After the competition, the last day of the Luotian Dajiao was filled with various cumbersome heaven-sacrifice rituals.

Most of the foreigners had no interest in this and had left Longhu Mountain early. They came here just to watch the game, so the number of onlookers dropped sharply. Zheng Shu even felt empty when standing in the stands.

As a foreigner who came to participate in the Luotian Festival on behalf of the Quanzhen lineage, Zheng Shu could not leave at will like others. He could only stand in the stands and wait for all the cumbersome ceremonies to end.

And this wait is until dusk.

"Little Zheng Shu, aren't you leaving?"

Looking at the departing figures in front of him, Master Tian was a little curious about Zheng Shu who was staying next to him.

They were standing outside the front mountain gate of Longhu Mountain, and the Heavenly Master and Tian Jinzhong had just seen off the last group of guests.

"Hmm... Heavenly Master, what kind of deal do you think I should make with you if I want to obtain the Five Thunders Zhengfa?"

Zheng Shu thought about it and decided that it would be better to speak out what he was thinking openly.


The two boys who were pushing the wheelchair for Mr. Tian Jinzhong looked shocked and couldn't believe their ears. And the tall Rong Shan, who was guarding the old Heavenly Master, looked at Zheng Shu with murderous intent.

It's normal to be interested in the core secrets of a sect, but it's very wrong to dare to say it in front of the master. This is almost equivalent to declaring war on the spot. Isn't this guy afraid of being slapped to death by the Heavenly Master for saying this?

"You dare to think about it, brat. It's okay. As long as you join me in Longhu Mountain, I don't mind passing on the Five Thunder Zhengfa to you."

The old Heavenly Master seemed quite cheerful, without any feeling of anger, and even had the intention to tease Zheng Shu.

"Well... forget it then. If I dare to join Longhu Mountain, my master and the others will probably come to Longhu Mountain and break my legs."

"Hey! Senior brother, this little guy is just as crazy as you were when you were young." Tian Jinzhong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also found it interesting.

"Old Tian, ​​when we are brothers, you can't slander me. I was always kind to others when I was young, okay?"

"Come on, senior brother, it's not me who said you were crazy, it was my master who said it back then."

A group of people just chatted and walked towards the back mountain.

Soon, the already dusk sky quickly darkened, and some people hiding in the mountains began to take action.

The front mountain of Longhu Mountain.

The two Taoist priests who were patrolling at night were chatting and patrolling the hall to prevent anyone from breaking in.

"Oh, I really didn't expect Bi Lian to really win..."

"No, that guy will become a Heavenly Master in the future? What will happen to Longhu Mountain?"

While talking, the two of them suddenly stopped because three tourists suddenly appeared in front of them.

"How come you guys wandered to the front mountain? Didn't you find the way down the mountain?" asked the taller and thin Taoist priest among them.

"Haha, that's not..." the one wearing a hat among the three tourists responded, his expression seemed a little gloomy, "But Master Tao, this Luotian Dajiao is over, but we are not satisfied!" "

As he spoke, the skin on this man's body gradually faded away like ink when exposed to water, and soon the originally concealed appearance was revealed.


Seeing the appearance of these three people and the unconcealed malice on their bodies, the two Taoist priests looked shocked.

"Two Taoist priests, it's too late to escape now!"

The three of them no longer gave the two Taoist priests time to talk, and launched an offensive together, surrounding them with grins.

Ping ping ping rang…


After a fight, accompanied by several rapid screams, the battle came to an end.

"These guys are Quanxing, right? They were actually stolen to the mountain by Quanxing people. It seems that we need to report it to the Heavenly Master as soon as possible!"

The three all-sex personnel who were disguised as tourists and attacked fell to the ground with bruises and swollen faces. They had lost consciousness, while the two Taoist priests were just in a mess of clothes.

Although they won the victory, the two men's expressions darkened because they had heard various hacking sounds coming from behind.

"That's too late……"

Zheng Shu did not follow the old Celestial Master and the others back to the main hall in the back mountain. After all, he knew that the old Celestial Master was planning to teach Zhang Chulan. Outsiders like him were not suitable to stay there, so he simply ran to the back mountain. The forest started to wander.


The head of a Quanxing Taoist hidden in the bushes suddenly exploded into pieces. Along with the broken flesh and blood, red and white slurry splashed everywhere.

What no one noticed was that while the headless corpse fell limply to the ground, a faint ray of light floated out of his body and came to Zheng Shu's palm.


Along with the shrill screams, several figures emerged from the surrounding trees and fled in multiple directions!

They didn't know exactly what happened, but they knew very well that the enemy who used the move that killed their partner just now was definitely not someone that guys of their level could stop.

Although there are all crazy people in Quanxing who do whatever they want, it does not mean that they are not afraid of death. On the contrary, most of the people who join Quanxing are quite discerning, otherwise they would not be alive until now.

Bang bang bang...

Continuous dull explosions sounded, and no one who tried to escape was spared. It was as if someone had placed explosives in their heads and they exploded one after another. From a distance, it even looked strangely beautiful.

