Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 479 Guidance and Heartbreaking

"Is it precise? It is precise enough for people who are not good at this, but it is just like that for people who are good at this kind of thing."

Zheng Shu rolled up his sleeves and showed his arms to the people present. He stretched out his fingers and turned his palms back and forth. His movements were not very fast.

Several other people were originally wondering why Zheng Shu did this, but suddenly found themselves dazzled. As Zheng Shu kept turning his palm back and forth, they felt that the number of fingers on his hand seemed to be increasing, and gradually there seemed to be two. The arms turn over at the same time.

wrong! That's not an hallucination, it's really more!

As Zheng Shu stopped his inversion, another arm grew abruptly using the elbow joint of his arm as the dividing point.

Everyone present stood up involuntarily, wanting to get in front of Zheng Shu and take a closer look.

"Is it...really? It's not an illusion?"

Zhang Chulan, who was sitting next to Zheng Shu, touched the arms stretched out by Zheng Shu vigorously. No matter what method he tried, he could not see through the flaws.

"How can this be?!"

Xu San and Xu Si also walked to Zheng Shu's side and carefully observed his extra arm.

This arm was regrown with the elbow joint as the dividing point, and the other forearm and palm came out. There is no trace of union at the dividing point. It looks like it was born like this, and the inside of this new arm There is also a corresponding skeletal muscle touch.

As Zheng Shu moves, both palms on his arm can move freely, making it easy to make a fist or hold chopsticks to eat.

Zheng Shu didn't do much to stop the people present from groping for his arms. He allowed them to examine him carefully, and even performed an operation of opening a jar with two palms of one arm in front of everyone.

"This is what the most ordinary body control can do."

Zheng Shu shook his hand, and under the gaze of several people, his extra arm reintegrated into the original arm like melted ice.

"In terms of complexity, growing an arm again may be more complicated than mobilizing neurons within the brain. After all, the neurons inside the brain only need to pay attention to distinguishing neurons. And growing an arm again , in addition to growing the most common muscles, skin and bones, we also need to pay attention to various capillaries and small nerves."

Zheng Shu showed off his arms that had returned to normal and put down his sleeves again.

"And as long as you master all the structures of the human body, it doesn't actually take much effort to control these things. Even if you don't have the corresponding special abilities or strange techniques, as long as a strong person reaches a certain level, you can easily do this. step."

This is also the reason why Zheng Shu is completely uninterested in the double hands in the Eight Wonders.

Zheng Shu's attention to the Eight Wonders and Divine Spirits is divided into three levels. The highest level is naturally the Divine Spirit. Zheng Shu will actively spend time and energy to find possibilities to obtain them.

The middle level is the other eight magical skills except for the full hands. Zheng Shu does not spend time and energy to find them, but he doesn't mind learning them if he encounters them.

This is because although Zheng Shu can also achieve the effects caused by these Eight Wonders with his own skills, being able to provide a new idea is also a good gain.

The one with the lowest level of attention was the hands, which Zheng Shu was too lazy to spend energy to learn even if it was placed in front of him.

Being able to completely control the soul and body sounds powerful, but in fact it is just that.

Mastering the physical aspect is just like what Zheng Shu said. As long as you are strong enough to a certain level, you can naturally learn this move.

The so-called rebirth of severed limbs, physical control, high-speed healing, and immortality are essentially the absolute control of one's own cells and vitality.

This ability may be good for low-level beings, and it can even be regarded as several good abilities if it can be obtained in advance. But for high-level people, this thing is the foundation of the basics, and it is A threshold that allows oneself to continue to improve.

If you can't even control yourself absolutely, if you want to continue to forcibly improve, the results will be very miserable. You can refer to those ordinary people who were damaged by high-intensity nuclear radiation.

After all, with such strong energy locked in the body, strictly speaking, those so-called "gods" or "powerful men" are walking top-level radioactive sources, the kind of Geiger counters that don't ring even if they are placed next to them. The presence.

However, because a strong person of that level also has strong control, in most cases they will not let their own energy radiation be released to waste energy.

