Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 467 Change of Attitude

"Haha... what nonsense are you talking about? Just because Chen Duo looks stupid, do you think she will believe this?"

After a short silence, Zhang Chulan took the lead in breaking the silent atmosphere here.

"That's right, do you really think Chen Duo is stupid? How could she believe such illogical words!" Everyone's mobile phones kept vibrating as Er Zhuang continued to express his opinions.

Zheng Shu didn't care about the various doubts and theories of those behind him. He just squatted in front of Chen Duo and asked her again with a smile.

"Choose, which one of these three options do you want to choose?"

"Dead people cannot be resurrected. Uncle Liao has been killed by me with primitive Gu, so it is impossible for him to be alive... and you cannot have the ability to resurrect him." Chen Duo murmured in a low voice...

"Can't people be resurrected after death? Maybe. But now I give you the third option. You don't need to think about whether this matter is reasonable. You only need to think about which path you want to take."


Chen Duo's originally hesitant attitude suddenly hesitated. He looked up at Zheng Shu blankly, then turned to look at Feng Baobao next to him.

She is indeed not afraid of death, but she also knows very well that once a person dies, there is nothing. If Liao Zhong can be resurrected...

"If it can be realized, I will choose three!" After saying this, Chen Duo huddled back under the tree. "Unfortunately, I know this is impossible, so I choose to die."

"Chen Duo!" Lao Meng's lips were trembling.

"Who said it can't be achieved? Since I made this choice, it naturally means that I have such ability."

Zheng Shu stood up straight and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Chen Duo's head.

"What are you going to do?!"

Lao Meng looked shocked, and the other temporary workers immediately assumed a fighting stance.

"Little Taoist Priest, please don't tell me that by resurrection you mean resurrection in the kingdom of the Lord. If you really dare to say such things, I wouldn't mind taking you back to the company."

While talking to Zheng Shu, the black manger quietly changed his gestures and directed other temporary workers to surround Zheng Shu calmly.

"Calm down, I just showed her some evidence, and if we really want to fight, you can't beat me."

Zheng Shu smiled and glanced at the people behind him. However, just this glance made several temporary workers who were ready for battle suddenly stagnated as if they had seen something terrifying.

Except for Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, who were not targeted by Zheng Shu, and Er Zhuang, who did not feel the pressure on their mobile phones, the other temporary workers were like robots that suddenly lost their power, maintaining their alertness. Standing there blankly.


A few seconds later, the sound of violent breathing came, and the few people resumed their activities as if they had just woken up from a nightmare.

They gasped for air, as if they were filling their lungs with air.

"You..." Black Guan'er looked at Zheng Shu warily, ready to escape.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that he already knew how fast Zheng Shu moved, he would have run away long ago without even saying a word.

Recalling the terrifying pressure that they felt as if they had entered the abyss of the deep sea just now, several people knew very well that if the Taoist priest in front of them had unfavorable thoughts about them, they would never survive.

"Don't worry, I just used some small tricks just to prevent you from disturbing my treatment."

Zheng Shu took his hand away from Chen Duo's head and said with a smile: "How is it? Do you feel it?"


Chen Duo, who had never expressed much expression, stood up in surprise. After feeling his body carefully, he suddenly started to take off his clothes in front of everyone.

"Chen Duo, what are you doing? Sister Bao'er, stay away from her!" Zhang Chulan was startled and immediately shouted.

Seeing her action, the temporary workers who had seen Chen Duo's intelligence were also a little surprised, but because they didn't feel the danger, they didn't make any big moves.

Soon Chen Duo took off the dark green isolation gown underneath, but he didn't take it off completely. When he took it off to his arms, he showed a look of surprise.

"Really recovered..."

Chen Duo was also a little surprised by her smooth arms and abdomen. Not only was she unable to take off the isolation gown due to the original Gu, but her skin and internal organs would also continue to erode outwards from the center of her abdomen.

By now, Chen Duo's body was actually so badly festered that he couldn't even look at it.

Theoretically speaking, even if the temporary workers left her alone, she wouldn't be able to survive for long, and her body would probably be unable to support her in a few years.

And because of the particularity of Chen Duo's own practice, even the group of scientific researchers in the bunker failed to find a solution even after spending a lot of time.

