Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 494 Separation and Negotiation

Zheng Shu actually guessed well. He himself accounted for a large part of the reason why Erica collapsed so quickly.

In the first few decades, Erica didn't notice Zheng Shu because of her rivalry with Feng Baobao. However, after she realized that Feng Baobao might be the so-called "qualified creature" that her tribe had been searching for for hundreds of years, The mentality has already begun to change.

She was ready to admit defeat in her heart, but she was unwilling to do so, so she persisted here in order to test whether Feng Baobao would really do what she said.

In the process, Erica also discovered Zheng Shu's behavior, and then fell into self-doubt.

Although Zheng Shu's actions are completely different from Feng Baobao's, both of them seemed to be extremely adaptable when facing the endless time of imprisonment in heaven.

Erica could somewhat understand and even envy Feng Baobao's behavior, but she really couldn't understand Zheng Shu at all.

The behavior Zheng Shu has done over the years is very simple, and can even be called a pattern.

Every day I would sit on the ground for no apparent reason, seemingly practicing.

But Erica knew very well that in the Kingdom of Heaven, any practice could not improve her strength.

This is because whether it is mental or physical, if you want to strengthen, you must have a certain amount of stimulation, whether it is pain or other stimulation, but the unique nature of heaven blocks all stimulation, so practicing here is just in vain. effort.

But Zheng Shu did persevere, practicing for four or five hours every day, and then he would stop and daze for a while. After finishing his daze, he would find a comfortable position to lie down. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

Erica has seen people who want to waste endless time thinking, but those people usually give up quickly within a few decades.

There is a limit to what the average human brain can remember. Even if you can recall everything about yourself and analyze it in detail, after two or three reincarnations, the so-called memory will basically lose its "memory" meaning.

By then, this kind of person will collapse more quickly. Erica is very experienced in this because she has seen too many such people.

But Zheng Shu is completely different from those people. For hundreds of years, the other party has maintained this kind of cultivation, dazing, thinking, and the process of dazing in an infinite cycle, as if it can go on forever.

If it weren't for the two very abnormal guys Feng Baobao and Zheng Shu, there is also Bethea in heaven, a normal specimen who cries, yells and yells every day for no reason to vent his emotions, Erica would have suspected it. It's not my own fault.

What accelerated Erica's emotional collapse was Zheng Shu's performance in recent years.

From a hundred or two hundred years ago, Erica had keenly discovered that Zheng Shu's mood seemed to be becoming more and more positive (she found that her mental state of mind had been able to have an effect on Alter's strengthening template).

Although the change is not big, I do become a little happier every day, and I will occasionally smile unconsciously when I am in a daze (see the panel).

An ordinary person might think that this is a sign that Zheng Shu is about to collapse, but Erica has seen too many people's mental breakdown process because of the witchcraft of the Kingdom of Heaven, so she can distinguish it clearly.

This is not a collapse of Zheng Shu, but a sign that his mind is becoming more and more determined.

Because she did not feel the hysterical state from Zheng Shu's smile, but instead felt full of satisfaction.

In recent years, Zheng Shu's mood has reached its highest level, and even Erica can clearly see a smile on his face from time to time (his state of mind cultivation has finally overcome the influence of Alter's enhanced template).

And whether it was an illusion or not, Erica could even feel that this guy seemed to be exuding another firm and hopeful emotion recently (he decided to spend another one or two thousand years to conquer Chaos' enhanced template).

On one side is the "idiot" who has been walking calmly for hundreds of years without any mood swings.

On the other hand, staying in such a place without any stimulation, not only does not despair, but becomes more and more happy and "crazy" at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Compared with these two people, Erica deeply felt her own shortcomings.

Her tribe and teachers had been searching for hundreds of years but could not find anyone worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, but she met two at once.

So Erica, who had already reached her limit and relied solely on her momentum to support herself, after realizing that she was indeed not a "qualified creature" compared to these two monsters... she collapsed emotionally.

Silently, the seemingly endless stone platform that had been supporting Zheng Shu and the others began to collapse.

"Oh? Is it time?"

In a laboratory, Zheng Shu, who was preparing a bottle of special reagents, shook his hand. Because he missed the heat, the reagent in his hand burst into flames and was declared scrapped.

