Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 460 Normal preparations

Sitting on a scrap iron barrel outside the factory, Zheng Shu kept taking out various snacks from his pocket to eat and drink, while shaking his legs and watching the battles in front of him.

Because his body is not too old in this life, his height and other aspects have not reached the limit. Until now, Zheng Shu's mentality has been affected by body hormones and has become more lively than the previous stable state.

"Probably because of this reason, I was asked to choose this plan..."

Watching the battle in the distance, Zheng Shu casually put the cleaned snack bag in another pocket, took out new snacks from the pocket again and continued eating.

"Hey, according to my normal personality, I shouldn't be so radical. If this plan is really completed, although it will kill several birds with one stone, I will probably be in a lot of trouble... No, I should say definitely It’s going to be big, even the Quanzhen lineage probably won’t be able to protect me.”

As if he had thought of something, Zheng Shu chuckled twice: "Zhang Chulan, don't waste this gift I gave you... Even if it is just incidentally affected by my plan."

After finishing the dry noodles in his hands in two or three mouthfuls, Zheng Shu took out a high-energy chocolate bar from his pocket, tore open the package and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

In Zheng Shu's deliberately narrowed eyes, his pupils became as dazzling as molten gold at some point, and pieces of white, jade-like tiny scales emerged from under the body covered by the Taoist robe, covering the whole body.

The pair of animal ears hidden by the hat on his head also turned into a pair of tiny sharp horns without realizing it.

While Zheng Shu was shaking his legs, he was actually tapping the iron bucket under his body with his feet. Covered by the "clang" sound of the iron bucket, his body also sounded bones from time to time. A changing "click" sound.

There is no doubt that on the premise of concealing the changes in his body as much as possible, Zheng Shu has reached the extreme level of dragon transformation and violent blood.

If it were in the world of dragons, if a hybrid developed its bloodline to this extent, it would basically be to start a war with the Dragon King, and it would never be the type to return alive.

After all, after completing this, a normal hybrid would basically lose consciousness completely and turn into a Deadpool.

But in a sense, Zheng Shu is indeed engaged in another "battle" now, but in the spiritual world.

He could clearly feel that as soon as he ate the food, the stomach pouch in his body, which was no different from that of a pure-blood dragon, completely digested the food in an instant, and quickly converted it into biological energy and rushed to the brain, feeling that he had begun to feel a little bit uncomfortable. An overheated brain provides enough energy.

In fact, the main force that really provides energy to Zheng Shu is the instant dough that he summons directly into his stomach using the panel skill.

However, because his current physique is not strong enough to support the high-density instant noodles, he can only use oral eating to fill the energy gap between each round of instant noodles summons.

This is why Zheng Shu has been eating non-stop. Although he likes food, he only likes this kind of sweet snacks, and under normal circumstances he would not do such a thing when others are fighting. Impolite things.

Fortunately, the interval between each round of Zheng Shu's instant noodle summons was one second, so he didn't have too violent an external display.

Before this, Zheng Shu had fixed the eight transport techniques in his pockets on both sides in advance, and stuffed a large amount of food into the expanded space, so he didn't have to worry too much about energy supply in a short period of time.

"However... although the energy consumption of the brain can still be sustained, the heat dissipation is a bit unbearable. Without attracting attention, even if you continue to use magic to condense the water vapor around the body into ice and hang it on the It's on my head, but I still can't hold it up any longer. Without Tianyan's eloquent spirit, this is already the limit."

If it were daytime, someone would probably have been able to see the drops of water dripping from Zheng Shu's hair.

And at the moment when these water drops are about to fall, they will be absorbed back to the skin by wonderful power, and turned into ice cubes to absorb the heat continuously emitted by Zheng Shu's brain.

Obviously, with the help of the mental power that has been strengthened to the limit of his body, Zheng Shu is constantly calculating some kind of "thing" in his brain.

"We don't have enough time. Can we really analyze that thing before then?"

Feeling the limit of his own computing power, Zheng Shu's separate thinking thread for dealing with the outside world began to think about this issue.

"Judging from the original work, there is still a short period of time before they arrive at Biyou Village and take action. The time is quite urgent. Unless some special methods are adopted, it is unlikely that they will be able to catch up. Then should we postpone this matter to a later date? Can I continue after my plan has started?”

Because most of the computing power is used to analyze in his mind, Zheng Shu's thinking is quite slow.

The main reason why Zheng Shu didn't do much after meeting the temporary worker was because he used most of his computing power to perform calculations in his mind, and what he showed externally was just a little bit of thinking he "squeezed out" Just a thread.

“…No, after the plan starts, I will receive too much harassment, and I won’t have time in a short time for me to use the computing power so leisurely.

Interior space? No, without access to my memory, the computing power of the interior space is too complicated to use. And if something unexpected happens, I may not be able to break the ball of light that appears inside.

In this seems that I can only seek help from Village Chief Ma while in Biyou Village. "

While thinking, Zheng Shu was still eating snacks continuously. From the outside, he still looked so leisurely.

"Huh? This sight..."

Because his reaction was too slow, he almost didn't even notice the eyes on him.

Zheng Shu turned back and glanced into the jungle, and soon saw a rough middle-aged man wearing a cape and dressed like a tramp on a branch.

"Black Guan'er? Why didn't he help Zhang Chulan and the others...ah! Is it because he wanted to watch me?"

Zheng Shu figured it out a little slowly. This was because of the changes in the plot he had made.

The current temporary workers are not very familiar with each other, so in Black Guan'er's mind, tracking the escaped Chen Duo is naturally left to Zhang Chulan and the two who have just left, as well as the one from the northeast who has not shown up yet. of temporary workers.

