Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 450 Chores and Coordination (7,800 words plus a larger chapter)

In the afternoon, in a busy commercial street, a figure was walking hurriedly on the road.

Wang Xiang walked on the road in a hurry, his hat held low, and he looked at everyone passing by him warily. Any big movement would make him overreact, looking like a frightened bird.

Wang Xiang knew very well that what he was doing was wrong, because he could not hide himself at all, and would even become the focus of passers-by's attention, but he could not suppress the fear that kept emerging from deep in his heart.

"Damn it! Bastard! I shouldn't have accepted this commission!"

Shrunk to the door of a shop, Wang Xiang watched the pedestrians on the road warily, and forced himself to calm down by whispering curses continuously in his mouth.

In his eyes, an enemy who could take his life might emerge from among these pedestrians at any time, but he did not dare to run into the alley next to him to escape, because he knew that would only make him die faster.

On a busy street, the other party would still be wary and not take action easily, but once there were too few people in the surrounding environment, death would be the only thing waiting for him.

The reason why Wang Xiang dared to be so sure was because he saw several colleagues die like this.

But he himself has almost reached his limit. The flow of people in this commercial street seems to be quite large now, but Wang Xiang knows very well that when the flow of people dwindles in the second half of the night, it will be the moment of his death.

He also wanted to leave here quickly, but the invisible enemy was waiting for them all the time like the God of Death. All the way here, several colleagues who originally escaped with Wang Xiang were already dead.

Without "bait" to attract the opponent's attention, Wang Xiang did not even dare to leave this street, because even if he was out of the sight of the crowd for just a moment, he would lose his life forever.

"Damn it...if only I hadn't accepted this commission..."

The regret in Wang Xiang's heart almost swallowed him up. If he could, he would like to strangle himself who took over the commission yesterday, and also the person who came to issue the commission to him.

Wang Xiang knew very well that in the final analysis, he was still too greedy. He had obviously heard about the dangers here, but he was blinded by the high commission fee.

It has only been less than a week since the Luotian Dajiao incident unfolded, but this Baiyun Temple in the capital has already become a paradise for aliens with malicious intentions.

No one can make it out alive!

As long as there are strangers with malicious intentions, no one within five kilometers of Baiyun Temple will be able to come out alive.

Obviously I didn't see any formations or any guardians, everything here looked so normal.

But in the past four days, batch after batch of strangers have come here because of greed, and then disappeared quietly.

It was as if this area had become an alien world, like a swamp, and everyone who entered was devoured by the "monsters" existing inside.

Some people were clearly in contact with people from the outside world one moment, but quietly lost their lives the next moment.

There are only two sources of information that can obtain information about this area. One is those strangers who have no malicious intentions and accidentally enter this area.

But as the reputation of this area becomes more and more prominent, the number of this type of people is rapidly decreasing.

And the other source of information was the Nandotong Company, which was disgusted and feared by strangers like them, so they stayed away from it.

So rumors have begun to spread in the circle that this is a trap, a trap for aliens. All aliens who enter this area are captured by the company.

But now Wang Xiang scoffs at this rumor. He knows very well that the person who caused this result is not a company at all, but just a Taoist priest, a Taoist priest who looks extremely amazing.

Wang Xiang looked up at another street in the distance. As long as he got there, he would be out of this area that people in the circle recently called "forbidden land"... As long as he could get there!

Unfortunately, there was a community blocking him between him and the street.

The community gate that usually didn't look like any special one now looked like the open mouth of a monster in Wang Xiang's eyes.

As long as you dare to leave this bustling area and step into the confines of that community, you will probably die silently like the other colleagues who came with you.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong...

His heart suddenly began to beat violently, and the look of fear on Wang Xiang's face became even worse. He was like a fish that had been fished ashore, breathing heavily, as if he would suffocate to death in the next moment.

It was clearly the dog days of summer, but the bone-chilling murderous intent made him shiver.

This is his innate ability. He does not have a strong fighting ability, but he can sense the breath of "death" and greatly increase his intuition, allowing him to find the only way to survive in various desperate situations.

It is because of this innate ability that he chose to work in this industry and became famous in this circle.

But now, the power that helped him escape countless deaths has finally reached the point of being powerless.

There is no way to survive, he is surrounded by death!

Feeling the feedback from the supernatural power, Wang Xiang's expression became more and more desperate, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Due to excessive energy consumption, he felt that his consciousness had begun to blur. In a daze, he even seemed to see his companions who had left before him.

"Ah...he finally couldn't help but take action..."