Although this matter is still far from being resurrected, Zheng Shu's ability gave Chen Duo a little more confidence.

"This is……"

The other temporary workers who looked at this scene were also a little surprised. After reading Chen Duo's information, they naturally knew what Chen Duo's current physical condition was like.

But looking at it now, her body does not show any signs of ulceration. Could it be said that Zheng Shu had cured it in just such a short period of time?

"Are you going to use this ability to resurrect Uncle Liao?" Chen Duo put on his clothes again and turned to look at Zheng Shu.

"Oh... so I don't like chatting with outsiders." Zheng Shu scratched his hair, looking a little troubled.

"Just think about it, if resurrecting people was so simple, your initial reaction would not be so big. Repairing living organisms and resurrecting dead living bodies are completely different concepts, although what I just showed is what is needed for resurrection. basic technology, but the difficulty gap between the two sides is indescribable.”

"Can you finish it then?"

"Yes, but to be honest, this thing is not a technology that can be completed by an individual at all. I need to rely on the collective power of a higher level. In other words, if you want to resurrect the person in charge, no matter what, this requires Help everywhere." Zheng Shu admitted his shortcomings very frankly.

Glancing at Chen Duo who was still hesitating, Zheng Shu thought for a moment and gave her an irresistible reason.

"In fact, for you to choose the third option, it also means that the second option is also in your hands, and you can switch freely at any time."


Looking at Chen Duo, whose face was full of doubts and surprises, Zheng Shu rubbed his head. This girl was indeed too naive and had no good intentions.

Maybe in her simple world, things like options cannot be changed once they are chosen, so that's why she reacted like this.

But ordinary people know that in the adult world, everyone usually chooses to "want it all" if conditions permit!

"Since the original Gu didn't emit when you took off your clothes just now, it means that you have the ability to suppress this thing. I also sensed the specificity of the original Gu when I checked your body just now. If you can't control it, It will not spread outward, but will first eat your internal organs along the Qi channels, so in a sense, the option of 'death' is always in your own hands."

Zheng Shu glanced at Lao Meng, whose expression had begun to change, and Chen Duo, whose eyes were gradually brightening, smiled, and continued.

"So if you are not sure whether I have the ability to resurrect people, you can choose the third option first. If after returning to Tai O, Liao Zhong is still not resurrected by me after a while, then you Then you can choose the second option.”


Almost as soon as Zheng Shu finished speaking, Chen Duo immediately made his choice.

For Chen Duo, a girl who has always fantasized about being able to make her own choices, the suggestions made by Zheng Shu even exceeded her fantasies, so she didn't care how reasonable Zheng Shu's next choice was. I agreed with this statement without hesitation.

"Okay everyone, since Chen Duo has made his choice, I think you can also contact the people in the company." Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction after getting Chen Duo's specific answer, and looked back at the people present. Several people.

The temporary workers looked at each other and seemed a little hesitant. Only Wang Zhenqiu jumped out decisively, seemingly not worried about the power Zheng Shu had just shown.

"Don't worry, little brother Zheng Shu, we have contacted the company just now, and someone should be here soon. But besides Chen Duo, little brother, you also have to come with us. After all, this matter involves a lot. Guang, and didn’t you say that you would use the power of the company to resurrect Chief Liao Zhong?”

"That's right, so you don't have to worry about me running away."

Breaking off a few branches and lighting a fire with one finger, Zheng Shu took the initiative to sit in front of the fire and raised his hand to greet the others around him.

"Sit down. In my opinion, those knowledgeable employees who are dealing with the follow-up incidents in Biyou Village will not be able to solve the problem for a while. It will probably take a while before they can find us. Do you want to eat?"

Looking at the various snacks Zheng Shu took out from his pocket, the temporary workers looked at each other. Only Feng Baobao very skillfully stepped forward and sat next to him, picked up a pack of snacks on the ground, tore it open and started to eat.

Wang Zhenqiu smiled and sat next to Zheng Shu, also choosing from the pile of snacks.

With these two people as examples, the remaining temporary workers hesitated and sat in front of the fire with Chen Duo.