As for the ability to control the soul... Although Zheng Shu doesn't like playing with souls, in the last Xingyue world, he inherited the divinity of Hades, the god of the underworld.

Strictly speaking, Zheng Shu was actually the god of Hades in the Xingyue world for a long time, which is the so-called death lineage.

Although he doesn't exercise his ability to control the soul very much, as a god of the underworld, it would be ridiculous to say that his ability to control the soul is not as good as that of a human being.

Therefore, having both hands can be useful in a world with relatively low combat effectiveness, but in a world with a relatively high level, it basically becomes everyone's instinctive method.

"That's not right. Judging from the current situation, the earth is just a remote area in the world under one person. If we calculate it based on the entire universe, even if we only look at the individual combat effectiveness, it can be regarded as a world with good combat effectiveness." Zheng Shu secretly corrected his thoughts in his heart.

Wenshan once said that her fighting ability is considered to be top-notch among the strong men in the universe.

But Zheng Shu knows very well that in every world, the gap between the first-class and the top is wider than the gap between humans and dogs.

"So...the reason why these three people came to attack me was because someone modified their brains and caused some changes in their memories?"

Zhang Chulan sat back on his chair, closed his eyes and pondered for a while before looking at Zheng Shu.

"Then wouldn't it be possible that the person behind the scenes used some special power to directly control the bodies of several of them?"

Xu San raised this question. As a congenital stranger, he is a little more sensitive to supernatural powers than several others.

"No, it might not be possible to tell under other circumstances, but the reason why these three people attacked Zhang Chulan was definitely because someone directly changed their brain cognition." Xu Si directly refuted his statement.


"Of course it's because of me, third brother." Zhang Chulan pointed at himself.

"You should also know that after I was in a coma, another me appeared and used the divine spirit. If they were really directly controlled by someone using supernatural powers, the control should have been completed the moment they came into contact with the divine spirit. It would have been better to have been eliminated, but that’s not what happened.”

"Yes, so their brains must have been directly modified by someone!"

Lu Linglong clenched her hands into fists, recalling Xiao Xiao's weird look before her death, with an angry expression on her face.

"Can you directly control other people's bodies and souls? What a dangerous ability!"

Xu Si leaned back on the chair, habitually reaching into his pocket to take out a cigarette and take a puff, but after seeing several young people present, he quietly put the cigarette back.

"Brother Zheng, do you have any clues?" Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu. He always felt that the other party might know more than he imagined.

"Yao Xing Club." Zheng Shu revealed a name.

"What's the reason?" Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up and he leaned forward.

"There is no special reason. First of all, after a series of events, you have confirmed that there is an insider from the other party in the company, and the insider's level should be very high - you can even be more specific: several people from the company One of the directors.”

Zhang Chulan and the Xu brothers nodded silently. They and Zhao Fangxu used a trick to seduce Ma Xianhong to find this traitor.

"Then it's actually very simple. If you were a big shot, do you think you would cooperate with people of unknown origin and power? And it would be such a big-scale thing as betraying the company?

Apart from anything else, even if the other party has the ability to control the human brain and soul, it must at least be able to contact it. Ordinary aliens are not qualified to contact directors of the company's level. "

"Indeed, even if the other party's ability to control other people is taken into account, there are definitely not many people who are qualified to contact the company's directors." Xu Si nodded in agreement, "Then why do you think it is Yaoxing Society? "

"Because in the past few years, apart from the company, there have been only two serious new alien forces, one is Tianxiahui and the other is Yaoxing Society. Although other alien forces have risen or fallen in rankings, in essence They all have the same old roots.”

"It turns out that although these long-established forces have a rich history and foundation, almost all of their methods have been explored by others. If these old forces had such methods before, they would definitely be noticed, so Only new forces can do this."

Lu Linglong nodded, especially someone like her who had been in a circle of aliens since she was a child. She knew better.

In most cases, people can recognize the opponent's background as soon as they make a move. It is almost impossible for some people who are famous and powerful to conceal their own abilities and characteristics.

