Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 461 Entering Biyou Village

What happened next was not much different from the plot of the original work. After the battle ended and they realized that something was wrong, a group of temporary workers simply held a small meeting in the factory on the spot.

However, because of the addition of Zheng Shu, an outsider, the few people present were not too open when talking, and seemed a bit secretive.

"Everyone, I'll take my leave now."

Seeing Zheng Shu suddenly getting up to leave, the temporary workers present were stunned for a moment.

"Brother Zheng, what are you..." Zhang Chulan was slightly stunned and asked with some confusion.

Zheng Shu smiled and nodded to the people present, and then explained to Zhang Chulan:

"My trip this time was originally for training, but I got involved in your mission by mistake. The reason why I followed you all the time was not only to be surprised when I met Brother Xiao, but also to avoid suspicion. However, Now it seems that our mission has come to an end, and you can’t let me stay here as an outsider all the time, so Pindao left first.”

"Ah...are you leaving now?"

Zhang Chulan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, mainly because he didn't know whether he should keep Zheng Shu or just let him go.

Although there is nothing wrong with Zheng Shu's logic, something still feels wrong. They seem to be performing a secret mission. Can this kind of thing really allow the participants to leave at will?

"Oh, I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate for the Taoist Priest to leave like this. Anyway, the tasks we perform are relatively secretive. If possible, I would like to ask the Taoist Priest to sit in the company for a few days before leaving."

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu took over Zhang Chulan's words. Although he still looks cynical on the surface, judging from the state of his muscles, he is clearly ready for battle.

In addition to Wang Zhenqiu, Xiao Zizai and Lao Meng, who had been standing silently from the beginning, also moved their bodies in tacit agreement to surround all Zheng Shu's escape paths.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Pindao's matter is more important, so I can't go to the company for the time being. But don't worry, after this matter is over, Pindao will take the initiative to go to the company... Haha, or in other words, the company should You will take the initiative to seek cooperation with me." Zheng Shu seemed to have a headache and hit his head.

"Why are you so anxious, Mr. Xiaodao? Don't worry, the company's review won't take too long."

Xiao Zizai looked at Zheng Shu with excitement in his eyes. Perhaps in his mind, Zheng Shu would have a better outcome if he could continue to resist.

" seems you won't let me go that easily."

Zheng Shu's eyes flashed with a golden light, and he let go of Long Wei a little.

The heavy pressure immediately made the atmosphere in the entire factory tense. Several temporary workers present felt that they were breathing rapidly involuntarily, as if the air was frozen.

"This...this is..."

Among all the temporary workers, Lao Meng, who was an animal master, had the most intense reaction. He looked at Zheng Shu with wide eyes, feeling the reaction of the microorganisms on his body in disbelief.

Although the reaction of each microorganism was extremely weak, when all the microorganisms were gathered together, Lao Meng could clearly feel that they were - scared!

That’s right, it’s just fear!

Logically speaking, there should be no intelligence at all when reaching the level of microorganisms, leaving only the most basic instinctive activities. After all, they themselves do not even have a nerve cell, how can they express " "Emotion" is such a high-end thing? !

Soon, with his rich knowledge, Lao Meng finally figured out that the fear expressed by the microorganisms in his body was indeed not an "emotion", but an "instinct".

Even paramecium or bacteria without any thinking ability will instinctively go to an environment that makes them more comfortable when encountering a harsh environment.

The microorganisms on his body are in this state now. For these microorganisms, facing Zheng Shu feels like facing a harsh environment. They are eager to escape from this "disaster" in front of them.

"This is... really incredible..."

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Zheng Shu in front of him. Although there was still a smile on his face, his back was covered with cold sweat.

He felt the reaction of his body, the fear as if all the cells wanted to escape. He had only felt it in one person in his life.

"Oh, everyone, listen to me, it doesn't have to be like this."

At this tense moment, Zhang Chulan jumped out, disrupting the entangled momentum of everyone.

"I know Brother Zheng very well and know that he is not that kind of person. Don't worry, he will never hinder us. Brother Zheng, we will turn a blind eye this time, but after the matter is over, you still have to Back to the company for review.”

