When he heard that aliens were coming, Liao Zhong naturally did not dare to neglect and arranged a helicopter for Zheng Shu as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, things about the third type of contact are top-level secrets. If Liao Zhong knows a piece of information, he has already crossed the line. Naturally, I will not be allowed to follow him. I can only watch Zheng Shu get on the helicopter and leave with regret.

Soon, Zheng Shu arrived at the work building where the third-category contact department was located. Without asking for any instructions, Zheng Shu opened the door and walked in.

Because Wenshan had already registered Zheng Shu when she brought him here last time, the various defensive measures at the door this time just glanced at Zheng Shu and let down her guard after confirming his identity.

He found the elevator with ease and arrived at the floor where Wenshan's office was located. Zheng Shu could already notice before he got close that in addition to the auras of Wenshan and Ersha, there were several more different smells in the office. Breath of life.

"Is that an alien? It feels like there's not much difference between them and humans in terms of breath. Well... Ersha and the others also said that many aliens look similar to humans in appearance."

With this in mind, Zheng Shu raised his finger and knocked on the office door. A dull sound came from the heavy metal door.

Dong dong dong...

Zheng Shu could clearly feel that after hearing the knock on the door, several life breaths in the room immediately became active.

The door slid open silently, and closed quietly after Zheng Shu walked in, without making a single sound.

"Uh... how are you?"

The reason why he used a question to greet him was because the scene in front of him made Zheng Shu a little unsure.

In addition to Wenshan and Ersha, there were five other people in the room, who should be the aliens visiting this time.

From the appearance, there is indeed not much difference between these aliens and the people on Earth. It can even be said that except for the slight difference in clothing, it is impossible to tell the difference between them and the people on Earth.

The most eye-catching one is probably one of the women wearing a full-body ragdoll bear suit. She also wears a thick ragdoll hat on her head, with only part of her hair and entire face exposed.

It looks a bit like a full-body pajamas, and the whole thing is furry and inexplicably cute.

However, Zheng Shu felt something was wrong from that suit. It seemed to be a special external armor. Although the appearance was a bit strange, it could definitely greatly improve the user's combat effectiveness.

In addition, there are two lovers, or couples, who appear to be wearing casual clothes. According to Zheng Shu, judging from the fluctuations of innate energy in their bodies, these two people should be quite old, and the one next to them should be quite old. The woman wearing the stuffed bear suit is supposed to be their daughter.

From these two people, Zheng Shu sensed an aura that was even more powerful than that of the woman in the stuffed bear suit.

If the combat effectiveness of the woman in the ragdoll bear suit is similar to that of the second kill, then the combat effectiveness of these two aliens who appear to be cooler should be similar to Wenshan before she transformed.

Except for these three aliens, who were obviously fighting as bodyguards, the remaining two looked much normal.

A woman who looked obviously of higher status was wearing a long blue and white dress. From the outside, she looked not too old, probably in her early twenties.

Although her appearance can be called beautiful, her majestic posture makes people unconsciously ignore her appearance. Judging from the attitude of the remaining people who casually protect her in the center, the other party is indeed He should be the person with the highest status among the aliens this time.

Another man wearing something similar to a suit seemed to be the woman's butler.

Judging from their roles, the characters did not exceed Zheng Shu's expectations. Although their appearance was a little strange, it was not something Zheng Shu couldn't accept.

The main reason why he was confused was that the situation of several people present was a bit strange.

The man whose position was determined by Zheng Shu to be the housekeeper stood expressionlessly behind the woman with the highest status, which fit his position very well.

There were three bodyguard-like figures left, sitting at the edge of the reception table with smiles on their faces. They looked at the scene in front of them with smiles and seemed very relieved.

The focus is on the communication between the woman in the blue and white dress, who has the highest status among the people, and Wenshan and Ersha.

"You two idiots, it's so f*cking that you entertained us for so long. It's so f*cking."

These words were spoken by the high-status woman. Her seemingly majestic and elegant face looked like her mouth was covered with honey when she was talking to Wen Shan.

"No way, I didn't expect you idiots to come so early. If I had known that you bastards would come so early, I would have said hello to him in advance."

This is Wenshan. It can be seen that she is not very good at swearing, so her vocabulary is a bit poor. The second killer on the other side didn't speak at all and just put on a ferocious expression.

The boss and the other party were talking almost into a fight, and both parties almost cursed each other's family tree. The person next to him remained expressionless, even feeling a little contented.

Even when Zheng Shu saw this scene, his head shut down for a moment.

No, is Wenshan so brave? I originally thought that this girl was a Liangshan hero type person, the kind of person who can take action and never push, but didn't expect that she would also scold so fiercely?

"Oh! Your **** is Zheng Shu, right?!"

Zheng Shu's arrival attracted everyone's attention, and the alien woman in front of him was quite rude when she spoke, scolding Zheng Shu's family tree on the spot.


Looking at this alien woman who suddenly stood up from the table and pointed at him, Zheng Shu's eyes jumped unconsciously, because the situation in front of him was so weird that he didn't even feel it even if he was scolded suddenly. to anger.

"Yes, it's him! He's the person you idiots are looking for!"

While Zheng Shu was stunned, Wenshan kicked the alien woman who had just stood up with a side kick, and kicked her right in front of her.


Looking at the alien woman lying in front of him, the corners of Zheng Shu's eyes changed from twitching to twitching. He glanced at Wenshan cautiously. Zheng Shu, who often refreshed other people's views, felt that his own views were about to be refreshed. .

"Is this bitch so aggressive? Even if she is venting her anger on me, she won't be so cruel. She is also a highly civilized person. Isn't it likely to cause some diplomatic disputes?"

