Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 453 Action and Weird People

At night, downstairs of an inconspicuous residential building, Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing met next to a van.

In order to implement the basic principle of "allowing the financial owner to have a sufficient sense of participation", Zhang Chulan specially took the two young masters Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing to participate in the arrest of the stalkers.

Zheng Shu twitched his lips when looking at the two rich young men with excited expressions on their faces.

"There aren't many people up there, just a few of you are enough. I'll just keep the wind down below just in case."


Feng Baobao gave Zheng Shu a thumbs up and was very satisfied with Zheng Shu's understanding behavior.

After knowing that Zhang Chulan was going to bring two oil bottles with her to participate in the operation, Feng Baobao seemed very dissatisfied. After all, these people were too young in his eyes.

Zheng Shu looked at the backs of several people going upstairs and smiled silently, then returned to the car and continued his practice.

Feeling the cultivated Qi flowing in his body, Zheng Shu felt a little regretful. With his current state, he still couldn't look inside his body.

Of course, relying on Zheng Shu's precise control of energy, he can very clearly sense the most subtle changes in his body, even just by sensing the movement of Qi.

In terms of effect, Zheng Shu's perception accuracy is not necessarily weaker than seeing directly with "vision", but Zheng Shu is a little curious about how the so-called "inner vision" is achieved.

After all, theoretically, there is no such thing as visual cells inside the human body.

"Is the so-called inner vision actually using mental power to perceive the inside of the human body? But that's not quite right. Things like acupuncture points and meridians are essentially just some gathering nodes of innate Qi, which do not actually exist inside the human body. Even if No matter how strong my mental power is, all I can see are the cells and muscles in the body. And with my mental strength, I have been able to do this for a long time, but it still cannot be regarded as inner vision. I don’t understand..."

Zheng Shu made a few assumptions but couldn't figure it out, but he was not in a hurry because he could feel that since he solved the problem of the conflict between innate energy and the rapid growth of his character cultivation, his cultivation speed has also increased. faster and faster.

Although he had just reached the state of being able to emerge from the Yangshen a few days ago, with Zheng Shu's current growth rate of cultivation, he will soon reach the next stage, by which time he will be able to look inside himself.

"The true energy is intertwined and penetrates the back..."

While controlling the flow of Qi in his body, Zheng Shu adjusted his breathing and movements to assist in the practice of inner alchemy, slowly flowing his Qi along his spine.

Now if he wants to complete a round of movement of his Qi on his spine, he needs to use several small loops to connect it.

When he reaches a certain level of cultivation, he will be able to completely penetrate his spine. At that time, the speed of cultivation of the Great Circulation will be further increased. This is also commonly known as "opening up the Rendu and Du Meridians".

Feeling the numbness coming from the cells in his body, Zheng Shu's breathing became lighter and lighter. For a moment, it seemed as if he didn't exist in the car.

Zheng Shu carefully guided his Qi to run along the spine, giving the illusion of being embroidered with an embroidery needle.

In fact, this is also a delicate job. Ordinary people simply don't dare to practice outdoors like Zheng Shu. Most of them have to practice in a quiet room or even under the supervision of fellow students.

After all, if you are not careful, the circulation in the body will have to start over again, and once the qi in the body is running incorrectly, it will also cause certain damage to the body, and you will have to rest for ten and a half days at least.

When Zheng Shu is operating close to his spine, he must be even more careful.

The spine is covered with the main nerves of the human body. If you are too reckless, you may injure a major nerve, resulting in symptoms such as hemiplegia or hemiplegia.

That is to say, Zheng Shu's mental power is strong enough to accurately control the movement path of every qi in his body, and at the same time, he can also devote part of his attention to the outside world, so he dares to play like this.

This is why people in the alien world know that cultivation is the foundation of everything, but there are still so many aliens who choose to pursue various strange skills, secret techniques, and even other messy abilities.

It's really because it's too difficult to practice Qi, and it's also difficult to perceive progress.

It takes ten years of hard training, three days in the winter, three days in the summer, and three days in the summer to improve martial arts. Compared with inner energy cultivation, it can be called a shortcut.

Even for the Quanzhen sect, which is best at cultivating both life and life, unless there are some special reasons, the Taoist priests who are allowed to travel outside the mountains under normal circumstances are basically in their thirties or forties.