The last thought flashed through his mind. Wang Xiang's body suddenly stopped shaking, and his heart that was beating faster and faster also stopped suddenly. He just leaned against the wall and lost his life breath.

"Uh... this person is... dead?"

Two kilometers away, Zheng Shu, standing on a high-rise building, was a little confused when he looked at the stranger below who had lost his life breath.

"But I haven't done anything yet?!"

After taking a look at the word spirit on his finger that was ready to go, and then at the figure below who had lost the breath of life, Zheng Shu confirmed it two or three times before realizing that the guy below was really dead.

"No, wait a minute, what do you mean, touch porcelain? That's not right!"

The other party's death was so strange that Zheng Shu even became a little suspicious. He even wondered if he had been distracted and missed something important, so he didn't see clearly the cause of this guy's death.

Turning around and going downstairs, Zheng Shu soon arrived at the commercial street where this man was.

At this time, the other party's body still did not cause much commotion. From the appearance, this person was just a homeless man squatting next to the door of the store.

"Really dead? Grief will make you angry, fright will make you angry, fear will make you angry... Is this guy scared to death by me?!"

Seeing the faint smell of urine coming from the man's lower body, Zheng Shu looked confused. He really didn't expect such a result.

Four days have passed since Zheng Shu returned to Baiyunguan and talked with the abbot and started hunting and tracking people.

What he did during this period was very simple. He looked for the figure with green bubbles on his head, and then used his mental power to analyze the mental fluctuations emanating from the other person to see if there was any malice. If there was any malice, he would use the spirit of speech to kill him remotely.

In Zheng Shu's field of vision, green bubbles appear on his head, which means that this person is continuously providing influence factors to Zheng Shu, which means that this person is engaged in activities related to himself.

Coupled with the malicious intent in his mental fluctuations, it is basically certain that this person is one of the people who came to the Baiyun Temple to keep an eye on him for the Eight Magic Skills.

Even if he was mistaken, it didn't matter. Anyway, the other party had malicious intentions and was doing something related to Zheng Shu, so killing him would be in vain.

Using this method, Zheng Shu killed all qualified personnel within a five-kilometer radius of Baiyun Temple in just one day.

Because of the large number of people, in order to prevent panic, Zheng Shu used low-power speech spirits to ensure that these people looked like they died of a sudden heart attack or the like.

As for people who are farther away, it's not that Zheng Shu doesn't want to deal with them, but because beyond this range, it becomes very difficult for him to judge whether the mental power emanating from the other party is malicious.

Generally speaking, if it is for the purpose of deterrence, it would be more efficient to leave one or two alive to publicize the situation here.

But because of Master Liu, Zheng Shu still wanted to indulge himself a little this time, so he did not allow anyone with malicious intentions to survive.

As a result, the reaction of those behind the scenes was a little slow, and the second batch of cannon fodder finally arrived in the afternoon of the next day.

...Then they were all slaughtered by Zheng Shu within an hour.

At this time, those behind the scenes had also discovered that something was wrong, so they arranged backup methods in advance. On the night when the people sent out lost contact, they sent a third batch of people again.

...Then they were beaten to death one by one by the angry Zheng Shu, and the locations of several masterminds were found by searching the souls of these people.

Zheng Shu simply traveled thousands of kilometers in one night and wiped out three small and medium-sized forces.

At the same time, the news spread through the aliens who had been lucky enough to survive in Zheng Shu's warning range and the Nedotong Company also spread in the alien world. Everyone knew that there was a murderer in Baiyun Temple.

Especially after the news of Zheng Shu's annihilation of those forces spread, some people in the alien world even began to spread the word that after hundreds of years, the Quanzhen sect had given birth to a real person of the Zhang Sanfeng level.

At this time, Zheng Shu's performance during the Luotian Dajiao had been completely revealed. Some forces that had previously sent people to search Baiyun Temple became uneasy, while other forces that usually did not behave well were also a little nervous.

The reason why the deterrence is so great is mainly because Zhang Zhenren, who was from the Quanzhen lineage, did a little too harshly.

After all, the so-called "Jiazi slaying demons" does not mean that Zhang Zhenren only went down the mountain to slay demons when he was Jiazi years old, but means that he spent a Jiuzi period after coming down from the mountain to slay demons.

With such an excellent "learned lesson", after confirming that all the people belonging to his entire force could not defeat Zheng Shu, the alien forces with a little bit of historical heritage all retreated safely, restrained their disciples, and tried their best to Don't touch Zheng Shu's limelight.

