The next night.

After most of the people in Biyou Village went to bed, several temporary workers began to act according to the previous plan.

According to the previously formulated plan, they successfully eliminated all the "little monsters" and, under the threat of Xiao Zizai's portable human scorpion, all the remaining underdogs who were stubbornly resisting were frightened away.

However, there was a slight problem during the encirclement and suppression of Ma Xianhong. Ma Xianhong, who had been developing in Biyou Village for many years, was almost armed to the teeth with various magical weapons, and he was as difficult to handle as a hedgehog.

In addition, the order the temporary workers received was to arrest him with as little harm to his life as possible, so the difficulty was even greater.

Therefore, during the battle, in addition to restricting Ma Xianhong's movements, they also carried out psychological attacks on Ma Xianhong.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Black Guan'er started the scheming plan as planned before without hesitation.

"Now that all the root weapons have been solved, those villagers who didn't know what they were called have been sent away. Let's make it clear now. Everyone who came here is here to deal with this village." Black Guan'er's face revealed a sinister look With a smile on his face, "Mr. Village Chief, please think it over carefully. The five of us are dealing with you with all our strength. What is your good uncle dealing with?"

Ma Xianhong's expression changed, and he abandoned the group of enemies in front of him without hesitation and ran towards the foundry at the east end of his village.

"Zhang Chulan!"

boom! ! !

Under the calm night, a dazzling flash suddenly erupted in the distance, followed by a deafening roar that resounded through the sky, and a heart-stopping shock wave followed, instantly covering everything around in dust and smoke.

The surrounding air seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force, making it difficult to breathe. The heat wave generated by the explosion hit us across a long distance, carrying a smell of burnt and molten metal.

The buildings in the distance were crumbling under this force, and there was a continuous sound of crumbling earth, wood, masonry and stone.

With just this one blow, most of the houses in Biyou Village were severely damaged.


Ma Xianhong, who was about to run back to save his stove, was dumbfounded.

Several temporary workers who were chasing together looked at the sudden horrific explosion in the distance, and unconsciously stopped when they felt the power carried by the shock wave.

There is no need to rush back to save your own furnace now. After all, it seems that the center of the explosion should be at the location of the Slimming furnace.

Even though Ma Xianhong had placed his newly developed doll next to the stove just in case, there was no chance of survival in the face of such an explosion.

When Ma Xianhong reacted, Feng Baobao and Barron, who had been hiding next to him since just now, rushed to his side at the same time and moved their hands against him without hesitation.

Fortunately, with the help of the magic weapon, Ma Xianhong reacted in time and narrowly escaped.

"Hey! Is this the company's application to take action from the higher ups? Isn't that right?" Wang Zhenqiu sighed, and continued to join the siege on Ma Xianhong without hesitation.

The other temporary workers and Xia Liuqing, who was hiding on the side, also reacted at this time. While they continued to besiege Ma Xianhong, they unconsciously looked towards the east of the village where the flames were still burning.

"What's going on? Did the company think Ma Xianhong was too big a threat, so they used missiles?"

Because his abilities were not suitable for siege, Lao Meng had been hiding nearby. At this time, after seeing the explosion of fire in the distance, he took out his mobile phone and asked Er Zhuang without hesitation.

"What? Damn it! What happened to such a big fire?!"

Because it was controlled remotely and did not see the explosion, Er Zhuang was a little confused at first when facing Lao Meng's inquiry. It was not until Lao Meng pointed the camera at the burning flames in the distance that Er Zhuang reacted.

Knowing that something was not right about this matter, Erzhuang was even ready to contact his person in charge directly.

"No, that's where the stove is, Zhang Chulan is still there!"

Looking at the message Erzhuang replied on the phone screen, Lao Meng's hands trembled and he thought of this question.

So in the past few days, he could tell that Zhang Chulan was a little out of place compared to serious temporary workers like them, but he was still a member of the company and an assistant to temporary workers.

In any case, once there are sacrifices of company personnel, the matter in Biyou Village will not be so easy to deal with.

For Lao Meng, who wanted to rescue Chen Duo, this incident was like a bolt from the blue.

"Sorry, from the Northeast, can you find Zhang Chulan's mobile phone and see what his current situation is?" Lao Meng immediately replied to the message on his mobile phone.