Zheng Shu, who was wearing a white coat, ignored the bottle of reagent and threw it on the ground. He adjusted the flat glasses on his face and looked up at the ceiling of the laboratory.

"After an obvious mental breakdown, he actually persisted for almost two hundred years. He has a good mind."

He turned around and looked at a strange clock in the laboratory, confirming that he had been in heaven for nearly a thousand years.

"Although it's a bit of a pity, it's almost time for me to move on. Hmm... let me see, what was the entry I originally planned?"

A notepad appeared out of thin air in Zheng Shu's hand. He looked through it carefully and confirmed various situations from a thousand years ago.

He casually pulled off his white coat and glasses, and Zheng Shu's figure disappeared into the laboratory out of thin air.

As Zheng Shu's figure disappeared, the laboratory quickly collapsed, eventually condensing into a ball of shimmering energy.

The field of vision quickly zoomed out, and behind this mass of energy was a spiritual sea shining with calm light.

After taking another look at the spiritual sea, which had become extremely stable compared to a thousand years ago, Zheng Shu exited the state of inward vision with satisfaction, and the body that was originally sitting in the kingdom of heaven opened his eyes.

In the Kingdom of Heaven, Feng Baobao, who had been walking forward, had already broken through the original circular space, walked to Erica's side, and was walking firmly towards the light door behind Erica.

Erica looked as if she had aged several years in an instant, and Bethea, who had already collapsed long ago, could only sit on a stone suspended in mid-air because she did not react.

The moment the kingdom of heaven was lifted, everyone who was originally scattered in various thinking spaces gathered together, so Bestia also saw Feng Baobao walking towards the light door.

Zheng Shu on the other side had been sitting cross-legged, so when he opened his eyes, he found that he had received the same treatment as Bestia, and he was also sitting on a suspended rock.

At this time, Erica had already finished her last words with Bestia. After nearly a thousand years of getting along with him, she recognized Bestia as her companion.

"Bestia, remember why you are loyal to the tree, remember your freedom, and then remember, the most dangerous moment is when you go out."

When Bestia was silent, the sound of Zheng Shu waking up also attracted their attention.

"Is it done? Then I'll leave first."

Zheng Shu glanced at the two of them, patted the non-existent dust on his body and stood up. It didn't look like he had been trapped for nearly a thousand years, but like he saw his neighbor when he went out in the morning and casually said hello. .

Zheng Shu didn't see any movement. The divine weapon of thought that he had already mastered appeared in his chest, and a faint golden light emanated from Zheng Shu's chest.

When he was about to leave heaven, Zheng Shu suddenly remembered something and looked up at Erica in the distance.

"By the way, I owe you a favor. You can ask me for help if you need it."

Waving his hand, Zheng Shu disappeared into heaven with a flash of golden light.

"How... how is it possible?!"

Erica, who originally thought she would no longer be surprised after meeting these two aliens, once again stared at the place where Zheng Shu disappeared with her mouth open, and she wanted to say something more.

It's a pity that Feng Baobao has already stepped into the light gate, and heaven has collapsed.

When Erica came back to her senses, she had returned to the real world, and the three people taken in by the black Qi were also released again.

Feng Baobao and Zheng Shu still stood firm with flexible movements, but Bestia, who had originally rushed towards them, could not control his body shape and fell heavily to the grass.

"Ha...ha..." Breathing heavily, Erica felt that everything outside of heaven made her so thirsty.

Because she lost control of the witchcraft in a short period of time, the "hell" originally released by Erica also dissipated, and Zhang Chulan and the three people who were sitting on the ground suppressing their thoughts also woke up at the same time.

However, Erica, who had recovered slightly, had no time to pay attention to these three people. Instead, she turned her head and stared at Zheng Shu.


Although Erica didn't make it clear, Zheng Shu also understood what she wanted to ask.

Previously, the Kingdom of Heaven seemed to be on the verge of collapse, but in fact, unless Baobao Feng stepped into the Gate of Light, the Kingdom of Heaven would never be lifted.

But Zheng Shu left before Feng Baobao stepped into the light gate, which means that Zheng Shu can actually leave the kingdom of heaven at any time.

"Actually, due to some special reasons, your heaven has never been able to contain me. But that place is quite quiet, so I stayed there for a while..."

