Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 459 The strange Wang Zhenqiu (big chapter added!)

Seeing that the atmosphere between the few people was becoming more and more solemn, Zhang Chulan, who was hiding behind the tree, couldn't sit still and began to think about whether he should go out to help Zheng Shu clear his name.

Although the purpose of Zheng Shu appearing here at this time is quite doubtful, as Zheng Shu originally envisioned, with common basic interests, Zhang Chulan will still give priority to Zheng Shu when something happens. Think like your own person.

But if they are rescued now, Feng Baobao will definitely reveal some flaws in his contact with them...

"Don't worry."

Just when Zhang Chulan was struggling, Xiao Zizai's voice made everyone turn their attention to him.

"Although he can't be trusted, he shouldn't be from Chen Duo's side."

The others were stunned for a moment, wondering why Xiao Zizi said this. Wang Zhenqiu reacted immediately after being a little confused. He came to Zheng Shu with a smile and patted his shoulder.

"Oh, since it was Brother Xiao who said it, of course there is no problem. Brother Zheng is also unlucky, but since you have been involved in this and can be considered one of the victims, there is no need to worry about the mission being leaked. ”

Zheng Shu ignored him and looked at Xiao Zizai. Of course he understood why Xiao Zizai said this. To put it bluntly, it was actually a very simple reason...

"Hey, Brother Xiao, you are planning to kill me, right?" Zheng Shu suddenly chuckled.

"Yes, you are more dangerous than that woman and can be killed!" Xiao Zizai stared at Zheng Shu, not hiding his desire to kill.

Zheng Shu understood. The reason why Xiao Zizai was willing to let him go in a short period of time was because he hoped that Zheng Shu could reveal his flaws. In this way, he would have a reason to kill Zheng Shu to satisfy his desire.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, and if you feel that you can't control yourself and want to kill someone in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Under the ghostly looks of the two people next to him, Zheng Shu smiled indifferently, and even took the initiative to come to Xiao Zizai's side and stand with him, as if he was not worried that Xiao Zizai would suddenly cut off his head. Same.

"Oh... I thought I was already a weirdo, but this time my eyes were really opened." Wang Zhenqiu looked at the two people standing together with emotion.

Although it is not clear what the situation is between these two people, in Wang Zhenqiu's view, Xiao Zizai and Zheng Shu stand together. Although their appearance, expression and posture are completely different, they have a strange sense of coordination, as if these two people are completely different. Individuals are “similar”.

For the well-informed Wang Zhenqiu, several possible ideas immediately appeared in his mind regarding these two people.


Seeing that the debate about Zheng Shu's identity came to an end, Lao Meng returned to his original nervous look, attracting other people's attention to himself in a low voice.

"Since this little brother can be temporarily trusted by Brother Xiao, let me continue talking... In fact, the reason why I showed up was to discuss this matter with you two. No! It's not just the two of you, everyone is here, I beg you Please, can you please let Chen Duo live!"


Except for Zheng Shu, everyone present was stunned for a moment when they heard Lao Meng's words.

"What do you mean? You want us to give up this mission?"

Xiao Zizai's oppressive eyes glanced at Lao Meng. Although he already had Zheng Shu as a spare "food", he was still not sure that Zheng Shu could really be killed, so of course he didn't want a "main meal" like Chen Duo. Will give up.

Lao Meng trembled when Xiao Zizai saw him, and quickly explained: "No, no, Brother Xiao, I just want to keep Chen Duo alive. Take her back alive, and the head office will naturally handle her affairs."

"What's your relationship?" Xiao Zizai continued to ask.

"I was the one who brought her out of the 'Medicine Fairy Society'."

Lao Meng's expression was gloomy, and he immediately explained to everyone about the Yaoxian Society and Chen Duo. At the end, Lao Meng said the cruelest words in the most cowardly manner.

"I'm definitely no match for you, but if you want to kill him, I will take action against you! That child is so pitiful, just give her a chance!"

After hearing this, everyone present actually agreed to Lao Meng's proposal, including Xiao Zizai, who seemed to have the most serious desire to kill.

It can even be said that Xiao Zizai is the most compassionate among the people present. Otherwise, he would not deliberately control his desire to kill.

However...since he had to give up the "dinner" he had prepared, Xiao Zizai naturally had to find a substitute for himself.

"Well, since Lao Meng has something to ask of everyone, let me ask you something... If everyone agrees, I will carry out this operation on the premise of capturing him alive."

Amid the confused looks of others, Xiao Zizi walked up to the woman who had been subdued by Wang Zhenqiu and passed out because of the pleasure.

