Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 480 A sudden visit from aliens (transition)

After understanding the terrifying effect of Zheng Shu's small balls, Zhang Chulan gave full play to his traditional artistic skills and tried every means to pester Zheng Shu.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu still firmly rejected his request, and the reason given was very simple:

"The raw materials for these two balls are the remaining innate energy from the original ceremony. They have been used up now. If you still want new balls, just wait for the next ceremony."

"All right……"

Naturally, Zhang Chulan could only regretfully give up the idea of ​​ordering more balls. Although Zheng Shu's words were vague, Zhang Chulan understood very well that the ceremony he was talking about was the resurrection ceremony.

If you think about it carefully, if it is the remnant of such a shocking ritual, then it is understandable that it has this effect.

The problem is that the cost of this ceremony is simply not something a lonely person like Zhang Chulan can afford.

Not to mention the messy materials at the back that can be called controlled items, just that one ton of gold is beyond the reach of normal forces.

"That...I want to ask."

At this time, Lu Linglong's voice came from behind, attracting the attention of several people.

Although the Lu family brothers and sisters immediately launched an attack on Zheng Shu's sudden attack on Zhang Chulan at the beginning, what happened next shattered their views, but the two of them also stopped with a tacit understanding. .

Until now, Lu Lin was still touching her right hand secretly. If he hadn't been in the third level of rebirth just now, the force from the shock would have broken his arm.

However, what shocked Lu Lin the most was that the little Taoist priest in front of her did not fight back at all. The injuries on her body were only caused by the opponent blocking his fist with his body.

When Zhang Chulan stuck to Zheng Shu's thigh like a dog-skin plaster and stalked her, Lu Linglong woke up first and quickly obtained some key information from the conversation between the two parties.

That's why she suddenly spoke out when she saw Zheng Shu was about to leave.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Lu Linglong did not show any stage fright. First she glanced at the small ball that Zhang Chulan was holding carefully, and then she turned her attention to Zheng Shu and stared into his eyes.

"Junior brother, although I don't know the specific situation, but from what you said, as long as the 'ritual' is completed, there will be extra materials to make such a small ball, right?"

"In a sense, you are right, but the materials required for that ceremony are not cheap."

Zheng Shu glanced at Lu Linglong and showed a knowing smile.

Even ordinary people who encounter this kind of thing called resurrection coins would try their best to save more just in case, let alone a stranger like Lu Linglong.

"With enough materials, can that ritual be carried out at any time? Will it do any harm to your body?"

"Linglong, um... you'd better give up." Zhang Chulan also climbed up from Zheng Shu's lap and hesitated, not knowing how to persuade Lu Linglong.

"What's wrong?"

"Theoretically, if the materials are sufficient, I can indeed perform the ritual at any time, and there will be no harm to me. However...the reason why Zhang Chulan does not recommend you to do this is because it is very expensive." Zheng Shu took Zhang Chulan's words.

"How big is it?"

Hearing Zheng Shu talk about this, not only Lu Linglong, but also Lu Lin showed a relatively reserved and proud smile.

After all, the Lu family is one of the four major families in the alien world. It has a history of at least hundreds of years from ancient times to the present. Although it has suffered a little setbacks in recent years, it is definitely not bad.

In terms of strength, there may be a certain gap with those famous sects, but in terms of wealth, the wealth held by the Lu family, as a local leader in a province, is considered to be at the forefront even in this country.

Although it seems that there is no leakage, given the background of the Lu family, any object in the house can be regarded as an antique.

However, the proud expressions on the faces of the Lu brothers and sisters immediately collapsed after Zheng Shu revealed the first piece of information.

"First of all, a ton of gold, silver..."

Zheng Shu did not hide anything about the material formula of his ritual. After all, he originally revealed this ritual mainly to collect materials for himself to cast the weapons of God.

What's more, the researchers at the bunker are already halfway through the study of the resurrection ritual. It is estimated that information about this resurrection ritual will gradually spread under the auspices of Nadutong Company before long.

Yes, it was one of the deals Zheng Shu had made with the company, even though the company was reluctant.


Just after hearing the first ton of gold, the minds of the Lu family brothers and sisters were already in a state of confusion, and after hearing the following materials, their minds were even more shut down.

If it were just high-value metals like gold, silver, and tungsten, the Lu family could barely scrape it together, but the family's cash flow would be seriously affected, and some of the subsequent businesses might also have certain problems, but At least you can get it after paying a certain price.

Considering the value of those small beads, it's actually a very good deal.

The key point lies in the materials that can be called controlled items. Except for countries at the Wuchang level, ordinary companies and forces are not eligible to obtain such things.

"Then... Third brother and fourth brother, we will leave first."

"Okay, little Taoist priest, let's go too. Pay attention to safety on the road. The third child and I will have some more drinks here."


After confirming that there was indeed no way to obtain new beads, the Lu family brothers said goodbye to everyone in a daze and left the place to watch.

When the two people left, the corners of Zheng Shu's mouth curled up a little.

Taking out this small bead, Zheng Shu actually had other ideas besides repaying Zhang Chulan's favor with the gods.

The reason why he used such exaggerated means to "perform" in front of a few people was actually to let them spread the news.

Given the character of the Lu family, there is a high probability that this matter will not be spread, but after knowing these things, they will definitely try their best to use their connections to collect materials to see if they can obtain them.

During this process, no matter how much the Lu family kept it secret, people would eventually notice their behavior.

For strangers, the attractiveness of this small bead is no different from that of the Eight Wonders.

