Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 452 Unexpected Gains and Outings

The negotiation between Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye was relatively slow. They ended their conversation only after Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao piled up the bags of dry noodles into a hill.

"Okay, sign the contract, and I'll take over your entrustment!"

After Zhang Chulan listened to Wang Ye's description and had a specific plan in mind, he folded his hands and looked relaxed.

"Tsk, do you still need to make an advance payment?"

Wang Ye was a little embarrassed when he looked at the advance payment figure in the contract. Even with the level of his father's company, it would not be easy to pay this amount in one go.

"Okay, I'll think of a way and I should be able to transfer the money to your account soon."

After everyone said goodbye, Zhang Chulan returned to his seat with excitement as he watched Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing leave.

"Damn it, how much did you eat, Sister Bao'er?"

Glancing at the bags of crispy noodles piled up on the table, Zhang Chulan was startled, and then saw Zheng Shu take out a new bag of crispy noodles from his pocket that seemed to contain nothing, and handed it to In front of him.


"No, thank you, I'm not very hungry yet."

Zhang Chulan waved her hand and declined Zheng Shu's kindness. She looked around and suggested: "Brother Zheng, why don't we go to a more private place? This place is easy to be monitored and people may hear what we are saying." What."

"It's easy."

Zheng Shu snapped his fingers, and Zhang Chulan immediately felt his eyes blur, as if there was a frosted glass in front of him.

Looking up, they were surrounded by this frosted glass-like material in all directions. Even the tops of their heads and the bottoms of their feet were completely wrapped. It looked like they were in a cubic glass frame. .

"This is……"

Zhang Chulan immediately left his seat in surprise, but found that as long as he left the small area around their table, nothing strange could be seen from the outside, and the frosted glass-like substance seemed to not exist.

The sound inside the booth could not be transmitted to the outside at all. From Zhang Chulan's current angle, the two people inside were still drinking drinks smoothly.

But he knew very well that the scene in front of him was also fake. At least Feng Baobao would not be able to sit so quietly after seeing such a change.

Returning to his seat, Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu, the surprise in his eyes still couldn't be suppressed, but he still very honestly did not ask any more questions, but asked another question:

"Brother Zheng, how many people were following Wang Ye and staring at him just now?"

"There are a lot of them. A rough calculation means there are twenty or thirty of them. They have already left with Wang Ye just now. It seems that the people who are following him are quite energetic, or at least very powerful."

Zheng Shu knew very well that Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen was not as obvious as the other eight magical skills. When fighting him, it seemed to outsiders that Wang Ye's cultivation level was stronger than Zhuge Qing's and he used stronger spells. That’s all.

Even strangers who are also warlocks, most people can't see the strange points inside.

"That's what I mean. To be honest, I didn't find anything wrong with Wang Ye's methods at the beginning. With this vision, he can recognize Wang Ye's methods, and he can also mobilize so many people. The person behind the scenes should be the one who was in Long at that time. If there is a big shot in Hushan, he is probably some old guy."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

Zheng Shu seemed very relaxed. Based on the original work, he could basically guess that this incident was probably done by Chen Jinkui, one of the ten guys and the Shuzi Sect.

After all, except for Chen Jinkui, who is theoretically the strongest warlock at this stage, other strangers do not have this vision. Apart from him, probably only Lao Tianshi could see through Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"No rush, let's wait until Wang Ye sends the money over. By the way, you should be able to accurately locate all the people who are monitoring Wang Ye, right?"

"Okay, it's very simple."

"That's good. Things will be much simpler this way." Zhang Chulan smiled like a fox who had stolen a chicken.

In the next few days, Zheng Shu remained peacefully practicing in Baiyun Temple.

After all, such a large amount of cash flow requires a certain amount of time to coordinate, no matter what kind of company it is.

Zheng Shu didn't gain anything in the past few days. With the help of the magic conch (the third skill on the panel), he easily "digged" various innate energy transfer methods in the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and He also successfully transformed it into a handling method suitable for his current situation.

With this transportation method, Zheng Shu's cultivation speed changed from the previous slowness, and his cultivation level climbed as quickly as if he were on an airplane.

On top of this, his spiritual cultivation was also rapidly raised due to the increase in cultivation, and soon reached a certain critical point.


Taking a long breath, Zheng Shu ended his practice today and completed the last round of the cycle.

But just when he was about to finish his work, he suddenly found that his state was a little different today.

"Huh? My soul?"

Zheng Shu blinked, suddenly feeling like he was about to fly away from the gravity of the terrain.

A certain possibility immediately occurred to his mind. Zheng Shu no longer adhered to common sense, but followed the feeling and continued to drift upward.

After a not too difficult struggle, he finally "flyed".

Opening his eyes, Zheng Shu saw his own body. At this moment, his body was still sitting cross-legged without any movement, but he could see himself.

Glancing at his slightly transparent arms, Zheng Shu knew that he had finally reached the next level: the god of the sun.

