Around Chen Duo, several temporary workers formed a fan-shaped encirclement, and followed Lao Meng's instructions to approach little by little.

While Lao Meng was still explaining to everyone the gap between his own abilities and Chen Duo's abilities and the subsequent treatment methods, Feng Baobao had already obeyed Zhang Chulan's instructions and walked straight out of the hiding place and walked in the direction of Chen Duo.


Seeing Feng Baobao's actions, Lao Meng was so shocked that his eyes almost broke, and several other temporary workers fell into speechless silence for a while.

"Zhang Chulan, what the hell is going on with you? Don't hold your heavenly soldier at this time!" The black man was so angry that he almost cursed.

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't paying attention! Sister Bao'er, come back, come back quickly!" Zhang Chulan was quite embarrassed on the surface, but secretly she praised Feng Baobao silently.

"That's it, Sister Bao'er, as promised before, ignore everyone including me from now on!"

Under Feng Baobao's initiative, several temporary workers quickly broke the deadlock and gathered in front of Chen Duo. Chen Duo also explained to them the reason why she would be waiting here.

During this process, Zhang Chulan also played his role as a surgeon very responsibly, using his rationality and incompatibility to push all the temporary workers present into the position of "same kind".

In the end, all the temporary workers knew the reason why Chen Duo "betrayed" Liao Zhong.

In fact, it's very simple. It was purely because the Gu body holy boy who had been arranged by others finally had the time to make his own choice, so he left Liao Zhong and came to Biyou Village.

Lao Meng is becoming more and more excited now. As the person who personally rescued Chen Duo, he does not want this child who is about the same age as his daughter to die so young.

"Yes! Chen Duo, you have a choice. You can choose to go back to the company with us. I will never let them hurt you. I...I can apply to be transferred to the bunker. You can also's okay..."

After speaking, Lao Meng could no longer speak, and everyone present fell silent.

Because they know that the temporary worker who betrayed the company and killed the person in charge has only one possibility other than being captured and locked up in a bunker never to see the light of day.

"You can can still..."

Lao Meng kept repeating this sentence, but he couldn't say it. He could only look at the other temporary workers for help, hoping that they could give him another better suggestion.

But it is obvious that under the fact that Liao Zhong is dead, there is no room for turning things around.

Even if Chen Duo was able to be imprisoned in the bunker alive, it was because the superior leaders were merciful considering her special characteristics. Otherwise, Chen Duo would have no "choice" at all.

Cold sweat broke out on Lao Meng's head, but he was still unwilling to say the last word.

"Death!" Zhang Chulan's voice came from behind him, finishing the last sentence for him, "You can still choose to die!"

"Zhang Chulan!"

The furious Lao Meng grabbed Zhang Chulan's collar, but was stopped by Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu next to him.

Looking at Chen Duo who was already deep in thought, Lao Meng was still making his last effort. He grabbed Wang Zhenqiu and begged them to give him a new option.

"Everyone, you have better brains than me, Qiu'er, you have a quick brain, you say it! There is still a choice, a better choice, right!"

"Yes, of course."

Just when Lao Meng was about to despair, a voice came and gave him his last hope.

"Yes, just look at it and I'll tell you!"


Unlike Lao Meng, who was so excited that he had completely lost his vigilance, the other temporary workers immediately jumped out of their positions as if they were electrocuted when they heard the sudden sound. They all assumed fighting postures and looked at where Chen Duo was sitting. behind the big tree.

"Don't be nervous, it's me." Zheng Shu released his completely restrained breath and revealed his figure from behind the tree.

"It's you...haven't you already left Biyou Village? When did you come back? What are you trying to do behind the scenes?!" Black Guan'er stared at Zheng Shu warily.

"We have to be reasonable when we speak. I have been resting under this tree for a long time. It is obvious that you came later, so I should be the one to ask you this. If you don't believe it, you can ask Er Zhuang. I am very It’s been here a long time ago.”

Amid everyone's wary gazes, Zheng Shu put his hands in his pockets and walked lightly to the center of the crowd, carefully looking at Chen Duo again.

"Er Zhuang?!" Except for Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, the other temporary workers were stunned, wondering who this name represented.


At this time, everyone's mobile phones vibrated at the same time to attract their attention. Wang Zhenqiu stared at Zheng Shu, took out his mobile phone from his clothes and glanced at the screen, and then his eyes showed a surprised look.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Zizai and Hei Guan'er were a little confused. Wang Zhenqiu was not someone who showed surprise easily.

"The second strong one refers to the one in the northeast. You can check your phones yourself." Wang Zhenqiu looked at Zheng Shu with interest, looking him up and down, as if he had gotten to know him all over again.

"I really didn't expect that the Taoist priest of Baiyun Temple would have such an ability. Could it be said that inner alchemy can make people particularly good at controlling electromagnetic waves?"

After reading the message from Er Zhuang on their mobile phones, Xiao Zizai and Black Guan also stared at Zheng Shu in surprise. They did not expect that there were people in the world who had the same ability as Er Zhuang.

Especially Black Guan'er. He has experienced Zheng Shu's fighting power. Even if he is so strong, he is also good at manipulating electromagnetic waves. Is this guy really a superman?

And judging from the information sent by Er Zhuang, the method used in the explosion caused by Zhang Chulan just now was also given to Zhang Chulan by him.

This guy... can even threaten the modern army!

"Most of what Erzhuang said is right - except for those words that cursed me."

Zheng Shu converted part of his mental power into electromagnetic waves and after checking Er Zhuangfa's news, his brows jumped involuntarily.

Although he did introduce the various information he just revealed, these paragraphs are extremely pregnant with content, which would be half-silenced if put on TV.

"You said there is a third option? What is it?"

