"Since falling into hell is of no use to you... then you are welcome to enter the kingdom of heaven."

Three black balls of Qi emerged around Erica, and flew towards Feng Baobao and Bestia who were rushing towards her at high speed, as well as Zheng Shu who was standing on the ground not far away.

Because these black Qi appeared so suddenly, Feng Baobao and Bestia had no time to dodge, so they could only bump into them.

And just when the two sides were about to end, the black Qi suddenly unfolded, forming a square black door.

There was no color or light on the other side of the door, and it looked like it was leading into an unknown abyss.

Zheng Shu looked at the black Qi that was rushing towards him and raised the corners of his mouth, and bumped into it very decisively.

After the three of them were enveloped in black Qi, the Qi immediately shrank rapidly and turned into three crystal-like objects.

Black light flashed, and when Zheng Shu reacted, he found that he was already standing in a strange space.

Underfoot is a piece of ground composed of a narrow and long rock. The space outside the ground exudes brilliant brilliance, looking like the endless starry sky that has been dyed from the photos.

The road ahead that Zheng Shu faced was not far away. Erica was sitting at the end of the road. There was a white light door behind her, which made people feel that it was the door to leave this road.

Behind Zheng Shu, this narrow and winding rocky road seemed to have no end.

After arriving here, Zheng Shu's embodied thoughts disappeared, indicating that he had escaped the influence of hell.

Zheng Shu stood there, carefully observing the surrounding scene and feeling the difference here.

Through understanding the original information, he recognized it at a glance, and he was now in Erica's "heaven".

Although Zheng Shu still looked expressionless, his heart was already so excited that he almost couldn't maintain his expression.

This "heaven" is what Zheng Shu wanted to obtain most after knowing that he came to a world under one person.

Even though he now knows the existence of other aliens inside Under One Person, "Heaven" is still the ability that Zheng Shu wants to obtain most.

The reason why when he was on the outer planet, even if Zheng Shu knew that he was being plotted, he had no time to care about it, and even tried his best to return to the earth as quickly as possible, just to catch up with this time period as much as possible and enter " "In the Kingdom of Heaven".

In the original work, Erica uses "Heaven" very few times, and will be killed by those Behemoth's reinforced soldiers later. If these opportunities are missed, Zheng Shu will really have little room for redemption.

In a sense, his fifth purpose of developing the resurrection circle was just in case.

If he missed the plot due to some accident, Zheng Shu could also use the resurrection circle to resurrect Erica.

After taking a look at Erica who was sitting at the finish line with an expressionless face, Zheng Shu did not rush into his next plan, but took a few tentative steps towards her.

Although the information related to the "Kingdom of Heaven" is already known in the original work, there are some things that you still need to explore on your own to know the more specific situation.

After walking for a while, Zheng Shu found that the distance between himself and Erica was indeed not close at all.

It seems that the distance between the two sides is not big, and they can even be crossed by jumping with a little force, but when they walk, it seems that they are trapped in an inexplicable space, and they can't get close no matter how they walk.

With a slight exertion on his feet, Zheng Shu's body jumped up and quickly crossed the road in front of him.

But when he landed, he found that the distance between him and Erica still hadn't changed much.

During the jumping process, he kept staring at each other. Zheng Shu found that although the road under his feet was constantly passing by him, Erica's figure was still so large, which showed that the distance between the two parties was never close. Changed.

"Is it a spatial structure similar to a Möbius strip..."

After thinking about it, Zheng Shu tried to use flying magic, but found that using energy here had a rather strange feeling. Although ordinary strangers may not be able to detect it, for someone like Zheng Shu who is good at manipulating energy, he You can still detect the slightest bit of something wrong.

The only thing that seems normal is physical strength.

"That's not right either... There is something strange about using the body."

He waved his arm slightly. Although there seemed to be no difference at all under normal conditions, Zheng Shu still noticed a slight difference.

After touching his chin and standing there thoughtfully for a while, Zheng Shu gave up the idea of ​​using flying magic and turned around to move quickly in the other direction.

This time he did not restrain his speed. Zheng Shu's speed exceeded the sound in an instant, and it was still increasing rapidly without an upper limit.

If it were in the outside world, it would have caused a huge shock wave in an instant, but in this world there was still no wave. Only Zheng Shu's figure turned into a black light, showing how amazing his current speed was.

Looking at Zheng Shu disappearing into the distance, Erica, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the light door, remained expressionless.

"The two people who were detained this time are very sharp. It's the first time that they went to explore another direction so quickly."

Erica was thinking silently and carefully counting her breaths. She was very accustomed to this operation and was even very skilled at multitasking.

"Haha, your power is indeed astonishingly strong. Even if the power of the entire Nason Island is gathered together, I'm afraid they won't be able to fight against you alone."

