Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 448 Traditional old craftsmanship

Zheng Shu left Longhu Mountain so quickly that he could even be said to have fled.

The reason is also very simple. The old master is actually right. This veteran who has been practicing for hundreds of years is indeed very accurate in judging people and pointed out Zheng Shu's problem very accurately.

When Zheng Shu was pointed out by the old master, he even felt a sense of fear of being seen through. The other party was right. In fact, his mental state had been wrong a long time ago.

He has been saying that his state is extreme rationality, but as a normal human being, how could he only have extreme rationality in his mind.

In the human psychological state, reason only accounts for a part of it. To put it bluntly, this is just Zheng Shu using his own reason to forcefully suppress the abnormal emotions in his heart.

Compared with Zheng Shu's current situation, Wu Gensheng in the original work can be called mentally healthy.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shu is very clear about the reason why he is in this situation.

"Because I'm afraid..."

There are not so many fancy reasons. The only reason why Zheng Shu chose to use this method to resist his mental illness was fear.

It is different from the fleeting experience of mental distortion in the dragon world. At the end of the moon world, when Zheng Shu used Alter's enhanced template to fight Alter, his mental distortion lasted for the whole time. For several years.

So Zheng Shu knew exactly what he was thinking in that situation, and he also knew exactly what he could do if he lost control.

So he is very afraid, afraid that if he really loses control, he will do something that is unacceptable to human morality.

But human beings are not emotionless creatures like machines, not to mention that Zheng Shu's inner emotions are much more turbulent than ordinary people.

Therefore, the more Zheng Shu suppressed it with his own reason, the harder it was to control his inner emotions, and the stronger the emotions that eventually burst out.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed by a flowing rainbow.

It is precisely because of this invisible sense of oppression that Zheng Shu becomes more and more impatient in his actions. In the past, he would never have used calculations to forcefully obtain other people's secrets or treasures.

"Arrival ahead... BJ South Station... Passengers going to South Station, please prepare to get off in advance..."

The announcement on the train woke up Zheng Shu who was thinking with his eyes closed. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the scenery outside the window in silence for a long time before finally letting out a long sigh.


After gathering his thoughts, Zheng Shu began to deal with the messy things around him.

I took a look at the car I was riding in. It was relatively empty because it was not a holiday. There were only a dozen passengers sitting sporadically in the whole car.

"These guys have been following me all the way from Longhu Mountain. Are they full-sex people? That's not right. Many new people have come up one after another along the way. Judging from their appearance, these people should not know each other, but every time they come up Small groups should all be together.”

Zheng Shu moved his head and began to think about the reason why he was being followed.

"Healing ability? That's impossible. The people on Longhu Mountain won't reveal it to me, and Zhang Chulan and the others shouldn't talk too much. So the only possibility is to send General Ju Ling."

Previously at the Luotian Dajiao, in order to express his gratitude, the president of the Tianxiahui, Feng Zhenghao, not only presented Zheng Shu with the original copy of the Juling Dispatch General inherited by their Feng family, but was also willing to publicize this matter. , help Zheng Shu resist the reason why he would arrest the spirit and send the general.

"It seems that President Feng moved very quickly. He probably announced it as soon as the Luo Tian Dajiao was over. However, since he took action so quickly, it seems that Quan Xing must have played a big role in it."

Quan Xing's incident in Longhu Mountain was publicized almost the next day. It spread throughout the alien circle. Even Zheng Shu received a call from Baiyunguan to confirm that he was safe and sound. .

Zheng Shu also understood the reason why these people were following him. After all, the forces that participated in the Jiashen Rebellion and many old men were still alive. Of course, they all knew the power of the Eight Wonders.

"Speaking of which, Master also said in the phone call he made to me yesterday that it has not been peaceful in the temple recently. There are people sneaking in every night... Humph!"

Zheng Shu sneered disdainfully, and he naturally understood what these people were thinking.

Although the Tianxiahui has already stated that it will dispatch generals, the power of the Tianxiahui is large enough, and its president Feng Zhenghao is also one of the ten men, so those little people naturally dare not provoke them and can only look at them. He turned to Baiyun Temple, which seemed to have no reputation in the outside world.

"But... a group of minions that even the Tianxiahui would not dare to offend. Where on earth do these bear-hearted leopards dare to provoke Baiyun Guan?!"

Now Zheng Shu understood that there was a high probability that those who dared to track him were forces that were slightly powerful but not strong enough.

They had participated in the Jiashen Rebellion, so they knew about the Eight Wonders, but they were not strong enough, so they didn't know how powerful the Quanzhen lineage was.

"After all, he is a monk. Compared with the Tianxiahui, which has power all over the country, Baiyun Temple seems to be much easier to bully, but don't these guys want to know what I did on Longhu Mountain?"

After all, even Xu Si, who is the person in charge of the North China Region Nadutong Company, was surprised when he saw the Chuyang Shen performed by Huang Ming at the Luotian Dajiao. Even the powerful official force of the company was also surprised. We can't figure out the origins of the Quanzhen Sect, so it can be seen that the Quanzhen Sect is quite low-key and restrained in the entire alien world, and rarely shows off its abilities.

