Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 496 Hidden People and Choices

Zhang Chulan's father, Zhang Yude, is indeed quite hidden. Although some information about him is given in the original work, even many readers will forget the existence of such a person when reading the plot.

But if you think about it carefully, Zhang Chulan still has a window of more than ten years, but Zhang Yude has spent decades under Zhang Huaiyi's training. To say that this person's strength is poor is simply an insult to people's IQ.

After all, it is a level that even Zhang Huaiyi can rest assured, at least Qi Tiyuanliu should be at the level of Dacheng.

When Zhang Chulan was seven years old, Zhang Yude threw him into the orphanage and left on his own. If he was considering abandoning his own child based on his strength, but he had only been hiding around himself for so many years, it would definitely be unjustifiable.

And in the original work, Zhang Chulan's words "Dad, you're going to be bad" before he was poisoned and lost consciousness in Biyou Village showed that there was no conflict in their relationship.

Using the above clues to infer, Zhang Yude should be doing something secretly, and Zhang Chulan also knew that he was doing something. The initial separation was the result of a weighing process. Both parties had a tacit understanding, so Zhang Chulan would react first in a life-or-death situation. It reminds me of my dad.

The reason why Zheng Shu thought of this was because when Zhang Chulan was seriously injured, Zheng Shu was inspired by the fact that Hu Lanlan came to Zhang Chulan for treatment as soon as possible.

Although Zheng Shu had no direct contact with Hu Lanlan, Zheng Shu saw the mark that Hu Lanlan left on Zhang Chulan's arm.

He was also very sure that there was no special power on the mark, which meant that it was a simple pattern.

After Hu Lanlan wasted so much effort to cure Zhang Chulan, she deliberately left a symbol, and specifically told Xu San and Xu Si not to erase it, so this must not have been a random scribble.

In other words, there must be some message conveyed through this symbol. The premise for symbols to convey information is that both parties have already made an agreement before this.

Since Hu Lanlan was invited to rescue Zhang Chulan, it shows that the people behind the scenes have good intentions towards Zhang Chulan.

And judging from Hu Lanlan's reaction in the original work, she should have known something about the divine spirit in Zhang Chulan's body, so she wasn't too surprised.

At that time, the only people who might have known that Zhang Chulan had a divine spirit in his body and had good intentions were Zhang Yude and Zhang Huaiyi, except for the Lu family brothers and sisters, the Xu family brothers, and Feng Baobao.

Although the Pu Lingxing people around Wang Zhenqiu also appeared in the forest where Zhang Chulan was attacked, Wang Zhenqiu's determination to catch Zhang Chulan happened after the Tang Sect. Before that, he had no motive.

What's more, with Wang Zhenqiu's reputation, it is impossible for him to have the connections to seduce Hu Lanlan.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shu was beside Zhang Chulan when he saw the symbol, and he also sensed this guy's emotions.

So he knew very well that Zhang Chulan's emotions at that moment were not confused or confused, but moved and nostalgic.

Combining all the above clues, the character of Zhang Yude emerged naturally.

In fact, if Zheng Shu really wants to continue pushing forward, he should be able to find Zhang Yude's purpose by finding some clues based on his ability.

But for Zheng Shu, it is enough to know that there is a certain tacit understanding between Zhang Yude and Zhang Chulan.

After all, as long as there is still some relationship between the two parties, they will definitely meet in the end. Zheng Shu just wants to ask Zhang Yude some questions, so he can just follow Zhang Chulan and meet Zhang Yude.

Whether he wants to ask something urgently or not, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later.

So I stopped delving into deeper secrets and seemed quite open-minded.

After all, no matter what Zhang Yude wants to do, it will not affect his plan. This is also a very important reason why Zheng Shu likes to use conspiracy.

If he is playing a conspiracy, he may also worry about being disrupted by other characters who suddenly appear.

But Zheng Shu was playing a conspiracy. No matter how many accidents occurred, as long as the preliminary preparations for the execution of the plan were completed, his plan could continue smoothly.

