Zheng Shu's activity trajectory became extremely regular in the next few days. During the day, he would instruct a group of researchers on how to build a resurrection circle, and use his free time to memorize various documents and materials that had been traded.

At night, I simply used my strong mental power to stop sleeping and stay up all night memorizing all kinds of knowledge.

Zheng Shu did not understand this knowledge, but chose to write it down first.

Relying on the photographic memory created by his strong mental power and the extremely strong speed of nerve reflexes, Zheng Shu can memorize knowledge at an astonishing speed.

In just one day, Zheng Shu had completely memorized the core techniques of various sects that the company had helped collect. The next two days were spent reading various materials and papers on the company's research on "Qi".

As for now, Zheng Shu simply asked the company to use its connections with the state to send him papers on various advanced technologies to his room.

Because Zheng Shu considered that he might trade with those alien civilizations in the future. These civilizations also have their own special abilities, but in many cases they are due to their racial talents and cannot be learned by ordinary people.

In the absence of any better options, Zheng Shu still had to trade various advanced knowledge with them, so he had to lay a solid foundation in advance.

It turned out that Zheng Shu was living a good life in the bunker, until that day, Liao Zhong brought him news.

"You mean Zhang Chulan is dead?" Zheng Shu put down the book in his hand after hearing what Liao Zhong said.

"No, he was about to die before, but now that we have information, he should have been cured."

Liao Zhong scratched his head. He was still being punished and could not leave the bunker for the time being.

However, because this matter involved Master Ruhu, it caused quite a fuss. In addition, Xu San and Xu Si were also a little anxious at the time, so they reported the situation.

"As long as it's cured, good people don't live long and disasters stay for thousands of years. Disasters like him won't die for a while. Is there any problem?"

"From the news from North China, Zhang Chulan's physical injuries were cured by people in the circle, but he had some mental problems, so he is still comatose. I heard that he has been in a coma for almost a week Because I was afraid something would happen, Xu San sent a message, hoping you could go over and help."

Liao Zhong touched his chin, looking indifferent.

Zheng Shu thought for a while, and finally found the plot of this episode from his recently confused mind. It was probably the plot of Zhang Chulan barely surviving after being chased by Qu Tong after meeting Ma Xianhong with a plan.

After thinking about it, Zheng Shu decided to go see Zhang Chulan. If he remembered correctly, he should have been entangled with the divine spirit in his body during his coma. This was a good time to explore the situation of the divine spirit.

If you ask what Zheng Shu is most interested in in the world under one person, then the God Spirit should be in the top three. In Zheng Shu's opinion, isn't this thing just a simplified version of the God's Arms.

So from the beginning, he really wanted to analyze the working principle of the God Spirit, and then see if he could expand and modify it and apply it to himself.

Combined with the analysis of the God's Arms that is still in Zheng Shu's mind, one day, maybe Zheng Shu can obtain the effects of the God's Arms without relying on the God's Arms.

"Old Liao, the news about the resurrection circle should not have spread yet." Zheng Shu stood up and looked at Liao Zhong to confirm.

"No, the company has been controlling the news just as you requested. According to Director Zhao, we should wait until we finish learning the resurrection circle before spreading the news."

Liao Zhong told Zheng Shu all about the company's plans without any scruples, but it didn't matter, after all, this was the plan that Zheng Shu had proposed to them.

"That's fine. I'll take a few days off and let them review on their own during these days. I'll come back to get tested!"

Knowing that he would not be pestered by others this time, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction and assigned "assignments" to the researchers who had been studying with him for a few days.

"Oh, okay, no problem. I will definitely take your message to them. Do you want to arrange a car for you now?" Recalling the tragic situation of those researchers who were as tired as zombies in the past few days, Liao Zhong couldn't help but Wiped the cold sweat on his head.

"Okay, Lao Liao, I'll trouble you then."

"you are welcome."

In the villa, Xu Si was helping Zhang Chulan wipe his body.

Because Zhang Lingyu was not expelled from the school by the Heavenly Master, there are not many people available now. The two of them have to take care of the company's affairs, so they can only take turns taking care of her every day.

"Huh... I hope that person can come."

After finishing these tasks, Xu Si sat outside the door and lit a cigarette, exhaled a long puff of smoke, and then stared at the sky in a daze.

After the Twenty-Four Festival Valley incident, they had determined through the information obtained by Zhang Chulan that an outsider knew about Feng Baobao, and judging from the situation, the other party was still hostile to them.

I was already under a lot of pressure, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen now.

As a last resort, Xu Si could only choose to send a message to Zheng Shu.

He is not worried about Zheng Shu coveting Feng Baobao now. Not to mention that he himself can live forever, his interests in resurrecting the magic circle are much greater than Feng Baobao's.

Although Hu Lanlan also said that Zhang Chulan could wake up as long as the opportunity was enough, but it has been a week now and this guy hasn't woken up yet. The only one who can place hope is Zheng Shu.

