Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 493 Eight Hundred Years of Time

"I have roughly sorted out all the knowledge I have memorized. I didn't expect it to take so long."

In the Kingdom of Heaven, Zheng Shu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

Because it is a thinking space, the interior of the Kingdom of Heaven will always remain in a constant state, without any changes in the rising and setting of the sun and the moon during the day and night.

Ordinary people's perception of time will become dull in such an environment. Even if Erica, who is accustomed to the environment of heaven, wants to calculate time in heaven, she can only rely on counting her own breaths.

In this case, the advantage of the dragon bloodline comes into play. As a biological weapon created, the perception of time is quite accurate, and it is far more accurate than that of normal creatures.

With Zheng Shu's current bloodline level, the biological clock can even be accurate to the millisecond level.

So as soon as he came back to his senses, he immediately judged how long he had been in the kingdom of heaven.

"Forty-two years... I didn't expect that it would take so long just to sort out the memorized knowledge. How many messy things have I memorized..."

Zheng Shu sat cross-legged on the ground and stretched. To be honest, if it hadn't been for this sorting out, even he wouldn't know that he would have memorized so much knowledge.

In many cases, he just used his strong memory to remember the content, but did not understand it.

In many cases, if it weren't for Zheng Shu's strengthening of the dragon world's bloodline and the changes in the memory storage area of ​​his brain to a certain extent, he would have been able to maintain the memory of these "useless" information.

Otherwise, no matter how strong his mental power is, some kind of memory loss will occur over time.

When Zheng Shu opened his eyes again after forty-two years, he immediately saw Erica sitting cross-legged with him in the distance.

Seeing Zheng Shu finally open his eyes, although Erica still maintained her expressionless look, Zheng Shu could still see her facial muscles twitching unconsciously.

Looking at the person below, Erica felt that she couldn't understand it anymore.

At the beginning, Zheng Shu only spent a few hours exploring the other side before quickly turning back. At that time, Erica felt that Zheng Shu might not be able to hold on for long.

After all, she has seen too many such things. No matter what kind of reaction she has made, no matter how determined she is, once she starts to turn back from the path she insists on, it means that she starts to have hesitations and starts to have illusions in her heart. .

And when that trace of fantasy and hope is broken by the specialness of heaven, it is the beginning of that person's collapse.

Theoretically speaking, someone who turned back as quickly as Zheng Shu should be able to collapse quickly.

"Obviously he gave up and continued exploring the other side after only a few hours, but why did he sit on the ground so calmly after coming back for forty years? What was going on in his mind?! "

It seems that after confirming the nature of the kingdom of heaven, this guy stopped making any movements at all and just sat calmly on the ground.

But it's just sitting on the ground. You can neither sleep nor practice in heaven. In theory, there is no use in doing this except being in a daze.

After such a long time, wouldn't this guy get bored? !

If it weren't for the confirmation that there would never be any death in the Kingdom of Heaven, Erica would even wonder if the guy in front of her came back and sat on the ground and died directly.

Thinking of this, Erica couldn't help but think back to the girl trapped by her on the other side.

The other party finally turned back ten years ago, but only to get his knife. Erica also argued with her, but she almost became so angry that her blood pressure rose.

And after Erica finally guided the little girl who seemed to have a mental disorder, the other party did not change any rhythm for fifteen years. He still walked towards her step by step without stopping. He even kept humming that strange tune.

Thinking of this, Erica projected her consciousness to Feng Baobao again, watching the other person still walking towards her without changing any rhythm. She felt that if it weren't for being in the Kingdom of Heaven, she might be so angry that her blood pressure would soar. fainted.

"That man is like this, and this woman is like this too. They all don't play their cards according to common sense. Could it be that everyone from there has something wrong with their brains?!"

Erica couldn't help but feel upset when she listened to the tune hummed by Feng Baobao, and veins popped up on her head. Compared with these two madmen who were completely incomprehensible, even Bethea, who originally looked very distasteful to Erica, now It's all very pleasing to the eye.

For Erica, the greatest pleasure when she imprisoned her enemies and herself in the Kingdom of Heaven was actually watching these people go from calm to collapse bit by bit.

No matter how long the process was, the final result was worth waiting for.

Because of this, Erica has always been able to bring down other enemies in the Kingdom of Heaven.

But this time, looking at the two completely unusual men and women who were imprisoned by her, Erica's intuition suddenly felt something bad.

Zheng Shu ignored Erica's rich mental activities. He opened his eyes and let his mind wander for a few days, allowing his tired mind to recover.

In fact, in the Kingdom of Heaven, theoretically speaking, there will be no fatigue in the spirit and body. After all, this is just a world made up of thoughts.