Zheng Shu said a few words, and Zhang Chulan understood what he meant.

After hearing clearly the meaning of Zheng Shu's words, Zhang Chulan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was much better than he imagined. Zheng Shu did not continue to pursue it, or... was too lazy to care about such "little things".

Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu with complicated eyes. Uncommonly, he suddenly felt a desire for power.

If I had the strength of the other party, I'm afraid I could easily accomplish any purpose.

Zhang Chulan was thinking complicatedly and nodded: "Don't worry, brother Zheng, if there is a chance to meet my father, I will definitely inform you!"

Zheng Shu loosened his arm around Zhang Chulan, nodded with a smile, and took out two more transparent beads from his pocket and handed them to him.

"Here, I did a little extra on this business trip. It's a reward for your father in advance."

"Oh, brother Zheng, you are really out of touch. This is all a trivial matter, how can you be so polite!"

Zhang Chulan's face immediately showed a licking smile. Although he said so, his two hands carefully took the two beads from Zheng Shu's hands without hesitation.

He suffered heavy losses when he came to Nathan Island this time. The bead Zheng Shu gave him was used on Barron.

Although the ghost guy owed him a favor, he had indeed used up the thing that saved his life. He didn't expect that there would be such a benefit now.

"Don't swallow it all, there is one in there as a reward from your father."

"Anyway, I can't find where my father is hiding now. The father's debt is paid by the son, and his reward is my reward. Don't be too polite."

Zhang Chulan happily touched the two beads on his hand and carefully put them into his clothes, showing his true character of "not wanting the green lotus".

Zheng Shu no longer cares about him. He is not worried that Zhang Chulan will let him go.

Zheng Shu believes that what Zhang Yude wants to do is definitely not easy to accomplish, and he will definitely encounter difficulties at the last moment. By then, Zhang Chulan, a brat, will definitely try his best to take advantage of him.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. You have nothing to do here. By the way, senior brother, come here too."

Zheng Shu waved at Zhang Chulan to drive him away, and then greeted Lu Linglong, who had been standing in the distance since just now, looking like he was in a daze.

"Ah? Oh, what's the matter, junior brother?"

Lu Linglong's reaction seemed a little slow, but she still raised her legs and walked to Zheng Shu.

"Don't move yet, I'll take a closer look."

Zheng Shu stood up from the grass and slowly walked around Lu Linglong, as if he was confirming something.

"Brother, this thing is very noisy, isn't it?"


Facing Zheng Shu's sudden question, Lu Linglong looked surprised, then nodded with a wry smile.

It's just that with her current red devil look, no one can recognize the so-called wry smile expression.

"how do you know?"

"Although I haven't seen any information related to this thing, I can probably confirm it if I know more about it."

Zheng Shu stood in front of Lu Linglong again, looking at her seriously.

"I can help you solve this situation, but I have a few questions I'd like to ask your opinion on."

"Say." Lu Linglong took a deep breath.

"To be honest, I probably know the essence of this thing, but because of its special state, even I can't help you capture the power and remove the side effects. So you have to make a choice yourself."

Zheng Shu stretched out a finger and touched the center of Lu Linglong's two long red horns.

Lu Linglong immediately felt that the subtle evil words that had been constantly appearing in her ears disappeared, and her consciousness became extremely clear.

She understood that her junior brother wanted her to make a choice of her own absolute will.

"I can help you remove the mutation on your body and restore it to a normal state, but the cost will naturally be that the power you gained due to the mutation will disappear."

Zheng Shu paused briefly, looked at Lu Linglong's reaction, and then continued.

"As for the second option... I can help you isolate the annoying sound in your ears, and the physical appearance can also help you disguise it. Of course, this can only be a disguise, and your true body is still the same."

"This sounds good." Lu Linglong felt a little moved.

Zheng Shu shook his head seriously: "I want to remind you that the 'thing' behind this power is very troublesome. If you want to get involved, you must be prepared for danger. Although I also want to help you, But to be honest, I'm not sure I can squat next to you all the time to protect you.

