"Strange... Why can't I find Tu Junfang? Didn't this guy come? No, I remember this guy came in the original work."

Zheng Shu was naturally not idle while moving quickly towards the Longhu Mountain Hall. He turned on the dragon's infrared vision again and quickly searched for the corpse demon Tu Junfang among a large number of biological sources.

In a world under one person, the zombie demon Tu Junfang may be the only descendant of the three demon sects. Because he can control his own three corpses and even trigger the three corpses of others, this guy's threat to Zheng Shu is even greater than that of Lei Lei. Smoke and firecrackers are high above Ning.

Zheng Shu remembered that he first appeared in the Luotian Dajiao chapter, but he did not take action at that time. Instead, he watched with cold eyes while Zhang Chulan rescued Lu Linglong and Zhijinhua, and after hearing the advice given by Zhang Chulan, he Leave for a while.

He had already found the figures representing Zhang Chulan and Lu Linglong, but he could not find any figures around them that matched the corpse demon Tu Junfang.

It was different from the original work. Zhang Chulan, Lu Linglong and Zhi Jinhua were indeed in a hard fight, but Zhi Jinhua was not as seriously injured as in the original work, and those who were hostile to them were only slightly injured. A stronger all-sex minion.

In the battle with those omnipotent minions, Zhang Chulan and the others even had the upper hand.

"It's really not... was it because of something I did that caused the plot to change? But there is no reason why it would affect the plot this time?"

After glancing around Zhang Chulan and the others several times, Zheng Shu finally determined that there was indeed no Corpse Demon Tu Junfang he was looking for among these people.

But since I haven’t found it, I won’t look for it anymore.

Zheng Shu dealt with these strangers who were good at manipulating emotions just as a precaution. It didn't mean that he would really be afraid. If there was a real fight, he would be confident to kill the enemy before they could make a move.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Zheng Shu quickly hurried towards the main hall. He had just seen the figure of Rong Shan leaving the side hall, which meant that time was running out, but fortunately he could still catch up.

While on the way, he also saw Barron and Xia Liuqing who were fighting Feng Baobao, but he was only a little interested in these two people. What was more important now was to save Mr. Tian Jinzhong, so he could only hold off for the time being. Let them go.

"Hiss... strange, why did I suddenly feel chilly? Is anyone staring at me, old man?"

Xia Liuqing, who was laughingly watching Barron and Feng Baobao fight with his hands behind his back, suddenly trembled and looked around suspiciously, but did not find any enemies.

"This is a bit weird, it's better to withdraw as soon as possible."

Although he did not find the enemy, Xia Liuqing still believed in his intuition. He glanced at Barron who was fighting Feng Baobao and left here quietly.

When Zheng Shu came to the side hall where Tian Jinzhong lived, he found that he was just in time.

After deceiving Rongshan, who was strong enough, Gong Qing, the current acting head of Quanxing, had just knocked out another boy who was taking care of Mr. Tian, ​​and now he was proudly expressing his conclusion in front of Mr. Tian.

When Zheng Shu appeared outside the gate of the side hall like a ghost, a Taoist wearing glasses outside the door shivered as if he had seen a ghost. He even looked a little unsteady and almost fell down.

Zheng Shu glanced at this Taoist, with a strange smile on his face. Although his appearance had changed, Zheng Shu could sense that this man was actually another person inside.

Combining the original work, Zheng Shu immediately figured out that this person should be Lu Liang who was with Gong Qing in this incident. At this moment, he should have used the ability to draw poison to change his appearance and hide in Longhu Mountain.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here. Let's go now, otherwise we won't be able to leave later."

Zheng Shu had no intention of taking action against Lu Liang from the beginning. Zheng Shu felt that this guy might be useful later, so he just waved his hand at him and took the initiative to open the door to the side hall.


Seeing Zheng Shu walking into the side hall, Lu Liang, who had transformed into a Taoist priest, broke out in cold sweat. He was silent for a moment, turned around and fled down the mountain without hesitation.