Xu Si was stunned for a moment while thinking, because he found a figure walking over from a distance.

"That's..." his eyes widened. After the figure came a little closer, Xu Si's tight body relaxed slightly, "Hey, I just had the attitude of giving it a try. I didn't expect you to really do it." coming."

"I can't help it. Who made me agree to this guy? If he needs it, I will come and help him."

Zheng Shu walked to Xu Si's side, his tone full of emotion.

"But it's just right. Let's take this opportunity when I come out to let the researchers in the bunker take a break. They look like they are almost exhausted. If they continue to study like this, a few of them will probably go to the hospital."

"Although I am quite poor at studying, I have never heard that people can faint just by studying. The researchers in the bunker should not be as ignorant as me."

The corners of Xu Si's eyes raised. It was not a secret to him that Zheng Shu was willing to teach the resurrection circle, but it seemed that he couldn't imagine that a researcher who could be selected into the bunker would not be able to learn it.

Zheng Shu smiled helplessly and spread his hands to express that it was not his fault:

"I can't help it. I can still hold on until now thanks to the fact that they are all strangers. After all, knowledge carries power. Although the knowledge level of the resurrection circle is not too high, it is not something that ordinary people can bear. Something affordable.”

"Isn't even the level of the resurrection circle considered high? Then what is high-level knowledge to you?"

"Well... for the sake of your health, it's better if I don't reveal anything." Zheng Shu smiled mysteriously, "Let's not talk about this for now. How is that guy Zhang Chulan's situation now?"

Xu Si didn't dwell on the matter anymore. He sighed when Zheng Shu asked about it. He stood up from the steps, patted his pants, and walked towards the villa room with Zheng Shu.

"Sister Lan... Hu Lanlan said that she had already treated Zhang Chulan's internal and external injuries, but his mental part was extremely weak and weak, so he kept dragging himself unconscious. To put it simply, he was depressed. Although his life should not be in danger, But procrastinating like this is not an option, so I can only ask you to come."

"Such a sense of crisis? It seems that the clues you found about Feng Baobao are not very good." Zheng Shu said knowingly.

"This...is true."

Xu Si seemed to want to avoid it, but couldn't seem to find an excuse, because he also discovered that his eagerness to come to Zheng Shu did reveal some information.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm too lazy to ask you what clues you found. Anyway, for me, the reason why I am willing to help Zhang Chulan is because I see this guy is pitiful, so as long as you don't do anything evil, I won't Too lazy to care."

Xu Si smiled bitterly when he heard Zheng Shu's words, but he felt really relieved.

The two came to Zhang Chulan's room. Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao, who heard the noise next to him, said hello. They stood in front of Zhang Chulan's bed and put their hands on his chest to check.

"...Well, there are indeed no obvious injuries on his body. He just hurt his vitality, so he is still a little weak now, but it is no longer affected. His inability to wake up is indeed a mental problem."

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Xu Si looked worried.

"That's not the case. You really have no choice if you want to find someone else, but luckily you found me. Sister Bao'er, do me a favor. You and Fourth Brother will help me guard it. Don't let others break in. I want to go to Zhang Chu Take a look inside Lan's spiritual world." Zheng Shu turned to look at Feng Baobao next to him.

"No problem." Feng Baobao nodded blankly, took out the knife from his body and stood there blankly.

"Sorry to trouble you, Fourth Brother."

"No, no, it's us who are troubling you. Don't worry, I won't let anyone bother you!" Xu Si quickly waved his hands and took the initiative to sit outside the door just in case.


Zheng Shu stretched out a finger and pointed on Zhang Chulan's forehead. He closed his eyes slightly, and a ray of spirit entered Zhang Chulan's mental space along the contact point of their skin.

In the mental space, Zhang Chulan finally broke free from the baby's body in his mental space.

Feeling the tranquility that he had not felt for so many years, he planned to stay here for a moment.

"No one can disturb me here, no one can notice me, there are no more eyes staring at me, those things that make me uneasy and make me tempted are gone!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan's mental body couldn't help laughing.


"Why are you giggling here?"


The sudden sound made Zhang Chulan hold back the rest of his laughter in his throat. If he was not a spiritual person, he might be choked and cough.

"Who?! Who's there?!"

Looking at Zhang Chulan who was looking around in panic, Zheng Shu condensed this ray of his spirit and condensed his spiritual body in front of his eyes.

"it's me."

"Zheng... Zheng Shu?! Why are you in my mental space?" Zhang Chulan was a little unbelievable, almost thinking that he had given birth to a demon.

"Ordinary people will definitely not be able to do it, but unfortunately, I have rich experience in invading mental spaces, so it is easy for a completely undefended mental space like yours to get in."

Zheng Shu explained casually and saw the baby floating in Zhang Chulan's mental space, representing the spirit of the gods.

"Where did you get such a wealth of experience?! Also, why is there someone in the mental space to guard it?!" Zhang Chulan couldn't help but complain.

