Not long after Zhang Chulan and the others left with Li Muxuan on their backs, Behemoth began arranging people to launch an attack on Nathan Island.

With a large number of assault boats and helicopters, groups of Behemoth combatants who could be said to be armed to the teeth swarmed onto Nathan Island.

These people are not only well-equipped, but their physical fitness is also better than that of ordinary troops. Each one of them is a receptor-enhanced soldier who has been exposed to SP reagents.

And they know every enemy on Nathan Island very well, and even formulated corresponding combat strategies based on the abilities of each alien.

And in addition to these receptor soldiers, there are also a large number of "heroes" subordinate to Behemoth on standby. Not only are these people stronger, but they have also assigned corresponding personnel to the difficult-to-attack targets on the island, trying their best to Produce ability restraint on the target.

These people are the reason why Behemoth dares to "capture" rather than "kill" the aliens on Nathan Island.

Being similar in nature to Nadoutong Company and representing the alien forces in the United States, Behemoth can mobilize resources far beyond the imagination of conventional alien forces.

"The scale is really shocking..."

Zhang Chulan stood on the side of the ship and couldn't help but take a deep breath as he looked at the Behemoth Receptor soldiers covering the beach like ants.

He had taken several bullets in the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Valley and knew how powerful the bullets were on the Golden Light Curse.

Even though his current strength has improved a lot compared to before, he still wouldn't want to take a bullet if he could.

What's more, the firearms in the hands of Behemoth soldiers look more advanced, and coupled with the heavy weapons installed in the containers, Zhang Chulan can feel tremendous pressure even just by looking at them.

"What, are you worried about him?"

Zhuge Qing's voice came from behind, and Zhang Chulan looked back. In addition to Zhuge Qing, several senior officials from Biyou Village and Director Huang Boren of Nadotong Company were all standing behind him.

"Do you still need to worry about that monster? According to the strength he showed before, these little minions of Behemoth may not be enough for him to fight."

What Hari Chagai said was sincere, and other Biyou Murakami Genji also nodded in agreement.

They had all seen Zheng Shu's performance through the fleet's firepower network. The power could not be called human. Even calling it a god would not be an exaggeration.

"I'm not worried about Brother Zheng." Zhang Chulan recalled the strength Zheng Shu had shown before and shook his head in a daze.

"I'm worried that he'll cause too much trouble and it won't end well."

In Zhang Chulan's view, no matter how strong Zheng Shu is, he is still unable to defeat an entire country. Behemoth's actions against Nathan Island this time clearly involve the interests of too many people. If he is If Zheng Shu is completely destroyed, there may be big problems later.

"It's not your turn to worry now." Huang Boren clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to him, "If you have that spare time, why not hurry up and help manage those people below. Don't worry, that kid can't What's the matter?"

Huang Boren's tone was quite confident, and the level of confidence conveyed from him even reached a level that is confusing.

Considering that he had to work with Zheng Shu for a long time, Zhao Fangxu, under Wenshan's instruction, told several directors in the company some information about Zheng Shu and the third-type contact department. By the way, he also told Wenshan about Zheng Shu's strength. Ratings were notified to them together.

Therefore, among these people, the one who is most assured of Zheng Shu's strength is probably Huang Boren, who seems to have the least relationship with Zheng Shu.

After driving everyone off the deck, Huang Bairen turned his head and glanced at the aircraft carrier belonging to Behemoth, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Oh? Has it started?"

Zheng Shu, who had been thinking about something on the grass, suddenly twitched his ears and looked up in a certain direction on Nason Island.

There he heard the din of battle and the sound of firearms.

"Is it so fast? Hey, an hour has actually passed?"

Zheng Shu sensed his biological clock and realized that an hour had passed since he had just been in a daze.

"It seems... the nearly a thousand years in the Kingdom of Heaven have had a certain impact on me."

After all, time is not valuable in the Kingdom of Heaven, and Zheng Shu is used to it, spending four or five hours in a daze.

Baby Feng has a mental defect, so time in heaven has little impact on her.

