Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 451 Negotiation (Transition)

In a certain shopping mall, the three boys from the Zhuge family looked at the people in front of them and made their own comments.

"Yo, alive!"

"Tsk, I can't see clearly. Is this guy really that strong?"

"Hmph! It's not fair. How could such a person win the final victory?"

Du Ge, the bodyguard of Wang Ye's family, was a little curious when he heard what these three people said.

"Hey, you all know him? Is this guy very famous?"

"Hey, Brother Du, you still really don't care much about things in the circle. This is the winner of this Luotian Dajiao, and he almost became the youngest Celestial Master in history. Invisible bastard, don't use Bilian , Zhang Chulan!"

Listening to Wang Ye's introduction to him, Zhang Chulan, who looked so arrogant, was very dissatisfied.

"Hey! Wang Daozhang, I'm only willing to come here because you asked someone to send me a message earlier. If you are not happy, I will go back!"

"Haha, you are just joking, Lao Zhang. You didn't expect that we all met again just a few days ago..."

It seemed that he felt someone was supporting him, so Zhang Chulan still looked like he was pulling.

"Don't give me a playful smile, Mr. Wang. We have roughly assessed your situation and let me take a look at it based on your special name... The company refuses to provide you with assistance, so the fee cannot be reduced and can only be entrusted. form to fulfill your request.”

With that said, Zhang Chulan took out a contract from the bag he carried with him and handed it over.

Wang also took the quotation sheet and looked at it. After seeing the value at the bottom clearly, even with his knowledge, he was a little stunned.

"Fuck...your price is too high, are you going to rob me?!"

"You are kidding, Taoist Master Wang, you must know that I am very expensive!" Seeing that he had successfully retaliated against Wang Yeyi, Zhang Chulan showed a proud smile on his face.

"No matter how expensive it is, it can't be this amount. Three hundred million...I can even ask the Heavenly Master to come down from the mountain!"


Hearing the price Wang Ye said, everyone around him took a breath. Even Zhuge Qing, who thought he had a small fortune, was surprised by Zhang Chulan's mouth.

"Look at what you said, no matter what you say, I am almost considered a heavenly master. It's not too much to be worth a little more. Besides, this price is not just mine. I also brought you two powerful assistants. With their Strength, if you pay this price, you still make a profit.”

Wang Ye looked at Zhang Chulan suspiciously, wondering if this guy had hired two gangsters to pretend to be assistants.

"Assistant? Where did you find it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"What are you talking about, aren't they right behind me...fuck!"

Zhang Chulan looked back, but did not find the two living ancestors who were following him. He was so frightened that he turned pale with fright. He didn't care to continue bragging with Wang Ye and the others, and ran quickly in the direction where he came from.

"Sister Bao'er!!!"

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye looked at each other, and finally Wang Ye shrugged and took the initiative to follow Zhang Chulan. When the remaining people saw his behavior, they had no choice but to follow him.

Brother Du and the three people from the Zhuge family ran at the back, looking puzzled at Zhang Chulan who was losing his composure in front of him.

"Is it wrong for Xiao Hui to ask this guy to help solve the problem?"

Fortunately, Zhang Chulan quickly found the two people who were inexplicably "missing". Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao did not run far. When Zhang Chulan found them, the two people were squatting on the ground, each eating a pack of instant noodles, and watching by the way. Sugar painting show across the street.

"Sister Bao'er, brother Zheng, what are you two doing?!"

Zhang Chulan ran up to the two men out of breath, and became even more angry when she saw the two live dads still looking leisurely and contented.

"Here you come? Do you want to eat?"

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan, then took out another pack of crispy noodles from his pocket and handed it over.

Zhang Chulan took the noodles with a dazed look on his face. Just when he was about to say something else, Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye were chasing after him.

"These two are the assistants you mentioned?! Why did you invite this person here?"

Seeing Zheng Shu squatting on the ground eating instant noodles, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing both widened their eyes in surprise.

Because of Zheng Shu's interference, the King of Luotian Dajiao did not experience Feng Baobao's difficult burying skills this time like in the original work. However, Zheng Shu's strength alone in Luotian Dajiao was enough for him. face.

"Who is this……"

The last four people who arrived were a little stunned when they saw Zheng Shu's appearance, especially the trio from the Zhuge family. They didn't expect that there was someone more handsome than Zhuge Qing in the world.

"This is Zheng Shu, the Taoist priest of Baiyunguan. Zhuge Qing and I were eliminated by this Taoist priest Zheng Shu during the Luotian Festival." Wang Ye took the initiative to make the introduction.

"Hello." Zheng Shu, who was squatting on the ground, also stood up and greeted several people.

