force suddenly changed. Zheng Shu twisted his waist and threw it upwards, forcibly throwing the entire sacred forest and the giant stone ball with a diameter of one kilometer carried on its roots into the sky.

"He is going to..." King Nathan's pupils shrank violently.

Not only her, but also everyone who saw this scene through various other observation methods had a common thought in their hearts.

Feeling the gazes coming from all directions, Zheng Shu curled up the corners of his mouth and sneered silently, with a faint golden flash in his pupils.

Looking at the huge stone ball above his head, a large number of dragon texts were compressed into a musical scale by Zheng Shu in an instant.


A huge invisible energy slash flew towards the stone ball in the sky with the movement of Zheng Shu's fingers, and silently passed through the tree tumor emitting golden light in the center of the sacred forest.

The surrounding suddenly became very quiet, as if even the air was stagnant for a moment, as if time stopped at this moment.

After an extremely short yet long moment, the sacred forest that seemed unaffected suddenly changed.

The first person to react was the tree tumor in the center of the sacred grove, where all the past kings of Nathan gathered together, exuding a pale golden light.

The originally soft and steady light suddenly went out, like a lightbulb that suddenly lost power, and the dark night sky seemed to become a little darker at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, with the tree tumor as the center, the entire tree turned into soft black ash and dissipated, as if it had experienced thousands of years of wind and snow erosion in an instant.

Not only this tree, but also the large amount of soil and bricks carried on the roots of the tree began to turn into dust and dissipate. Although the speed was a little slower than the tree itself, it was also disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the cold night wind blew over the island, the large tracts of dust finally dissipated into the endless ocean.

"what is that……"

King Nathan looked at this scene and felt that the spiritual world that he had been connected to since he was a child, as if it were a part of his body, but was now completely disconnected, had to recognize one fact clearly - the tree is dead!

The almost god-like tree that the people of Nathan Island had worshiped as their spiritual sustenance and worship for thousands of years, turned into dust and disappeared in the hands of the man in front of him!

Strong emotions surged into his heart, and along with the pain that came after Heshu's spiritual world was disconnected, King Nathan's eyesight went dark and he fell into a coma.

When Zheng Shu released King Nathan from the force field ball, she had not yet recovered from the death of the tree.

"Hmm...Did you suffer a great mental shock because you forcibly disconnected your spiritual connection? This is a normal phenomenon. After all, during your tenure as King Nathan, too much spiritual power that did not belong to you was poured into your mind. ”

Zheng Shu took a look at King Nathan's situation and quickly came to a conclusion. Looking at Irina who was holding King Nathan with a worried look on her face, Zheng Shu snapped his fingers.

"Don't worry, I was very measured in my actions. I just separated all the power that did not belong to her. She herself was not harmed, but she was a little uncomfortable with the difference in power, so she needed to slow down for a while.

From now on, this little girl has broken free from the confinement of King Nathan's identity. And you? What do you plan to do next? "

"Me? I'm not sure... I've become accustomed to Nathan Wei's identity, and I'm suddenly at a loss to make other choices."

Elena stroked King Nathan's forehead with a gentle expression, as if she wanted to help her relieve the pain caused by the mental shock.

"Although the trees that made up Nathan Island no longer exist, you can still let me guard her as a Nathan Guard for a short period of time. Now is the time when my ability comes in handy."

"It's up to you. Anyway, if you bring one, it's okay. If you bring two, it's okay. I don't care."

Zheng Shu waved his hand and his body floated slowly. Irina and King Nathan, who was temporarily unconscious, also floated at the same time. Under Zheng Shu's control, they followed him and flew towards the outside of the island.

When passing Elijah's body, Zheng Shu glanced at him unconsciously.

If Zheng Shu remembers correctly, the reason why Elijah chose to betray in the original work was to destroy the tree and allow all the people on Nathan Island to break free from the confinement of the tree.

What he is doing now seems to have helped him fulfill this wish unintentionally.

"Although the reason why this guy had such an idea was because he was stimulated by the development of external technology."

Zheng Shu thought silently in his heart and stopped making unnecessary comments on Elijah's behavior.

"Where do you plan to take us?" Elena asked.

"The old lady hopes that the little girl will be freed from the confinement of being King Nathan. I have helped to do that. Now of course I will fulfill her first request."

Zheng Shu ignored the receptor soldiers below who shouted and even launched an attack when they saw the three people flying in the sky, and flew straight towards the ship where Huang Boren, the director of Nadutong Company, was riding.

"After much thought, if I had to choose a place where this little girl's life would be more secure and her moral sense would be higher, that would be the only place.

Coincidentally, if I remember correctly, this little girl's biological mother is also on that ship now... Ah, yes, her grandfather should be there too.

Anyway, she can no longer be King Nathan, so living with her family should be a good choice. Although her family is not very good... If it doesn't work, you can just raise this little girl in the future. , the company should not reject this kind of thing. "

"The king's mother? She is indeed a very gentle person. Even if she cannot give her daughter too much love because of the system on Nathan Island, she is trying her best to provide support to King Nathan in her own way. ”

"Oh? That's a lot easier then."

Zheng Shu just chatted with Elena while quickly arriving at the green-painted destroyer that Huang Boren and the others were riding.

"Welcome, thank you for your hard work, Taoist Master Zheng."

Huang Boren had been waiting on the deck for a long time. When he saw Zheng Shu and two people falling from the sky, he immediately rushed up with his men.

"Director Huang, please take care of this little girl."

Everything Zheng Shu did on the island before, the people on the ship had already seen the whole process through drones.

When Zheng Shu pulled King Nathan and Irina to fly, Huang Boren had an idea of ​​the possibility in his mind, but when Zheng Shu actually brought the two to the company's battleship, his face was still suppressed He couldn't help showing a look of joy.

"No problem, don't worry, Director Zheng Xiao. Our company has always been adhering to a rescue attitude towards such strangers who have not committed any crimes. After all, it is a harmonious society.

Moreover, we have already made arrangements for this little girl’s mother. I believe that the two of them will be reunited as mother and son soon. "

While chatting with Zheng Shu, Huang Boren quickly greeted the medical staff on the ship and dragged the unconscious King Nathan into the cabin for a closer inspection.

"Speaking of it, Daozhang Zheng, your sudden departure this time did keep us waiting for a long time, but the plan we discussed with you earlier was implemented on time."

"Ah, Director Zhao has already told me, so I would like to thank you all." Zheng Shu smiled and nodded.

"Oh, you're welcome. No matter what, we are all on our own, and we should help each other. Hahaha... By the way, since there are no more of our people on the island, we can leave directly now. Chief Zheng Xiaodao is Do you want to come with us, or leave alone?"

As Huang Boren spoke, he waved away several other seniors from Biyou Village who wanted to come up and chat with Zheng Shu.

In addition to these people, Zhuge Qing, who was on the boat and planned to provide support, and Zhang Chulan, who stayed on the boat, were also quickly approaching the ship.

"I still have something to do in the bunker. After all, it took an unexpectedly long time to go out this time, so there are still many things that need to be dealt with back. I will fly back by myself, and the speed can be faster... Ah, wait a moment, I have communication here."

Zheng Shu nodded kindly towards the few people he knew around him. He was talking to Huang Boren when he suddenly froze, lowered his head and took out a mobile phone from his clothes.

(Continuing to add updates today, there is another chapter.)

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