In the room, Gong Qing was still telling Tian Jinzhong about his speculations and decisions. This move was not only to break Tian Jinzhong's psychological resistance, but also because he had been lying in wait in the mountains for so many years, so he naturally wanted to show off when he was close to success.

At the beginning, Gong Qing didn't even intend to kill Tian Jinzhong. He just wanted to disrupt Tian Jinzhong's psychological defense and let Lu Liang take the opportunity to steal the other person's memory.

In the original work, Lu Liang even planned to have Lu Liang delete Tian Jinzhong's memory tonight and pretend that none of this had happened.

Of course, this is not because this person is really kind-hearted. He wanted to do this at first. Apart from having a little affection after staying on Longhu Mountain for a few years, he simply did not want to anger the master, the old master. That’s all.

"Is it all your guess?" Tian Jinzhong's cold voice came from inside the house.

"Indeed, and I might as well tell you that today's raid on Longhu Mountain was launched solely based on my guess... If I guess wrong, I will be killed by my companions!"

Gong Qing crossed his arms and looked proud. Judging from his inference and Tian Jinzhong's performance, he guessed correctly this time.

This sense of accomplishment in spying on other people's hidden secrets makes Gong Qing want to stop. He is simply too high now.

This is why he spent so many years, even risking his own life with those lunatics in Quanxing, to arrange this "drama" in Longhu Mountain.

After listening to Gong Qing's words, Tian Jinzhong fell silent.

He knew very well that in the current situation, a cripple like himself, with his limbs cut off and his meridians disabled, had no ability to resist at all.

However, he recalled in his mind the original agreement with Junior Brother Zhang Huaiyi. For this reason, he even deceived his senior brother and master. Naturally, he would not let Gong Qing's words break down his psychological defense.

So after a moment of silence, Tian Jinzhong decided to hide the secret, even if he might die.

"Okay, now you don't have to worry about being killed by your companions."

At this time, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and Zheng Shu walked into the house very simply.

"Because the prerequisite for you to be killed by those guys is to survive under my hands."


Gong Qing, who had everything under control, suddenly changed his expression and looked at Zheng Shu in disbelief, unable to understand why the Taoist priest from Baiyun Temple came here at this time.

"Why are you here?!"

After asking this question, Lu Liang's "prompt" sound came from the walkie-talkie on Gong Qing's body.

"Acting Master, someone is coming, run if you can!"

"This guy!!!"

Gong Qing crushed the intercom in anger, but when he looked at Zheng Shu, his mood calmed down instantly.

"Since you are here at this time, it means that you also have your own desires. What do you think? Do you want to cooperate? I already discovered during the Luotian Dajiao that you are very suitable for us."

Looking at Gong Qing, who was still trying to instigate him to rebel in this desperate situation, Zheng Shu shook his head with a half-smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any good feelings for people like you Quanxing who break the rules."

"How hypocritical. You are obviously suppressing emotions that are difficult for ordinary people to understand deep in your heart. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone berserk when you faced that sissy who can control your emotions."

"I don't deny what you said." Zheng Shu still shook his head disdainfully, "But in my opinion, the biggest difference between humans and animals is the morality that you are most dismissive of. Even your own instincts You can't control it and act wantonly, what's the difference between your behavior and those wild beasts?!"

"Oh? It seems that you have misunderstood our concept of universality."

After being refuted by Zheng Shu, Gong Qing's eyes lit up.

It's not scary to be refuted. What's scary is that the other party has no intention of having any dialogue with him. As long as he is willing to communicate, Gong Qing has the confidence to convince the other party.

Unfortunately, his idea was still seen through by Zheng Shu. Looking at Gong Qing who seemed to want to say something more, Zheng Shu ignored it and instead looked at Tian Jinzhong who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Mr. Tian, ​​although this boy is the acting head of Quanxing, he did join your sect a few years ago. It's hard for me as an outsider to make a decision. How do you plan to deal with him?"

"I'm so blind that I never noticed this kid's wild ambitions. I'm really ashamed to be laughed at by my little friend."

Tian Jinzhong felt relieved in his heart, and then felt great sadness. I didn't expect that it had been so long since the Jiashen Rebellion that a loser like me would still be targeted.

