Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 443 Desire (Transition)

After going over all the things Zheng Shu had done, Zhang Chulan had to think about the possibility that the reason Zheng Shu was looking for them was actually to form an alliance with them.

Everything the other party shows, including handles and power, is for one purpose, which is to "seduce" oneself and allow oneself to "use" his power under certain circumstances.

After using the opponent's power once, the relationship between the two parties will inevitably deepen step by step. Even if they know Zheng Shu's purpose, Zhang Chulan and the others will eventually choose to form an alliance with him.

After all, both sides have the same leverage in the opponent's hands, and they also have the same interests although they are not sure.

But this is also the thing that Zhang Chulan cannot understand the most. This kind of thing is illogical!

How could there be someone in this world who would choose to form an alliance with him upon meeting him? !

Zhang Chulan, who has been under various surveillance all year round, doesn't mind thinking about the other party's purpose with the most vicious thoughts, but even if he thinks about all the messy things on his body, he can't think of why.

Feng Baobao’s immortality? Don't be kidding, I have one too, and it's more capable.

That eight-wonder skill called Qiti Genryu?

If it was before Zheng Shu took control of his innate energy and helped him go through a big cycle, Zhang Chulan might have thought that this was a possibility, but now he simply dismisses it.

Being able to control the innate energy of others means being able to observe the path of the innate energy.

Combined with the fact that Zheng Shu had learned Bai Shixue's innate abilities after a few contacts with Bai Shixue, as well as the witchcraft he had used in the previous battle, he was able to forcibly snatch it from the hands of the two users of the Spirit-Restraining General. Zhang Chulan had a very scary idea about the next spirit.

I am afraid that in front of Zheng Shu, all abilities have no secrets at all, and they may be stolen as long as he sees them.

If this is the case, the appeal of the eight magical skills rumored to exist in his body to Zheng Shu can only be said to be quite average.

Although he wanted to go, Zhang Chulan suddenly thought of Wang Ye's words conveyed by Zheng Shu.

"The weight of fate? Just because my weight of fate is relatively high, are you willing to invest in me? No way..."

Zhang Chulan kept scratching his head, but no matter how he thought about it, this reason was indeed the most likely.

Just like in ancient times, Taoist priests or counselors would choose a "lord" to assist. Zhang Chulan certainly didn't think that he would become the lord, but those strong men who established the country in troubled times must have had the same fate as him. people.

Recalling Zheng Shu and Wang Ye's words conveyed by Zheng Shu, Zhang Chulan's head was filled with confusing thoughts.

Unlike Zhang Chulan who was confused, Zheng Shu acted quite relaxed.

Although the conclusion Zhang Chulan came to was very close to Zheng Shu's purpose, it was still not quite right.

There were three main purposes for his contact with Zhang Chulan's quartet.

The first purpose is Xu San and Xu Si's relationship network within the company.

In order to improve his accumulation of knowledge and the various situations surrounding him, Zheng Shu felt that it was inevitable that he would eventually come into contact with the company.

In this case, if you don't plan to kill everyone and become the enemy of the whole world, you must pave the way for yourself in advance.

Within the company, the Xu brothers and Chairman Zhao, who are willing to help fellow immortal Feng Baobao, are Zheng Shu's best candidates.

With his strength, he does not need to win the support of everyone. It can even be said that it does not matter if most people are hostile to him. As long as one party supports him, even if this party is weak, Zheng Shu's strength is enough to defeat the rest. The people below should be quiet and shut up.

A powerful guy outside the faction may trigger an all-out counterattack by the entire faction, but an extremely troublesome thorn within a faction will only keep everyone away.

There will be such a gap in treatment for the same people and interests just because of different status, and what Zheng Shu needs to pay is just a little bit of goodwill from "charity".

As for the second purpose, Zheng Shu wants to gain something by involving Zhang Chulan in other plots.

Wang Ye is right. Zhang Chulan plays a very important role in the fate of this world. Many things that people will never see in their lifetime almost appear all around him.

Apart from anything else, ordinary people would never see something like the Tang Sect's Pill Bite in their lifetime. Even if they did, it basically meant that they were not far from death.

However, Zhang Chulan was able to retreat without incident after seeing Dan Yan, and there was not even any conflict.

With Zhang Chulan as an "event trigger", not to mention the influence factors that Zheng Shu can obtain from him, just the various novel and secretive techniques that he may see in the future are enough to make Zheng Shu excited.

As for the third purpose, it is to study Feng Baobao.

