This is the liaison device Wenshan gave to Zheng Shu through Zhao Fangxu. Although it looks like an ordinary mobile phone, it can actually communicate across galaxies.

And it is quite strong, even if it is placed directly in the vacuum of space, there will be no damage.

Mainly because Zheng Shu's loss of contact this time made Wen Shan a little worried, so they gave him such a thing.

Zheng Shu hasn't told anyone about this thing's "phone number" yet, and no one except Zhao Fangxu knows about it. Now that it rings... In other words, Wenshan has something to do with him?

"It's okay, it's okay. You're busy. I seem to have picked up the communication here."

Huang Boren immediately waved his hand, and the intercom on his waist began to buzz.

So the two of them smiled politely at each other, each took two steps back to create a more private space, and prepared to answer the "phone".

"Hey, what's going on?"

Wenshan's lazy voice came from the other side of the phone: "Zheng Shu, are you in that place called Nason Island?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

Zheng Shu was a little strange. Logically speaking, Wenshan should be too lazy to care about the affairs of the alien world. After all, with the power of these aliens, they could not get into her eyes at all.

"Nothing, just to confirm. The main reason is that someone contacted me just now and said that there may be a third-type contact situation in the area of ​​Nathan Island. Did you find anything?"

"Huh? No, right? If there is an alien coming, I can't possibly not detect it, unless that person has been hiding on Nathan Island from the beginning, in which case I might not be able to detect it."

Zheng Shu thought for a moment and shook his head. After all, there was no difference between many aliens and humans at all. If he hid on the island in advance, he would not be able to discover them.

"They weren't hiding on the island in advance. From what he meant, it seemed like there was a lot of commotion. They even launched missiles but they didn't shoot down the opponent." Wenshan said slowly.

"Uh... if it's related to missiles, then it's probably me. Maybe I was a little more conspicuous when I came here, so people thought I was an alien." Zheng Shu understood.

"What are you talking about? Aren't you an alien in the first place?" Zheng Shu could hear Wenshan's disgust even through the phone.

"Since it's you, then it's okay... By the way, you have a little brat over there who probably wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife, so when we contacted him, we said someone was illegally possessing alien weapons. , you can handle it yourself."

Although he couldn't see it, through this careless voice, Zheng Shu inexplicably pictured Wenshan lying on the sofa talking lazily and picking her nose.

Well... with this girl Liangshan's heroic character, it is indeed very likely that she would do this.

At the same time, Zheng Shu also heard the voice from Huang Boren's intercom. Although the two of them had taken a few polite steps away, it was impossible to block Zheng Shu's hearing at such a distance.

"Huang, don't blame me for not reminding you. Remember to send King Nathan to my ship quickly! By the way, there is also that brat who kidnapped King Nathan. Don't think that he can be arrogant just because he has obtained some alien technology. , Gaede has contacted the other side, and professionals will deal with him soon!"

A rather arrogant male voice came from the intercom. Judging from the accent, he should be a foreigner. Combined with this incident, Zheng Shu could basically tell.

The person on the other side of the intercom should be the main person in charge of Behemoth in the Nathan Island incident: Ron.

It seems that this guy is what Wenshan calls the "little brat".

Zheng Shu just thought about it for a moment and understood this guy's logic. He most likely regarded himself as a lucky person who accidentally obtained an alien weapon.

He also understood why Wenshan was so angry. After all, according to her experience, Wenshan herself should be regarded as someone who "obtained a bit of alien technology" in Ron's words.

"Based on the temperament of these people, there is a high probability that Wenshan also experienced some bad things back then. This kid was unlucky and hit the wall directly."

After Zheng Shu figured out the cause and effect of this matter, he smiled sarcastically and continued to ask Wenshan about her next thoughts.

"Should I handle it myself? What's the bottom line?"

"I don't know. It's up to you. As long as you don't destroy the country that guy belongs to, after all, the current international situation is not very stable. But remember to deal with it a little more harshly, so that these guys don't worry about nothing all day long. Us. Alas! Don’t grab my phone!”

Halfway through Wenshan's words, Zheng Shu heard the sounds of fighting coming from her side. It must be that after hearing her shocking remarks, Ersha couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to grab her phone.

However, with the difference in strength between the two, this matter was of course impossible to succeed. It didn't take long for Zheng Shu to hear Wen Shan's triumphant voice.

"Hey, you want to pressure me? You're too far behind! Little cat, stay here and let me 'educate' you later."

"You crazy woman, what are you talking about!!!" Ersha's shameful cry came from the other end of the phone.

After dealing with the second kill, Wenshan hurriedly told Zheng Shu the last sentence:

"In short, just master a certain degree of control. Just let these guys know how to respect the strong. What a fool! How dare those bastards use such an excuse to beat them to death! I'll die first! "

Listening to Wenshan's voice eager to turn off the phone, Zheng Shu looked like an old man on the subway with his cell phone.

"Brother Ersha is really in dire straits... Do you want to buy him some health care products next time you go to see him?"

After considering the difference in physical fitness between the two parties, Zheng Shu felt that ordinary health products would be useless, so he could only observe a few seconds of silence for the second kill.

On the other side, Huang Boren had also finished confronting Ron and came to Zheng Shu's side with a worried look on his face.

"Taoist Master Zheng, why don't you stay away first? Don't worry, we have many witnesses here to prove that you were just fighting back in self-defense, and you definitely did not attack the other party deliberately."

"Ah, no need. The third-type contact department also called me just now. It's okay. Don't worry."

Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly turned to look at Huang Boren beside him who breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Director Huang, are there any other ships of ours in the waters near here?"