"I ask everyone to help me hide it in the report after the mission is completed. This woman was not defeated by Wang Zhenqiu, but was solved with my full strength, okay?"

With that said, Xiao Zizai very gently helped the woman lying on the ground.

Although there were some doubts about this request, this matter was not a big deal in the first place, so everyone quickly agreed to the proposal.

"I trust you, so don't betray me...Thank you."


After saying this, Xiao Zizai used his hands without hesitation to break the neck of the unconscious woman.


Seeing the other party kill him without mercy, and listening to Xiao Zizai's statement that he was a pervert, Zhang Chulan, who was watching from a distance, swallowed involuntarily, and his eyes began to drift towards Zheng Shu.

Except for Zhang Chulan, everyone else present could not help but turn their attention to Zheng Shu while looking at Xiao Zizai.

When Zheng Shu and Xiao Zizai talked just now, they did not hide anything from others. Xiao Zizai called his condition a disease, while Zheng Shu called him a sick friend.

Several people present were confused at the time, but now they suddenly understood what it meant. Could it be that this seemingly gentle little Taoist priest was also such a terrifying person?

Others did not collect all the information about Zheng Shu, but Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of what happened around Baiyun Temple a few weeks ago.

"If you must work with you, please remember that I am a pervert!"

After listening to Xiao Zizai's concluding remarks, Zheng Shu suddenly raised his hand, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

"Well, I don't agree with your statement, Brother Xiao. If you want to say that we are patients, I can agree with it, but if you want to say that we are perverts, then I won't admit it!"

"Is this the point of this problem?!" The temporary workers present were all complaining crazily in their hearts.

"..." Xiao Zizi glanced at Zheng Shu silently for a few times, and silently changed the last sentence he just said, "Okay, then please remember that I am a mentally ill person."

"You are so gentle, Brother Xiao."

Zheng Shu flattened his raised hand and extended a thumbs up towards Xiao Zizai, with a healthy smile on his face.

"Haha, I also agree with Brother Zheng. We just have brain problems, but we are really not perverts."

Wang Zhenqiu suddenly came to Xiao Zizai's side and put his hand on his shoulder:

"What a coincidence. I am actually a person with brain problems, but I am benign! Why do you act like a warm-hearted big brother on the Internet, but in reality you are so cold..."

Listening to Wang Zhenqiu's rambling words, Xiao Zizai glanced at him silently again. Wang Zhenqiu was so familiar with him and was not afraid of him. Xiao Zizai was a little confused.

After chatting with Xiao Zi, Wang Zhenqiu came to Zheng Shu's side like a butterfly in a flower and wanted to put his hand on his shoulder.

As soon as his hand touched Zheng Shu's shoulder, he felt as if he was supporting something with no friction at all. His arm was completely unable to exert any force and slipped involuntarily.

"Hey, that's awesome..."

Including Wang Zhenqiu, everyone present couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they saw Wang Zhenqiu's hand slipping from Zheng Shu's shoulder.

Everyone is a strong man in the alien world, and they have all gone through arduous training, so they naturally understand what kind of realm Zheng Shu's calm move represents.

Generally speaking, the kind of power control ability shown by Zheng Shu would only appear in the older generation of strangers who have practiced martial arts all their lives.

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Zheng Shu as if he suddenly thought of something, his eyes flickered, but he didn't show much reaction.

"Oh, I'm so sad to be so rejected by others. But your unique temperament really attracted me."

Zheng Shu leaned back and looked at Wang Zhenqiu with a disgusted expression.

"So you are in heat?"

"Oh, Brother Zheng's words are really explicit, but that's right. Isn't one of the great characteristics of human beings the ability to be in heat at any time?"

Wang Zhenqiu took two steps back and fiddled with his hair.

"Let's be honest, I'm not the kind of person who beats around the bush. I like to go straight to the point, so I want to ask you...Brother Zheng, I hope you answer me now..."

"Could this atmosphere be..."


Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, who were hiding in the woods, opened their eyes wide. Lao Meng, who had originally hid behind the tree because he was afraid of Xiao Zizai, now ran to Xiao Zizai's side unknowingly and stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes widened. In the scene, the eyes of the two people also revealed the emotion of gossip.

Zheng Shu also noticed that something was wrong. Zheng Shu, who had never been afraid of anything since he came to the world under one person, and who had never backed down, finally backed down in front of someone for the first time.

Wang Zhenqiu was still advancing step by step, staring at Zheng Shu very seriously: "Do you... like boys or girls?"

"I'm straight!"