Recalling the power that Zheng Shu showed when he was observing in secret, not only his performance in the battle with Bestia, but also the attack that Zheng Shu encountered when flying over the air defense waters of the aircraft carrier, and the use of his own red body to Erica also saw the performance of passing through the fire net.

Unlike most islanders who were born on Nathan Island and have never seen much of the outside world, Erica is very aware of the terrifying power of modern human technology.

The reason why the force or even the ethnic group she once belonged to disappeared was because they could not keep up with the pace of history and were wiped out by "ordinary people".

Likewise, when Erica was young, countless alien forces were wiped out by ordinary people due to interests or other reasons.

Therefore, she does not underestimate human technology. It can even be said that Erica knows better than most people how powerful "ordinary people" have control.

In fact, Erica was shocked to a certain extent by Zheng Shu's ability to move freely despite so many thoughts.

But what really frightened Erica was the way Zheng Shu had ignored the fleet's anti-aircraft firepower network, withstood all the damage and flew into Nathan Island unscathed.

That's why Erica decisively chose to use "Heaven" after discovering that her hell could not restrain Zheng Shu.

Because she knew very well that except for Heaven's move, she had no qualifications to do anything in front of this person.

"Haha, but in the Kingdom of Heaven it's useless no matter how powerful you are. The only thing that can win is that one key point. If you can't find it, then you won't be able to defeat me in the Kingdom of Heaven."

After confirming that Zheng Shu indeed had no means of escape, Erica no longer focused her attention on Zheng Shu because she also noticed Bethea's roar on the other side.

"Next... let's deal with that troublesome guy."

Zheng Shu didn't do too many tests. He just ran for tens of thousands of kilometers and then stopped.

"It's a strange feeling. Logically speaking, relying solely on friction at such a fast speed should not be able to support me in continuing to speed up, but there is actually no feeling of slipping here."

Anyone who has studied a little bit of physics knows that the reason why people can walk and run on the ground is because of the friction between the soles of the feet and the ground.

If there is insufficient friction, "slipping" will occur, similar to the feeling of walking on icy ground in winter.

Although Zheng Shu's strength is strong enough, his weight is limited after all. Without the use of energy support, the friction he can cause on the ground is also quite limited.

So for Zheng Shu, if he is moving on the ground, when the speed reaches a certain level, he will not be able to continue to increase the speed simply by relying on friction.

At that time, there are only two ways, one is to use energy to increase propulsion to move, and the other is to simply step on the ground until it collapses, increasing the thrust under the feet as much as possible.

But in the Kingdom of Heaven, this field was broken. No matter how fast Zheng Shu ran, his feet could provide enough friction to allow him to continue accelerating.

And during this process, Zheng Shu didn't feel any physical energy consumption, and he couldn't feel any sound or smell other than himself. The temperature was also indescribable. It felt like the most comfortable and least noticeable place. The temperature suitable for body temperature.

Natural energies such as elements certainly no longer exist.

After stopping, Zheng Shu took a deep breath.

"Although there was a breathing movement, and there seemed to be feedback from breathing, it was true that no substance was inhaled into my body."

Zheng Shuyou raised his hand and pressed various parts of his body. Although he could clearly feel the touch on his body, he could not feel any pain-level damage to his body.

This is not because of his extraordinary defense, because even if he uses his own nails, it won't work.

"Nothing, I can't feel anything..."

Glancing at the ground beneath his feet, Zheng Shu suddenly raised his foot and stamped it down.

Zheng Shu was merciless with this kick, using all the power in his body. If it were outside, this kick could even cause an earthquake exceeding magnitude 9 in most of the country.

But here, even the rocky road on the ground, which does not look very solid, cannot be destroyed.

"And nothing can be changed. Neither the material in this place nor myself can destroy even the smallest detail. Judging from the information in the original work, there is also a huge flow rate difference in time."

After confirming that all the information was correct, a smile appeared on Zheng Shu's lips, and he turned around and walked behind him without any hesitation.

It was obvious that he had run tens of thousands of kilometers away from Erica, but once he turned around, Zheng Shu only took a few steps to find that Erica and the light gate appeared within his field of vision.

"Ha, you gave up and came back so quickly. It seems that this person's mind is nothing compared to his strength. It should be easy to deal with him."

With this thought in her mind, Erica looked at Zheng Shu who returned and raised the corners of her mouth, but still had no intention of saying anything.

She would communicate with Bestia because Bestia and she were both Nathan Guards, and his previous actions had proven his loyalty, so she was willing to communicate with him.

As for Zheng Shu, Erica will naturally try her best to reduce his will. In the Kingdom of Heaven, not having anyone to communicate with is the most severe torture.