With Zhang Chulan and Xini, even if his reasons were not very clever, the temporary workers present still took advantage of the slope to relax.

"Thanks, Lao Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely go to the company later."

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan thoughtfully, smiled and waved to him, left the factory, and disappeared into the darkness.

"...from North China, what do you think this Zheng Shu is?"

After Zheng Shu's back disappeared completely, the temporary workers in other regions relaxed and Wang Zhenqiu immediately set his sights on Zhang Chulan.

"Qiu'er, look at what you're asking. Hasn't he already introduced himself? He is a Taoist priest from Baiyun Temple and a monk. There must be no problem."

"Hey, monk..."

Wang Zhenqiu glanced at Xiao Zizai next to him, and instead of continuing to speak, he sat back in his seat.

Zheng Shu, who had already left, naturally did not pay attention to what happened in the factory behind him. The reason why he temporarily changed his plan this time was because he suddenly discovered that the situation had changed slightly, so he needed to buy more time for himself.

However, Zheng Shu is already very used to his behavior of changing plans temporarily. After all, he is not good at planning. Even if he knows the plot in advance, he is not good at planning any big conspiracy.

Especially after gaining enough strength, Zheng Shu is more adept at using his own power for conspiracy.

Therefore, Zheng Shu will always be rough in the implementation of the details of the plan, but it does not matter to him. As long as the general direction can be completed, some small changes can be "corrected" with his power.

"Tsk, I always feel like I am getting more and more reckless. I remember that my personality was not like this before... Oh, it must be the influence of mental distortion! I used to be a good person..."

Muttering secretly in his heart, Zheng Shu stopped using the magic conch to increase computing efficiency, and instead used this skill to guide him to the location of Biyou Village.

"Old horse, old horse! I'm coming!"

Biyou Village is located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is mountainous and forested. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to find the specific location of a small village in a mountain forest. Ordinary people can only search hilltops one by one.

But for Zheng Shu, this was not a big trouble. Except that it took a while while rushing, everything else was fine.

Although he set off relatively late, with Zheng Shu's speed, he and Chen Duo arrived at Biyou Village at about the same time.

"Leader, I brought Chen Duo back, but there seems to be a tail behind me."

As soon as Qiu Rang returned to the village, he shouted and walked towards Ma Xianhong's residence.

"Stop shouting. You heard me. I have just returned to the village. Also, as I said, don't always call me the leader. It's embarrassing, okay? You shouldn't have called me the New Jie Cult in the first place."

Ma Xianhong, who had just finished dealing with Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye's affairs and returned to the village with a group of followers, turned dark when he heard Qiu Rang's cry, scratched his ears, and walked quickly in front of the two men.

"Okay leader, I know the leader. The tail is almost on the road near the village. Leader, should we deal with him."

Ma Xianhong ignored Qiu Rang with a dark face and walked straight to Chen Duo: "Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Duo nodded silently and handed over the capsule in his hand.

"He fell into my sleep poison and entered hibernation with minimal physiological exertion. He will not wake up without an antidote."

"Oh, it's really troublesome. The current bite bag can't contain conscious things. I... still need to improve."

Ma Xianhong picked up the lens, looked at Mei Jinfeng stored in the capsule, and sighed in a low voice.

"Really? I think you are already very powerful. After all, this is a space equipment that can store life."


Hearing this sudden and unfamiliar voice, Qiu Rang was startled. He protected Ma Xianhong behind him without hesitation, stretched out his hand from behind to reach out to his gilded Ruyi, and looked at the road outside the village with extreme vigilance.

"Oh, there's no need to be wary. I don't have any ill intentions towards you, well... at least not much in a short period of time."

Zheng Shu walked out of the woods extending from the path in a swaggering manner, not caring about the alert Qiu Rang and Chen Duo next to him.

"Hmph! When I returned to the village, I found someone following us. I didn't expect you to show up in such a hurry. If you dare to show your face, then you must die!"

Qiu Rang didn't want to hear Zheng Shu's explanation at all. Although his jade ring was damaged in the battle just now, the gilded Ruyi was still intact.

Randomly driving Ruyi in his hand, dazzling golden light seeped out from Ruyi, and it instantly became extremely large.