In fact, Quanzhen's inner alchemy skill itself has no realm. Basically, it uses oneself as the alchemy furnace to transform the essence and spirit into inner alchemy and practice it in one go.

However, the inner alchemy skill does have its own special features at certain points, and Chuyangshen is one of them.

Zheng Shu's own mental and soul power is extremely powerful, but even when he was at his strongest in the first two worlds, he was unable to perform such operations as the Yangshen.

If he dies, he can survive for a long time with his strong soul, but while his body is still intact, he can only use some mental power at most.

After all, the soul itself is attached to the body. In many cases, some people with insufficient mental power cannot even be born with souls. After death, only some fluctuations in mental power can remain.

Normally, there are only two possibilities for ordinary people to form souls. One is that the rules of the world are relatively special, and the other is that at the moment of death, others use relevant power to condense it out.

For example, most of the witchcraft under one person can do this. It is completely possible to collect all the spirit of an ordinary person and condense it into a soul at the moment of death.

The Chuyang Shen produced by the inner alchemy technique of the Quanzhen lineage is another special situation besides these two methods. This means that after years of practice, the practitioner's soul toughness has far exceeded that of ordinary people. It can even appear independently in the outside world.

At the same time, this also means that the practitioner's body itself has reached a certain level and can still function normally after losing consciousness.

Of course, because Zheng Shu's mental power is too strong, even if he is only able to emerge from the Yangshen for the first time, his soul looks quite solid, and he can only see a little bit of transparency.

"Interesting, the speed is much faster, and even if it breaks the speed of sound, it will not cause a sonic boom. It seems that in the state of Deyang God, my existence is more like an energy body creature."

After a few quick turns, Zheng Shu immediately understood the characteristics of the soul posture in the Yang Shen state.

As for the attack ability, it cannot be tested for the time being, but he knows it after watching Huang Ming's competition at the Luotian Dajiao.

After emerging from the Yangshen, even if the soul simply passes through the human body, the damage caused is "real damage" to the soul.

"It's just not clear. When the yang nerve passes through someone else's body, does it cause a fixed amount of damage based on the cultivation level, or does it cause additional damage based on the difference in soul strength between the two parties?"

Zheng Shu wandered around the room a few more times, and then followed the trace of connection with his body and slowly returned to his body.

"But it's not bad. Anyway, I am better at eliminating the enemy's existence from the physical level. At least in the world under one person, no enemy can force me to use such methods."

Opening his eyes, Zheng Shu moved his hands and feet casually and felt an unprecedented smoothness.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like when playing a game, the delay suddenly dropped from a few hundred to a dozen.

"This is...a soul that is powerful enough to take on part of the functions of the nerves, so the nerve reflex speed becomes faster?"

Zheng Shu moved a few times and immediately understood the principle based on his own knowledge.

The speed of human nerve signal conduction is indeed considered fast in biology, but between nerves, chemical transmitters are still needed to transmit information, so the upper limit of the reaction speed still has its own limit.

But the soul is different. In extreme states, the information transmission within the soul is even similar to quantum information transmission, without any time consumption at all.

Even under normal circumstances, the information transmission within the soul can reach the speed of light, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary carbon-based organisms.

Of course, after the soul is combined with the body, it is naturally impossible to maintain the transmission efficiency of light speed, but it is still much faster than normal creatures.

"This is really... surprising."

Zheng Shu did a little testing and found that even though his physical fitness had not changed, his actual combat ability had increased by more than half just because his cultivation had reached the level of a god.

If he was fighting against his previous self, even if he did not take into account the cultivation gap between the two parties and simply used physical strength, he would still be able to fight according to his previous self.

"Is it the exploration of self-power? Maybe there will be much more to gain in the world under one person than I originally expected."

Although Zheng Shu's cultivation is still not considered a master in the alien world, he has understood that the cultivation methods of this world are different from those of other worlds.

If the tapping of self-power in other worlds is to allow one to exert 100% of the body's fighting ability, then the cultivation method in this world is to allow practitioners to exert power beyond their own limits.

“And, on top of that, there’s another added bonus.”

Zheng Shu felt the intuitive impulse from his "Magic Conch", obediently sunk his attention deep into his consciousness, and pulled the light blue light curtain in front of his eyes.

Name: Zheng Shu

Experience the world: 3

Skills: slightly

Progress: 780.36%

Looking at the data on the panel, Zheng Shu touched his chin. The impact factor collection progress had not increased too much.

Zheng Shu can also understand, after all, the plot he changed is not very big.

Really speaking, it was just because he saved Mr. Tian that the plot of the upcoming Heavenly Master coming down from the mountain to annihilate Quan Xing was gone.

And the reason why he wanted to open the panel was not because of the impact factor.

Following the intuition provided by the panel's three skills, he continued to slide on the panel, and soon Zheng Shu found the information he wanted to see:

[The Lion of Nemea: Can be used, the ability intensity is reduced by 50%, and the enhancement limit is 11.3% without causing psychological distortion. 】

[Current strengthening progress: 11%]

Looking at these two pieces of information, Zheng Shu's eyes glowed with a strange light.