"Don't worry, I was the one who made the noise just now. Sorry, it was a bit big accidentally, but the stove is indeed completely destroyed."

Fortunately, at this moment, the avatar representing the temporary workers in the North China Region replied with such a message on his mobile phone, which put Lao Meng's heart at ease.

"Wow, Zhang Chulan, I didn't realize that you still have this ability. You can actually cause such a big noise! ​​(=°Д°=)"

Seeing Er Zhuang's exclamation on the phone, although Lao Meng didn't reply to the message, he was a little surprised.

As for the destructive power just now, even if this Zhang Chulan's other levels and qualities are not good enough, and this movement is also likely to use other tricky methods, it is enough to deserve people's attention.

"No wonder North China chose Zhang Chulan as Feng Baobao's boss. It would be understandable if they had such a trump card."

Recalling Xiao Zizai's evaluation of the two people from North China, Lao Meng, who was still a little confused at first, now fully agreed.

After all, it is comparable to the destructive power of modern heavy weapons.

If it were in ancient times, the aliens did represent strong power, but in modern times, especially compared with the modern army, the aliens only represent "weird" and "difficult" rather than "powerful".

After years of training, some powerful aliens can indeed resist to a certain extent when facing certain heavy weapons. However, compared with the almost explosive production capacity in the wartime arsenal, the aliens The growth rate is really too slow.

Moreover, it is okay to fight in small groups or engage in guerrilla sabotage. Once encountering a large-scale decisive battle, if the premise is to "kill the enemy", facing the heavy firepower coverage of the modern army, Yiren will have no ability to resist at all.

After all, the various skills of aliens are better at "dealing with enemies" rather than "destroying".

While the temporary workers were secretly marveling or sighing, on the other side, the area where the Slimming Furnace was originally located had turned into ruins.

Amidst the thick smoke, fire shot up into the sky, dyeing the night sky blood red. The flames and thick smoke intertwined to form a doomsday-like picture.

The surrounding trees and houses were broken under the blazing force, with dead branches and leaves and the remains of broken houses scattered on the ground.

And behind the few remaining ruins still standing, Zhang Chulan was hiding here in shock.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood-streaked saliva, Zhang Chulan took a few deep breaths, endured the pain in his body to concentrate, and used the golden light spell to regulate his body.

After a few seconds, after using the golden light spell to stabilize the injuries on his body, Zhang Chulan took a few deep breaths again.

But even so, he could still feel the faint pain in his body between breathing, which was damage to muscles and bones.

But he was very lucky to have suffered so few injuries. If he hadn't used the golden light spell to protect his body's vital points at the critical moment, and these relatively tight walls helped block most of the shock waves, Zhang Chulan felt that she could now consider what the banquet at her funeral would be.

"Drink...ahem...damn, I was almost killed by that brat Zheng Shu. Are you sure this thing is really only 'slightly' more powerful? Also, who would use such a thing?" 'Protection'! If I hadn't been cautious by nature, I might not have died in the hands of that doll, but I would have died in the hands of that bead!"

hours ago.

After the black manger had arranged the plans and tasks, Zhang Chulan was on his way to find Ma Xianhong and entangle him, when he "happened" to meet Zheng Shu who was about to leave the village.

"Hey, let's go find your eldest nephew again."

Faced with Zheng Shu's greeting, Zhang Chulan didn't answer with a stinky face.

Although the two agreed to cooperate, Zheng Shu actually did not disclose the specific content of his plan. Although he was not too angry in his heart, Zhang Chulan felt that he still had to show his attitude.

"Okay, don't be so arrogant. Didn't I say that I will give you appropriate compensation? Now, this is my deposit."

Zheng Shu touched his pocket, took out something from it and handed it to Zhang Chulan.

"What are these? Glass beads? I'm already a college student and I don't play with children's stuff like you anymore."

Saying this, Zhang Chulan still couldn't help but take the glass bead-like thing from the center's hand.

He picked up the bead and looked at the sun. The originally slightly reddish transparent bead seemed to have a flame burning out of thin air under the sunlight.

"Ahem... But this thing is quite beautiful, so I will accept your kindness." After coughing twice, Zhang Chulan stuffed the thing into his pocket.