"I didn't expect that the company would have such strength that it could actually invite the Taoist priest from Baiyun Temple to come and help."

Zhuge Qing glanced at Zheng Shu fearfully, and then turned his attention to Zhang Chulan.

He still had a clear memory of being crushed by Zheng Shu. It was a complete and all-round suppression, with no chance of resistance at all.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, you can actually find this great master as a foreign aid, so it's worth the money I spent."

Wang Ye took advantage of the opportunity given by the others to introduce themselves to Zheng Shu, and quietly slipped to Zhang Chulan's side and muttered in a low voice.

"That's right, you don't even know who I am!"

Although Zhang Chulan's face was very proud, his heart was bleeding because Zheng Shu also asked for a fee after knowing that his dispatch was a paid service.

Although three hundred million is a lot, most of the money he earned this time will go to Zheng Shu.

"I don't want to think about it anymore, I feel bad!"

Silently shedding tears in her heart, Zhang Chulan turned around and asked Zheng Shu and Feng Baobao to follow him and leave.

After Wang Zai asked Du Ge to send away the three younger generations of the Zhuge family, he took a few people to a coffee shop with few customers.

After he carefully recounted the recent events in his family, before Zhang Chulan could figure out how to deal with it, Feng Baobao had already acted intermittently.

"Niubi called us here just for something like this? He is so stupid, even I know how to solve it."

Wang Ye looked at Feng Baobao who was leaning on the chair with a gloomy look on his face.

"I haven't come up with a countermeasure all my life, what do you think? Don't tell me that you asked me to bury everyone!!!"

"It's not impossible, that's what I do."

Zheng Shu, who was sitting nearby and drinking juice, answered a sentence. Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing fell into silence for a while, and even suspected that they heard wrongly.

"...What does this mean?"

Zhang Chulan glanced at Zheng Shu, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He looked around again and lowered his voice after confirming that no one was paying attention.

He put his head to Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing's side and explained in detail what Zheng Shu had done in the past few days.


Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing looked at each other and fell into silence again. Even Zhuge Qing's originally leisurely face showed obvious sluggishness.

"Wait a minute, you didn't lie to me?" Wang Ye was quite doubtful about Zhang Chulan's character.

"Look at what you said, how can I lie to you about this? That's because you haven't paid attention to the information in the circle these days, so you don't know. Now you can find anyone who can help you turn this time around. Observe what is happening around you and talk about it.

In addition, according to the price you paid, Brother Zheng is not unable to help you if necessary. "

Zhang Chulan looked proud, as if it was not Zheng Shu who did those things, but himself.

"It's okay with me. I'll get paid anyway." Zheng Shu nodded. Anyway, he can get 200 million as long as he gets rid of some minions. He thinks it's very suitable.

After a moment of silence, Wang Ye firmly shook his head.

"No, absolutely not! Zheng Shu dares to do this because the Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple are not weak in strength and are not worried about revenge at all. And my family are just ordinary people. If they really encounter someone who is determined to take revenge, The desperadoes had no room to resist.

Moreover, Brother Zheng Shu cannot live in my house for a long time. When he leaves, the other party's counterattack will only become more serious. "

"Since Brother Zheng's method doesn't work, then let's listen to Sister Bao'er's idea." Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Bao'er and was curious about what method she could come up with.

Feng Baobao took two more sips of juice, leaned on the sofa and said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Idiot...don't you just give them what they want?"

"Haha, as expected of Sister Bao'er, but this is really a solution. Master Tao, just forget it for them. A monk, except for this life, don't you all have possessions outside your body? What's there to feel bad about?"

Looking at the silent Wang Ye, Zhang Chulan also thought of what he had experienced some time ago, and his tone became lowered.

"What they want is nothing more than the methods you used at the conference. Although you were defeated by Brother Zheng, even a layman like me can see that the spells you used are not at the same level as those used by Zhuge Qing." s things."

Regarding Zhang Chulan's words, Zhuge Qing was not angry, but nodded calmly.

The reason why he came to Wang Ye this time was because he saw the competition between Wang Ye and Zheng Shu at the Luotian Dajiao, and knew that the magical skills performed by this boy were far from simple.

When he was about to leave Longhu Mountain, he actually looked for Wang Ye in private. Wang Ye came out of the mountain this time to take responsibility for the cause and effect of Fenghou Qimen, so he told Zhuge Qing carefully about himself. of this means.

Wang Ye stared at the drink in front of him and didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly asked.

"Do you really think this thing can be handed over casually? Zhang Chulan, why don't you hand over the Qi Ti Yuanliu to the person who wants it? Zheng Shu, will you hand over the Ju Ling Sending General you control?"