Zheng Shu looked very calm and spread his hands towards Erica to express his innocence.

Zheng Shu did not lie to Erica. Even if he fully analyzed the kingdom of heaven, he could leave at any time because the essence of the kingdom of heaven is the thinking space.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu's God's Arms is still in a state of mind because he does not have enough materials to recast it.

This means that Zheng Shu can actually use the weapons of God in the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the method he used when he left the Kingdom of Heaven.


Faced with Zheng Shu's nonsense literary explanation, Erica gritted her teeth and ignored him. Instead, she turned to look at Bethea who was collapsed on the ground next to her.

After coming out of the Kingdom of Heaven, Bestia seemed to be in unusual pain. He kept grabbing his arm with both hands, and he was so strong that his fingers pinched his arm to bleed.

Looking at Bethea on the verge of collapse, Erica silently apologized in her heart.

"King, I'm sorry..."

She had already recognized Bestia as her companion, but she hurt him like this because of her own whim.

During the confrontation between the two sides, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, and soon revealed their figures. It was King Nathan and Li Muxuan who sensed something was wrong and quickly teleported here.

Seeing that their group's goal of re-landing on the island appeared, and that Feng Baobao was not harmed, the atmosphere between the two parties immediately softened.

After seeing King Nathan appear with Li Muxuan, Zhang Chulan's brain activity was so fast that he immediately understood the other party's attitude.

After confirming that nothing happened to Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao, he even took the long sword from Feng Baobao's hand in a humble manner.

"Sister Bao'er, you have to pay this back..."


Feng Baobao obediently let go of the red sword and asked Zhang Chulan to hand it back to the islanders.

Zhang Chulan finished handling the matter. On the other side, after expressing his loyalty to King Nathan, Bethea, who suddenly had a physical change, was sent back by Erica through space teleportation.

Zhang Chulan and others faced King Nathan and Li Muxuan who stayed where they were, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Chulan forced himself to speak.

"King, I'm really sorry. We didn't want to end up like this. We just wanted to..."

Before Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he was stopped by King Nathan's raised hand:

"You can do anything you want in our homes."

"That's not what I meant. We are different from those in Behemoth!" Zhang Chulan quickly retorted.

"Is it different?" King Nathan's expression looked a little downcast, and she looked up at the drone in the sky that was still sending out messages.

"What's different? Your movements are even faster than Behemoth's."

"One thing to say, bird food."

Zheng Shu stood aside with a light posture, his arms folded in front of his chest, and nodded in agreement after hearing King Nathan's words.

"Brother Zheng, where are you from?!" Zhang Chulan looked a little crazy after hearing Zheng Shu's words.

King Nathan also seemed a little surprised that Zheng Shu admitted these facts without hesitation.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, I told you to practice hard but you didn't listen. As long as you become a strong person, you will find that there are many things that you will understand naturally."

Zheng Shu raised his finger and pointed at the drone in the sky, and then at Li Muxuan, who had been silent next to King Nathan.

"In many cases, the strong can do whatever they want to the weak. This not only includes conquest, but also compassion.

As far as I know, the company should be stronger than Behemoth. Nathan Island has no room for resistance in front of Behemoth, let alone in front of the company.

So for this King Nathan, she can't stop you from doing anything you want to do. Even in order not to make more enemies when facing Behemoth, she must be like this. "

After hearing what Zheng Shu said, King Nathan still had the same low and sad expression.

"This gentleman is right, so you don't need to try to win my favor. God's people, thank you for your hard work. Go back to your posts."


Hearing that their king suddenly turned his attention to him, the islanders who were watching the show just now looked shocked and immediately picked up their unconscious companions and left the place quickly.

"Nathan's power cannot expel them, but I don't want them to get close to the royal city. Li Muxuan, you brought these troubles to Nathan. You can solve them yourself."

After saying these words calmly, King Nathan's figure also left here through space teleportation.

Zheng Shu glanced at Li Muxuan who stayed, then at the Lu family siblings with serious expressions, and then quietly took a few steps back with Zhang Churan.

What happened next was none of his business. Zheng Shu turned his attention to the place where King Nathan disappeared just now.

That kind of space teleportation method... is very interesting!

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