And it’s not just me. If you really want to get involved, other people will not be able to help you to a large extent. Therefore, senior brother, if you choose this path, you may have to face dangers that may come at any time alone in the future. "

After hearing Zheng Shu's warning, Lu Linglong was silent for a moment and then immediately made up her mind.

"I choose the second option!"

"I think so. After all, Senior Brother, your character has always been like this." Zheng Shu shrugged, "Remember not to tell Senior Master or the others, otherwise they will definitely beat me."

"Hehe, don't worry, junior brother, I'm very strict with my words." Lu Linglong laughed, but with her current image, she looked inexplicably oozing with emotion.

Zheng Shu calmed down his expression, and the hand that was originally pointing at Lu Linglong's forehead suddenly opened up and directly held her entire head.

Lu Linglong felt as if her head was imprisoned by an iron hoop. Although it didn't hurt much, there was no possibility of moving at all.

In an instant, Lu Linglong thought of some possibility.

"Junior gentle."

"Oh, please be patient, brother, it will be more uncomfortable the first time."

Although Zheng Shu's voice was still extremely relaxed, his expression became more and more serious.

Lu Linglong felt a sharp pain suddenly coming from all parts of her body. Even though she had been mentally prepared in advance, she almost couldn't hold back the scream. However, she still relied on her firm willpower to suppress the scream in her throat. Went back.

And this is just the beginning. After the severe pain, there is itching and soreness.


She felt as if her whole body was covered with ants. These "ants" were crawling around her body and biting them casually.

Pain, itching, and numbness were the three most uncomfortable feelings mixed together. Even with Lu Linglong's willpower, she couldn't help but groan.

Lu Lin looked at her little sister from a distance and was a little worried at first, but she moved a little and endured it because he could see clearly.

The red skin on Lu Linglong's body faded quickly, and the holes that did not look like human eyes and the two slender red horns also gradually melted and shrank.

As time passed, Lu Linglong felt that the uncomfortable feeling on her body gradually became lighter, and her face recovered again.

"Okay, I've also helped you isolate the things that have been affecting your spirit, but like I said, this is just a disguise. Once you exert your full strength, your current appearance will still be revealed."

Lu Linglong felt the big hand holding her head suddenly loosen, and Zheng Shu's voice came from her ears.

She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands. She found that her arms had indeed returned to their original shape. She reached out to touch her forehead again, but she could no longer touch those inhuman organs. Her face also returned to normal. touch.

As soon as Zheng Shu raised his hand, a bright light flew out from his fingertips and fell into Lu Linglong's upper dantian.

"If you use all your strength to get rid of this disguise in the future, you can use the method I gave you to restore it. I have laid the foundation for you this time, so it will be much easier to disguise it later."

"Thank you, junior brother!"

"Hey, it's not a trouble. Why are you so polite? Besides, I didn't help you solve this trouble."

"That's different." Lu Linglong stared at Zheng Shu very seriously, "Even if there is trouble later, this is the path I chose. Junior brother, you have helped me a lot, and I can't always rely on you."

Zheng Shu smiled happily after hearing this: "Senior Brother, your temper is really to my liking. Don't worry, Senior Brother, although I am not sure that I can protect you all the time, I can promise you that if you really die, I can help you. revenge.

By the way, remember to make sure your body is as intact as possible when you die, so that it will be easier for me to resurrect. "

"Junior brother, your way of comforting people is really... quite rare." The corner of Lu Linglong's mouth twitched.

"Okay, you should go. After a while, Behemoth will almost be ready to attack."

"Aren't you leaving?"

"Ah, I'm going to stay here for a while and see if I can return the favor. Don't worry about me." Zheng Shu squatted back on the grass again, staring at the space in front of him in a daze.

"I don't think we have the right to worry about you..."

Recalling Zheng Shu's appearance just now, Lu Linglong shook her head, waved her hand towards Zheng Shu, and called on everyone to carry Li Muxuan, who was tied into a ball, and leave.

(I’ve been too busy recently. I’ll be able to add more updates after a few days when I’m done.)

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