"It's a coincidence that Zhang Chulan and I have had indirect contact with these two forces. Let's not talk about the Tianxiahui. The Feng family is based on the spirit-judging general. Although it can control some souls, it cannot control the body, so it can be directly excluded."

"Eh? Brother Zheng, when did we have contact with people from Yao Xing Club?" Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

"Have you forgotten? When we participated in the Luotian Dajiao, we met the group of 'reporters' after a few rounds of competition." Zheng Shu reminded.

"You mean those people... Indeed, I discovered it when I was interviewed by them. These people seemed to be testing something, but it was not obvious. I thought they wanted to find out the players' information."

Zhang Chulan did not say everything, but looked at each other quietly with Zheng Shu. After Zheng Shu reminded him, he remembered the group of people who secretly tested Feng Baobao.

"I already noticed those people when I first saw them. Although these guys are ordinary on the surface, they actually hide their own power. Those few seemingly ordinary reporters can be considered experts even if they are placed on Longhu Mountain. Yes." Zheng Shu grinned.

"Are those people that strong? You can't tell at all!"

Zhang Chulan was shocked, and everyone present looked at Zheng Shu in surprise.

Longhu Mountain is a big force in the alien world. Anyone who can be called a master on Longhu Mountain is also an absolute master in the alien world.

"Yes, even the subordinates are so strong. No one would believe it if the person above them is weak. But we all know that the abilities of aliens are based on innate energy, so regardless of whether they are innate or acquired, People, 'age' is a very important factor.

Unless you are a peerless genius, it will be difficult to fight against the strong men of the older generation. Of course, there are exceptions to certain special circumstances. "

"Eight Wonderful Skills..." Zhang Chulan said this word with a solemn expression under Zheng Shu's guidance.

He has also heard that the boss of Yao Xing Society is a young woman, much younger than Feng Zhenghao, the president of Tianxiahui. Although Yaoxing Society is relatively low-key in the alien world, its actual influence is not as good as that of Tianxiahui. It won't be too different.

Coupled with what Zheng Shu said about the combat effectiveness of Yao Xing Society's subordinates, one can imagine the strength of Yao Xing Society's boss if he wants to dominate such a large force.

After all, under the deliberate guidance of the company, the alien world is still in an environment where the jungle prevails. It is too weak to be able to bring such a large force.

Since he is young and wants to obtain such a powerful power, in addition to his outstanding talent, Zhang Chulan's easiest thing to think of is the "Eight Wonderful Skills".

"It just so happens that, as far as I know, the two hands in the Eight Wonders have the ability to control others and their own minds and bodies." Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction at Zhang Chulan's active thinking.

"Both hands?! Isn't that more terrifying than the Lu family's Bright Soul Technique?" Lu Linglong's eyes widened in surprise.

"You are wrong, senior brother." Zheng Shu waved his hand.

"You are not often in the temple, so you don't know. I do know that according to the older generation, the Lu family didn't have such a thing as the Soul Revealing Technique a long time ago."

Zhang Chulan's pupils shrank involuntarily: "What do you mean..."

"As far as I know, Duan Muying, the original owner of both hands, was captured by the Lu family." Zheng Shu shrugged, "But this has nothing to do with what we are going to discuss. In short, just be careful with the Yaoxing Society. .”

Zhang Chulan and Xu Si looked at each other and nodded to Zheng Shu: "Okay, brother Zheng, the information you gave us is quite important."

"Little things."

Zheng Shu responded casually, and then started working hard on the banquet in front of him.

However, Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao were happy to eat, but the others at the dinner table had no intention of eating.

Zheng Shu didn't care about their performance. He said so much just to provide Zhang Chulan with some clues. After all, the original work had not been updated before he traveled through time, and he didn't know what the specific situation was.

As for the inferences mentioned earlier, it was just Zheng Shu talking nonsense. He simply didn't want them to ask why he could obtain such information.

If Zhang Chulan had a clear head, he would have discovered that Zheng Shu had rambled here and there just to disrupt their thoughts and let them follow his lead. Zheng Shu even put on a special performance for this purpose.

After Zhang Chulan calmed down and sorted it out again, he would find that the things Zheng Shu said seemed to make sense, but in fact they were nonsense.