"Because I don't know how. If I knew how, I would have handed it over to others a long time ago. The more people who know how, the safer I will be!" Zhang Chulan replied matter-of-factly.

"It's okay for me to hand it over. The Patriarch and the others have put a copy of Ju Ling's General in the library. In fact, if those people want to hand it over, they can collect the book as long as they spend enough offerings. Make a copy in the pavilion."

Zheng Shu's words caused Zhang Chulan and the others to focus their attention on him.

"Brother Zheng... According to what you mean, if I understand correctly, if those people you killed really want to arrest their spirits and send generals, they only need to visit Baiyun Temple in an upright manner, and then pay some money. Is it okay?" Zhang Chulan scratched his head.

"Ah, you can't just pay some money to get in. Anyway, in my opinion, the money you need to pay is not small." Zheng Shu scratched his head and thought about it.

"Actually, when it was revealed a few days ago that I held the Gu Ling Qian General, one of the ten people from the Northeast: Goddess Guan Shihua, had already contacted my master and the others.

It sounds like they originally wanted to help us, but after hearing that if you pay enough money, you can enter the library and copy a copy of the Juling Dispatch, it seems that the goddess went to prepare funds.

Anyway, with the size of Shilao, I haven't received any news from the goddess for three days since then. It seems that I haven't finished preparing the funds. "

"Hiss...that's so expensive." Zhang Chulan was amazed.

"This... I would like to ask Taoist Master Zheng Shu, how much money do you need to donate if you want to enter the Sutra Pavilion of Baiyun Temple? Are there any identity restrictions?"

After listening to Zheng Shu's words, even Zhuge Qing, who had looked calm just now, seemed ready to make a move.

Now that we already know the existence of the Eight Miracles, and also know from Wang Ye how powerful Fenghou Qimen, one of the Eight Miracles, is, Ju Lingqiang, who is also one of the Eight Miracles, must not be far behind.

Even though this is a witchcraft, and it is said that it is not a complete book, as long as you buy it, it can give the Zhuge family an extra layer of knowledge.

"Oh... I don't know how much it will cost specifically. You should contact my master and the others directly about this thing. There don't seem to be any special requirements for your identity. As long as you can pass the review of the YDTO Company, it will be fine."

Zheng Shu looked indifferent. Zhuge Qing's reaction was something he had expected.

Allowing others to obtain the Juling Dispatch General after paying a certain price was the second step in the solution that Zheng Shu thought of. Of course, this matter also received strong support from his master and ancestor.

After all, the Quanzhen sect advocates the dual cultivation of life and life. Various classics emphasize that the human body is rare and that you should not practice messy things, but should follow the correct path of inner alchemy.

Abilities such as the Eight Strange Skills, which have no benefit at all for the cultivation of life and life, were naturally classified as strange skills and obscene skills by the Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple.

Now that they heard that this strange skill can be used to exchange for money or various resources, the old Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple were naturally very happy.

After all, although the country allocates a portion of funds to them every year, the more resources, the better.

However, the old Taoist priests at Baiyunguan initially set a pitifully low "price" for Ju Lingqian Jiang, and they only changed the price at Zheng Shu's strong request.

The final "price" of Ju Lingqiang was determined by Zheng Shu after referring to some information. Most small and medium-sized forces would need to accumulate money over many years to be able to barely pay it. Large forces would also need to pay it in a short time. An amount that can only be afforded if you break your muscles.

In the past, such pricing might have caused some forces to take desperate risks, but after Zheng Shu showed his strength, such pricing was kind to them.

If Baiyunguan does this, except Wang Ai, one of the ten men, who will feel a little disgusted, other forces will be grateful to Baiyunguan.

Even those forces that previously had intentions towards Baiyun Temple will become frightened, because from now on, they have become "favors" that can please Baiyun Temple.

This is much better than Zheng Shu foolishly showing off his power everywhere. After all, anyone with any brain knows that if one can conquer everyone as long as one is strong enough, the world should not be like this now.

What's more, Zheng Shu's current strength is not yet invincible. If he really gets angry, any Wuchang-level force can crush him to death.

After listening to what Zheng Shu and Zhang Chulan said, Wang Ye didn't know what to say. He was silent for a while and could only explain feebly.

" seems that what you are talking about is indeed a method, but due to various reasons, I cannot hand over my method."

Zheng Shu raised his head and glanced at the people talking, and ignored them. Instead, he took out a pack of crispy noodles from his pocket and handed it to Feng Baobao, who was leaning on the sofa doing nothing next to him.

The two of them were gnawing on the dough like hamsters, sitting aside and watching the three people talking.

This feeling made Zheng Shu feel inexplicably nostalgic. The last time he did this, it was probably with Du Sen.

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