Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 499 Returning the favor

Amidst the piercing sound of gunfire, Erica's body was torn into pieces by powerful bullets.

But she ignored the pain in her body. Following the force of the hit, Erica's body fell backwards, and her eyes looked towards the sky of the royal city.

As Erica was knocked down, the people who were originally captured by her in the Kingdom of Heaven were also released again.

These recipient soldiers who had completely suffered a mental breakdown caused huge commotion the moment they came out, and many even chose to shoot and attack their original colleagues.

Erica felt that her consciousness was rapidly losing, the scene in front of her was becoming blurry, and the stars in the sky were no longer clearly visible.

She opened her mouth, and blood kept pouring out of her mouth. The rapid loss of power made Erica feel like she couldn't even control her vocal cords.

"I beg you... to save the king... to remove her shackles..."

The blood in her mouth and the rapidly passing life made Erica's voice buried in the chaotic royal city.

But she knew very well that with that person's power, this was enough.

call out.

A familiar space distortion appeared, and the person who appeared in front of Erica was not Elijah, but another figure that looked somewhat strange yet familiar.


Looking at the figure that still had a huge presence in the blurred field of vision, Erica used her last strength to say these inaudible words.

"Don't be so polite. I told you that I owe you a favor, so I will help you rescue your king."

After analyzing the principle of Nason Wei's ability to teleport at will on the island, Zheng Shu used the power of the tree to teleport to Erica. Looking at the old man at his feet who had completely lost his breath of life, he smiled and nodded, responding. of the commitments he had made previously.

"Who are you? Why can you use the space of a tree to move?!"

Elijah stood on the high tower of the royal city, pointing the pistol at Zheng Shu, his face looking very ugly.

Zheng Shu just glanced at him, did not answer his question, and continued to ignore him, and walked towards the interior of the royal city.

At this glance, Elijah completely lost his ability to resist. He stood there blankly, his vision losing focus.

Not only Elijah, but all Behemoth's receptor soldiers within the royal city also lost their spirits at the same time and stood there blankly.

After a long time, as a gust of night wind blew by, Elijah's body, which had lost its support, fell from the high tower, causing a splash of blood.


Like a chain reaction, the corpses of the recipient soldiers who were standing there and losing their spirits began to fall to the ground in large areas. Everyone had no injuries, and it looked like they had a collective heart attack.

Inside the royal city, Zheng Shu looked at the ball of energy in his hand that condensed the innate energy of a group of people. He nodded with satisfaction and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Huh? The space is blocked?"

Just when he was about to move on, Zheng Shu suddenly realized something was wrong.

King Nathan inside seemed to be aware of Zheng Shu's existence, and relied on the power of the tree to seal off the entire completed space, prohibiting anyone from teleporting through space.

"The blocking method is a bit interesting, but the energy level is too poor."

Zheng Shu nodded and shook his head, stretched out his feet and stepped forward.


An imperceptible sound of shattering flashed through the space, and Zheng Shu's figure blurred again, disappearing into the square littered with corpses.

The center of the royal city, the square where the tree is located.

King Nathan fell to his knees on the ground, breathing heavily, and his body was shaking involuntarily.

The snow-white clothes with no decorations on her body were full of broken holes. This was the only damage left when the tree was connected to her body.

Being connected to the tree will not damage her body, but it will cause great oppression to her spirit.

So beside her, Irina, the only one among the Nathan Guards who didn't have much fighting ability but was extremely knowledgeable about spiritual aspects, was accompanying her.

Seeing Zheng Shu who forcibly crushed the tree's blockade and teleported to him, King Nathan could no longer maintain his calm demeanor.

"who are you?!"

"Me? Didn't we meet just now? And through this tree, you should be able to detect what Nathan Wei is thinking in his heart, so what Nathan Wei asked me just now is that you You should be able to 'listen' to it."

Zheng Shu still had that smiling attitude. After giving King Nathan an explanation that was not an explanation at all, he walked straight towards the tree.

But just when Zheng Shu was about to approach the Mori King Heshu, a figure with light blue hair and a white body stood in front of him.

"Hey, are you going to stop me? But I don't have any ill intentions." Zheng Shu looked at Elena in front of him.

The other party's ability is very close to Xia He, one of the Four Madnesses, and he is a type that can powerfully charm the opposite sex.

However, Elena's development direction of her abilities is completely different from Xia He's. Xia He focuses on charming and forcibly controlling people's hearts, while Elena focuses on appeasing the spirit. It should be to match the combination of King Nathan and Shu. All Nathan Guards provide auxiliary abilities.

However, although charming the opposite sex is not the focus of her ability development, with the help of her innate appearance, Elena is still very confident in her "destructive power" against a single opposite sex.

Even the well-informed senior leaders of the major forces will inevitably become obsessed with Irina if they already know the truth.

"Can you please get out of here?"

Irina's voice sounded unusually soft, as if just hearing his voice could make people relax.

If they were ordinary people, perhaps just this sentence would be enough to make them kneel at each other's feet.

"Not good. I promised the old lady outside to save your King Nathan." Zheng Shu was still smiling as before.

Although facing Zheng Shu's friendly smile, Elena was filled with surprise.

Although his expression was very friendly, Zheng Shu conveyed full politeness and distance in both his attitude and tone.

Under normal circumstances, the other party should be involuntarily close to her. Even under abnormal circumstances, the other party should express resistance.

However, such polite and distant emotions... meant that the man in front of him was not affected by his abilities at all.

"Are you confused?" Zheng Shu's question sounded as if he could read Elena's mind.