Before Ma Xianhong could say anything, Qiu Rang had already waved his Ruyi and slashed at Zheng Shu from a distance.

The golden light on Ruyi instantly transformed into a huge golden light blade, pressing towards Zheng Shu mercilessly.


Click, click, click...

Amid the violent roar, an imperceptible sound of breaking reached Qiu Rang's ears. He was startled. He looked down and saw that large and small cracks had appeared on his gilded Ruyi at some point.

“It’s my wish!!!”

"I said, it's not my fault. I didn't resist. It's just that your Ruyi was too fragile and couldn't even withstand the pure counterattack force."

Along with Zheng Shu's still calm voice, the dust raised was blown away from the inside, revealing Zheng Shu's uninjured body.


"Okay, stop!" Ma Xianhong's voice stopped Qiu Rang, who was about to go up and fight for his life.

At this time, because of the huge noise, the superiors who had not gone far just now also came to Ma Xianhong's side one after another.

He waved his hand to stop the superiors from eagerly preparing to fight, but looked at Zheng Shu up and down with great interest.

"I don't know why little brother comes to our Biyou Village. If you want to take Chen Duo back, then please take him back. She is our partner, and I will definitely protect her!"

"Chen Duo? I don't know this person, why should I arrest her? But today this is the second time I have been beaten because of this person named Chen Duo."

Zheng Shu did not stop approaching. After walking in, the two parties could see each other's appearance clearly with the help of the moonlight.

The Ma Xianhong in front of him is tall, handsome, with white hair and white robes. The most noticeable thing is the two beauty spots under his eyes, and the fact that he walks barefoot even in the mountains.

His eyes unconsciously glanced at Ma Xianhong's bare feet. Zheng Shu's expression was strange for a moment. If he walked barefoot in this kind of mountain village and woodland, there should be a lot of mud between his toenails. Do I still have to pick it with a stick?

When he thought of the scene in front of him of the horse leader holding a stick and digging his feet into the mud, Zheng Shu thought of that almost parody song again.

"Well... hold on, hold on, you are asking for something. It would be a bad thing if you laugh about it."

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Zheng Shu used all his willpower to control himself from laughing on the spot.

Compared to Zheng Shu's pretense of calmness, those on Ma Xianhong's side reacted much more violently.

"Wow even!"

"so beautiful……"

"He's obviously so handsome!"

Most of the superiors in Biyou Village are problem children, and their personalities are different from ordinary aliens, so Zheng Shu expected such a violent reaction.

After taking a look at Ma Xianhong and Qi Rang who was still guarding him vigilantly, Zheng Shu smiled gently and took the initiative to raise his hands and clasp his fists: "White Cloud Temple, Zheng Shu."

"Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong. It turns out that he is the Taoist priest of Baiyunguan. We also have a Taoist priest from Maoshan here. Maybe we can chat with you. Since you said you don't know Chen Duo, then little brother Zheng Shu is here What’s the lesson here?”

Zheng Shu didn't mean to beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"I heard that Village Chief Ma's weapon-refining skills are very good. I came here to ask Village Chief Ma to help me make something. Of course, I have also prepared the reward."

"Oh? I don't know what it is?"

When he heard Zheng Shu calling him village chief instead of leader, Ma Xianhong's face immediately looked much better.

"This...don't you invite me in for a chat?"

(PS: After thinking about it, I’d better take a day off tomorrow.

As you can probably tell, I wrote very conservatively during this period. In fact, I thought about a lot of sexy things, but it would cause the plot to change too much later, so I didn’t dare to write too fast.

I have been reading the comics constantly these past two days to study the character traits of the original characters, so I simply took a day off to study them carefully.

I’ve actually almost figured out the general plot, but I’m mainly not sure how to write it out. )

Book recommendations:

Book title "Return to 2002: Starting with 800 Acres of Wasteland"

Reborn in 2002, in that era when the Internet exploded, big industries were transforming, and big guys gathered... I just wanted to farm, plant hundreds of millions of fields, earn hundreds of millions of dollars, spend more time with my parents, be kind to my relatives and friends around me, and let More people can eat safe food... Then, I succeeded.

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