After a muffled sound, Wang Zhenqiu, who was standing in front of Zheng Shu, disappeared. He was kicked out by Zheng Shu just now and disappeared into the jungle.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it back, but for what he did just now, it's not too much for me to kick him, right?"

Zheng Shu withdrew his leg with a cold face and asked Xiao Zizai and Lao Meng, who looked serious next to them.

"No problem, no problem."

Lao Meng and Xiao Zi nodded at the same time in perfect agreement, and even extended their hands to give a thumbs up to Zheng Shu.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Zheng. This is considered sexual harassment. We will all testify for you!" As a good old man, Lao Meng even comforted Zheng Shu.

"Ahem, what a cruel attack, he is a very serious person."

With the shuddering sound of the woods shaking, Wang Zhenqiu climbed out of the trees with a look of embarrassment. Not only was his body covered with leaves, but his long golden hair also became messy.

On his face, there was an extremely conspicuous shoe print, and there was bright red blood on both nostrils.

Zheng Shu did not speak, but extended his middle finger to give him a very friendly international gesture.

He now fully understands why the people who beat him in the Southwest Region where Wang Zhenqiu is located have to line up to draw numbers.

Yes, it only took a few minutes for Zheng Shu to beat him up. He was worthy of being a cancer in the southwest.

"I think... you should go find your mission target now. After all, it has been delayed for so long, maybe they have all run away." Zheng Shu looked at Lao Meng and Xiao Zizai expressionlessly.

"Brother Zheng, you are right, we should not delay here any longer."

"I agree."

Lao Meng agreed with Zheng Shu's proposal, and Xiao Zizai also nodded.

So the three of them walked deeper into the jungle in unison, completely ignoring Wang Zhenqiu who was shouting behind him.

"Oh, don't be anxious~ Give me an answer~ Don't ignore me."

Wang Zhenqiu, who had just been kicked, still shamelessly approached the three of them with his face close to his face. Looking at him, he didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

Faced with this guy's entanglement, the three of them unanimously remained silent and rushed towards the target direction with expressionless faces.

Seeing the people leaving, Zhang Chulan, who had been hiding in the bushes, suddenly looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er..."


"Maybe we're here this time."

The subsequent plot is not much different from the original work. Several people found the seriously injured Xia Liuqing in Mei Jinfeng's retreat, and after talking, they obtained information about Chen Duo.

The temporary workers in the Northeast used their special abilities to quickly find the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city where Chen Duo and the others were hiding.

As a person who was temporarily suspected, Zheng Shu didn't say much during the process.

He could also feel that although the few people with him seemed unprepared, they were actually more or less watching his actions to see if they were passing on information to others.

Moreover, when using a mobile phone to communicate with others, the content on the mobile phone will not be discussed, and great care will be taken to ensure that the content on the mobile phone will not be seen by Zheng Shu.

"Tsk, sure enough, no matter how out of place they behave, these people are temporary workers who specialize in handling dirty work for the company. They still have this basic quality."

Zheng Shu watched several people silently use their mobile phones to communicate with each other and was not dissatisfied. The main reason was that he actually roughly knew what these people were talking about, so he had no curiosity.

Following the guidance of the temporary workers from the Northeast, the four of them soon arrived at the abandoned factory where Chen Duo was temporarily hiding.

"Oh, interesting, we were discovered."

Zheng Shu, who had not spoken much along the way, suddenly spoke up, attracting everyone's attention.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why don't I feel anything?"

Wang Zhenqiu took the opportunity to get close to Zheng Shu again, but Zheng Shu knew very well that the purpose of these guys was definitely not to "like" him as he said. He must have other ideas when he came to his side so frequently.

The so-called confession was just a method this guy used to bring the relationship closer between the two parties, and Zheng Shu had to admit that Wang Zhenqiu's use of this method indeed brought many people present closer together.

Most likely it was because of some reasons that Zheng Shu was not clear about at the moment, so Wang Zhenqiu found something on Zheng Shu and wanted to test it out.

Zheng Shu didn't answer immediately. He raised his hand and used Qi to catch an insect in the distance and caught it in the palm of his hand.

"Be careful, these bugs are probably the poison of Chen Duo's men, be sure not to get bitten!" Lao Meng immediately reminded.

As one of the people involved who had come into contact with those guys from the Yaoxian Society, he knew very well how difficult these Gu Masters were.

But soon, his ability to practice allowed him to discover something was wrong with the bug in Zheng Shu's hand.

"Wait! There's something wrong with these bugs, no, these aren't bugs at all!"

