Zhang Chulan touched his nose and got up from the ground. His eyes were blank for a while before he finally remembered what happened.

"Holy crap, this is the excitement you're talking about, you want me to die!"

"Just tell me whether you are awake or not." Zheng Shu leaned against the wall with his arms folded, looking at Zhang Chulan's painful look, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Oh, so this can wake up Zhang Chulan, I understand." Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan and nodded his head blankly.

"Sister Bao'er, don't follow this guy's example. This guy was deliberately trying to mess with me just now. He had already woken me up just now. That step was completely unnecessary!" Zhang Chulan glanced at Zheng Shu angrily.

"Okay, it'll be great if your kid can wake up. He has been lying down for more than a week now."

Seeing that Zhang Chulan really had no problem, Xu Si breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chulan also checked his body at this time and found that although he was still a little weak, the injury had completely healed.

"Brother Zheng, if nothing else, this treatment technique is really unique. My injuries are completely healed and I feel much better."

"I didn't treat your injuries."

Zheng Shu's words made Zhang Chulan's body stiffen, and his head turned to Zheng Shu as if it were rusty: "Don't be kidding, Brother Zheng."

"It's really not me. You can ask Xu Si. It seems that the person named Hu Lanlan helped you heal your body. The reason why I was called over was because you stayed in bed for too long, so Xu Si called me over."

"Fourth brother?"

"Ahem, that's true."

Xu Si coughed dryly and told him the whole process of how Hu Lanlan came to treat his injuries.

"Wait a minute... you said he even cured my internal injuries, then she wouldn't know too..." Zhang Chulan was a little frightened.

"Of course she will know if she wants to treat your injuries. And it's not just Sister Lan, we all know it too. After all, the other you is so awesome. When you were unconscious at the time, you jumped up and killed both the fourth child and Lu Linglong. Cleaned up."

Although there was some teasing in Xu Si's voice, there was actually a hint of solemnity in his eyes. He knew that Zhang Chulan's current situation was becoming more and more complicated.

Zhang Chulan's face was covered in cold sweat after hearing what he had done while unconscious, and he had already thought about where he would be buried later.

Fortunately, at this moment, Xu Si's words calmed his mind.

"But Sister Lan said, he told us not to worry too much. If you wake up, don't worry about it. Just look at your arms."

Zhang Chulan looked down and saw a yang fish symbol on his arm.

When he saw this, his expression didn't seem to change very obviously, and he even looked quite calm.

"Fourth brother...is this one?"

"This is what Hu Lanlan painted on your arm before leaving after treating you. She also told us not to wipe it off. Who is this Sister Lan? Do you want me to check it out? Chu Lan, you have known her before. ?”

"I don't know him, I really don't know him."

As he said this, looking at the pattern on his hand, Zhang Chulan pursed his lips unconsciously.

Zheng Shu looked at the scene in front of him with a slightly subtle look, but he didn't say anything more, but stood up and left the room.

"Okay, I'll stay here for two days. You can deal with your own affairs first."

"Okay, Daozhang Zheng, I will arrange a room for you." Xu Si immediately followed Zheng Shu out with a smile.

In the next two days, Zhang Chulan and the Lu family brothers and sisters who had been staying here resolved the issue of mutual trust between them with an oath.

And Zheng Shu has been staying here. When he has nothing to do, he uses his back hand left on Zhang Chulan's body to explore the situation of the gods.

With the help of his experience in using the weapons of gods in the world of Xingyue and his powerful computing power, in just two days, Zheng Shu had almost figured out the operating principles of the gods.

"Well... the mental mark left in Zhang Chulan's mind has almost reached its limit. The God Spirit seems to be resistant to mental problems to a certain extent. It is estimated that after this time, the mental mark will change. into pure spiritual power.”

Withdrawing his consciousness from the spiritual imprint, Zheng Shu made some calculations and felt that just now was his last chance to sneak into Zhang Chulan's body to explore the spirit of the gods.

After all, what he did was not suitable for Zhang Chulan to find out, so the strength of the mental mark left behind was not high to begin with.

But it was enough. The main body of the gods and spirits had been analyzed, and then there were some details. He could just rely on his own knowledge and the article about the gods and spirits that he had read before to slowly fill in the details.

"Let's do a little processing and wipe out all the traces of spiritual imprints."

After thinking about it, Zheng Shu snapped his fingers.

The already somewhat unstable mental imprint that was originally secretly hidden in Zhang Chulan's mind suddenly wiped out most of it, leaving only a part of the extremely pure mental power that slowly dissipated in Zhang Chulan's mental space and was used as a supply by Zhang Chulan's mental space. Product absorption.