However, no matter how full the spirit and body are, the human mind will still undergo corresponding changes due to various reasons, just like those who have been imprisoned in the Kingdom of Heaven and collapsed.

Relieved of mental fatigue, Zheng Shu began to plan his next goal.

"Well... although there should be a lot of time in the original work, after all, I have participated now. In order to prevent any changes, it is better to analyze the kingdom of heaven first. This way, even if something changes, I can continue Use the time flow difference in heaven.”

Zheng Shu quickly set his next goal and found out the prerequisites needed to achieve this goal.

"Since you want to analyze the witchcraft of the Kingdom of Heaven, the top priority to understand should be Qi training, sorcerer's spells, magic and witchcraft in the world under one person, well... the magic in the Xingyue world should also be to a certain extent For help, please also look for some spiritual magic knowledge to understand."

When Zheng Shu cooperated with Nadutong Company, the first knowledge he needed was various qi training methods, and later on, various witchcraft, sacrifices, magic and other things from all over the world could be learned from Nadutong. I found some related books for Zheng Shu.

Although compared with various top Qi training methods in China, these books are relatively basic for each school, but for Zheng Shu, this is enough.

After all, he still has plenty of "time".

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed in the Kingdom of Heaven, and Zheng Shu finally mastered the witchcraft of "Kingdom of Heaven" through careful deduction after absorbing the relevant knowledge.

It has to be said that the "Kingdom of Heaven" is indeed the crystallization of the top wisdom of Erica's tribe. It only took Zheng Shu ten years to master the corresponding knowledge. In the rest of the time, he has been constantly analyzing the Kingdom of Heaven through his own perception. .

And even though he already had the "answer", it still took Zheng Shu more than ninety years.

However, Zheng Shu was not discouraged by this, and was even a little proud.

After all, the Kingdom of Heaven is a witchcraft that took an entire tribe of wise men hundreds of years to finally complete. It is the ultimate pursuit of the Erica family.

Zheng Shu only learned the basic principles of witchcraft and magic under one person, and built it with just the "answer", which is enough to be proud of.

After all, this level of difficulty is similar to a novice who has just gone through fighting training and finds out that his next target is Tyson, and actually wins in the end.

A large part of the reason why Zheng Shu was able to succeed was because he made use of the three skills provided by the panel.

With the skill of the panel pointing him in the right direction, Zheng Shu could complete this in less than a hundred years.

"Fortunately, I have experienced hell before. Although the two witchcrafts are completely different in difficulty, they are at least in the same line to some extent. After analyzing hell, the difficulty of analyzing heaven has dropped a lot."

Zheng Shu lay down on the ground and stretched out with satisfaction. He had changed his position decades ago, no longer sitting cross-legged on the ground, but into a more comfortable lying position.

Erica glanced at Zheng Shu again after noticing that he was moving, but she found that Zheng Shu just stretched without any follow-up action, and then closed his eyes again, as if he no longer cared about the outside world at all.

However, Zheng Shu remembered clearly that Erica's breath had become unstable more than ninety years ago.

Obviously, she broke the defense that time after arguing with Feng Baobao.

Now Erica is at odds with Feng Baobao, so she is not in the mood to care about him for the time being.

"Now that I have prepared my retreat, the next step is to relearn the knowledge in my own mind."

After being in a daze for a few more weeks, Zheng Shu completely relaxed his mind and started to act again.

After setting goals one by one again, what Zheng Shu has to do every day is to recall the knowledge that he has memorized but not yet understood in his mind, and to study it carefully.

But this time he was not so impatient. On average, he would let his brain idle for a period of time every three or four hours of studying to relieve the accumulated fatigue.

After dozens of minutes of daze and relaxation, Zheng Shu will continue to study with full energy. In this way, he will continue to study, rest and study in this way.

Zheng Shu would naturally get bored during this process. After all, not everyone can persist in boring learning, not to mention that Zheng Shu's learning method lasted for dozens or even hundreds of years.

Every time this happens, it is shown how powerful the Kingdom of Heaven is in helping people learn.

The basis for Erica's people to create the Kingdom of Heaven is that they believe that all joy and pain in the world are born from external stimulation. Therefore, in order to find a world without stimulation, they created such a "Kingdom of Heaven".

Before Zheng Shu, besides enduring loneliness, the only way to kill time in the Kingdom of Heaven was to kill time by stimulating one's own spirit.

As for the so-called stimulating the spirit, it actually means crying or laughing for no reason, to relieve the inner loneliness as much as possible.

Of course, the method Zheng Shu chose was more stable. He would choose to lie on the ground and just be in a daze.

Therefore, even if Zheng Shu is really tired of studying, after lying on the ground in a daze for weeks or even months, he will sink back into studying because of loneliness.