However, not all forces have given up. Some forces that think they are hiding deeper or that they think they are stronger are still looking for people to continue testing Zheng Shu's actions.

"However... even if you want to continue to fight, the number of people you can recruit has basically reached the limit. In the next two days, less than ten people came in total. After this round of annihilation, it is estimated that No one dares to accept any more tasks related to Baiyun Temple."

Zheng Shu just glanced at the corpse of the last person from a distance, and with a casual move, the remaining spiritual power of the other person floated towards him.

" expected, there is absolutely no gain at all. It's all hidden deep."

After searching the remaining memories of the other party, Zheng Shu had already expected that there would be no results. He casually crushed the last of the man's mental power and turned around and walked towards Baiyun Temple.

Baiyun Temple, inside Zheng Shu's room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Zheng Shu closed his eyes slightly and concentrated.

The matter at Baiyunguan has come to an end for the time being, and no one will continue to come here in a short period of time. Zheng Shu finally sorted out his gains in Longhu Mountain in the past few days.

"The Heavenly Master is really powerful. With just a few pointers, my Qi refining practice has gone much smoother."

Zheng Shu felt the smoothness of Qi training in his body and opened his eyes with satisfaction.

If his previous practice meant crawling hard in a swamp filled with potholes, then now he finally found a slightly muddy road. Although it was still very slow to walk, at least he didn't have to crawl.

The more popular practice method of the Quanzhen sect is Neidan Gong. Baiyun Temple where Zheng Shu works is also a serious Neidan sect, in which "alchemy" refers to the product of the combination of human body's essence, energy and spirit.

Taoist inner alchemy compares the human body to a "furnace" and the meridians circulating in the human body to the channels for inner alchemy practice. Under the strict control of man-made spiritual consciousness, the essence secreted by the human body circulates through the ground throughout the body. Through practice, the essence, qi, and spirit are condensed into a "holy fetus" or "elixir."

This method of condensing essence, energy and spirit, and cultivating both life and life is called inner alchemy, and inner alchemy is one of the inner alchemy techniques.

Due to the strengthened template, Zheng Shu's state has actually shifted quite seriously.

Among Zheng Shu's three items of Jing, Qi and Shen, Jing and Qi are both ridiculously strong, but in terms of God, the master of life activities, he is extremely "weak" due to mental distortion.

This also means that Zheng Shu's "sex" has exceeded "fate" for a long time, and his state is like those who cultivate sex but not life.

The imbalance of life makes him practice with half the effort. Even if there is no problem with innate energy, Zheng Shu will not practice too quickly.

Coupled with the differentiation in the innate Qi and dragging down so many negative states, it is enough to be jaw-dropping that Zheng Shu is still able to practice.

And since Zheng Shu followed the guidance of the Heavenly Master, overcame his inner fear, and slightly obeyed part of his nature, his mental distortion reduced part of the pressure he was under, and the "god" also gained a great deal of power invisibly. increase in magnitude.

This allowed Zheng Shu to recover a little bit of the deviation between his life, and his cultivation was naturally much smoother than before.

"And... not only that, Longhu Mountain's Five Thunder Zhengfa also helped me beyond imagination."

Feeling the differentiated innate energy in his body, Zheng Shu showed an unusually satisfied smile on his face.

The so-called Five Thunder Zhengfa is called Wu Lei, but it is actually the Five Qi.

As soon as a person is born, the innate Qi exists in the body, and the Five Thunder Zhengfa divides it into the five elements.

Pure yang governs fire and is called heart qi, shaoyin in yang governs metal and is called lung qi, pure yin governs water and is called kidney qi, shaoyang in yin and governs wood is called liver qi, and harmonious yin and yang governs earth and is called spleen qi.

After the five Qi are divided and then gathered into one again, the method followed is the Five Thunder Dharma.

This is the specific operation process of the Five Thunder Methods. It is precisely because it consumes innate Qi that it requires certain requirements for the practitioner's practice. If the cultivation level is not enough, it may even happen that the thunder method cannot be used and the person collapses from exhaustion. The situation on the ground.

However, for Zheng Shu, the greatest help of the Five Thunder Methods is not to release the thunder method, but to provide a method of operating the five innate Qi at once and reunite them together.

After seeing this, Zheng Shu immediately thought of his current situation. Another main reason why his practice was slow was that his innate Qi had differentiated due to the strengthening of the template.

For him, he could completely refine this method of controlling the movement of five innate Qi at one time and use it in his own cultivation.