Chen Duo's voice turned everyone's attention back, and Lao Meng, who had just been carried away by Wang Zhenqiu when he retreated, also reacted at this time.

He broke away from Wang Zhenqiu's hand, rushed to Zheng Shu, grabbed his clothes and asked imploringly: "Yes, you are right, Chen Duo has a third option, what is it? Just tell me!"

"Calm down. I'm not from the company after all, so I don't know much about the company's rules and regulations. Although the general information has been obtained through your mobile phone, there are still some questions that need to be asked before we can draw a conclusion." Zheng Shu shot He patted Lao Meng on the shoulder to calm him down.

Noticing some of the circumstances in Zheng Shu's words, the other few present were relatively normal temporary workers, and the corners of their eyes twitched unconsciously.

But now is not the time to pursue the other party for wantonly invading their mobile phones. These people are also curious about what choices Zheng Shu can give.

"Then let me first ask, what rules does the company follow regarding events in the alien world? Do I mean specifically to comply with national laws, or do I mean certain internal regulations of the company?"

Several people looked at each other, and the black tube who was most familiar with this matter took the initiative to answer the question.

"The company has only one dead line when it comes to the management of strangers: it is not allowed to affect ordinary people! It won't care too much about other things, and generally it won't convict according to ordinary laws."

"Oh, as I understand, it's a population red line. In order to maintain the ratio of aliens to the total population, the higher-ups will even allow them to fight each other to a certain extent." Zheng Shu nodded calmly and said it very calmly. Information that would make ordinary aliens explode.

"This is how ordinary aliens deal with each other. As long as it doesn't affect ordinary people, there is no problem even if they fight each other... But what about the internal personnel of the company?"

"inside company?"

Black Guan'er's brows furrowed tightly. He seemed to have caught some clues about Zheng Shu's question, but he was not sure - he didn't believe that Zheng Shu was such a stupid person and would want to use such stupid methods. way to deal with this problem.

Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu also thought of something, and their expressions looked a little confused.

"Yes, of course, you don't have to think about it to know that it is forbidden to hurt each other within your company, but there must be exceptions. How will you deal with situations like this?" Zheng Shu seemed to have not seen a few people. He continued to ask with the same expression.

"There are very few such examples, but there are corresponding precedents." While everyone was hesitating, Zhang Chulan stood up decisively.

"If the injury is accidental, it's okay. If the injury is intentional, there are generally two situations. One is that both parties are unreasonable. In this case, each will be hit fifty times.

The other is that there is a clear division of responsibilities, and in this case those who violate the regulations will be punished. The level of punishment is determined based on the seriousness of the problem he committed. If it is light, it may just be incarcerated or have a salary cut. If it is serious, he may be imprisoned forever and lose his freedom. "

After Zhang Chulan finished explaining, Black Guan'er also took up the topic.

"Well... Judging from Chen Duo's situation, even though her situation is relatively special, because killing the person in charge is so bad, she will most likely be imprisoned in a bunker and never see the light of day. But... …”

Black Guan'er glanced at Chen Duo and did not continue to say a few words at the end, but everyone present knew what he was going to say.

In fact, if there is no third option, then Chen Duo will most likely choose the second option: death.

Just like they analyzed together before, although Chen Duo has an extremely morbid attitude towards the fact that she can make a choice, she also has extreme regret about killing Liao Zhong. .

After all, Chen Duo could feel Liao Zhong's kindness towards her, but for Chen Duo, who had gone through special training and developed a very special outlook on life, death itself was not something worth being afraid of.

The reason why she was willing to choose death was not because she was worried that her freedom would be restricted after he returned to the company, but just to be able to "reunite" with Liao Zhong faster.

"It does sound troublesome, but what if the victim himself is willing to forgive Chen Duo?"

Zheng Shu's expression was as relaxed as ever, but the brows of several other temporary workers suddenly frowned, and even Zhang Chulan looked a little confused.

At this moment, Chen Duo looked up at Zheng Shu expectantly, but after thinking about it, he lowered his head helplessly.

"Brother Zheng Shu, are you saying that you can use soul-calling or similar witchcraft to bring back Liao Zhong's soul to forgive Chen Duo?

I have to say that based on Liao Zhong's personality, it is indeed possible to forgive her if she can really summon her soul. But it was a pity that when the person in charge died, there was no one who was good at witchcraft to help him collect his soul.

And as far as I know, the person in charge is not good at condensing his own soul, so his soul probably dissipated at the moment of death. "

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Zheng Shu with a smile, but there was an expectation in his eyes that no one else had.

Zheng Shu glanced at him, a little confused about this guy's inexplicable expectations, but still followed his words.

"Since the soul is gone, what about the body?"

"In a case of this level, Lao Liao's body must have been properly preserved and may not be buried until the case is concluded. However, I heard that he died from Chen Duo's poison, so he may need special treatment before being buried. OK."

Lao Meng was already a little disappointed at this time, and fell to his knees on the ground dejectedly.

"If you are saying that you have the ability to remove corpses, there is no need to show it, not to mention whether the company will agree with your method. Even if you really control his corpse, the company will not To admit to being a puppet completely in the hands of others.”

"Catching corpses? I don't know how to do that. Who told you I would do this?"

Zheng Shu turned around and came to Chen Duo, half-crouched in front of her, and stared at Chen Duo's eyes seriously.

"So... I already know the relevant information about the company. Since he was killed by Gu, the damage to his body should not be too great. It seems that he can meet the conditions, so I can give him a message now. Your third choice.”


Chen Duo's originally calm eyes stirred up some waves, it seemed because he had one more choice, and it seemed because of some unrealistic fantasy.

Zheng Shu stretched out three fingers and placed them in front of her:

"The third option is that I resurrect Liao Zhong and you go and ask for his forgiveness. If you can get his forgiveness, then you can go back to the past."

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