Xu San and Xu Si will also report what they saw today to the company. With these two paths, Zheng Shu feels that his progress in rebuilding the Arms of God should be able to move forward more quickly.

Returning to the bunker, Zheng Shu returned to his previous regular life.

After a few days, he also clearly noticed that the atmosphere in the bunker became slightly more active, and the researchers' motivation to study became stronger. It seemed that the beads he released did have a certain effect.

"In this way, it only takes about a month to learn a rough outline of my resurrection circle. Although it is not too sophisticated, but since these guys have been allowed to record and learn it repeatedly, it is enough to learn a rough outline. .

One month is enough time for me to record most of the necessary advanced knowledge. If I just memorize without understanding, the speed will be much faster. "

Zheng Shu silently estimated the time in his heart, mainly because in about a month, he had something that he must obtain in the world under one person. If the gods were ranked among the top three, then that one thing would be No. 1 goal.

And even after knowing that there are aliens in this world, Zheng Shu's target ranking for that thing has not changed.

"After all, judging from the original work, it is very likely that it can be constructed with the help of the unique 'qi' system on the earth. According to the recent contact with Wenshan and the others, although the genetic similarity is quite high, in the universe There are very few aliens who can use Qi.

There is also similar special energy that is converted by one's own life force, but the properties of those things seem to be completely different from Qi. "

In recent times, in addition to teaching the people in the bunker the resurrection circle and recording knowledge, Zheng Shu has not lost contact with the third-type contact department.

After all, there aren't many close encounters of the third kind, so Wenshan and Ersha are quite free.

In the face of some of Zheng Shu's questions, they were also very happy to provide guidance. According to them, this is also part of the work to help aliens settle on the earth.

"From the exchange between the two, it can be learned that the information about the resurrection circle from the Interstellar Alliance should have been spread everywhere. Because it was not sure whether it was true or not, it was delayed for a while, but it is almost time to conduct a test recently. Sex is traded.”

Zheng Shu is not too worried about the deal with the Interstellar United. Although the gap in combat power between the two sides is ridiculously large, there is a restriction by the Interstellar United convention, so he doesn't have to worry too much about a direct attack.

And for those planets with advanced technology, it is too easy to trade something with a remote place like Earth.

What may be just garbage to higher civilizations may be treasures in the hands of lower civilizations that require most of the resources to purchase.

Especially for people like Zheng Shu who are willing to trade, harvesting trade through the technological gap between the two parties is what these advanced civilizations are most willing to do. It is simple, fast, and does not violate the convention.

In fact, because the technological level gap between civilizations is too large, some low-level civilizations are not eligible to be harvested even if they want to be harvested.

"Oh? What a coincidence."

While muttering, Zheng Shu suddenly felt his sixth sense being touched, and then his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Zheng Shu showed a smile when he saw the name on it.

"Hello? It's really rare that you would take the initiative to contact me."

"I can't help it. I don't want to deal with these troublesome things, but now there is something I have to inform you about." Ersha's stern voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Can you please take the initiative to notify me? Let me think about it...are the Interstellar United preparing for a tentative transaction?" Zheng Shu touched his chin.

"It's almost the same as what you said, but there are some differences." On the other end of the phone, Ersha's voice was full of helplessness. "The results from the Interstellar Alliance haven't come out yet. What's coming now is just an advanced civilization from the Interstellar Alliance."

"Oh? Did something happen?"

"To put it simply, someone at the top of the other party died suddenly. Because the relationship is relatively big, I hope to use your resurrection circle.

They also said that there is no need to fully understand the principle. After all, you can tell at a glance that this thing is built based on your own special abilities, so this civilization just hopes to invite you to help resurrect that person. The raw materials have been prepared. And corresponding rewards will also be given. "

"Oh! The conditions are good. I don't have any problems personally. So when will I come to see you?"

Zheng Shu's eyes lit up. Of course he didn't mind selling his labor force. After all, he could leave the earth and explore the universe.


"Ah? In such a hurry? How long will it take for them to reach Earth?" Zheng Shu was stunned.

You could clearly hear that Ersha on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh.

"To be precise, these people have arrived and are sitting next to me now."

"...Are all alien civilizations so resolute?"

Zheng Shu was a little helpless when he heard this, and finally understood why Ersha had always had such a helpless look in his voice after he called.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of transaction between planets take at least several months to prepare?

"Not all alien civilizations are like this, but this civilization has a special culture, so this situation occurs.

And for those aliens, Wenshan is the actual controller of the earth, so for them, all they need to do is send a text message to Wenshan and get her approval. Ah... But in the process of interacting with aliens, we have become very accustomed to this kind of thing... Hey, don't grab it, you bastard! "

Halfway through the words, there was sudden fierce yelling and swearing from Ersha, and Zheng Shu couldn't help but move the phone a little further away from his ears.

"Anyway, come here quickly. These guys have a more straightforward personality. Solve it as soon as possible and get it over with."


Listening to the hang-up sound on the phone, Zheng Shu scratched his head and didn't understand why Huan Ersha became so irritable in the end. Although the contact time was not too long, he remembered that this person was actually a very gentle person. Talent is right.

If I remember correctly, didn't he just say that the aliens were still next to him?

"Forget it, just go and take a look and you'll find out."

Putting this doubt behind him for the time being, Zheng Shu found Liao Zhong, asked him to help prepare the vehicle, and quickly went to the third-category contact department.

(I will be a little busy these two days, so I can only keep the basic updates.)

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