You must know that the Quanzhen sect itself has abandoned all fancy skills and only specializes in the dual cultivation of life and life. Moreover, most of its disciples have become monks since childhood, and the disciples who can be accepted into the monastery are basically all in the alien world. Can be called a genius.

Due to the superposition of all factors, most successful disciples of the Quanzhen sect have to reach this age, which shows how difficult it is to practice.

In fact, according to the standards of the Quanzhen Sect, more than 90% of the aliens in the world have never reached the point of "successful cultivation" in their entire lives.

After a while, Zheng Shu had just completed a big cycle when he found King Zhang Chulan and Zhuge Qing walking down the stairs dejectedly.

On their bodies were two strangers who were tied tightly, blindfolded, and covered their mouths.

"What? Did Feng Baobao kick him out because he was too unprofessional?"

Listening to Zheng Shu's ridicule, the three people's faces turned darker. With gloomy faces, they stuffed the two captured strangers into the van.

"A habitual gangster, this is definitely a habitual gangster!"

Zhuge Qing kept muttering this sentence while working. It seemed that Feng Baobao's crisp and fast kidnapping skills really frightened the eldest son of the Zhuge family.

Zhang Chulan could only smile awkwardly, and had to admit that Feng Baobao did have extraordinary talents in this regard, and he could only do some logistics and other work.

After forcibly using the fingers of these people to unlock their phones and find their accounts, Zhang Chulan sent it to Xu San along with the ID numbers and appearances of these people, asking him to help check these guys and who they were. People come and go.

In the next few days, several people were like kidnappers, constantly attacking the alien gangs who had been following Wang Ye before.

In the process, the still somewhat unfamiliar King Zhang Chulan and Zhuge Qing became more and more proficient. Finally, with the training of a large number of targets, the three of them had completely turned into what Zhuge Qing had previously called "habitual gangsters." .

Zheng Shu had not taken any action during this period. In addition to helping them out, he also spent most of his time watching over the captured strangers.

Inside an unfinished building in the suburbs, in an empty hall.

Feng Baobao used the Fengyuan Needle to pierce the last prisoner's Du Vein, cutting off the opponent's Qi Vein and completing the final "seal".

Looking around, inside this hall, there are thirty or forty strangers lying in various places.

Every one of them, male and female, had their clothes stripped down to their underwear, and wore black hoods on their heads. Their hands and feet were tied behind their backs, and their Qi veins had been cut off, completely erasing these people's ability to resist.

In order to prevent accidents, Feng Baobao and the others even completely sealed the mouths of these people under their hoods, not giving these people any chance at all.

If an ordinary person saw this scene, he would probably think that he had arrived at some kind of secret base of a murderer.

After counting the number of people, Zhang Chulan checked each person with the information in his hand, and finally came to a few people.

"Okay, now there are only the last group left. There are only three people left. Let's take action tonight to catch these people."

Zheng Shu, who had been sitting next to him, his eyes lit up when he heard these words, and he suddenly stood up and came to the side of several people.

"I'll go with you this time."

"Hey, why are you suddenly interested?" Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"My intuition told me that something interesting might happen in this operation, so I wanted to follow it and have a look."

Zheng Shu didn't make it too clear. He remembered that in the original work, Wang would also meet a man disguised as Scarface this time.

The other party is very strange. Not only can he crack Wang Ye's golden watch, but his purpose is unknown.

He defeated Wang Ye when he first appeared. In theory, if the other party had any purpose, he should have been able to achieve it long ago, but he still continued to appear in front of Wang Ye one after another using various methods. .

Zheng Shu was very curious about this person. Someone had analyzed it and found that this person was probably using the last ability among the Eight Miracles that had never appeared - Daluo Cave Observation, so he also wanted to see who this person was. what's the situation.

"Okay, since Brother Du is watching, I'm not afraid of these people running away." Although Zhang Chulan was a little confused, he didn't object.

Soon, several people arrived near a construction site.

The house here is similar to the unfinished house where Feng Baobao and the others temporarily stored the strangers. The main body has been built, it is sparsely populated, and there is enough space for people to hide.

"Tsk, this place is great. No one will notice if it makes a fuss." Zhang Chulan sighed as he looked at the dark buildings in front of him.

Because the previous operations went very smoothly, Zhang Chulan was also full of confidence this time: "Sister Bao'er, you don't need to take care of me this time, let us do it ourselves!"


"Brother Zheng, what about you? Do you want to go with us? I can teach you!"