In the darkness where the fire could not shine, Zhang Chulan stood under the tree, looked at the few people sitting together in the distance, glanced at Zheng Shu, and had a rough idea of ​​his purpose.

The capital, the company's headquarters is accessible everywhere.

Six directors of the company's board of directors sat around a spacious conference room, discussing the information they had just received.

"The matter is basically over. The entire village has been destroyed. Ma Xianhong and other root tools will be sent to the headquarters soon. According to the temporary workers' report, the Gu boy is completely under their control." Sitting on the side of the conference room Bi Youlong first made a conclusion about this mission.

"Well done."

Sitting in the center of the conference room, Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadaotong Company, showed no serious expression on his face. Several other directors below were also lamenting how things went smoothly this time.

The several directors present first discussed some minor issues regarding the remnants of Biyou Village, and then turned the topic to the main goal of their meeting.

"What do you think of the matters submitted by the temporary workers regarding the Taoist Priest of Baiyunguan?"

Regarding Zhao Fangxu's question, Bi Youlong first expressed his opinion.

"What a bunch of nonsense! Some people actually believe such a simple lie, which can bring the dead back to life... Huh! Cheating! After the review, the Taoist masters at Baiyunguan should be notified and let them see for themselves what they have taught. what."

However, Huang Boren, another director sitting opposite him, had different opinions on the previous information.

"Director Bi, don't be too grumpy. Judging from the information they handed over, it took the little Taoist priest a few seconds to heal Chen Duo's injuries. Hey! At least the ones under my hands Man, I still don’t understand how he did it.”

Huang Boren is in charge of the R\u0026D department in the company, and he is actually quite good in this area. He also knew very well about Chen Duo's problem at the time, so he naturally knew how amazing the technology would be to completely cure the problem.

"Ha! I saw that you managed the R\u0026D department very well before, but I didn't expect that you could be deceived so easily." Bi Youlong smiled disdainfully.

"Even in the alien world, have we collected any intelligence or information about resurrection from the dead so far? Can you believe that such a little guy can accomplish such a miracle?!"


Faced with the oppression of Bi Youlong, who had worked hard on the front line, Huang Boren, who had only worked in civilian jobs, was too frightened to say anything.

"Okay, you two, from the intelligence analysis, the uncertainty in this matter is indeed too great, but...well, let me answer the phone first."

Zhao Fangxu, who was about to say something, suddenly felt his phone vibrating, so he waved his hand.

Several other directors also cooperated and became quiet. Even the two directors Bi Youlong and Huang Boren who were arguing just now also became quiet at the same time. They knew very well what the mobile phone brought into the conference room by Chairman Zhao Fangxu meant. .

"Well, it's me...well, I understand. Don't worry, we will cooperate."

After putting down the phone, Zhao Fangxu thought for a moment and immediately turned his attention to a fat-headed, big-eared director in the conference room with a gentle face.

"Director Fei, I have to trouble you. After those people related to the Biyou Village incident are brought to the company, I hope you can review them as soon as possible, especially the Taoist priest of Baiyunguan."

Director Fei, who had been smiling all the time, was stunned when he heard this, but he stood up immediately:

"No problem. Chairman Zhao is right. After all, he is also the Taoist priest of Baiyunguan. It is not easy to suffer grievances here for too long."

"Yes." Zhao Fangxu nodded with satisfaction and turned his attention back to Huang Boren.

"Old Huang, since the intelligence says that this little Taoist priest is so confident, we don't mind cooperating with him. After all, society is developing, and we cannot make empiricist mistakes.

Anyway, I heard that Baiyunguan has made a lot of money recently by detaining spirits and sending generals. If it is found that it is really a joke, I believe Baiyunguan can also afford the losses here. "

After hearing this, several directors present were really stunned.

After all, before answering the phone, although Zhao Fangxu had not finished speaking, his attitude had basically been determined.

If there are no surprises, for the sake of Baiyunguan, as long as they are sure that there is nothing wrong with the little Taoist priest, the company's attitude will most likely be peaceful.

After all, resurrecting the dead was too appalling. People present, even Huang Boren who seemed to support Zheng Shu, did not believe it at all.

But from what Zhao Fangxu said now, they could tell.

Now...the attitude has changed?

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