But Zheng Shu wasn't worried, after all, the information he provided was genuine, and he didn't intend to trick him.

"Anyway, this information is of no use to me. If Zhang Chulan can have some fun... ahem... gain something by obtaining this information, that would be great."

Zheng Shu was thinking silently in his heart while eating his food.

"Okay, we've almost eaten. That's it for today. We will have a happy cooperation in the future."

"It's a deal! Oh, by the way." Before leaving, Lu Lin took out her mobile phone and put it in front of Zhang Chulan's eyes, "Can I add a WeChat account?"

"Huh? Oh!"

Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment and stretched out her mobile phone. Taking this opportunity, Lu Lin added everyone present on WeChat, including Feng Baobao, who had been immersed in eating since the beginning.

Seeing Lu Lin want to add Feng Baobao's WeChat, Xu San's expression changed, but Xu Si and Zhang Chulan stopped him very quickly, so that he could not make any unnecessary moves.

After finishing these things, when they were about to leave the private room, Zheng Shu suddenly remembered something and stopped Zhang Chulan.

"By the way, I have something for you, I almost forgot."


Zhang Chulan turned around in confusion, and the Lu family siblings couldn't help but stop when they saw this scene, wanting to see what Zheng Shu wanted to give him.

"In order to prevent you from coming to me for these little things again, I will give you two little things."

Zheng Shu reached into his pocket and took out two things that were not much bigger than peas and looked like glass balls.

This is actually the "reward" Zheng Shu decided to give him in order to compensate for the god spirit he obtained from Zhang Chulan.

"What's this?"

Zhang Chulan carefully took the two "glass balls" handed over by Zheng Shu, feeling a little frightened. He had not forgotten the red glass ball that Zheng Shu gave him when he was in Biyou Village. Destructive power.

"This thing is a gadget I made after collecting excess innate Qi during the ceremony. It is very simple to use. You first pour your own Qi into it."

Zheng Shu spoke vaguely, but Zhang Chulan immediately realized that this was something Zheng Shu had collected during the resurrection ceremony.

"" Zhang Chulan almost thought he heard wrongly.

"Yes, here. Don't worry, this thing is different from the one I gave you. You must first infuse it with Qi before you can use it." Zheng Shu nodded.

"At the beginning, that thing could only be used after it was filled with Qi..." Zhang Chulan muttered in a low voice, but still poured his own Qi into it honestly.

After absorbing the Qi injected by Zhang Chulan, the two "glass balls" flashed a golden light, but then disappeared again.

"Then what?"

"Then you can crush this thing when you need it. Don't worry, I designed it very delicately. The hardness is about the same as that of a hard soda cracker, and it is easy to crush. And although it looks like glass, it is actually There won’t be any residue after it’s broken, so you can put it in your mouth for emergencies.”

Zheng Shu talked eloquently and was quite proud of this design.

After all, he has absorbed the experience of using some disposable props in the Xingyue World, so it is not said that at the critical moment, the outer shell is too hard and cannot be crushed.

"Ah no, I want to ask what the use of this thing is."

Zhang Chulan's hand holding the two glass beads was still shaking, for fear that the thing would explode and kill him in the next moment.

No, based on the power of the glass bead the other party gave me last time, this hotel should be gone.

"Oh, that's what you're asking about. Well... in simpler terms, you can understand this as a one-time magic item similar to the one-shot healing technique in the game."

Zheng Shu thought for a moment and chose a relatively simple and easy-to-understand explanation.


Zhang Chulan relaxed a little, carefully picked up one of the beads and looked at the light above his head carefully, but of course he didn't see anything.

"How many injuries can this thing...can heal?"

Zhang Chulan always felt that this matter was unreliable. Of course, a big reason why he felt unreliable was that the bead in his hand was too small.

Humans are visual animals. This kind of pea-sized beads is naturally much smaller than the glass ball-sized beads Zheng Shu gave him when he was in Biyou Village. Therefore, Zhang Chulan's heart will also unconsciously feel because of this kind of beads. Changing your mind about beads for common sense reasons.