However, Zheng Shu had no intention of communicating with Erica. He just sat down calmly after reaching the limit where he could not get close to Erica.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Zheng Shu closed his eyes and carefully experienced his body and soul in a meditative posture.

Then he came to the conclusion...

"Sure enough, in the Kingdom of Heaven, my body and soul do not really exist. Not to mention tiny things like cells or genes, even organs. All things that can be perceived rely on my own past impressions. Reproduction."

As a type who is good at controlling himself, Zheng Shu has a very keen sense of his own body and soul, so he can also discover some things that ordinary people cannot discover.

Combined with the nearly infinite difference in time flow velocity and the various special situations perceived by the living beings in the kingdom of heaven, Zheng Shu confirmed his initial conjecture.

"This so-called kingdom of heaven is essentially a world composed of thoughts."

To put it simply, Erica's paradise is actually capturing individuals and transforming them into thoughts.

Not matter or energy, just pure thought.

Only thinking can do these things. Otherwise, just to increase the time flow rate difference to infinity, the energy required is no longer something that creatures on one or two planets can afford.

Zheng Shu has only seen this kind of substance - thinking transformation technology once so far, and is very familiar with it. It is the weapon of God that has always existed in his body in a state of thinking.

The problem is that the reason why the Arms of God can be transformed into thinking is because the god who originally gave him the Arms of God inherited the last knowledge of the universe, so they can do this with the most top-notch technology.

Erica why? !

"If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Heaven is a witchcraft created by Erica's people, right..."

Zheng Shu slowly opened his eyes, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Hey! Witchcraft? Hey! A backward tribe that has not even developed modern technology can actually create such technology... Hehehehe, even if you want to deceive others, you should at least pretend to be a little bit like it!"

The smile on his face disappeared. Zheng Shu thought carefully and refuted his previous thoughts.

"That's not right. They have never covered it up. They can even be called upright. Whether it's the inner space, the escape technique, or this heaven... as long as you have the will, you can find it. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I seem to have discovered something again. It’s an incredible thing.”

After understanding all this, Zheng Shu recalled the memories he had just been thinking about.

After trying it for a while, I confirmed that I really cannot have any negative impact on myself in this space, even if I actively delete my memory.

So Zheng Shu turned to another method.

Closing his eyes again, Zheng Shu quickly found what he wanted in his mind.

"Sure enough, you came in with me, that's right. After all, it has always been in my mind. Of course it won't change in any way."

Looking at the ball of light in his mind that represented the weapons of God, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction. With a thought, all the memories he had mobilized just now were put into the ball of light.

"The so-called perceiving information through cause and effect is essentially a special prophecy spell. In other words... it is a fancy one."

Since it is a flashy ability, then my god's weapon has absolute restraint on it. As long as the memory is hidden in it, even if it is not destroyed, the possible mastermind behind it will not be able to detect it.

Of course, Zheng Shu was not 100% sure whether the opponent had the ability to break through the blockade of the God's Arms, but he knew the strength of the God's Arms very well, so if the opponent could really break through, Zheng Shu felt that he might as well just escape from this place. The world is better.

After solving all this, Zheng Shu began to officially use Erica's Kingdom of Heaven.

"I remember that in the original work, the Kingdom of Heaven this time lasted for at least a few hundred years. Since there is plenty of time, there is no need to be too anxious. What knowledge should be dealt with first? Let me think about it..."

Recalling the various knowledge that he had forcibly memorized but failed to understand, Zheng Shu prepared to organize it in detail.

In Zheng Shu's view, there is no pain, fatigue, sleepiness, or hunger in the Kingdom of Heaven, and the flow of time is almost infinite compared to the outside world. It is a waste to simply use such a good place to trap people.

In fact, Erica also developed some other ways to use the Kingdom of Heaven in the original work, such as using the infinite time flow difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the outside world to recover from mental fatigue.

For Zheng Shu, the biggest role of this heaven is to give him enough time to fully organize the knowledge he has learned.

After experiencing three worlds, Zheng Shu has learned a huge amount of knowledge, but in fact, in terms of the depth of control, Zheng Shu can only control the surface of each one.

Alchemy, magic, martial arts, technology, divine power, Qi training...

Each one alone is enough for a genius to study in a lifetime. Although Zheng Shu has experienced enough time, it is still too short in the face of this knowledge.

Just like alchemy, although he mastered the Nibelung root, which is the end of alchemy, he only mastered the Nibelung root.

Zheng Shu only memorized this knowledge about the various branches of alchemy and its derivative technologies. He only had a superficial grasp of them and had no more time to study them in depth.

"However, there is no need to worry now. I have enough time to study and research..."

With his eyes slightly closed, Zheng Shu dug out his memory and began a long process of sorting out all the knowledge he had memorized.

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