"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, fourth brother. I just suddenly feel clear-eyed and very energetic."

"Is it the influence of the vows made?"

"No way, I haven't heard of anyone having this ability?"

Listening to the voice coming from outside the house, Zheng Shu shrugged. What he did was not very authentic after all, so the remaining mental power was considered as reward for Zhang Chulan.

"Well... for secretly leaving a mark on his mind, let's use the mental power in the mark to compensate for it. That mental power is enough to support his two years of hard training. As for the gods... forget it, give this kid a whole 'Gadgets'." Zheng Shu thought about it silently in his mind.

He did this not because of guilt or soft-heartedness, but simply for the sake of his own mental state and cultivation.

After talking with Xiao Zizai, Zheng Shu chose a meditation method from Baiyun Temple to restrain his emotions and desires.

From then on, with the help of his experiences in the first two worlds, his state of mind cultivation increased rapidly, and he soon reached a good level.

At this stage, Zheng Shu has basically reached the state of doing what he wants without breaking the rules. However, this state does not mean that he does not care about the rules at all. The most important thing is to have a "clear conscience."

After learning the alchemy of the dragon world and the magic of the Xingyue world, the rule of conduct that Zheng Shu most advocated was "equivalent exchange."

"Although there is a suspicion of forced trading, I am a strong person anyway. It should be okay for a strong person to have the privileges of a strong person."

Zheng Shu's body jumped up slightly as if it was weightless, from sitting cross-legged to standing. He arranged his clothes a little, then walked to the door and opened the door.


Outside the door, Zhang Chulan, who was about to knock on the door, was startled when he saw the door suddenly opened. The corner of his mouth twitched when he saw Zheng Shu's expected look.

"You didn't expect me to come and knock on the door, did you?"

"It's not expected, I just heard your footsteps. After all, I have more than one pair of ears."

Zheng Shu pointed to his head, and the pair of animal ears on his head twitched.

Zheng Shu has relaxed a lot since he was told that there are aliens in this world. At least in front of people like Zhang Chulan who know that he has animal ears, he usually does not deliberately hide it.

Zhang Chulan stared at the pair of animal ears on Zheng Shu's head for a long time, and then reached out to cover his forehead, as if he was rearranging his shaky common sense.

"Okay, don't worry about your worldview for now. Why did you suddenly come to me today? The matter of the Lu family brothers and sisters should have been resolved."

"You even know about this?!"

"As I said, my ears are very useful."

Looking at Zheng Shu, who still had an indifferent expression and said that it was very easy to defeat human common sense, Zhang Chulan sighed helplessly.

"The main purpose of coming here this time is to invite you to the banquet tonight. After all, the Lu family brothers and sisters can be regarded as one of our own now. This family saved my life anyway, so I want to have a reception banquet anyway."

After hearing this, Zheng Shu nodded calmly and took the initiative to walk out of the room.

"Well, that's it, let's go, I'm already dressed."

"Sure enough, you already knew this!" Zhang Chulan's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Because this banquet was a relatively secretive party, not too many people were invited. The Xu brothers booked a nice hotel. Apart from the two of them, the only ones present were the Lu family brother and sister, Zhang Chulan. Feng Baobao and Zheng Shu.

At the beginning, Xu San was still a little dissatisfied with Zhang Chulan's secret involvement of the Lu family brothers and sisters in Feng Baobao, but as the exchange at the dinner table progressed, the two parties opened up a little bit.

Naturally, during their chat, they also mentioned the strange assassination that Zhang Chulan had encountered previously.

After exchanging information about the three people who attacked Zhang Chulan, the people present became even more confused.

"After losing to his apprentice, he disbanded the sect. He was unable to control his power and chose to flee from the crowd. He was unable to recover due to the disability of his limbs. This is probably the only thing these three unrelated people have in common... They are all frustrated people. .”

Xu Si sighed helplessly. Although they said they had this in common, it was actually the same as not having them at all.

He reluctantly picked up a chopstick and stuffed it into his mouth, and told him that the company was trying to let the Lu family use their own soul-clearing technique to search for information on the bodies of these people.

"The top management is really anxious this time. It would have been impossible to do this before. After all, it is disrespectful to the deceased. That Ruhu was not willing at first, but he agreed for the sake of avenging his master. "

Xu Si's eyes were lowered, and there was a little helplessness in his tone.