He didn't think that the bead had no healing power, but that it was too small and could not treat serious injuries.

"How much does it weigh?" Zheng Shu tilted his head and thought for a moment, then reached out to greet Zhang Chulan, "Then come here and I will demonstrate it to you."

"Ah? You're not going to use a knife to cut a wound on my hand to demonstrate, are you?" Zhang Chulan's expression was a little reluctant, but his legs still moved towards Zheng Shu involuntarily.

"Hey, I'm kidding, you're looking down on my skills. How can you demonstrate the effect of my thing using that method?!"

" do you want me to cooperate with you?" Zhang Chulan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Zheng Shu showed a gentle smile and reached out to pat Zhang Chulan's shoulder.

"You don't need to do much, just stand here quietly like this. I just want to talk to you a little bit to my heart's content."

"Okay... ugh!"

Before Zhang Chulan even finished nodding, Zheng Shu suddenly got angry and suddenly reached out and struck him with a black tiger blow to the heart.

With Zheng Shu's physical strength and strength, this black tiger's heart punch naturally pulled out Zhang Chulan's heart very smoothly.

Zheng Shu's entire right hand penetrated directly through Zhang Chulan's chest and stretched out from his back. He still held a beating heart in his hand, and a huge hole appeared in Zhang Chulan's spine.


"Chu Lan?!"

"What did you do?!"

Everyone present was shocked. Fortunately, Xu San and Xu Si knew Zheng Shu's abilities. When faced with such a situation, they did not act impulsively, but endured it for a while, while the Lu family brothers and sisters did not hesitate. Launched an attack on Zheng Shu.

Facing the two men who were attacking from behind, Zheng Shu didn't even look back, nor did he make any resistance, letting their attacks fall on his back.

He took out the hand still stained with blood from Zhang Chulan's chest and casually threw his heart on the ground. With the other hand, he picked up one of the beads in Zhang Chulan's hand and gave it to him who was about to lose it. The conscious Zhang Chulan showed it a little.

"When it comes to situations like this, you just have to find a way to crush it."

While talking, Zheng Shu also crushed the bead in his hand.

The broken transparent beads suddenly erupted with soft golden light, instantly covering Zhang Chulan who was about to fall to the ground.

As soon as the golden light appeared, Zhang Chulan's condition stabilized. Then, among the astonished looks of several people in the box, the huge penetrating wound on Zhang Chulan's chest that could see the scene behind him suddenly appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Begin to heal.

Bones, heart, muscles, blood vessels, nerves...all human tissues grew again as if they were going back in time.

Zhang Chulan's body shook for a moment, but before he fell to the ground, he suddenly took a step back to stabilize his body.


Taking a deep breath like a person who woke up after drowning, Zhang Chulan came back to his senses in shock and saw the scene in the room clearly.

"I, chest..."

Zhang Chulan's first reaction when he woke up was to touch his chest, but apart from the damage on his clothes and the blood stains around it, there were no injuries on his chest.

Seeing this scene, even the Lu family brothers and sisters who were attacking Zheng Shu just stared at him blankly and forgot to continue the attack. The Xu family brothers also involuntarily widened their eyes and opened their mouths, losing their previous calm demeanor.

"This is almost the therapeutic limit of this bead. Even if your head is cut off, as long as you retain consciousness and are not completely dead, then crushing this bead can fully restore your physical injuries. .”

Zheng Shu threw another bead he had gotten from Zhang Chulan back to his eyes.

"Take it. If you accidentally break it, I won't patch it up for you."

His mind had not yet reacted to this series of events, but Zhang Chulan still caught the bead like a conditioned reflex.

The fleeting pain and scene just now seemed like he was just experiencing an hallucination, but the blood stains on his body, the damage on his clothes, and the heart on the ground told him that the scene just now was not an hallucination, but a real experience.

All kinds of information hit Zhang Chulan, making him unable to react at the first time. But when the beads fell on his hands, he suddenly understood, and without hesitation, he rushed forward and hugged him tightly with both hands. Zheng Shu's thighs.


"Fuck, get out of here!"

(7,000 words added and updated today)

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