Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 498 Greed and Progress

As Ron's orders were issued, new helicopters continued to take off from the aircraft carrier.

Most of the helicopters brought new support to the paradise on Nathan Island to continue the operation of arresting the hangings, while a small number carried some strangely dressed combatants and flew towards the open space where Zheng Shu was.

The most eye-catching thing about these combatants is the helmet on their head. The visor part of the helmet emits a scarlet light, which looks extremely penetrating. This is the fly shooter that Ron mentioned.

Through targeted reinforcement and special equipment assistance, the fly shooter's field of vision will become extremely wide when at high altitude, and he can see quite far.

Paired with customized sniper rifles, you can even hit targets kilometers away.

This top-notch sniper capable of shooting beyond visual range is also one of the trump cards prepared by Behemoth against the aliens on Nathan Island. For most aliens, the target must be within the field of vision if they want to activate their abilities. .

Faced with this kind of attack outside the field of vision, many aliens are unable to defend and resist at all.

Soon, these helicopters pulled the fly shooter to the predetermined location.

"How's the view?"

Hearing the inquiries coming from the earphones, several fly shooters adjusted their equipment and looked across five kilometers through the scopes on their sniper rifles, looking at the open space in the distance.

"It's not bad. The target has been sitting there without any signs of further action... The vision is a little blurry. Stabilize the plane a little bit."

As soon as he saw Zheng Shu's appearance clearly in the distance, Fly Shooter suddenly felt the helicopter he was riding in shaking. He was a little dissatisfied and wanted to remind the pilot to drive more steadily.

At such a distance, even a slight shake can have a considerable impact.

However, instead of reducing the hybridization of the helicopter, it became more intense.

"What are you doing for food! How dare you do this job with this skill?! If you can't do it... ugh!" The fly shooter turned back dissatisfied, but his whole body was like a duck stuck in the neck and wanted to say something. if.

Sitting in the cab was actually a headless corpse. A large amount of plasma mixed with unknown yellow and white tissue covered the entire cab, revealing a tragic scene.

Even the fly shooter who was close at hand didn't notice when the driver in the cab was shot in the head.

Only then did he realize that not only the helicopter he was in, but also several helicopters around him were shaking before losing their balance. Judging from the blood-covered windows of the helicopter, the same thing should have happened inside these helicopters. .

The out-of-control helicopter shook more and more violently. By the time the fly shooter noticed something was wrong, it was too late. After shaking a few times, the helicopter completely lost control and fell towards the ground.

Looking at the branch that was "colliding" towards him at a high speed, the eyes behind the fly shooter's scarlet goggles showed a look of fear, and he only had time to utter his last voice:



With violent explosions, several helicopters hit the ground or rocks and exploded into several conspicuous sparks.

"The annoying flies are solved..."

Zheng Shu withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and continued to think.

"There is still a certain gap between reality and mental simulation. Some microscopic parameters are not accurate and need to be readjusted..."

The fluctuations in mental power became more and more obvious. Zheng Shu adjusted the various data parameters he obtained in heaven through constant trial and error.

"According to this progress, it will take about an hour to release the Kingdom of Heaven correctly. Well... just right, the time is about the same."

Zheng Shu raised his head and glanced at the darkening sky. He withdrew his gaze and focused his attention on his mind. His body followed its instinctive reaction and continued to destroy any creature that dared to get close.

"Not even fly shooters?!" Ron slapped the table angrily, "And we actually lost so many people. Are those guys just for a living?!"

"Ron, I think it's better for us to be careful."

Sitting opposite Ron, a man in a black suit spoke quietly, but he drew the attention of Ron, who was about to become angry.

"What's the meaning?"

"Have you forgotten? The 'that' we faced just now was the thing that broke through the fleet's firepower network and finally fell into Nathan Island."

Ron's originally furious expression suddenly calmed down. After a long silence, he licked his lips that seemed to have become a little dry.

"Are you could that thing be a living thing?"

"If it were someone else, it might not be clear, but didn't you read some special records in the family?"

The look on the black suit was gloomy and scary, as if recalling what was recorded in the record, he shed a few drops of cold sweat unconsciously.

"Of course it is impossible for a creature on earth to achieve such power, but what if the other party is not from earth?"

"...You mean, that legendary department also participated in the battle? Doesn't it mean that they will not participate in the disputes between the earth's forces, and will only deal with the third kind of contact incidents?"

Ron's expression was a little ugly, and his neatly-groomed blond hair was a little messy because of his scratching: "Is there something related to the third kind of contact on this island?"

"It shouldn't be that department. After all, with their power, if they want to save this island, all they have to do is say something." The black suit sneered, seeming to be mocking himself, "If what is recorded in the information is true, the face With that kind of power, we seem to have no other choice but to kneel on the ground and obey each other's orders."

"What do you mean?"

"There are two possibilities. One is that the other party is also an alien. If this is the case, there is an advantage. Given the special situation of Nathan Island, it is very likely that the other party has no direct relationship with the people on Nathan Island. Most likely, I came here just to 'watch the fun'.

If this is the case, we should try our best not to affect the other party. Not to mention the weird combat power shown by the other party, if this identity alone is known by the third-type contact department, it will not be of any benefit. As far as I know, that department was not at all vague when it came to taking action. "

The black suit held out a finger. Ron rubbed his forehead and felt that what the other party said made sense: "What about the second possibility."