"The strengthening limit...has been increased!"

The unexpected gains gained from the improvement of his cultivation level made Zheng Shu's enthusiasm for cultivation rise again. Two more days passed unknowingly as he indulged in cultivation.

Zheng Shu, who still planned to practice in seclusion that day, was interrupted by a phone call from Zhang Chulan.

"Brother Zheng, Master Wang's money has arrived, it's our turn to work!"

According to the information provided by Zhang Chulan on the phone, Zheng Shu slightly disguised his appearance and came to a square outside a commercial street.

After standing in the corner and searching around, Zheng Shu went straight to a dilapidated van parked at the edge of the square, reached out and knocked on the cab window.

The door of the van slid silently. Zheng Shu casually glanced at the crowd around the square, lowered the hat on his head and got in.

"How to do it?"

Zheng Shu sat on the car seat and asked directly without being polite.

"I have already told Wang Ye to let him eat and play, relax and not worry too much. He is eating in the open-air restaurant in front now. The view of this square should be open enough. I hope Brother Zheng, you can Help us identify which strangers are following Wang Ye."

Zhang Chulan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and smiled, then handed Zheng Shu a piece of bread: "This is a long-term job. I will have to trouble you, Brother Zheng, these days."

"That's simple. In fact, it's easy to find even if it's not in a square like this." Zheng Shu closed his eyes and recalled the information he just looked around the square.

"To the east, there are two people in the corner of the toilet, one tall and one short. Under the big tree in the middle, there are two young lovers hanging together. The cafe over there..."

Zheng Shu quickly talked about the information about the people he had just obtained, while Zhang Chulan confirmed and took pictures of the appearance of these people.

"Okay, I've basically finished recording it. Oops, having Brother Zheng here really saves us a lot of trouble."

Zhang Chulan checked with Zheng Shu twice more, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he sent the information about these people to Xu San and asked him to investigate through the company who these people had been in contact with and see if he could find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

"What should we do next?" Zheng Shu leaned on the seat and looked quite relaxed.

"Let's observe for a few days first to see if these are all, and if there are any people who have changed shifts. Observe for two or three days, and then start after confirming all the people."

"Okay, I have no objection."

Zheng Shu said it didn't matter. Anyway, he could practice even in the car, but it was just a little less efficient.

With the magic conch, Zheng Shu can rely on this skill to constantly correct his training posture according to the current state of his body every time he practices, so the difference in location has little impact.

Three more days passed like this, and the king couldn't wait any longer and called Zhang Chulan.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, what do you mean? How many days have it been? Are you not going to do anything for the money?"

Zhang Chulan looked at the list in his hand and confirmed that he had not met any new strangers in the past few days, so he responded with a smile:

"Ha! Why are you so anxious? Isn't this just a bit revealing? There are still people staring at you, right? Find a way to get rid of them, and then come to me."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chulan looked at the confused Feng Baobao and Zheng Shu and explained carefully.

"Daochang Wang is also our big customer after all. He has spent so much money. If we do all the work behind the scenes and he has no real sense of it, it will definitely be better to give him a sense of participation."

"You still have a lot of clever ideas." Zheng Shu nodded, chewing on a pack of crispy noodles in his hand.

"Look, let me tell you, this kid is often smarter than me." Feng Baobao also nodded in agreement, also holding a pack of crispy noodles in his hand.

"Haha... I always feel like you two are not here for a mission, but for an outing."

Zhang Chulan's mouth twitched, looking at the crisp face on Zheng Shu's hand with confusion on his face.

"Brother Zheng, how many crispy noodles did you bring with you? I remember I haven't seen you go shopping in the past few days, right? How on earth did you hide so many things?"

"No more, no more, just a few hundred kilograms. As for how to put it down, I used a warlock's method to open up a temporary storage space in my pocket. As long as I maintain this spell, I can hold far more than myself. Items with carrying capacity.”

With that said, Zheng Shu took out a large 2.5-liter bottle of Coke from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Chulan: "Would you like to drink it?"

"Storage space? With such a powerful ability, you use it to store instant noodles and snacks?!" Zhang Chulan's facial muscles twitched as he took the Coke handed to him by Zheng Shu, "And it's iced?!"

"I'm a genius, so I'm a little more powerful." Zheng Shu said matter-of-factly.


I don't know what he thought of, but Zhang Chulan's expression was a little broken.

Fortunately, he quickly adjusted his mood, opened the Coke, took a sip, and then urged Feng Baobao to start the car.

"Let's go! Sister Bao'er, let's go to the meeting point to pick up Daoist Wang and the others. We're going to start taking action tonight!"

"Okay. By the way, Zheng Shu, I also want to drink Coke."

Feng Baobao started the car while holding the pancake in his mouth, and said something vaguely to Zheng Shu.

"Okay, do you want it chilled or at room temperature?"

"Just room temperature."

"You two are really here for an outing, right!!!" Zhang Chulan was a little crazy.

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