Even a loser like him has so many people making plans. One can imagine the pressure Zhang Huaiyi suffered back then.

"Do you really intend to give up this only opportunity? You must know that this old man in front of you may be our only breakthrough to understand the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion. Even if you are not interested in the truth, don't you want to know the information about the Eight Wonders? I remember that you often went to watch Feng Xingtong’s matches when you were at Luotian Dajiao, so you must be interested in the Eight Wonders as well!"

Gong Qing is still struggling, trying to win a chance for himself by talking.

However, Zheng Shu no longer wanted to pay attention to him, and just looked at Tian Jinzhong, waiting for his decision.

"Sigh... I hope my little friend won't hurt his life. This matter needs to be decided after my senior brother comes back."

Tian Jinzhong glanced at Gong Qing and sighed helplessly, his face full of exhaustion and loss.


Hearing Zheng Shu's response, Gong Qing's expression suddenly changed, but he was still stalling for time.

"Taoist Master, there is no need to worry that our cooperation will be exposed. I have brought a descendant of the Lu family with me this time. Their family's innate ability can control people's souls and memories.

We don’t even need to use torture. We just need to use the Lu family’s Bright Soul Technique to obtain the corresponding information and erase Mr. Tian’s memory of tonight, and we will be safe and sound..."

While he was talking, Gong Qing walked step by step to Zheng Shu's side. His tone of voice didn't even fluctuate at all, but without any warning, he reached out and patted Zheng Shu's big hole. .


A dull tapping sound came, and Gong Qing's expression that was about to show surprise suddenly changed. Feeling the touch that was harder than steel on his hand, he raised his head and looked at Zheng Shu in disbelief.


"Just practice more cooking!"


Zheng Shu slapped Gong Qing so hard that he spun him around like a top for several times. He fell to the ground very neatly and lost consciousness.

He casually extracted some innate Qi from Gong Qing's body, leaving him in a weak state to ensure that this kid would not be able to resist even if he woke up.

Zheng Shu lifted up another boy who had fainted and carried him to the bed beside him. He checked again and confirmed that he was just unconscious. After confirming that he was simply unconscious, he left him alone and came to Mr. Tian Jinzhong's side again.

"What do you want to say, little friend?"

Tian Jinzhong's eyes were a little wary. Although Zheng Shu had saved him just now, Gong Qing was right. No matter how he thought about it, it was strange for the other party to come here at this time.

"Well... Mr. Tian, ​​do you want me to try it? I know a thing or two about treating physical injuries."

Tian Jinzhong was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a bitter smile:

"If you have this intention, little friend, then the old man will help you. It's just that the injury I suffered back then was extremely serious. My master, the previous Lao Tianshi, also helped me find several medical experts, but they couldn't be cured. And after so many years, the injury has been completely fixed, so the difficulty of treatment is probably not too small."

Tian Jinzhong's words were actually taken into consideration for Zheng Shu's face. It was not only difficult to treat his injuries, but it was simply an incurable disease.

Not to mention the hands and feet that have been completely cut off, even the broken meridians in the body have no possibility of treatment. At least the medical experts that the old master found back then looked at his injuries. Shaking his head and sighing.

"This is no coincidence. Since there is no hope, there should be no problem in letting the boy try."

Zheng Shu smiled and took out a red glass ball from his pocket.

Tian Jinzhong looked at the small crimson ball that Zheng Shu took out with a look of wonder on his face. Although his meridians were all gone and he could no longer practice Qi, but because of this, his meditation skills had been greatly improved over the years.

Therefore, Tian Jinzhong can clearly feel the terrifying destructive energy contained inside this small ball, but once it is released, it can even completely blow the room to pieces.

"Old man, I have been living for so many years, but I have never heard of this kind of treasure. The power inside is indeed amazing, but what I didn't expect is that the little friend can actually turn the destructive power inside into healing power. , I didn’t expect Baiyun Temple to have such a secret technique.”

"Ah? What?"