"So... what to do with these guys?"

According to Zheng Shu's usual approach in the world under one person, he should quietly wait for the other party to make a move, and then use violent means to kill them all.


"If you don't know your true nature, how can you transcend yourself and indulge yourself occasionally... Hey, that sounds really attractive."

Although his eyes were still closed, the corners of Zheng Shu's mouth became wider and wider, and he even couldn't help laughing.

"Oh... I am indeed not a good person, and I am quite willful. However, the forces behind these people are not strong and their influence is limited, so it should be okay for me to indulge a little bit!"

After deciding what to do next, Zheng Shu stood up from his seat very simply.

Along with his movements, the eyes of other passengers in the entire carriage moved with him.

Feeling the vague sights surrounding him, and his increasingly agitated emotions as the destination approached, Zheng Shu grinned, took the initiative to leave his seat and walked towards the door of the carriage.

This train is about to arrive at the station. If it really reaches a big city, it will be difficult to find an opportunity to attack without people.

These people know this very well, and Zheng Shu also knows this very well.

Arriving at the door of the carriage, Zheng Shu grinned at the people who were staring at him unabashedly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to greet them.


After saying that, Zheng Shu's figure disappeared behind the carriage door.

The other passengers in the carriage were slightly stunned by Zheng Shu's words. After looking at each other warily for a few times, someone finally couldn't help but take the initiative to chase Zheng Shu in the direction he left.

"Follow me!"

Seeing that someone had already started to take action, the rest of the people couldn't help but follow suit.

Beside the railway, Zheng Shu stopped and stood there waiting quietly.

This is a suburban location with sparsely populated areas. Only a few dilapidated low-rise buildings in the distance still have some traces of human life. However, it is the time to go to work in the morning, so there is not much popularity among those buildings.

"It's quite nice here. It's empty and quiet. If something happens, no one will be able to find it in a short time."

Zheng Shu stretched his body, took a deep breath, turned around with a calm expression, and looked at the group of people chasing him.

"So how are you guys feeling?"

"Hmph! Boy, you are very brave, you actually took the initiative to lead us here. It would be more difficult to deal with you if you were in the city, but you actually dare to take the initiative to come here. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. .”

Hearing Zheng Shu's words, one of the men with a scar on his face and a sinister expression sneered. He was juggling two knives in his hands. He seemed to be good at throwing knives.

"Little Taoist Priest, it's not difficult for us. As long as you hand over General Ju Ling, we can let you live."

Behind Zheng Shu, another group of people quietly gathered around. The leader was a guy with glasses on his face and a smile on his lips. However, in this situation, the smile on his face looked like a poisonous snake. .

"And Xiao Daoist, don't try to divide us. We already discussed it clearly when we were chasing you. As long as you hand over the Ju Ling Qian General, we will make a copy for everyone, so don't waste your efforts anymore."

While he was speaking, many figures appeared one after another around Zheng Shu. It seemed that they were vaguely surrounding Zheng Shu, cutting off all his possible escape routes.

"Hey... Let me tell you something, why does this scene look so familiar to me? Let me ask a question first, do you know what I did at Luotian Dajiao?"

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Zheng Shu blinked and suddenly felt a sense of sight.

But just in case, he asked again.

"Everyone knows how active the little Taoist priest is in the Luotian Dajiao. Although we didn't go to see it, we have also heard that in the duel between the Feng family and the Wang family, you used the spirit to control the two generals. I have captured a rare spirit, and the cultivation level of the spirit commander is indeed better than that of the heirs of the two major families."

As if to break Zheng Shu's resistance, the smiling glasses showed his "intelligence network" without hesitation.

"But don't struggle, little Taoist priest. None of the people who come to you this time are good at witchcraft. And there are so many of us. Even if you find a good spirit to possess, you can't deal with us."

"Hey! What are you telling him? Hurry up and catch this little Taoist priest with your hands. With my skills, he won't be able to hold on for long. I have to tell him how many times he peed his pants as a child."

Hmm... There is also a guy who pretends to be a bad guy. Technically he is quite professional, but it's a pity...

Zheng Shu sighed helplessly. Judging from the information obtained by these guys, they were completely used as cannon fodder.

If nothing else, at least what he is most famous for in Luotian Dajiao is that he single-handedly crushed the entire audience.

They don't even know about this matter. It seems that the other party has no intention of counting on these guys to succeed. They just use it to test his attitude.

"Looking at it like this, you guys probably don't even know who is behind this activity. Forget it, I didn't expect to get information from you guys. I thought too much."

Zheng Shu raised his hand to cover his eyes: "Oh my god, why is this sense of instant vision getting stronger and stronger? How about... I deal with these guys the way I did at that time? Isn't it a bit too harsh?"

"Boy, what are you muttering about? Do you want to test whether your grandpa's blade is sharp or not?!"

