Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 447 Treatment and Advice

Everyone's eyes blurred, and when they came back to their senses, the Heavenly Master had already come to Tian Jinzhong's side and put his hand on his shoulder.

After a long silence, the old master slowly let go of his hand, and his calm face showed some excitement.

"Okay... okay! Great! Junior brother, after so many years, you can finally practice again!"

Even the old Celestial Master's practice could not conceal the happiness in his heart, or in other words, he was unwilling to conceal his current emotions. The two centenarians were choked up for a while.

"Master, Uncle Tian's meridians have been cured?!"

At this time, Zhang Lingyu, who was coming behind the old Heavenly Master, also had a surprised smile on his face.

He, who has been practicing on this mountain since he was a child, certainly knows how much regret he has in his master's heart because his uncle was unable to practice because he was killed by a traitor.

In many cases, even if Master Tian himself is relieved, Master Tian still doesn't want to face it, and will try his best to avoid mentioning this aspect in daily conversations.

"Master Tian's meridians have been cured?"

Zhang Chulan on the side also widened his eyes in surprise, his eyes full of relief.

Although he had not known Tian Jinzhong for a long time, Zhang Chulan could sense the old man's love and care for him.

Facing this old man, Zhang Chulan once regretted what happened to him. Now that he has been cured, it is naturally a great blessing.

"Okay, what are the expressions of you brats? Why are you crying about such a good thing? Bad luck, has the main hall on the mountain been repaired? Why are you still here?!"

After a long time, the old Heavenly Master finally calmed down and turned to look at a large number of tearful disciples and disciples. He waved his hand and drove them out very forcefully.

"Obviously you were like this just now..."

Everyone kept these words in their hearts and did not dare to say them out, for fear of accidentally getting into trouble with the Heavenly Master and being taught a lesson by him.

However, after confirming that Mr. Tian was not only fine but also had his meridians cured, everyone left here happily.

Rongshan, who had just been slapped away by Master Tian, ​​even covered his slightly swollen face and ran back in a hurry, holding Zheng Shu's hand very happily and thanking him for his help, until Master Tian stretched out his hand again After threatening him, he thanked Zheng Shu profusely before leaving.

After everyone left the room and very thoughtfully took away another boy who was still unconscious and sleeping on the bed, there were only three awake people left in the room.

"Xiao Qing, what's going on?"

I just heard that my junior brother had cured his meridians, and he was so happy that he ignored it for a while. Only then did the Heavenly Master begin to ask about Gong Qing, who had been lying on the ground in a coma.


Tian Jinzhong sighed and slowly explained to his senior brother what had just happened.

"Acting head of Quanxing? Hey, I didn't expect that there would be a great person in Longhu Mountain. He came to Longhu Mountain to be a boy for a few years when he was interested. It seems like what those crazy people did."

The old Heavenly Master sneered and went over to check on Gong Qing, who was unconscious on the ground, but his method was not very gentle.

After all, Longhu Mountain had just been rioted by Quan Xing. Although the casualties were not serious, the buildings were basically destroyed. No matter how well-educated the Heavenly Master was, he still had some temper in his heart at this time.

"It's not bad, I won't die. You're quite accurate in your attack." The last words of the old master were to Zheng Shu.

"I'm better at controlling power..."

Zheng Shu smiled and did not continue to speak. He just waited for the old master's next words because he had a special feeling.


The old Tianshi raised his head and glanced outside the door, suddenly grabbed Gong Qing in his hand and threw it directly out the door.

"A bunch of brats! Go lock him up and watch him closely. Don't let him escape. Call me when he wakes up."

Behind the door, a group of Taoist priests and Zhang Chulan who had their ears pressed against the door ready to eavesdrop caught Gong Qing in a hurry. They could almost be said to have fled: "Yes!"

"Okay, these brats, no one is listening now. It's time for us to talk." The old Heavenly Master laughed and scolded, then turned to look at Zheng Shu seriously.

"If I heard correctly, what you just mentioned should be the first stage of treatment, right?"

"That's right."

"That is to say, there is still a second stage of treatment, right? But I have just checked that all the broken meridians in Lao Tian's body have been completely treated, and there is no need for further treatment. So, the so-called second stage What exactly is phased treatment?" Master Tian stared closely into Zheng Shu's eyes.

"Indeed, the first stage of treatment is mainly to cure the simplest meridian problems, and the second stage of treatment is naturally to heal Mr. Tian's hands and feet." Zheng Shu looked at the old Heavenly Master very sincerely.


There was a long silence in the room, and the old master looked at Zheng Shu, as if trying to find out the possibility of deception in his eyes.


Finally, after letting out a long sigh, the Heavenly Master closed his eyes, as if he had made up his mind and accepted the reality.

"Five Thunder Methods, right? No problem, I can give it to you!"

"Senior brother?!" Tian Jinzhong, who had been looking nervously at the two without speaking since just now, suddenly changed his expression.