After all, before revealing his abilities, Erzhuang. She showed a ghost-like tracking ability. On the premise that someone needs to keep an eye on Zheng Shu, she is naturally more suitable to "support" Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

After all, except for the special cases of Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan, all the temporary workers are all top-notch veterans regardless of their strength and personality.

For people like them who are quite experienced in performing tasks, it is very basic to quickly assign tasks according to their own abilities and characteristics.

Even if we haven't met each other so far, we can still achieve this kind of cooperation with a tacit understanding.

"This is not possible, at least the plot cannot change in a short period of time."

The golden color in his eyes faded slightly. Zheng Shu slightly reduced the computing power used in calculations in his mind, and instead diverted some of his actions to provide for himself.

However, due to insufficient computing power for analysis and time constraints, Zheng Shu used a more radical approach.

"What is the background of this little Taoist priest?"

Squatting on a thick branch, the black man dressed as a homeless man stared at Zheng Shu, who was sitting on an iron bucket in the distance and eating snacks leisurely, and was a little undecided.

Judging from the current situation, this person and their encounter are full of various coincidences.

But as a seasoned temporary worker, the boss knows very well that in most cases, the so-called coincidence is just because you have fallen into the other party's plan.

So from the very beginning, Black Guan'er has been keeping a close eye on Zheng Shu's actions, but so far, he has not seen any unusual behavior from this young Taoist priest.

He had asked his person in charge to find information about Zheng Shu more than ten minutes ago, but it was obvious that apart from being too strong and too decisive, Zheng Shu's resume was too simple to analyze. The place.

Naturally, he also saw the actions of Chen Duo and Zhang Chulan, but the black man did not choose to leave, but still stared at Zheng Shu.

After all, the tracking ability that the temporary workers in the Northeast Region had shown before was enough for Black Guan'er to hand over the support task to her with confidence.

Just when Black Guan'er was thinking about various situations, he suddenly discovered that the little Taoist priest he had been staring at had taken action.

Zheng Shu's body paused for a moment, and then he turned his head and glanced in his direction.

"I was discovered? Are you kidding me?!"

Black Guan'er's expression was startled and somewhat unbelievable. As a black Guan'er who disguised himself as a sniper alien in his normal form, observing the enemy secretly was one of his compulsory courses.

If such a little Taoist priest could discover his disguise and surveillance, wouldn't he have lived like a dog before? !

As soon as he thought this, Black Guan'er found that his eyes met Zheng Shu's.


There was silence for a moment, and even with the clarinet's temperament, he felt his face twitch.

"Haha...the young people today are really amazing."

After scratching his hair, Black Guan'er looked at Zheng Shu's position again, but his eyes widened in surprise.

"...Where are the people? Where are they?!"

He was just lost for a moment, but the other party was able to seize this opportunity and disappear without a trace. It felt like when watching a movie, a certain character suddenly disappeared because of a frame break!

"What kind of method is this, ghost walking? Or something else?"

"Behind you."

The sound coming from behind made Hei Guan'er, who was looking for Zheng Shu everywhere, freeze up. At this moment, even the air between the two seemed to be still.


In the blink of an eye, Black Guan'er had already made his own reaction.

Without any intention of looking back, he rushed forward with all his strength and opened the distance between the two sides. At the same time, he crossed his hands in front of his neck and fired with all his strength behind him.

Even though he didn't see the target, relying on his intuition, Black Guan'er's two energy bomb attacks hit Zheng Shu's face very accurately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Black Guan'er tried his best to twist his body in the air, trying to turn around and see the enemy's situation clearly so that he could carry out the next attack.

"Although the two attacks just now are not powerful enough without charging, it should be no problem to block the action. It is best if you can distance yourself. If you can't distance yourself, you can only destroy the magic weapon and engage in close combat..."

In an instant, he thought of the next strategy in his mind, but what happened next made the black man know that his actions just now were just childish tricks in front of the person in front of him.


Seeing Zheng Shu who was standing in front of him like a ghost and holding his arms firmly with both hands, Black Guan'er's expression became ferocious for a moment.

Although his body was sealed by the magic weapon, so he could not use his full strength, but from the feedback of his arm being grabbed, Black Guan'er knew that he had no chance to resist.

"Calm down, I don't mean any harm, I just want to remind you that it would be better to assist the two temporary workers in North China. After all, you should have discovered that something is not quite right about your mission this time, isn't it? ?"

"What...what is your purpose?"

Seeing Zheng Shu taking the initiative to let go of his hands, Black Guan'er did not continue to attack.

It can be seen from the brief exchange just now that if this kid really wanted his own life, he would not survive now.

"Don't worry. The main purpose of following you at this stage is to communicate with the patients about their condition, so you don't have to worry about me hindering your mission."

Zheng Shu, what are you going to explain to him? He just waved his hand and disappeared from Black Guan'er's eyes.

" this guy?"

Glancing towards the factory in the distance, I found that Zheng Shu had returned to his original seat, looking as if he had not moved at all.

After hesitating for a moment, Black Guan'er decided to listen to his suggestion and went to support Zhang Chulan.

In any case, Zheng Shu was right. With his rich experience, Black Guan'er had already discovered that something was very wrong with this mission.

The reason why he stayed here and stared at Zheng Shu before was just in case.

But looking at the situation just now, if the other party really wants to use any means, he can't stop it. Since it's not clear what this guy's purpose is, it's better to just ensure the situation here first.

"Leaving? He just listened to advice..."

Zheng Shu's expression did not change much, but continued to stare at the battle in front of him.

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu's performance, Zheng Shu's eyes jumped a few times, not knowing what he was thinking.

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