Seeing Zheng Shu standing there with no reaction, the man with glasses glanced at the person next to him. The person immediately looked very unhappy and walked towards Zheng Shu with his legs raised.

"Hey, why didn't you reply? Are you scared? Hahahaha!"

While cursing in his mouth, he quickly approached Zheng Shu. However, when he was less than five meters away from Zheng Shu, the man's expression suddenly changed, and he rushed towards Zheng Shu in a flash, holding his hand The long knife on his head also turned into a bolt of lightning and slashed towards Zheng Shu's shoulder.

Looking at Zheng Shu, who was still standing there without any reaction, a sinister smile appeared on the man's face.

"This is the young talent who participated in the Luotian Festival? His strength is not that good..."

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he felt his eyes blur and he couldn't feel the presence of his arms for an instant.

"what happened?"


Before he had time to react, the man felt a pain in his heart, and at the same time, his whole body flew backwards faster than when he came in, as if he had been hit by a battering ram.

Before landing, his consciousness had completely plunged into darkness.

How can it be? !

The people around him were in an uproar when they saw this scene. They all saw it clearly. The moment he was about to be hit, Zheng Shu suddenly waved his arms twice, and the opponent's arms moved away as if they were cut open by an unknown blade. body.

Then Zheng Shu punched out at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye, and the enemy in front of him flew back.

His whole body was covered with blood like a broken water bag, and the bones and muscles in his chest were suddenly beaten into mud.


The mutilated corpse was slapped against the nearby wall, splattering large pieces of blood-soaked debris.

"You are so weak. With your strength, you still dare to imitate others and go out to rob. Is that right?"

Even Zheng Shu was shocked by his punch. He didn't even feel any resistance just now. If he hadn't stopped his fist in time, the man's body would have been penetrated by his punch.

Judging from the way this guy is dressed, he should be a martial arts practitioner who specializes in physical training. Is this the level?

Zheng Shu suddenly realized that because of the Luotian Dajiao, he had raised his strength in the alien world a bit too much.

Now it seems that when ordinary aliens face soldiers with firearms, if they are unlucky, they may have to eat like ordinary people.

"You... come together, this guy is not weak, don't let him defeat you separately!"

After seeing Zheng Shu's strength, the man with glasses who had always maintained a smiling expression could no longer hold back his smile. He could only yell and encourage the people around him to hurry up.

"Hey, you didn't plan to run away but instead attacked me? By the way, I haven't wet the bed since I was a child."

Looking at the group of people attacking him, Zheng Shu had a nasty smile on his face.

Just as these people jumped up to attack, the man with glasses was quietly retreating. After confirming that he was in the last row of everyone, he turned around and prepared to escape without hesitation.

After making a joke, he was not stupid. With the strength Zheng Shu showed just now, even if he could win, few of the people present could survive.

In this case, he might as well retreat temporarily and wait for the opponent to be seriously injured before finding a way to launch a sneak attack. By then, no one would know that he had obtained the Juling Dispatch General.

Thinking about his follow-up plan, the man with glasses showed a proud smile on his face, but a voice made his smile freeze.

"Where do you want to run?"

It was the voice of the little Taoist priest who was besieged by them. How could it be possible? He should not be able to spare any time to pay attention to himself now!

At this moment, the man with glasses suddenly realized that the sound of slashing behind him had ended at some point, and was replaced by a wailing sound.

Turning his head with his neck as stiff as rust, the bespectacled man saw a tragic scene like purgatory.

In just a few seconds, the group of lively desperadoes were all lying on the ground.

Everyone seemed to be injured in the same way. The lower body was dripping with blood and the crotch hurt.

There were only a few people who could howl, and most of them had passed out on the ground due to excessive pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I haven't done this work for a long time, so my skills are a bit raw. But it doesn't matter. With so many people practicing in front of me, my bomb-picking skills have come back again."

Zheng Shu shook off the blood on his hands and looked at the bespectacled man with a frightening smile:

" are the only one left now, are you ready?"


Looking at the scene in front of him, the bespectacled man's expression almost collapsed, and he did not hesitate to draw the last weapon from his arms.

"Huh, as a stranger, do you use this thing as your final trump card? This is really... surprising."

The weapon in the bespectacled man's hand looked very rough and should have been homemade, but Zheng Shu also recognized it at a glance. It was a homemade pistol.


Accompanied by the deafening explosion and billowing smoke, Zheng Shu watched helplessly as the steel balls shot from the gun floated towards him "slowly".

Looking at this trajectory, the opponent should be aiming at his own eyes.

Hmm... maybe we can reenact the famous scene from Superman's return today.

Zheng Shu was thinking in his heart, then without hesitation he raised his hand and "pinched" the steel ball bullet.

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised at how weak you are."

He casually crushed the steel ball into an iron piece and threw it on the ground. Zheng Shu slowly walked towards the bespectacled man who was on the verge of collapse.

"I hope you can reveal a little bit about the troublemaker behind me."

"Don't come over!!"

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