"No, senior brother! The Five Thunder Zhengfa is a secret technique that only the heirs of the Heavenly Masters of Longhu Mountain are qualified to practice. What you do is completely breaking the ancestral rules." Tian Jinzhong then turned his attention to Zheng Shu, "Little Zheng Shu, I’m very grateful that you cured my meridians, but we can’t afford the treatment, so we don’t treat it! We don’t treat it anymore! You can even interrupt my meridians again!”

"It's not up to you whether to cure it or not. I am your senior brother. Master is gone. You have to listen to me now! Huh! Rules? Didn't that bastard Big Ear Thief break the rules of Longhu Mountain? Anyway, there is already an extra Zhang Chu. Lan, Zheng Shu is no different. Besides, I am the Heavenly Master now, and what I say is the rules of Longhu Mountain!"

The old Heavenly Master's eyes widened, and a surging aura erupted from his body.

Then he calmed down his momentum and turned to look at Zheng Shu, his eyes extremely serious.

"Boy, although I promised to give you the Five Thunder Methods to practice, you have to swear to me that you will never pass on the Five Thunder Methods to anyone else in your life, not even the people closest to you!"

Zheng Shu was a little surprised by the old master's answer:

"Master Tian, ​​why do I feel like you believe in me very much? When most people hear that I can help Mr. Tian regenerate his limbs, their first reaction would be disbelief, right?"

"Rebirth of a severed limb. Ordinary strangers will indeed think this is a lie when they hear it, but don't forget who I am. I am the Celestial Master of Zhengyi Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Mansion. Although we, the unscrupulous descendants of the younger generations, It is impossible to reproduce the inheritance of our ancestors, but similar powers are indeed mentioned in the inheritance. Besides..."

The Heavenly Master glanced at Zheng Shu, his expression half-smiling but not smiling: "The purpose of your recent actions is too obvious. I don't believe you will come to me to ask for the Five Thunder Dharma with no confidence."

"It's exactly what you said. I can't refute it. No problem. Please rest assured. I only asked for the Five Thunder Dharma for research purposes and will never spread it to others. I will swear to it now."

Zheng Shu tidied his clothes, bowed to the old Heavenly Master, and under Tian Jinzhong's complicated eyes, he swore a poisonous oath following the old Heavenly Master's oath.

"It's getting late today, so you can stay here in Longhu Mountain for now. Starting tomorrow, I will take the time to teach you the Five Thunder Methods!"

The Heavenly Master patted Zheng Shu on the shoulder and walked out of the door with his hands behind his back.

Quan Xing had just finished wreaking havoc in Longhu Mountain, and he still had a lot to do as a Heavenly Master.

Zheng Shu stayed at Longhu Mountain for the next three days. In the morning, he received guidance from the Heavenly Master, and in the afternoon, he prepared to help Tian Jinzhong treat his broken limb.

It was almost a century ago that Tian Jinzhong's hands and feet were cut off. Although the previous generation of Heavenly Masters helped him find medical practitioners for treatment, facing the mutilation of his limbs, they could only ensure that his wounds would not worsen.

After such a long time, the wounds on Tian Jinzhong's hands and feet have completely healed, and have even become one with his body. The most troublesome thing for Zheng Shu when he wants to regenerate his limbs is not the restoration of the broken limbs, but the need to regenerate them. First "open" the wound again.

In addition, Tian Jinzhong is already very old. No matter how much innate energy Zheng Shu pours into him, it would be impossible to regenerate new limbs, so he chose another method - prosthetic limbs.

Of course, this prosthetic arm is not a prosthetic arm in the traditional sense, but an arm made by Zheng Shu by combining the puppet technology learned from the moon world and Aozaki Orange, the alchemy of the dragon world, and the cloning technology on the technological side.

In a sense, this is Tian Jinzhong's original real arm. Except that it looks too young, it is no different from the original arm in use. It can even practice with the body to become stronger.

With enough innate energy to support it, it only took two days for the prosthetic limb cultivated by Zheng Shu to fully "mature" and reach the standard for transplantation.

"Mr. Tian, ​​are you sure you don't want anesthesia? In fact, whether you use anesthesia or not will not affect the effect of the transplant. You only need to sleep for a while, and your hands and feet will be ready to use when you wake up."

Zheng Shu looked worried at Tian Jinzhong, who was over a hundred years old. Behind him were four transparent glass jars with a pair of hands and feet soaked in nutrient solution.

"Hey, little Zheng Shu, don't underestimate me. When those guys cut off my hands and feet, they weren't so kind as to give me anesthesia. That's it. I want to watch my hands and feet grow back. return!"

Tian Jinzhong still had that angry look, but after these few days of practice, his already exhausted body was rejuvenated, and even his red eyes from not sleeping for so many years were relieved a lot.

Even because he could only practice quiet skills for so many years, Tian Jinzhong had laid a foundation for himself for nearly a hundred years. When he picked up the method of refining qi again, his cultivation speed could even be said to be a thousand miles faster.

This is why both the Old Heavenly Master and Zheng Shu are willing to comply with his request. If his physical condition is really as dilapidated as before, the Old Heavenly Master will not agree to Tian Jinzhong's request even if he directly knocks him unconscious. .