"That's right, this thing just looks like a bug. It's actually an ultra-small monitor." Zheng Shu looked at the monitor in his hand that was made to look like a mosquito with great interest.

It has to be said that Shenji Bailian does have something. It can make the monitoring equipment so small, and it can also fly for a long time. In terms of "technological content", this thing has even surpassed the technology of the current world.

In Zheng Shu's eyes, this insect-shaped machine that can fly freely and constantly monitor the enemy is even more worthy of attention than those mass-produced magic weapons and self-cultivation furnaces.

At this time, large swaths of flying insects flew from inside the factory and attacked the four people present.

"Mosquitoes, this time they are real mosquitoes, and they all carry poison. Don't get bitten!" Lao Meng immediately issued a reminder.

Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu looked at the posture of the mosquitoes in front of them and did not hesitate to use Qi to protect their bodies. This amount was too much and it was impossible to defeat them, so they decided to bear it directly.

Lao Meng was silent for a moment when he saw this. He was about to use his ability to control these mosquitoes, when suddenly a bright ball of energy flew from behind them.

The Qi Tuan easily smashed all the mosquitoes passing by in their flight path, and then a large number of Qi Tuan flew continuously from behind several people, temporarily blocking the insect swarm in front of them.

Zheng Shu felt the quality of the Qi balls hitting him, nodded, and secretly marveled in his heart.

"Awesome! Such pure Qi, without any attributes or biases, it is pure biological energy. If Zuo Ruotong of Trinity Sect had seen Qi of this quality, he would probably take Feng Baobao under his sect at all costs. "

However, even a large number of Qi ball bombardments could not cause much damage to the insect swarm, so Feng Baobao used his "ultimate move" without hesitation.

A huge Qi pillar covered the three of them and continuously bombarded the insect swarm in front of them.

However, for the flexible insect swarm, this attack has no meaning at all except the initial damage caused.

"It's so comfortable, as if someone is using Qi to bathe us." Wang Zhenqiu felt the force coming from his back, with a cheerful expression on his face.

"It is indeed a good enjoyment. I will try it myself next time."

Zheng Shu reached out and pressed the hat on his head, feeling the even force and squinting his eyes comfortably. This was much more comfortable than the water flowing.

Finally, Lao Meng couldn't stand Feng Baobao's wasteful use of Qi, so he sent a message through his mobile phone, causing Feng Baobao in the distance to stop his "attack."

After the steady stream of Qi from behind stopped, the three temporary workers present invariably tidied up their messed-up hair.

At the same time, Wang Zhenqiu's eyes involuntarily glanced at Zheng Shu. Because Zheng Shu had been pressing his hat just now, his hairstyle was not too messy.

After staring at the hat on Zheng Shu's head, Wang Zhenqiu showed an inexplicable smile.

"What are you looking at?" Zheng Shu naturally noticed what happened to Wang Zhenqiu.

"Oh, who told me, Brother Zheng, that you really make me miss you so much?"

In an instant, Wang Zhenqiu's expression changed back to that cynical look, almost making Zheng Shu think that the smile he just saw was an illusion.

"This guy wants to harass me again, can I knock him out?" Zheng Shu pretended not to see the guy's expression, but turned to ask the two people next to him.

Lao Meng, who was having a good time, shook his hands and almost went wrong with his Qi. He could only cough twice to persuade him:

"Brother Zheng, please bear with me for a moment. After all, our main target now is Chen Duo. After the mission is over, you can hit him however you want."

"Oh~ I just like Brother Zheng's style, don't be so heartless!"

When Wang Zhenqiu heard what Lao Meng said, he shamelessly knelt down in front of Zheng Shu and hung on his lap unable to get off.

"Fuck, go, go, go!"

Zheng Shu was so frightened that he kicked his feet repeatedly, as if something dirty had been stained on his pants, trying to throw Wang Zhenqiu away.

Wang Zhenqiu was like a dog-skin plaster, "fluttering in the wind" with the force of Zheng Shu's kick, but it would not be thrown away.


Seeing these two people fooling around in front of the enemy, Lao Meng sighed helplessly, then glanced at the swarm of mosquitoes that was about to surround him, and a ball of Qi spilled from his hand and floated into the air.

When the mosquitoes saw this ball of Qi, they seemed to be attracted by something. They pounced on it one after another, and soon formed a black ball of insects in mid-air.

"That's it...anyone can do it, let's settle it."

"Aren't the people from your company here to do the work? Why don't you hurry up and get to work!" At this time, Zheng Shu fiercely threw Wang Zhenqiu away from his legs.

"Oh, what a heartless person."