Fortunately, Wenshan's kick just now was mostly done with skill and did not cause much damage, so the alien woman quickly climbed up her upper body from the ground.

"This is our first meeting, you bastard!"

Facing the alien who had already been kicked and was scolding him half the time he got up, Zheng Shu no longer knew how to react.

He had even begun to wonder if he had done something terrible when he came in, which was why the other party insulted him so unswervingly.

"Ahem, Your Highness, we are on an alien planet now. According to intelligence, the Mr. Zheng Shu in front of us has no experience in contact with the Obizuds. So I hope you will greet me again based on your previous training."

At this time, the butler who had been standing behind the alien princess coughed twice, walked to the alien princess and pulled her up.

When the alien princess heard the butler's voice, her expression suddenly became extremely bright at first, and she even showed a gentle smile. However, after listening, her expression became weird again.

"Why do you dare to talk to me like this? Ah...yes!"

Looking at the alien princess standing there with a confused expression, Zheng Shu turned his attention to Wen Shan and the other two, hoping that they could explain to him.

"They are people from the planet Obizud, and their appearance is not much different from that of Earthlings. The biggest difference is that their expressions of joy and anger are opposite to ours, which means that our friendly expressions are seen as provocation to them. "Wenshan moved to Zheng Shu's side and pressed softly.

"What kind of fucking lunacy is this..." Zheng Shu's face darkened.

Looking at the trio of bodyguards who had been standing motionless since just now, Zheng Shu was also a little curious: "What about them? Aren't those three from Obizud?"

After seeing Zheng Shu's eyes turned to a few of them, the green-haired man among them smiled and waved hello to Zheng Shu. It seemed that his emotional expression was quite normal.

"They are also from the planet Obizuud, but they were also colleagues in our Daai organization in the past. Because they often come into contact with aliens, they have undergone special training and are basically able to use the emotional expressions of other planets more skillfully. .”

Zheng Shu turned around and glanced at the alien princess whose face was being adjusted by her butler, and her expression had calmed down.

"So, while this princess hasn't adjusted yet, please quickly explain to me what happened."

"Actually, it's similar to what you said on the phone at the beginning. The reason why the Obizuds came here this time is because their emperor died, so I hope you can resurrect him." Wenshan looked solemn.

"The emperor passed away... I won't complain about why an advanced alien civilization uses an imperial system. Didn't I read the information about my resurrection circle? That thing can only resurrect people who died suddenly. For those who have ended their lifespan, Even if a person is resurrected, he can only survive for a few seconds." Zheng Shu pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That's not true. Their emperor died in an accident. In fact, the social system of the Obizudians is somewhat similar to a constitutional monarchy. It's just that the emperor and artificial intelligence rule together." The second kill was also moved to Zheng Shu's Next to him, he helped him supplement his knowledge.

"That is to say, an emperor with real power died in an accident...I smell trouble."

Zheng Shu suddenly had a headache, and he conceived dozens of related conspiracies in his mind in an instant. After all, if the emperor died suddenly in an accident, there must be all kinds of messy conspiracies behind it.

"That's not a conspiracy. Because of the special system of the Obizud people, there is a high probability that this is really just an accident..."

Zheng Shu glanced at Wen Shan: "What kind of accident can cause a powerful emperor to suddenly die?"

Wenshan's expression was suddenly a little subtle, and she didn't seem to want to say anything more. Ersha glanced at his wife and sighed helplessly.

"It's hemorrhoids."


"According to the information from my three former colleagues, the emperor of the Obizud planet died of hemorrhage due to hemorrhoids while he was jumping in space."

"...What a ridiculous way to die. Did you come from some funny animation?! As the emperor of a high civilization, he could die from such a ridiculous disease as hemorrhoids. This is a joke even on Earth. Ah!" Zheng Shu was really speechless now.

"As the emperor of Obizud, in order to ensure legitimacy, we do not allow any mechanical enhancement in our bodies."

A gentle voice came from beside several people, and they turned to look. After a few minutes of guidance from the butler, the princess of Obizude finally learned to control her expression.

However, judging from her unnaturally tight facial muscles, this princess is quite uncomfortable expressing her emotions in this way.

"Because the people involved were of too high a level, the ones sent were not diplomats who often deal with people from alien planets, but our Princess of Obizude. That's why there was such a misunderstanding before. I'm really sorry. .”

The alien butler in a black suit also bowed deeply towards Zheng Shu to express his previous apology.

"Ahem, it's okay. This has indeed given me some insights. Please don't take it too seriously."

Now that he knew the whole story, Zheng Shu himself was not an unreasonable person, so he coughed dryly to express his forgiveness.

However, after hearing about the situation of the Obizud people, his facial muscles became a little distorted unconsciously, and he didn't know what kind of expression he should put on.

"Mr. Zheng Shu is really a gentle person. Please rest assured that I actually went through rigorous training before coming here. I just had so much fun chatting with them that I accidentally forgot about it."

A gust of wind blew in front of her, and the princess of the Obizud planet suddenly came to Zheng Shu. She stretched out her fingers to lift Zheng Shu's chin, her eyes blurred.

...Is he being teased?

Seeing this, Zheng Shu fell into silence again, not knowing what kind of expression he should make.

"Princess, you made a mistake! You confused the difference between coquettishness and friendliness!!!"

Fortunately, Zheng Shu was saved by the sharp explosion made by the housekeeper. Several bodyguards who had been doing nothing at first also rushed forward and carefully dragged the princess back to a place slightly away from Zheng Shu, and continued to guide her. stand up.

"...Have you often encountered this kind of thing before?"

"The Obizuds are rather special beings, just get used to them."

Wenshan patted Zheng Shu on the shoulder, as if she had come before.

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