"There is nothing nearby. After all, the sea area here is mainly controlled by that side. What? Do you have any needs, Taoist Master?" Huang Boren was stunned.

"I don't have any needs. The main reason is that your ship may not be big enough."

"Not big enough? Does it need to be loaded with something? In this case, I can contact the company to send a few cargo ships. I remember that there should be several routes in the surrounding sea areas, and there should be many cargo ships that can be recruited. "

Huang Boren carefully thought about the meaning of Zheng Shu's words and quickly recalled the information about each route in his mind.

"It's not anything special, it's mainly because there are a bunch of people you need to pack back." Zheng Shu walked towards the side of the ship.

"People? Who?"

Huang Boren followed Zheng Shu's line of sight and saw only Behemoth's aircraft carrier.

As one of the directors in charge of internal affairs at Nadutong, Huang Boren was quite smart and thought of something that was theoretically impossible in an instant.

"Hiss... No way? Director Zheng, please don't be impulsive. It would be inappropriate if you are punished by the Third Contact Department."

"Director Huang, you'd better change the ship now. As for punishment, don't worry, it's approved by the third-category contact department. And I don't mean to go too far, I'm just 'educating' them."

"Ah...yes...really, that's good, then I'll contact Mr. Zhao now and ask him to adjust the ship." Huang Boren breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

But soon, he realized that he seemed to have relaxed a little too early.

"Gade, hasn't there been a reply from the Third Contact Department yet?"

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, Ron stood on the side of the ship, facing the night wind and looking at the green boat of Nadutong Company in the distance.

Behind him, Gade, wearing a black suit, shook his head.

"As I said just now, the other party responded with a 'hmm' and then nothing more happened, so I don't know what those people meant.

And are you sure you want to provoke the other party like this? The third-category contact department has not given us a specific answer yet. What if the other party doesn't want to take care of this matter? "

"Hey, no problem. There was an analysis in the data. The people who control the third-type contact department are very 'merciful', that is to say, they are so-called good people. In this case, no matter what the other party's reaction is, we have room for maneuver. That's a lot more.

When I just contacted Huang, I discovered that the old fox should also know about the third type of contact department. This would make things easier. We just need to... what is that word? "

"The fox pretends to be the tiger's power."

Gade adjusted his glasses, remained silent for a while, and then agreed to Ron's plan.

"Whether the other party is an alien or has obtained another alien weapon, with such a strong power, the third-type contact department must have registered it a long time ago, so the guys on the ship now should also know about the third-type contact department How strong is... It is true that we can take a little risk, but what if the opponent's target turns to us? We don't have the ability to deal with him. "

"Hahaha, Gad, you are good at everything, but you are too cautious. Don't worry, it's not like more than ten years ago. The people in that department were strong enough, and those aliens didn't dare to act arrogant!" Luo En laughed.

"Qingshi, but since you know that the people in the Close Encounters of the Third Kind are strong, you still dare to take advantage of them. Who gave you the courage?"


The sudden sound scared Ron, who had been laughing loudly just now, to shiver. He immediately turned his head to look to the side, but did not find anyone.

Finally, under Gade's prompting, he looked up towards the sky and saw Zheng Shu suspended in mid-air.

" are the one who kidnapped King Nathan. Young man, I advise you to return King Nathan as soon as possible. You have caused so much harm by using power that does not belong to you. This matter has caused enough trouble. The third category contact department has taken it seriously."

Looking at Zheng Shu standing in the sky, Ron quickly calmed down and tried to use words to hit the opponent's mind.

"You know, you..."

Halfway through his words, Ron suddenly felt a violent vibration on the aircraft carrier under his feet. Standing next to the ship's side, he almost tipped over into the sea.

Fortunately, Ron reacted quickly and immediately grabbed the railing to stabilize his body.

"what happened?!"

Ignoring Zheng Shu in the sky, Ron turned to look at Gade who accidentally fell to the ground behind him.

"I don't know. It doesn't seem to be a wave. The staff is checking to see if there is any malfunction." Gade stood up in a panic and picked up the glasses he had dropped on the ground.

The slight shaking continued, but fortunately Gai was well prepared and fell down again.

However, just when he looked up at Zheng Shu in the sky, he suddenly looked stunned: "Did he...descend?"


Ron's voice came from the side, and Gad looked at Ron with some confusion, not sure what he saw, because he was filled with shock and fear from this guy's voice.

"We are rising!"

Accompanied by Ron's almost distorted voice, Gad realized that the Nadutong Company's ship in the distance seemed much lower, and he and others seemed to have arrived at a very high place.

"The problem is... we are on the sea now, how could it suddenly rise?" Gad, who was slightly confused, knew the reason in the next moment.


The sound of violent splashing came, and Ged staggered to the side of the ship, holding on to the railing and looking down.

The sound of water was none other than the sound of the aircraft carrier they were on being pulled out of the sea and splashing!

"We...are rising..."

Gad repeated what Ron said just now with a trembling voice. At this time, he finally understood the meaning of this concept.

It's not a person who's going up, but the aircraft carrier they're on!

At this moment, under the stunned gazes of the people surrounding Nathan Island, either openly or covertly, the aircraft carrier Behemoth belonged to, the ultimate monster created by integrating modern technology, was struck by an invisible giant hand. Slowly lifted off the sea and flew quickly towards the sky.

The light and stable appearance, accompanied by the rapid rise and fall of a large amount of water splash, looks like a toy caught in a child's hand when playing in the water!

"Haha... I think I'm really not suitable for field work. I'll ask Lao Zhao to change my job for me next time..."

Looking at the miraculous scene in the distance, Huang Boren murmured to himself as if he had lost his mind.

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