He only needs to differentiate the three innate qi in his body and operate them in this way, and then use the aggregation technique of Five Thunder Zhengfa to reunite them into one, and he can refine them into his own qi.

The Qi developed using the Five Thunder Zhengfa technique can naturally be easily re-refined by the user. After all, if a spell can only be released but not recovered, it is not qualified to become the secret of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

However, under normal circumstances, no one would be really free to practice this way. After all, there is an extra step for no reason, not to mention converting the innate Qi into the Qi belonging to the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and then refining it. For your own Qi, even if it is in your own body, there will be more or less loss in the process.

For every cultivator, innate Qi is an extremely precious thing, and it is impossible to waste it like this.

But for Zheng Shu, this is the supreme secret method of cultivation.

Although there is one more step, because he does not have to take into account the conflicts and chaos within the innate Qi, his cultivation speed has increased to a higher level.

And not only the efficiency of cultivation, but also the innate energy lost during the cultivation process has plummeted.

The most important thing is...

"The Five Thunder Zhengfa can combine the innate Qi of five attributes into one. In other words, after I become proficient in this technology, I can strengthen two more strengthening templates without affecting my own practice progress!"

Zheng Shu's eyes shone with excitement. Although his current combat effectiveness was sufficient, strengthening the template could not only improve his combat effectiveness.

"If I strengthen the master's enhanced template, will I be able to further improve my cultivation efficiency after acquiring his talent?"

The answer is undoubtedly yes, which also means that Zheng Shu can finally get rid of his status as a loser and practice as a genius again in this world.

"Then the remaining question is how to continue to improve your mental state of cultivation. Otherwise, even if you have a high talent, you will not be able to practice too fast if your mental state of mind is low."

After calming down, Zheng Shu calmed down again and thought about the current situation.

"The Five Thunder Methods are relatively difficult to extract. It is difficult to extract multiple kinds of innate Qi from it and run them at the same time and combine them into one, and it cannot be copied completely.

The Five Thunder Zhengfa conveys different attributes of the same innate Qi. In my case, the basic properties of the innate Qi are different, so there is still a certain gap in the specific situation, and a certain degree of adjustment is needed. "

But no matter what, with the reference of Five Thunder Zhengfa, Zheng Shu at least had a goal to deal with his physical problems.

"This matter cannot be solved in a short time. We should focus on the current problem." Zheng Shu closed his eyes slightly.

"There has been no response from Nadoutong Company, but this is normal. The purpose of establishing the company is to maintain stability. As long as it does not affect the stability between strangers and ordinary people, there will be no problem. But now the situation has almost stabilized, so The company should send someone to talk to me..."

Dong dong dong...

While thinking, there was a knock on the door, and Huang Ming's voice sounded from outside.

"Senior brother, that Zhang Chulan is here to find you!"

"What a coincidence, it really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived."

Zheng Shu opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, Daozhang Zheng, long time no see."

In the reception room, Zhang Chulan immediately put a smile on his face when he saw Zheng Shu entering the door, and walked to Zheng Shu's side. Feng Baobao followed behind him, still looking indifferent.

"Hey, didn't this almost become the youngest Celestial Master in history? Why don't you have Bilian and Zhang Chulan? Why do you have time to come to my place?"

Zheng Shu looked at Zhang Chulan and chuckled twice. He didn't dislike this person very much. He had his own moral standards, a flexible bottom line, and a firm goal that he was willing to fight for.

Although his strength is a bit lacking, so he can only use some seemingly shameless methods when encountering some situations, but he is already considered a pretty good person.

Zhang Chulan was slightly startled when he saw Zheng Shu's expression. He clearly felt that this Zheng Shu was different from the one he saw on Longhu Mountain.

If Zheng Shu at that time acted accurately like a robot and treated people with eyes like a god looking down at mortals from high altitude, then the Zheng Shu in front of him was a little more popular.

Although he didn't have much contact, Zhang Chulan knew very well that at least Zheng Shu couldn't do anything like the one he teased just now.

If the intelligence hadn't revealed that the supervisor of Baiyunguan only brought back one child, he would have even suspected that it was twin brothers.

"Daozhang Zheng seems to be in a good mood?" Zhang Chulan asked cautiously.

The situation now is a bit beyond his expectation. At first, after hearing what Zheng Shu did after returning to Baiyun Temple, Zhang Chulan thought that the one sent by the superiors this time was a chore.

But now it seems that the situation is much better than he imagined. At least Zhang Chulan did not feel the cold and murderous aura from Zheng Shu.