Zheng Shu looked at Zhang Chulan's proud look and his eyebrows twitched. He was really embarrassed to tell these simple children that he had more fighting experience than them.

...Although in most cases he will not be left alive.

"No need, I'll take a look around, maybe I can find something interesting to do."

"Okay, we'll go on our own!"

Seeing these people going upstairs confidently, Zheng Shu turned to look at Feng Baobao.

"Do you think these three people can do it?"

"It's terrible, these guys are so bad at learning the techniques of kidnapping. But it doesn't matter, they can beat these guys anyway." Feng Baobao squatted on the ground without any concern for his image, "Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes, do you want something to drink?" Zheng Shu took out a few packets of dry noodles from his pocket and threw them to Feng Baobao.

"No, I brought it myself." Feng Baobao took out a bottle of Erguotou from behind and showed it to Zheng Shu.

"Why don't you just have white wine with it? The way you eat it is unprecedented." Zheng Shu grinned, "Okay, you can just watch them here, and I'll go hang out in the building."


Waving his hands casually, Zheng Shu put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly into the darkness of the building.

Inside the building, Zhang Chulan and the others were already locked in a fight.

Because they had too little experience, the moment they entered the building, they were detected by the trap set by the other party in advance.

With the rapid pursuit, Wang Ye had completely fallen into the trap set by the opponent in advance. Looking at the various threads condensed by Qi around him, Wang Ye sneered.

The opponent's senses were quite keen, and he was just on the edge of the strange game he had set up.

"Tsk, it's really hard to do. Brother, your intuition is really strong enough. Alas, that Feng Baobao is more efficient in doing this kind of thing. If I had known it would be so laborious, I would have let someone else do it for me. I have to put in this effort. Where is my son?"

Wang Ye made a sigh of relief as a financial owner. At the same time, as he exerted his strength, the Qimenju under his feet also expanded instantly, covering Scarface, who was originally outside the Qimen Bureau.

Scarface immediately noticed something was wrong and looked startled. However, Wang Ye, who had already fallen into the trap, suddenly disappeared.

By the time Scarface noticed it, Wang Ye's figure had already appeared behind him.

Eight door transport!

Wang Ye, who used the eight-door transport space to jump behind Scarface, saw that the other party wanted to turn around and resist, so he pointed and recited the curse without hesitation.

Chaotic golden watch!

Scarface, who was originally moving quickly, suddenly became like a slow-motion movie, and every move became extremely slow.

"Hmph! For this world, you have been slowed down twenty times. Speaking of which, you are really an insignificant existence in this world. It is the first time that I am so relaxed with using the Golden Tumulus to influence living people."

After all, Wang Ye's actual combat experience was a bit lacking. After restraining the opponent, the pride in his heart still made him unable to restrain himself and said a few more words.

At this moment, Scarface, who had been slowed down by Luan Jin Tuo, suddenly returned to normal, and while Wang Ye was defenseless, he punched him in the chest.

This punch not only nearly stopped Wang Ye's heart, but also hit a large acupuncture point on his chest, disrupting the flow of Qi in his body.

Caught off guard, Wang Ye's legs weakened and he knelt down on the ground. He vomited violently and completely lost his ability to resist for a while.


"Hey, idiot!"

Scarface looked at Wang Ye lying on the ground and sneered. Just as he was about to leave, his keen intuition suddenly felt a sense of crisis.


As soon as he left the spot, Scarface felt that a large number of traps he had laid behind him were triggered.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

A large number of flying needles are shot from hiding places, shooting at enemies caught in the trap at 360 degrees without blind angle. In addition to these flying needles on the surface, there are also a large number of darts secretly waiting. Send, waiting for the enemy to launch a second round of attacks at any time after blocking the first round of attacks.

Ding ding ding…

A continuous crisp metallic sound came from behind, and this sound made Scarface feel something bad.

Turning around and looking, a young Taoist priest was casually pushing away these hidden weapons. The flying needles and darts shot at his body could only break by themselves, as if they were all made of paper.

"Hey, what a coincidence, I just picked up 'you' there."

Zheng Shu waved his hand towards Scarface and said hello in a seemingly friendly manner.

Only then did Scarface see clearly that the opponent was holding a figure in his other hand. In the dense trap just set, the little Taoist priest still easily blocked all the attacks for the figure.

As Zheng Shu lifted the figure and put it into the light, the appearance of the unconscious figure was also revealed. His face was exactly the same as Scarface.

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