After getting up from the ground and looking at the mosquito ball in mid-air, Wang Zhenqiu took out his lighter and took a deep breath.


As he exhaled, a huge flame rushed towards the mosquito ball in mid-air, burning it up in an instant.

"Huo Dezong's method? Qiu'er, which one do you belong to?" Xiao Zizai adjusted his glasses, curious.

"Hehe, this is just a way for them to get started. I have no family or sect, but I attract people wherever I go, so everyone is willing to give me a hand."

"I'm skeptical of your words." Zheng Shu crossed his arms and stared at Wang Zhenqiu with eyes like dead fish eyes.

"Oh, Brother Zheng is still so arrogant!"


Facing Wang Zhenqiu who wanted to pounce again, Zheng Shu raised his hand and punched him on the head without hesitation, causing the guy to fall directly to the ground from mid-air.

"Sorry, I'd better retreat first, otherwise I'm afraid this guy won't survive long enough to engage the enemy."

Zheng Shu waved his hand and walked towards the back, indicating that he would not intervene in the fight.

None of the people present had any objections. After all, although they were very confident, it would be a bit difficult to start a fight with the opponent while taking care of Zheng Shu behind them.

Anyway, judging from the situation just now, there are temporary workers from other regions behind them, so they are not worried about Zheng Shu escaping.

"'s so cruel, it gives me a familiar feeling."

Wang Zhenqiu got up from the ground, not caring about the big bag on his head. Looking at Zheng Shu's back, the smile on his face became brighter.

"Okay, Qiu'er, stop playing around now, it's time to get down to business." Xiao Zizai's voice brought Wang Zhenqiu's attention back.

While they were playing around, the door of the factory finally opened, and four figures slowly walked out.

The leader is their target this time: Chen Duo, who looks like a pretty little girl on the surface, with fair skin, long black hair, and a pretty face without any expression. She looks harmless.

If you don't look at her green eyes, she looks like a dressed-up Feng Baobao.

Zheng Shu sat on a pile of debris, watching the situation at the factory from a distance, and commented in detail.

"Brother Zheng, aren't you going to join the war?"

Zhang Chulan emerged from the debris behind Zheng Shu and looked at him curiously. Beside him, Feng Baobao still looked dumb.

"Why should I go to the war? Isn't this the business of your company? What does it have to do with me, an outsider?" Zheng Shu glanced at him, took out two packs of instant noodles from his pocket and distributed them to the two of them.

"Aren't you here to take part in this matter?"

"As I said, I'm just an unlucky guy who got involved. But I originally just planned to travel around, but now I have found a new goal."

Zheng Shu took out another can of ice coke from his pocket and handed it to Feng Baobao. The two of them sat together like this, eating and drinking while watching the battle in the distance. It looked extremely comfortable, just like in a movie theater. .

After looking at the actions of Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao, and then looking at the battle in the distance, Zhang Chulan hesitated for a moment, then tore open the instant noodles and started to eat them.

Then he immediately felt... It felt so good to watch others working hard from a distance. It would be even more perfect if there was another can of drink.

"Here." As if he knew what he was thinking, Zheng Shu handed over another can of ice Coke from the side.

"Hehe, thanks." Zhang Chulan was not polite, took it and took a sip, "Huh... it feels so good! By the way, what was the 'new goal' you just mentioned?"

"Of course he is my patient, that Xiao Zizai." Zheng Shu finished a pack of instant noodles in a few times and took out a pack of crispy noodles from his pocket.

" that so? Hahahaha."

After laughing a few times and glancing at Zheng Shu, Zhang Chulan unconsciously moved his body to the side.

"Don't worry, not everyone is a perverted murderer. Lao Xiao and I just have a similar situation. To put it bluntly, we are born with huge distortions in our minds, but there are still big differences in some details. To be honest , it’s the first time I’ve seen him like killing people as much as he does, and even consider killing people as his own ‘food’.”

"So Brother Zheng, you want to..."

"Of course I plan to have a conversation with him about the condition among patients." Zheng Shu replied nonchalantly.

"That's really hard work..."

At this time, the fighting situation at the factory changed. As Chen Duo used poison to strengthen the three men under his command, the three temporary workers were really entangled for a while.

And while they had no time to take care of themselves, Chen Duo drove away without hesitation.

"Oh, it seems it's time for us to go up. Brother Zheng, let's go up first."

When Zhang Chulan saw the scene in front of him, he knew that it was time for him and Feng Baobao to appear. After greeting Zheng Shu, he used the Five Thunder Methods to join the battle without hesitation.

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