But Zheng Shu adjusted his mind back to normal after improving his state of mind. He had just lived a "slow life" for nearly a thousand years, and it was unrealistic to want him to suddenly become anxious.

"Fortunately, it won't delay things much. It will take a few years to slowly change it."

Hearing the footsteps approaching quickly, Zheng Shu's pupils, which had been a little distracted, refocused, and he didn't make too many moves. He still squatted on the ground and looked at the crowd approaching from the forest.

Although there was the cover of the jungle, Zheng Shu could still tell at a glance that they were dozens of fully armed modern soldiers. Judging from their appearance, they should be Behemoth's attackers.

"Forget it, let's get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible. I don't want to be a 'sloth'."

Zheng Shu looked at the receptor soldiers who were already very close to him and sighed helplessly. It turned out that while he was thinking wildly just now, another hour or two passed unknowingly.

"Attention, a new target is found ahead!"

In the jungle, a Behemoth receptor soldier suddenly raised his hand and signaled to his teammates through gestures.

Through the infrared detector in the full-coverage helmet worn on his head, he discovered a human-shaped heat source in a clearing in the distance through a large number of trees and a short distance away.

Others operating with him also immediately stopped and made tactical moves just in case.

They were five combat teams operating together, and in addition to the sp receptor soldiers, the team was also followed by many "heroes" from Behemoth just in case, and there were even armed helicopters following behind.

Coupled with the various heavy weapons carried by the team, they can completely block even the Nason Guard's surprise attack.

This team has two tasks. One is to search for the islanders hidden in the woods.

After all, for Behemoth, this group of innate aliens on Nathan Island are really high-quality "research subjects."

If it can be captured back to Behemoth for research, the level of SP reagent may be further improved.

After everyone in the team was hidden, one of the team members equipped with a remote observation module connected an extended version of the observation module to his helmet and quickly searched the surroundings.

"No trace of other personnel was found, and the target was only one person."

"serial number?"

After hearing this, the team member specializing in remote observation turned off the infrared heat sensor on his helmet, put on another remote observation accessory, and carefully stretched his head to look at the person sitting on the lawn in the distance.

"There is no record of his appearance. He seems to be a zero-level personnel!"

In order to better distinguish the value of each alien on Nathan Island, and to better capture them, Behemoth divided the aliens on the island into different levels and numbers.

There are only two people in the first level, and the requirement is to capture them alive at all costs, namely King Nathan and Hanging Hang.

Secondary targets mean giving priority to the target's survival. If the resistance is too fierce and our losses are too great, we must ask for instructions before we can kill them.

Levels three and four are low-value targets. Level three allows our personnel to freely decide whether to kill them when they believe their lives are threatened. Level four means they can kill them immediately as long as the opponent dares to resist.

In addition to these four levels of evaluation, there is another level which is zero level.

Level zero represents unknown islanders and possible outsiders who have not been entered in the system. They are not judged as targets and do not actively contact them. If they are attacked by the opponent, they will be killed directly.

In fact, the so-called zero level, except for Li Muxuan, a known outsider, basically represents the personnel quietly dispatched to the island by various forces.

Even with the power of Behemoth, he didn't dare to provoke all the external forces at once, so he could only take this approach.

"Since he is level zero, avoid him, be careful and kill him immediately if there is any offensive behavior."

With a strategy planned in advance, the team leader quickly gave orders and asked the group of people he led to bypass the grassland.

Under normal circumstances, no one should object to this matter.

But unfortunately, something unexpected happened.

"Hyena, stop! What are you doing?!"

The squad leader who was marching quietly suddenly noticed something was wrong and immediately pointed his gun at the heroes who had been following him since just now.

To be precise, he was not referring to the heroes dressed in flashy clothes and tights, but a guy who seemed to be dressed simply but with a fierce look on his face.

Hyena, strictly speaking, is not considered a member of Behemoth. He can even be called an enemy of Behemoth. Like the Hanged Man, he is one of the people who has always been hostile to the hero Sean.