"That's an Earthling. The reason why he behaves like this is because of some special alien weapon on his body. This situation is more troublesome. The other party may come here for some purpose.

The most important thing is that without knowing the details of the other party, if we really take action, we have no way and are not sure that we can stop it. "

Ron leaned on the sofa with a headache. After closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, he slowly opened his eyes and issued his order.

"After the announcement, the original plan was to continue, but as we moved forward, units tried to avoid that area as much as possible."

"What are you going to do?"

"It depends on the situation. If that guy is really just an alien traveling here, we can't afford to offend him now. But if that guy is really a lucky person who has obtained alien weapons, and he wants to get involved in this In the case of Morishima’s incident…”

Having said this, Ron's face showed a sneer, and his eyes showed unconcealable greed:

"If the information I read is correct, this department will also control riots caused by alien weapons. Then we will not be the ones to face this person. If we are lucky, maybe we can also obtain Some nice scraps.”

"You are still as greedy as ever, Ron. If you act like this, I always feel that you will screw yourself up one day."

The man in the black suit adjusted his glasses. Although he said this, there was also a greedy look on his face.

"Hey, pass on the order. No matter what, my status in the family will definitely be greatly improved this time!"

Soon, with the support of Behemoth arriving one after another, the Hanged Man finally exhausted his strength and was captured by them.

After learning the news, Behemoth also returned to the coast, began to change equipment, and turned his attention to the most important target of Nathan Island this time - the sacred tree.

"Very good! Now that we've caught him hanging upside down, let's take action!!!"

Following Ron's order, the receptor soldiers who had changed their equipment gathered their teams again and rushed towards the royal city.

After seeing the actions of these people, the islanders or Nathan Guards on Nathan Island originally wanted to continue to deal with them using the same methods as in previous battles.

But the strength of the Behemoth receptor soldiers who had replaced their full-power ammunition and firearms was far beyond their imagination. In the face of real modern weapons, the power of these aliens seemed so fragile.

Even the "Valkyrie" Gunna, who is good at "Rune Runes" in the Nathan Guard and has the strongest physical strength and defense, is exhausted when facing modern heavy weapons with full firepower.

Even with the long-range enhancement given by Nathan King Kazuki, she finally had to withstand a rocket and was killed by a subsequent weapon that broke through the defense.

After Behemoth no longer held back, the battle situation became one-sided. The defense built by the islanders with their own strength could not stop the advance of the recipient soldiers.

Soon, the entire Nason Island was completely occupied. Under the overwhelming attack of the receptor soldiers, only the most important royal city was left untouched.

The two Nathan guards responsible for the outermost defense of the royal city are "Cowboy" Elijah and "Angel" Alfonso. In the original plan, Alfonso burned his own life with the full support of Shu and King Nathan. The power that exploded was enough to wipe out all the enemies in the entire royal city.

Unfortunately, Elijah's sudden betrayal caused Alfonso to lose his life before he could exert his full strength.

Seeing Apaso lying in front of him, completely lifeless, Elijah commanded the situation in front of him expressionlessly.

After Elijah and Ron communicated and reached a certain agreement, Behemoth also sent a large number of drones to deal with Erica, who was guarding the deepest part of the royal city.

Faced with this dead creature that had no emotion or spirit at all, Erica's two most powerful powers were completely restricted.

But she no longer cares about this. What Erica wants to do most now is to get rid of Elijah, the traitor.

Unfortunately, Elijah used special means to conceal Shu's detection ability, so even if he had betrayed him, his ability to teleport on the island as a Nathan Guard had not disappeared.

Erica, who fell into the trap, could only pour her anger into the group of Behemoth's receptor soldiers who invaded the royal city.

Elijah's figure reappeared in the palace of the royal city. Looking at Erica and the large number of disappearing soldiers below, his heart remained unmoved.

"Erica, this will be your last and longest journey to heaven so far. Those guys who are imprisoned... are really pitiful."

In the Kingdom of Heaven.

Even if only a blink of an eye has passed in the outside world, an unknown amount of time has passed in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As the last journey of her life, Erica did not use her breathing to calculate time this time.

In a long period of time, Erica finally got rid of her anger and found the only possible way to save her king in this dead situation.

"No matter how long it takes, there will eventually be an end... But compared to other people, I have enough time to clean up everything before the end. This is the meaning of heaven."

Erica sat cross-legged in front of the light door with a calm expression. In front of her, a large number of receptor soldiers whose spirits had completely collapsed were howling crazily, praying for death.

Over a long period of time, Erica has sorted out all this, and she has also understood her powerlessness.

But at the same time, the long time has also allowed Erica to look past all this. The only thing she can't worry about now is her own king.

"Elijah... whatever you want. King, I'm sorry, I won't be able to accompany you to the end. All I can do is fulfill my promise."

The rocks making up the road have begun to collapse, which means that Erica is preparing to remove the last barrier of the royal city.

But there was no look of giving up in her eyes, instead they were full of determination.

"I won't allow anyone to hurt you, at least until I die."

After the kingdom of heaven was lifted, Erica slowly opened her eyes. What caught her eyes were the muzzles of the other receptor soldiers who had not been captured by her in the kingdom of heaven, and the brilliant sparks erupting from the muzzles.

"With your power, you should be able to save our king... Since you said you owe me a favor, now is the time for you to honor it. I beg you, that unknown existence..."

(Added update today, there will be another chapter later.)

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