"I once told another person who is good at this that the prerequisite for using abilities such as charm is that your appearance is higher than the other person's."

Zheng Shu no longer maintained the formulaic smile on his face, rubbed his face, relaxed the control of his facial muscles, and showed a helpless expression on his face.


Irina snorted, staggered and fell to the ground, and a trace of blood could not help but seep from the corner of her mouth.

Just now, her charm was broken.

Charm spells are different from other spells. To be broken, the caster's mentality needs to be unstable.

In other words, just now, she had admitted that her appearance was not as good as that of the other party.

Zheng Shu nimbly passed Elena and came to King Nathan.

"You look quite resistant. Why, are you angry that you were rescued?"

"Rescued? It's ridiculous. It's just a different place for you to imprison. Is it possible that you can repel all those outsiders on your own? Can you resurrect all these dead people?!" Na King Mori's voice sounded a little irritable.

"Actually, I can do the two things you just said." Zheng Shu touched his chin and confirmed again, "Well, that's right, the two things you said are not difficult. I can do it all.”


King Nathan was a little stunned. At this moment, she even wondered if the other party had a brain problem because he had been locked up in the Kingdom of Heaven for too long.

"It is easy for me to repel these outsiders you are talking about. Even if I want to avoid future troubles, it is not a problem to directly destroy their entire force. As for resurrecting the dead...the number is relatively large, but it is only It’s just a little troublesome.”

Zheng Shu looked down at King Nathan: "I can do the first thing immediately, so there is no need to lie to you.

As for the latter condition, to be honest, the information should have been gradually transmitted by now, so you should know it as long as you communicate with the outside world..."

"Resurrection circle?" King Nathan suddenly recalled the one he obtained some time ago. It sounded like information that an intelligence officer would send back after he drank too much.

"Yes, I am the creator of the resurrection circle. So if necessary, I can help you complete the two things you mentioned."

"and you……"

This time, not only King Nathan, but also Elena, who was still vomiting blood behind Zheng Shu, had a light of hope in her eyes.

"But, I refuse!" Zheng Shu suddenly spread his hands.


"I do owe a favor to that Nathan Guard, and these two things are indeed easy for me. But! I only owe a favor to that Nathan Guard, and you are just a commission It’s just the main body.

Because you had a very bad attitude towards me just now, I was in a bad mood, so I decided to choose the simplest method. "

Zheng Shu showed a cheerful smile to King Nathan, but in the eyes of King Nathan, this smile looked so "evil".

"you you……"

King Nathan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute something.

In fact, she could refute many points. Even King Nathan, who was not good at negotiating with others, could think of many things in an instant. However, after hesitating for a few moments, King Nathan gave up the struggle because she figured it out. Another thing.

In the current situation, the other party is absolutely strong.

If there is one person in this world who knows how much the strong can do to the weak, King Nathan is definitely this person.

No matter what she said now, it was meaningless because the other party had completely made up his mind.

She has neither enough strength nor strength, nor a sufficient position to make the other party change this decision.

"It seems that you already understand. That really saves me trouble and effort."

Zheng Shu patted King Nathan on the shoulder, walked past the little girl who was kneeling on the ground, and walked towards the tree behind her.

"What...are you going to do?"

Although she asked this question, there was some expectation in King Nathan's eyes. Seeing Zheng Shu standing next to the tree and stroking the trunk, her nervous lips even became dry.

"Fulfill your promise. The old lady asked me to do two things. One is to save you, and the other is to free you from your 'imprisonment'."

Zheng Shu felt the bark in his hand, which was not much different from an ordinary tree. He reached out and knocked on the trunk, listened to the echo inside, and answered King Nathan's question in a matter-of-fact voice.

"That's not confinement! These are all of my own free will!"

"What you think is none of my business."

Zheng Shu glanced at King Nathan. Judging from her age, she was just a little girl. According to the original book, she should have been recognized as the king by the tree when she was very young.

Zheng Shu was very familiar with her situation, because he had come into contact with the same people when he was in the world of Xingyue.

"King Arthur... From this aspect, you two are really the same."


"It's nothing, I was just feeling a little emotional. Ah, by the way..." Zheng Shu suddenly turned his head and looked at King Nathan with a playful smile.

"If you plan to commit suicide after I destroy this tree trunk to get the golden branch and become a candidate for king, and let me become the king of Nathan Island, and then let me protect this island, then you are thinking too much."


King Nathan's eyes trembled for a moment, but she did not speak, she just knelt on the ground silently, as if to show her resistance.

Zheng Shu smiled wickedly, turned around and continued to use his mental power to carefully explore the composition of the tree.

Faced with this almost humiliating exploration, Shu naturally burst out with terrifying power to resist.

Although the power of this tree in the material world is quite weak, in the spiritual world this tree is extremely powerful because it represents the combination of the spiritual powers of the kings and guardians of Nathan Island in the past.

"Not bad, but it's still a bit uninteresting."

Zheng Shu shook his head, and the mental power surging like an endless abyss immediately pressed forward, directly crushing the tree's last resistance, exposing the core of the tree that had ruled Nathan Island for thousands of years to his eyes.

"Interesting, quite a good concept."

Zheng Shu looked at the ever-changing energy structure and various strange rune formations at the core of the tree, with his eyelids lowered and no expression visible.

"But it was too advanced for the technological level of mankind at that time."

After sighing, Zheng Shu raised his hand backwards, and the invisible force lifted up King Nathan and Elena who were lying on the ground behind him.

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