"However, this matter was rejected by the Lu family. Not only that, I heard that Lu Ci also recalled all the outsiders of the Lu family. Director Zhao said that this was not a good sign. In the past, this kind of situation only represented one possibility: The Lu family is at war with someone again, and the opponent can threaten the survival of the Lu family..."

Hearing this, several young people at the dinner table couldn't help but sigh.

They also knew that with the temper of Lu Ci's old madman, it was almost impossible to force the other party to do this.

"You don't have to be disappointed. Even if the Lu family is willing to get involved in this matter, it's impossible to get any information from the corpses of those people."

A voice attracted the attention of everyone present. When they turned around, they saw Zheng Shu, who had no sense of presence from just now.

Zheng Shu hadn't spoken much since the dinner started. Instead, he and Feng Baobao ate quickly together. Now the plates in front of the two of them were almost empty, and it seemed that they were quietly turning the table to eat other dishes.

"No, it's hard to say for those two juniors, but for a body-refining master like Teacher Chai who has been tempered for thousands of years, there must still be residual souls left on the corpse..."

Xu San thought Zheng Shu didn't know what was going on here, so he wanted to explain it to him.

"No, I know what you are going to say, but don't think about it. It is impossible to find any information."

Zheng Shu stuffed a whole fried small yellow croaker into his mouth, then reached out and took out a complete fish bone from his mouth. He wiped his mouth gracefully and put down his napkin, looking at the people present seriously.

"Brother Zheng, do you have any clues?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu, hoping that he could give some clues, and the Lu family siblings' eyes also lit up, looking at Zheng Shu expectantly.

"It's not a clue, but I know what someone with this ability can do."

Zhang Chulan and several others looked at each other, and then asked: "How do you say it?"

"I also learned about what happened to Zhang Chulan earlier. Needless to say, I can tell at a glance that these three people must have been controlled."

"But I talked to Xiao Xiao during the battle. Except when he committed suicide in the end, he did look a little wrong, but he really didn't look like he was being controlled. He had clear self-awareness and memory."

Lu Linglong frowned and recalled the scene when she fought with Xiao Xiao. Although there are spells that can temporarily control people in the world under one person, the controlled behavior is very abnormal. People who understand this You can tell at a glance.

Like the three people who attacked Zhang Chulan this time, they have clear self-awareness and can use their abilities to fight very smoothly.

Except for the fact that the circumstances of the final suicide were so weird that people could confirm that they had been tampered with, it didn't look like they were being controlled at all.

"Because the spells that control people in your cognition can only control people's spirits and souls, but cannot control people's brains." Zheng Shu pointed at his head.

"In fact, for most people, the brain is the most important carrier of their own memory and personality, and the soul is just a supplementary thing. Many ordinary people's mental power is so weak that it is not enough to give birth to a soul, but there are also some A clear sense of autonomy.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, those spells that can confuse people's hearts make the people they control look like puppets controlled by others. In fact, they are indeed puppets controlled by others, because the most basic condition for the execution of these spells is to make the original owner lose consciousness. This way, they do not have to fight against the brain of the controlled person. "

"But... I heard that the Lu family's Bright Soul Technique can also steal or even erase the memory of the person being controlled. Aren't they only able to control people's spirits and souls?" Xu San was a little confused.

"No, just the opposite." Zheng Shu waved his finger.

"I also met people from the Lu family on Longhu Mountain, so I know very well that their soul-clearing technique may only affect the spirit in the early stages, but it will definitely involve physical manipulation later on.

But precisely for this reason, I dare to conclude that there are only a few people in the Lu family who can actually steal other people's memories with the Soul Ming Technique. It is estimated that most people can only be at the level of judging the truth of what the other party says. "

"This...I have also heard Director Zhao say it, and it seems to be true. In the Lu family, except for the little girl who fell off the cliff and died and the junior who joined Quanxing, the one with the strongest soul-clearing skills in the entire family seems to be We can only search for memories." Xu Si touched his unshaven chin and confirmed what Zheng Shu said.

"Then according to your opinion, the reason why Xiao Xiao and others came to attack Zhang Chulan was because someone controlled their brains?!" Lu Linglong was a little in disbelief.

"No, judging from their situation, there is a high probability that someone has directly changed their cognition, because no matter what, direct control will reveal flaws." Zheng Shu corrected.

"Changed his cognition? According to your statement, someone directly modified the neurons in his brain. Can anyone really do such a delicate operation?" Zhang Chulan touched his chin solemnly, wondering what was going on. Think about something.

(It's urgent, so that's all for today...)

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