After all, when you learn to be particularly irritable, loneliness can even become your best friend.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shu did not rush to escape from Erica's heaven after analyzing it.

If there is no pressure from outsiders, his learning efficiency will probably decline further.

In such an excellent environment, Zheng Shu's learning speed of knowledge became faster and faster.

Thirty years later, Zheng Shu has mastered all modern magic in the Xingyue world, and has also developed several new magic schools.

If it were in the Xingyue world, he would probably be able to get the title of "Grand Rank".

Sixty years later, Zheng Shu has completely understood all the methods of refining energy in the world under one person.

One hundred years later, he has completely mastered the alchemy of the dragon world, and has further improved his Nibelung technology.

With his current level of alchemy, if he were in the dragon world, the vice-principal would probably give Zheng Shu the title "Flamel".

...Or maybe he invited Zheng Shu to go to a bikini party with him.

One hundred and seventy years later, Zheng Shu has completely mastered all the high-end technology-related technologies obtained in the dragon world...

Three hundred years later, Xingyue and the earth's technology in the world under one person were also mastered...

Later, even Zheng Shu himself no longer cared about the feedback of the biological clock and forgot the specific time.

As his knowledge became richer and richer, his learning efficiency also became higher and higher. However, as Zheng Shu began to enter the field of technology, his learning time increased rapidly.

It was only then that Zheng Shu was able to deeply understand what the so-called "technological explosion" meant.

Behind every seemingly inconspicuous product, there are hundreds of technical means, and there are countless related patents.

These technologies embody the wisdom of nearly 10 billion people.

The more Zheng Shu learned, the more he found he was missing. Before, he was a little complacent after reading all the papers related to the latest technology on earth, thinking that he had mastered the most advanced technology and knowledge on earth.

But now he discovered that even though the number of papers and various technical books he had read was staggering, it was still only a drop in the ocean compared to the actual amount of technology.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu would deliberately collect some modern scientific and technological knowledge in each world. Although the rules were different, there were still things that could be learned from. With mutual help, Zheng Shu stumbled and built a complete technological tree.

In addition to his achievements in this area, Zheng Shu also spent a long time practicing meditation, meditation and meditation.

These three methods are practiced by domestic Qi practitioners in order to stabilize their own xinxing. They are all effective in controlling the xinxing and other aspects, but this is the only advantage of this type of practice.

These three types of methods are all pure "methods of seeking the Tao". To put it simply, they do not help in combat.

Even if it is the only "observation method" that has any effect on combat, its effect is actually just to make people calmer during the battle, and it can only have some effect on some rookies and ordinary killers.

Moreover, it is quite difficult and boring to practice, and it takes a long time to practice. The only way to improve your practice is pure hard practice.

However, these three types of methods can also be practiced in the Kingdom of Heaven. After all, the cultivation process of these methods is essentially the adjustment of one's own mind. It does not rely on any external objects at all. As long as the mind can still move, one can continue to practice continuously.

In a world of thinking like the Kingdom of Heaven, one can naturally continue to practice.

"Thanks to the Kingdom of Heaven, my ability to control my mind has become much stronger."

After completing today's study tasks and finishing today's practice, Zheng Shu opened his eyes and looked at the light blue panel in front of him with a satisfied expression.

[Based on the user's request, start calculating the number of influence factors that can be used by the Alter strengthening template without affecting the mind]


[Result: 50% impact factor collection progress]

The complete copy of each strengthening template requires 50% of the influence factor collection progress. In other words, if Zheng Shu doesn't care about the changes in his body, he can completely strengthen Alter's strengthening template 100%.

In fact, Zheng Shu had reached such a state of mind a few months ago, but every time he saw it, he would feel happy. This could be regarded as his rare "pastime" in heaven.

"Close" the panel, Zheng Shu looked up at Erica, who was still sitting in the distance.

He could clearly feel that the other party's emotions had gradually reached their limit in recent years, which meant that the time for Erica to lift the Kingdom of Heaven was very close.

"Hmm... only more than 800 years? Is it so much less than I originally expected, or is it because of my influence?"

Zheng Shu recollected the records in the living things inside his body, and was a little surprised when he found that only such a "little" time had passed.

According to Erica's own statement in the original work, she had stayed alone in this world for seven hundred years. Zheng Shu thought that after the other party competed with Feng Baobao, he would have to break through for a thousand years.

"Is it because of my presence that she becomes more vulnerable?"

Zheng Shu scratched his head and didn't understand, but he didn't think much about it. Instead, he turned around and continued to devote himself to studying.

He has just mastered the more advanced science and technology provided by Planet Obizud as a reward, and there is still a lot to do next.

"I hope you can hold on for a little longer..."

Thank you Huanhuo readers for your reward, thank you for your support!

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