After being knocked down and caught by Sean, in order to deal with this situation, Ron put a remote-controlled bomb in the guy's head and released it as a fighting force to capture the hanging.

This is the second mission of this team, and it is also the main mission: to go to the paradise, defeat the peripheral forces of the paradise, and capture the upside down alive.

This is also the reason why the combat effectiveness of this team seems so "overflowing", because the combat effectiveness of this team is not originally designed to target a single islander.

However, hyenas are powerful, but Ron relied on the fact that he had the button for the remote-controlled bomb in his head in his hand, and did not regard the hyenas as humans at all when he spoke.

Therefore, although the hyena will also carry out Ron's orders, it has accumulated a huge amount of anger in its heart, and naturally it does not mind causing a little trouble for Behemoth.

In his opinion, the zero-level target in front of him is a very suitable guy.

Dare to sneak into the island alone, which shows that the other party is quite confident in his own strength. At this time, as long as the hatred between the two parties is aroused, Behemoth may be able to make a big mistake here.

Although it has no significance or impact on the overall situation, for the hyena, this can at least let him vent his anger.

After all, to put it bluntly, he is not a good person in the first place. Compared with a person who has a bad taste like hanging upside down, the hyena is more purely evil, and can even be said to be full of evil.

Ignoring the gun barrel pointed at him by the squad leader, the hyena walked up to Zheng Shu who was sitting on the grass with an arrogant look.

"Boy, let's catch him without any effort!"

"That bastard!"

The squad leader was so angry that he almost cursed when he saw this guy's behavior, but the heroes following him didn't react at all, and even seemed a little bored.

The standard configuration of their combat power is to capture the upside down alive. When they reach the paradise's sphere of influence, other teams are responsible for dealing with the peripheral forces of the paradise, while they face the main force of the upside down.

And how powerful is the hanging upside down?

It is no exaggeration to say that the status of Hanged Hang and Sean in the foreign world is almost the same as that of the two domestic heroes.

"Hmph! Even if you put on a leash, you are still a wild dog that wants to bite people..."

A hero behind the crowd sneered. They could see through the hyena's thoughts at a glance, but it didn't matter to them. After all, if they could capture one more person, they would get more credit.

"Forget it, no matter how much he screams..."

His mind fell into darkness at this moment, or it could be said that the hero no longer had the organ capable of thinking.


Along with the subtle but dense crisp sound, not only this hero, but also the hyenas and many team members, most of the people's heads exploded into a ball of blood at almost the same moment.


The few remaining people who survived this round of inexplicable attacks looked at the headless corpses on the ground. Their open mouths even lost the ability to speak for a moment and could only make meaningless moans.

Zheng Shu raised his head and glanced at the few surviving personnel. The few who were on the verge of mental collapse suddenly felt themselves awake.

Looking at this tragic scene, they knew clearly that the person in front of them was not something they could handle.

His brain frantically tried to control his body to escape, but his body was almost paralyzed, and his legs were shaking constantly as if they had lost their motor function.

"Okay, I'm not a bad person, so I will only attack those who are malicious to me. You guys can go do what you are supposed to do and don't bother me."

After Zheng Shu said this, he stopped caring about these people and lowered his head again to fall into his own thoughts.

"Ah... wow wow wow!!!"

The few people whose minds were on the verge of collapse even forgot about the contact function of their helmets. The moment they felt the momentum suppressing their bodies dissipate, they roared meaninglessly and fled in a hurry towards the outside of the island. .

After a long time, the few survivors regained their consciousness under the comfort of the rear responders.

Immediately afterwards, information about the appearance of an unknown and powerful enemy at this location reached the ears of Ron on the aircraft carrier.

"What?! That hyena guy is dead? Trash!"

Listening to the news from his men, Ron was furious for a while, but soon he forced himself to calm down.

"Capturing the Hanged Man is the first task now... Don't worry about the zero-level target for now. Just let the fly shooter keep an eye on him. Don't let him make any mistakes. Rearrange the manpower to capture the Hanged Man first!"

(Ask for a day off tomorrow in advance and finish all the things you have been busy with recently.)

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