"You can use it as a glass ball to play with, but remember not to pour Qi into it. I brought this thing for your self-defense. When you encounter danger, just pour Qi into it, and then point it towards the enemy. Just throw it over."

"This thing? Is it some kind of magic weapon?" Zhang Chulan took the glass bead out of his pocket and looked at it carefully.

"No, it's just a gadget I made myself. You can think of it as something similar to a grenade, but it's just a little more powerful, so remember to throw it a little further when you use it."

Without explaining too much, Zheng Shu waved his hand, turned around and left the village, disappearing into the jungle.


After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Chulan chose to put this thing in the middle of his sleeve.

After all, it is an explosive item, just in case it explodes accidentally.

"Haha... If this thing explodes, I probably won't be able to survive wherever I put it. Also, can this thing really be considered a grenade? It's obviously a small hand-held missile!"

After finally regaining his composure, Zhang Chulan took out his cell phone, which was luckily not damaged by the shock. He checked the situation, and after replying a few messages, he carefully stretched his head out of the ruins and looked at the center of the explosion in the distance.

Compared to the intense fire around it, there was only a scorched area in the center, because everything that could burn was completely destroyed in an instant.

The Slimming Furnace, which was the main target, as well as the entire room and the puppets in the room were no exception. They were completely missing.

Zhang Chulan could only barely see the remains of the doll that was blown out among the burning ruins around him.

"This power... is really terrifying."

Limping out from behind the bunker, Zhang Chulan picked up the tattered black doll's head on the ground.

After getting over the initial fear, his mind became active again when he looked at the scene in front of him.

"The power of this thing is indeed scary. It would be good if used as a trump card..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Chulan was really moved. Anyway, he had gained experience this time, so he would just throw it farther next time.

"I don't know if Zheng Shu has anything else, but he said he made it himself, and he should be able to make new ones..."

While thinking about it, Zhang Chulan staggered towards the place where the temporary workers and Ma Xianhong were fighting in the distance.

"Oh, there was quite a commotion, even though I gave him that thing."

Looking at the explosion of fire in the distance, Zheng Shu put his hand on his forehead with a cheerful expression.

The "glass bead" he gave to Zhang Chulan was actually a bead condensed by absorbing the flames released by Zhuge Qing in the Luotian Dajiao. Of course, Zheng Shu also made "a little" changes later, so the destructive power and The energy contained in it has risen several levels.

"It turns out that you gave that thing to Zhang Chulan, and with this ability... you are too dangerous!"

"Don't say that. I'm just a little stronger, have a little more tricks, and haven't done any bad things. How can I call it dangerous? And after all, everyone is of the Quanzhen lineage. After all, I still have to be called Where is your senior brother?"

Zheng Shu put his hands back into his pockets, sat back under the tree, took out a pack of instant noodles from his pocket, and handed it to the person sitting on the other side of the tree.


"No...I feel like your problem is more serious than mine. You just talked to yourself again."

On the other side of the tree, Chen Duo was squatting under the tree, playing games on his mobile phone, shaking his head and rejecting the instant noodles offered by Zheng Shu.

Because of the two choices given by Zhang Chulan, after the war between temporary workers and Biyou Village, Chen Duo left the village without hesitation and came to this tree to play games while waiting for his final trial.

At this moment, the person in front of her came to her.

After the other party greeted him very skillfully, he sat on the other side of the same tree without saying much.

Chen Duo thought that this person might be a member of the temporary workers who came specifically to look at him, so he didn't pay attention to it.

This man didn't bother himself much. The only drawback was that he would always "talk to himself" from time to time, as if he was talking to another person.

Even with Chen Duo's mental state, he felt that the person in front of him might have some mental problems.

"Talk to yourself? Maybe."

Zheng Shu smiled and did not refute, but turned his mental power into electromagnetic waves to "see" a world connected by Chen Duo's mobile phone.

In that space full of data, a figure composed of blue data light and shadow was floating there.

"Senior brother, I'm considered crazy because of talking to you."

"You deserve it, who made you so stupid! A little bit..."

"Senior brother, if you say that, I will be sad... Oops, they have already gathered around. I won't chat with you now. See you later."

"Oh, see you later."

Sensing Er Zhuang's reply, Zheng Shu smiled silently.

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