"Oh, it's a long story. In short, it's just an awkward guy who wants to chat with his brother, so he often goes to his brother's mental space to meet him. When I was helping his brother deal with this problem, By the way, I also learned the technique of invading the spiritual space.”

Zheng Shu casually briefly talked about Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze, and his spiritual body floated above the gods.

Looking at these words and trying to figure out the nature of the energy in them, Zheng Shu touched his chin and marveled.

"Tsk tsk, that's interesting, God Spirit? Although I have already noticed that there is special energy in your body, I originally thought it was the source of the Qi Body, but I didn't expect it to be the God Spirit? Lao Zhang, didn't you say that this thing came from your grandfather? Got it?"

"Alas, Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng..."

Zhang Chulan only reacted at this time, because Zheng Shu's sudden appearance in his spiritual world surprised him, so he almost forgot about it.

However, after seeing that Zheng Shu had discovered the problem in his body, Zhang Chulan could only sigh helplessly.

"To be honest, I don't know. This thing was indeed passed down to me by Sister Bao'er. Logically speaking, it should have been left behind by my grandfather, but looking at it like this, it does look more like a divine spirit."

"Hey! What are you afraid of? Whether it's the origin of Qi Ti or the spirit of the gods, you have already been involved in what happened back then. It's not a big deal if you have more trouble or less trouble. I'm really anxious and covet everything. Just kill all your people.

If I remember correctly, gods and spirits can return things made of Qi to the most primitive Qi. With this thing, you at least have one more way to save your life, right? "

"Brother Zheng, I don't have your strength..." Zhang Chulan's mouth twitched, but when Zheng Shu said this, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Thinking about it carefully, it was right. Those messy sights that he regarded as nightmares were actually just like that from another aspect.

"I really envy you, a strong man like Zheng Shu, who has enough freedom..."

"Are you envious? If you are envious, just practice obediently. You have a good talent. If you practice for a few more years, you will be able to reach the first level. By then, let alone being forced to do anything in front of you, even if you expose yourself. It's a secret, and no one dares to say a word - just like me." Zheng Shu said without looking back while analyzing the power composition of the god spirit at his feet.

"I worked very hard, okay, do you think everyone is like a monster like you?!" Zhang Chulan looked up to the sky and sighed, lamenting the unfairness of the world.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that. What are you doing here all of a sudden?"

"What are you doing?" Zheng Shu finished his analysis of the gods and turned his head with strange eyes, "Of course it's to wake you up. You've been sleeping outside for a week!"

"So long?!"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so lethargic at such a young age. If you go back to sleep, it will be too late."

"Then I really need to wake up soon!"

Zhang Chulan panicked and prepared to exit the spiritual world, but after struggling twice, he couldn't find the trick.

"Uh...how do I exit?"

"Oh, yes, it must be your first time in this world, so you may not have mastered the tricks yet. In fact, these things are very simple, just rely on instinct."

Zheng Shu also remembered that because of his interference, Zhang Chulan might have entered his own spiritual world for the first time, and since the situation was not urgent, the actions might be a bit strange.

"It's okay. As long as you have this idea, I will go out and guide your mental power later to wake you up." Zheng Shu's mental body waved his hand towards Zhang Chulan and slowly dissipated, "Then, when See you soon."

"I always feel that something is wrong with your statement." Zhang Chulan was a little helpless.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zheng Shu saw Feng Baobao squatting in front of him and looking at the two of him.

"woke up?"

"Well, how long have I been in there?"

Zheng Shu glanced at the sky outside. It was clearly still morning when he came, but now it was already evening.

"I don't know. Ask the fourth child."

Feng Baobao and Zheng Shu turned to look at the school gate. At this time, Xu Si, who heard the movement in the house, also opened the door and walked in.

"It's been about ten hours. Fortunately, you woke up." Xu Si came in and looked at Zheng Shu and heaved a sigh of relief.

If even Zheng Shu got involved in this, he would be guilty of a big crime.

"So long? It seems that Zhang Chulan really wants to escape reality. Unknowingly, he has reversed the flow rate of the mental space and the time outside." Zheng Shu touched his chin.

"How is the situation?" Xu Si walked to Zhang Chulan and checked for a while, and found that he still had no tendency to wake up.

"It's done. This kid is just a little depressed. It's nothing serious. He's healed now. All he needs to do next is some external stimulation."

"How to stimulate? Do you need to use electric current or something... Baby, put down that generator for me!"

Looking at Feng Baobao who took out a diesel generator from somewhere, Xu Si sighed with a headache.

"Haha, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, as long as I stimulate it a little."

After Zheng Shu finished speaking, he put his hand on Zhang Chulan's forehead. Xu Si next to him looked at his expression and swallowed nervously, ready to respond at any time.

"Well... sleep with your mother and get high!"

Zheng Shu's expression suddenly became ferocious, he grabbed Zhang Chulan's head with one hand and threw him away, directly hitting the wall of the room.



With a scream, Zhang Chulan woke up.

"Well, as long as it's so exciting, won't it wake you up?"


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