Tian Jinzhong's sudden compliment made Zheng Shu stunned for a moment, and he suddenly realized it after taking a look at the ball in his hand.

"Ah! Sorry, Mr. Tian, ​​I got the wrong one."

Putting the red ball in his hand back into his pocket, he took out another ball with white light. Zheng Shu confirmed it before handing it to Tian Jinzhong.

"This is it."


The atmosphere in the room fell into an inexplicable silence for a moment. Tian Jinzhong did feel the vitality from this small ball. Maybe it was a treasure that could really heal human flesh and bones.

But Zheng Shu's previous mistake really made him not know what to say. Looking at Zheng Shu's young face in front of him, Tian Jinzhong suddenly regretted that he had agreed so easily to let this child treat him.

"Ahem... Anyway, I'm going to start, Mr. Tian."

Zheng Shu coughed twice in embarrassment. He held the small ball condensed with innate energy in one hand, and covered Tian Jinzhong's head with the other hand. He used his own body as a bridge to pump a steady stream of energy into his body. It conveys the most original power of living things.

After a long time, Lao Tianshi, who had already dealt with the complete nature, discovered Rong Shan who had come out privately. Without enough time to reprimand this reckless disciple, the two of them quickly ran towards the side hall.

"Master, don't worry, it's okay, it must be okay, Uncle Tian..."

Rongshan's voice fell silent after seeing the empty shop, and no one came out to respond after he arrived. These performances gave him some ominous premonitions, but he still held on to the last glimmer of hope. , opened the door of the house.

The first thing that caught the eye was Gong Qing, who was still lying on the ground after being knocked unconscious by Zheng Shu. Inside the room was Tian Jinzhong sitting in a wheelchair with his eyes closed, and Zheng Shu standing in front of him, covering his head with his hands. .


After a moment of silence, Rongshan roared angrily, wielding the Golden Light Spell and rushed towards Zheng Shu.


Just a few steps after he ran out, the Lao Tianshi behind him suddenly waved his sleeves and sent Rongshan, who was about to fight for his life, flying into the wall.

"You silly boy, forget about your reckless personality, but your eyesight is not that good. Why don't you look carefully before taking action?"

The other people who ran over behind the two were stunned for a moment, and then they looked carefully into the room and realized that they had indeed seen it wrong.

Although Tian Jinzhong had his eyes closed, his face was peaceful and his aura was unusually stable. He could even be called full of vitality. He did not look like a hundred-year-old man at all.

In addition to Gong Qing who was lying on the ground, there was another boy in the room who was still unconscious, but his treatment was much better. He was lying on the bed next to him.

"Oh? Are you all here? It seems that Quan Xing who came to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain has been dealt with, right?"

Zheng Shu, who was treating Tian Jinzhong, turned his head when he heard the noise, with a relaxed expression, as if nothing happened.

"Little Zheng Shu, don't be ridiculous. Although I can't see what you are doing, old man, this is a critical moment. It would be bad if we disrupt your spirit."

The old Tianshi's expression was serious. Although he could not specifically perceive the innate energy of others, he could tell from his practice that Zheng Shu was sending power to his junior brother.

No matter what the reason is, you must be tense when transmitting your skills, otherwise you will easily suffer backlash.

"Ah, don't worry, Heavenly Master. It just so happens that the first stage has been completed."

Zheng Shu's power suddenly stopped in a gesture that was contrary to everyone's understanding, just like a car suddenly coming to a standstill with the accelerator depressed. From his expression, it seemed that he had not been completely affected by any backlash. This strange violation The harmonious feeling even made several practitioners present feel like they wanted to vomit.

"Phase one? What phase one?"

"Of course it's the first stage of treatment. How about Mr. Tian? What's the effect?"

Everyone was surprised to find that Mr. Tian Jinzhong, who was sitting in the wheelchair with his eyes closed, opened his eyes at some point, and his red eyes shed tears.

"Senior brother...I can practice again..."

Tomorrow may be a little busy. Depending on the situation, I may ask for leave. If I need to ask for leave, I will send a leave request note early tomorrow morning.

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