However, this purpose is not very urgent for Zheng Shu, so we will discuss it later.

After completing the meeting with Zhang Chulan, Zheng Shu seemed quite relaxed and did not go out again. Instead, he kept reading and practicing in his room.

By the next day, Zheng Shu did not wait for Zhang Chulan's visit. It seemed that he still chose to explore the truth, just like the choice in the original work.

Zheng Shu was not surprised by this, and he sat in the room very faithfully and did not participate in the competition, allowing Zhang Chulan to pass this test quite easily.

The only drawback is that even when he is sitting in the accommodation area, he can hear the roar of pursuit in the competition area. It seems that the audience can no longer bear it in the face of Zhang Chulan's repeated shameless methods. .

"I hope this guy can escape pursuit, otherwise, there will be no fun in tomorrow's battle."

Zheng Shu opened his eyes and smiled, then closed his eyes again and continued to practice sitting cross-legged on the bed.

In the afternoon, Liu Xingyang and Huang Ming were ready to leave Longhu Mountain and return to Baiyun Temple.

In fact, it's not just them, other contestants are also preparing to go back one after another. After all, the next game can be regarded as a civil war in Longhu Mountain, and there is no need for them to participate.

Therefore, most people bought air tickets or train tickets at this time to go back. Of course, many people chose to stay and prepare to see the final result of the game.

Zheng Shu did not go back with Liu Xingyang, but said goodbye to them and returned to the dormitory.

After all, Zheng Shu knew very well that after the Luotian Dajiao, Longhu Mountain was going to encounter a full-scale raid. Although Nandotong had sent more manpower this time, it was hard to say if something unexpected happened.

So Zheng Shu asked Huang Ming and the others to return to Baiyun Temple first just in case. As for him, as the strongest member of the younger generation of Baiyun Temple, Zheng Shu had a special status, so it was not a big problem to go back a day or two later.

"The final victory of Luo Tian Dajiao, Zhang Lingyu vs. Zhang Chulan!"

Under the gaze of a group of people, the much-anticipated final finally arrived. Zhang Lingyu slowly walked out of the contestant area and walked towards Zhang Chulan, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the field in advance.

Seeing Zhang Lingyu's arrival, Zhang Chulan no longer behaved as he did a few days ago. He slowly stood up and walked towards Zhang Lingyu in silence.

As the two people approached each other, the Qi in their bodies also began to flow, which originated from the fundamental cultivation method of Zhengtian Master's Mansion: the golden light spell also slowly circulated, and golden light as rich as red flames bloomed on the two people's bodies.

Xuanzong Wanqi is the foundation of heaven and earth.

I have practiced extensively for thousands of kalpas to prove my magical powers.

Without too many words, as the two of them received each other's palms, the final battle officially began.

"Huh, the fight was quite fierce, but it seems that Zhang Chulan is at a disadvantage... That's right, after all, the time for serious cultivation is too short, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Zheng Shu watched the battle between the two people below with great interest on the viewing platform. The reason why Zhang Chulan can still hold on now is entirely dependent on a strange movement technique, which he has been practicing with Feng Baobao for a month. Skills developed over time.

Watching the various techniques used by the two people regarding the Golden Light Spell, Zheng Shu continued to verify the knowledge he had learned in his heart.

Yes, Zheng Shu can also cast the Golden Light Mantra, and the source is quite serious. It was a reward given by the Heavenly Master in advance to thank Zheng Shu for his willingness to help Zhang Chulan at the Luotian Dajiao.

Although the Golden Light Mantra is one of the fundamental practices of Longhu Mountain, the number of people who have spread it out over the years is not too small. One more Zheng Shu is not too much, and one less than him is not a lot. Therefore, the old Heavenly Master agreed to this reward. It was quite pleasant, and all I asked was that Zheng Shu swear not to spread it out casually.

For Zheng Shu, the Golden Light Curse is just to broaden his horizons and make up for the shortcomings in his practice. His fundamental practice is still the true inner alchemy skill, and it is impossible to switch to the Golden Light Curse.

After all, if you want to calculate it, the Golden Light Curse is only one of the eight divine curses of the Zhengyi Sect, and the Quanzhen Inner Alchemy Technique corresponds to the eight divine curses as a whole.

Click, click, click...

The dense sound of electric current drew Zheng Shu's attention back. In the field below, after a brief battle with golden light spells, the two sides also entered the battle of thunder and magic.

Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan used the Palm Thunder of the Five Thunder Zhengfa at the same time. However, because Zhang Lingyu used the Yin Five Thunder Method, the power of the Palm Thunder released even with his cultivation was still insufficient.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the black Yin Wu Lei was suppressed by Zhang Chulan's blue and white Yang Wu Lei.

As Zhang Lingyu was blasted into the wall, streams of viscous liquid like black mercury were slowly discharged from Zhang Lingyu's body. Not only did it quickly erode towards the ground everywhere, a large amount of liquid also wrapped around his body as if... Protect him.

This is the true face of Yin Wu Lei: Shuizang Lei.

Zhang Lingyu got up from the ground with a low face, ignoring the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. He waved his hands, and a large amount of water and dirty thunder spurted out from his sleeves again, quickly spreading towards the entire competition venue. It looked like Like a black swamp.

Shuizhenlei——Cangtan in the North!

Zheng Shu looked at the fighting that started again below, and his eyes couldn't stop shining.

I want this!

It sucks the bones and extracts the marrow, burns the heart and cuts the will. If it is not forcibly endured with a cultivation level far higher than that of the user, ordinary defenses will only be penetrated by this black thunder. The only thing that can offset this thing is Yang Wu Lei.

If this trick is not used in some closed environments or competition fields, the effect is not very strong.

Because everyone's cultivation level is limited, the range that can be spread by using water dirty thunder is also quite limited. The enemy only needs to move away quickly and quietly wait for the opponent's Qi to be exhausted.

If it is only used normally, although the water dirty thunder is very good against Yin people, once the enemy is on guard, it is quite difficult to really exert its effect.

Generally speaking, although the power is not weak, in terms of the versatility of use, Yang Wu Lei far surpasses Shuizang Lei in this aspect.

But for Zheng Shu, this is different. Although his "Imitated Barrier·Simple Nibelungen" cannot be used in this world until now, when he has finished analyzing the various rules of this world in the future, Sooner or later you will be able to use this trick.

If there is water dirty thunder, Zheng Shu's move will definitely be greatly enhanced.

Imitation of the inherent barrier to limit the enemy's range of movement, the simple Nibelung amplification itself to weaken the enemy, and the water dirty thunder continued to steal and devour the enemy's power. Zheng Shu could not imagine how beautiful that scene would be at that time.

"So... I want the cultivation method of Shuizanglei!"

Having said that, Zheng Shu still needs to plan carefully. Without falling out, the difficulty of obtaining the Water Zang Lei or the Five Thunder Zhengfa may be as high as "100 million".

After all, the Five Thunder Zhengfa is a secret skill that only the successors of the Tianshi Mansion are qualified to practice. After all, if the Five Thunder Zhengfa is practiced to a high level, it will not be much weaker than the so-called Eight Wonders.

If the Eight Magic Skills are amplification skills with a high fixed numerical bonus, then the secret technique of Five Thunder Techniques is a skill with a high percentage amplification.

When the user's cultivation level is weak, it may be inferior to the Eight Magic Skills, but as the user's cultivation level increases, the increase provided by the Five Thunder Zhengfa will definitely surpass it in the end.

In fact, this is also the reason why many serious sects only planned to deal with their own disciples during the Jiashen Rebellion, but were not interested in the Eight Wonders.

Of course, another reason why the various sects did not pay attention was because for the forces at that time, compared with what the thirty-six thieves planned, the so-called demon-killing and defending methods or the Eight Wonders were simply not worth it. carry.

What they really want is for the thirty-six elites to work together to achieve the goal, even if they betray their own sect, and even if they hate each other.

All in all, for the major forces, the secret techniques inherited by their own families are already powerful enough and have no major side effects. Moreover, they only need to practice step by step to achieve the cultivation conditions. There is no need to compete for such "magic techniques". ".

Zheng Shu didn't even bother to attend to the game now. He closed his eyes slightly and kept recording various situations in his heart.

"Well... it can reveal more value, the commotion caused can be controlled, and it can also pave the way for future plans..."

Suddenly, the uproar around him woke Zheng Shu out of his thoughts.

Opening his eyes, he saw that at the same time that he had revised his follow-up plan, the winner of the game off the field had also been decided.

There is no doubt that Zhang Lingyu, a close disciple of Lao Tianshi, fell down on the playing field at the last moment because of a trick his master had made, and had no choice but to surrender.

"Oh, it seems it's over, then... everything depends on tomorrow."

Zheng Shu didn't look at what was going on on the field anymore and turned around and left the field.

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