"Okay... then, I'm going to start, are you ready?"

"bring it on!"


As soon as Tian Jinzhong finished speaking, Zheng Shu's fingers were already waving out of thin air.

In an instant, several slices of flesh and blood fell off Tian Jinzhong's completely healed severed limb.

Because the prosthetic limb made by Zheng Shu also had bones, he needed to completely cut through the flesh callus covering the bones on the incision of Tian Jin's severed limb until the bone stubble could be exposed.


With a muffled groan, Tian Jinzhong's body trembled violently, his skin instantly became red, and his teeth that he clenched too hard even caused slight bleeding from his gums.

Zheng Shu didn't hesitate. After covering the wounds on Tian Jinzhong's limbs with a layer of Qi, he stretched his hand behind him and four glass jars came to him.

The Qi was manipulated to completely wrap the severed limb soaked in the nutrient solution and then remove it from the air, completely eliminating the risk of bacterial infection.

When the prosthetic limb came into contact with Tian Jinzhong's body, the old man's body trembled violently, and his eyes widened as if the corners of his eyes were about to be torn apart.

Fortunately, the most painful process was over. After using his mental power to match all the nerves one by one as quickly as possible, Zheng Shu continued to instill innate energy into Tian Jinzhong's body.

Tian Jinzhong, who was still in severe pain just now, suddenly felt an unbearable itching from his wound. The sudden change in feeling made him couldn't help but raise his hand.

Then, this old man who had been in a wheelchair for nearly a century really raised his hand.

" this my hand?"

Looking at his hands that could move freely, Tian Jinzhong could not help but shed tears in his eyes even though he had expected it.

He moved his five fingers in a strange way, and felt the movement of Qi in his hands. Finally, he confirmed that these hands were exactly the same as his original hands, except that they looked too young and were a bit inconsistent.

After the excitement, an uncontrollable fatigue surged into Tian Jinzhong's heart.

Although he wanted to resist this feeling and prevent himself from falling asleep, how could his mind, which was already a little tired from the ups and downs, resist Zheng Shu's deliberate "plot", and Tian Jinzhong soon fell into a deep sleep.

"The prerequisite for the spirit to be full and not sleepy is that the spirit must be full. Old man, you have been practicing for three days and your energy is full, but the spirit may not be able to hold it anymore. It's better to have a good sleep!"

Zheng Shu reached out and lifted Tian Jinzhong up and gently placed him on the bed next to him. After covering him with the quilt, he opened the door and walked out.

"Xiao Zheng Shu, thank you."

Outside the door, the old Heavenly Master had been waiting here for a long time. He didn't say much after watching Zheng Shu come out, and just thanked him in a low voice.

"Master Tian, ​​you are so polite. By the way, I received a call from the master last night. I should be leaving Longhu Mountain today, so I want to tell you."

"Well, it just so happens that your kid has finished learning the Yin Yang and Five Thunder Methods. All you need to do next is to practice more frequently. I have also heard about the recent events in Baiyun Temple, so go ahead. By the way, you kid remember to use my Five Elements less. Lei Zhengfa, if you really use it, don't leave anyone alive, old man, I still want some face."

Speaking of the latter part, the old Heavenly Master suddenly approached Zheng Shu and whispered instructions, looking like a sinister villain.

"Old Heavenly Master, are these words something a Taoist should say?!" The corner of Zheng Shu's mouth twitched.

"You kid, don't worry about this. I'm different from Zhang Chulan's brat. I want to save some face. So remember?" The old Heavenly Master put his hand on Zheng Shu's shoulder with a gloomy expression.

"No problem! Don't worry!" Zheng Shu's eyelids jumped and he nodded quickly in agreement.

"Hahahaha, okay, I won't tease you anymore, go ahead!"

Zheng Shu's face was expressionless, and his eyes turned into dead fish eyes: Who knows if you are really kidding me? !

But the moment Zheng Shu turned around, the old Heavenly Master's voice suddenly came from behind.

"You are very strong, much more capable than an old man like me, so you don't need to pretend like this."

Zheng Shu paused but did not turn around: "What do you mean..."

"Hey, I don't know if you are like this in Baiyun Temple, but from the first moment I saw you, you never really showed your true nature. You don't feel like a living person to me. A person who pretends to be the same person by observing the world and imitating others.

That brat Zhang Chulan is nothing compared to you. We Taoists do need to control our desires, but that doesn’t mean we have to completely abandon our humanity. Occasionally, you can also indulge yourself a little. If you don’t know your true nature, how can you transcend yourself? If you want to let go, it’s too early for you! "

Zheng Shu's body trembled and he turned around sharply, wanting to argue with the Heavenly Master, but he no longer wanted to talk to Zheng Shu. He just waved his hand and turned back to the house to look after Tian Jinzhong.

Of course, he knew the reason why his junior brother had been trying not to sleep for so many years, so Zheng Shu saw his designer but had no intention of stopping him.

Seeing that the Heavenly Master had already walked into the door, Zheng Shu stood there for a while, then finally sighed, bowed towards the room and left.

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