Hmm... If Zheng Shu knew what Zhang Chulan was thinking, he would definitely kindly remind him, who is a good person who can kill insects with murderous intent?

However, although Zheng Shu's current mental power is not enough to directly read minds, he can feel Zhang Chulan's mental fluctuations and roughly know what he is surprised about.

"It's nothing. I was given some guidance by Heavenly Master before I left on Longhu Mountain, and my state of mind has improved, so I have been living a little more wildly recently."

"Did you mean 'a little'?!"

Although he was complaining in his heart, Zhang Chulan immediately put a smile on his face: "Zheng Daochang is a genius. Congratulations on such progress in cultivation at such a young age!"

"You're a very nice person to talk to."

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan's expression of not knowing how to answer the question, and smiled unconsciously on his face.

Zheng Shu had to admit that Zhang Chulan did have a good way of dealing with people.

Even when you find that the other person has changed so much and seems to be able to see your own mental state clearly, you can still make the other person feel comfortable by pretending to be a clown.

In a sense, this ability is indeed a special talent.

"Okay, no more teasing, and you don't have to make such a gesture. I said that I really want to make friends with you, so if you have anything to say, just tell me."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu took out two apples from his pocket and threw them to the two of them. His expression was quite natural and he seemed to be quite good at feeding them.

Zhang Chulan was stunned. After taking the apple thrown by Zheng Shu, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Behind him, Feng Baobao started to chew the apple directly after taking it. While chewing back, he reminded Zhang Chulan:

"Zhang Chulan, eat quickly, this is good food!"

"Sister Bao'er, according to the treatment in the company, I shouldn't owe you fruit."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Chulan took the apple in his hand and looked at it carefully, confirming that there seemed to be nothing special about it.

"Apples are real apples, but the cultivation method is a bit special. I have been infusing the apple with innate energy while it is growing, so there is still some innate energy left in it. Ordinary people can live a little longer if they eat it. If you eat it, you can speed up your cultivation in a short period of time."

Zheng Shu took out another apple from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, took a bite, and gave Zhang Chulan a thumbs up.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the apples grown this way taste great."


After laughing twice, Zhang Chulan looked at the apple in his hand and found that he was still not good at dealing with people like Zheng Shu. This guy's thinking was too fast, and it seemed that Feng Baobao could keep up.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go straight to the point as Zheng Shu said.

"Ahem, Daochang Zheng, my visit this time is mainly because of the company. The company knows that Baiyunguan has been coveted by a lot before, and understands your desire to protect Baiyunguan, so those drastic actions are acceptable.

But now the rumors in the circle are a bit fierce, so I hope I can help you coordinate... You see, Daozhang Zheng, you actually didn't suffer, so how about we end this matter? "


"Don't worry, the company will also help investigate those behind the scenes, so... eh?"

"I said, OK."

Zhang Chulan blinked hard: "You... just agreed like that?"

"Yes, it's just like what you said. I didn't suffer much anyway, so let's leave it like that. It doesn't matter who is behind the scenes. As long as those people don't continue to mess with Baiyunguan, I don't mind letting them go. But I can make it clear in advance that if I find someone interested in Baiyun Temple again, I won’t mind taking action again.”

Zheng Shu seemed very relaxed. Anyway, all the people behind the scenes who could be uncovered by him have been dealt with. The remaining people were hidden too deeply and could not be found even if they tried to find them. It would be better to sell Zhang Chulan directly to save face.

"Don't worry, the company has already issued a notice. If there are still people who want to cause trouble, they are not giving the company face. Please deal with them as you wish."

Zhang Chulan didn't expect Zheng Shu to be so easy to talk to, which also made him start to think about the truth in what Zheng Shu said when he met him before.

"Okay, just call me and talk to me about such a simple matter later. I'd like you to go there alone."

Zheng Shu chewed the apple in his hand cleanly and threw the core into the trash can nearby.

"If nothing happens next, would you like to have a meal in the temple?"

"No, no, no, we have other entrustments next. It seems that there was something wrong with that Taoist priest Wang Ye, so he entrusted me by name..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chulan seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up when he looked at Zheng Shu.

"Daozhang Zheng, do you want to come with us and take a look? Another thing we have to deal with when we come to BJ this time is also related to the Eight Wonders. Maybe you will also be interested."

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan, and the half-smiling look in his eyes made Zhang Chulan break out in cold sweat. He finally nodded and expressed his opinion when he could hardly bear it anymore.

"Okay, I don't have any problem. It's good to go see something. Let's go. Where is the mission location?"

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