After these people lost their life breath, a faint ray of light also flew out and came to Zheng Shu's palm, where it gathered together with the previous ray of light.

"The quality of these guys is worse than I thought. Do they have so little innate energy? Sure enough, compared to large animals, humans still have too little innate energy. Even aliens have too little."

Although it is easier for humans to use their innate Qi to practice, that is because their brains are more developed and they are born with spiritual intelligence.

Compared with many domestic animals, human beings have no advantages in quantity or quality in their innate energy.

Just like common domestic pigs, ordinary people can grow to a weight of more than 200 kilograms, which is considered obese among human groups. However, for domestic pigs, it only takes a few years to easily grow Songdi weighs two to three hundred pounds, and his body fat rate is lower than most people.

And if it were replaced by large animals such as cows or horses, the physical strength that some people with less talent and a lifetime of training could only achieve was comparable to the innate strength of these animals.

So from the perspective of obtaining innate energy, Zheng Shu still prefers to use large animals.

After all, draining the innate energy that only a dozen people can obtain may just make the blue whale feel a little uncomfortable.

Zheng Shu put the ball of innate energy in the palm of his hand into his pocket, stopped thinking about these miscellaneous things, and continued to search for prey.

But at this point in time, Quan Xing has launched a full-scale attack on Longhu Mountain. Not only those who stayed on the mountain before, but also batches of Quan Xing rushed up from the bottom of the mountain.

And Nedoutong, who had been ambushing at the foot of the mountain, had also joined the battlefield. There were sounds of fighting everywhere, and there were very few lone teams.

In any case, Zheng Shu was not suitable to show his ability to deprive innate energy in front of so many people, so he could only give up the idea with regret.

"But...since there has been such a big commotion, Lu Jin should have already confronted the four crazy people."

Zheng Shu touched his chin and suddenly had a new goal. Of course, he couldn't absorb the innate energy of those guys in front of Lu Jin, but it wasn't a problem to kill the two people who threatened him the most among the four madmen.

Zheng Shu knew very well what his biggest weakness was in the world under this person, but even if he knew it, it would be useless. At least Zheng Shu could not find a way to make up for it in a short period of time.

Then we can only take another path: since there is a weakness, then as long as I kill everyone who will restrain me, there will be no weakness in me!

"Well, let me see..."

Zheng Shu jumped to the treetop and looked around. His huge mental power and extraordinary eyesight allowed him to have a panoramic view of the entire Longhu Mountain.

"Huh! What a terrifying Qi, and the golden light spell of that scale should be the position of the old Heavenly Master. It's really terrifying. As for the other side..."

Zheng Shu turned his attention to a dense forest at the back of Longhu Mountain, where there were many strange qi strands that were constantly entangled together.

"That should be Mr. Lu Jin's battlefield. Well, just be careful not to get involved. With the strength of the Four Crazy People, it will not be easy for me to calm down if my emotions are aroused. Don't wake up if I wake up." After I came here, I found that Longhu Mountain was gone.”

While rushing in that direction, Zheng Shu also carefully sensed the range of those people's Qi. Just in case, he stopped ten times away from the Qi's range.

"The straight-line distance is a little more than one kilometer, and since this is in the mountains, there are a bunch of trees blocking it, so it shouldn't be discovered."

The bones in Zheng Shu's body "cracked", and the inside of his pupils also glowed with a golden light like magma. This was Zheng Shu's initiative to enter the keel state.

Relying on dragon vision, Zheng Shu crossed a distance of more than one kilometer in the jungle and saw several red moving figures using a method similar to thermal imaging.

Several red figures that continued to emit a large amount of energy were surrounding them, and in the center of them, there were two red figures, one large and one small.

Among them, the energy fluctuations emitted by the figure with a slightly higher energy intensity are getting stronger and stronger, but the fluctuations are also becoming more and more unstable, and the color fed back to Zheng Shu's field of vision is getting redder and redder.

"Good guy, with this rate of increase in body temperature, Mr. Lu seems to be in a tough fight."

At this moment, one of the slightly thin red figures suddenly moved and quickly approached the two surrounded figures in the center.

The next moment, the red figure representing Zhang Lingyu was carried away by the suddenly moving figure, and quickly moved away hundreds of meters away.

"That should be Xia He, that's great! In this case, except Mr. Lu, the rest of the people on the other side don't have to worry about hurting innocent people!"

Having said that, Zheng Shu still observed those figures very carefully.

Just in case, he decided to give priority to killing Gao Ning, the thunder smoke cannon, and Dou Mei, the intestinal poisoner. These two people's ability to manipulate emotions were too threatening to Zheng Shu and he must not let them go.

As for the remaining people, whether they were the minions or Shen Chong, they were of no importance to Zheng Shu. It didn't matter even if they ran away.

"Based on the degree of threat, theoretically the person who poses the greatest threat to me should be Gao Ning, the Thunder Smoke Cannon, so I will choose him as the first target."

Lei Yan Pao Gao Ning is best at the Twelve Labor Emotion Formation, which can affect the twelve meridians of the enemies in the formation. Each meridian corresponds to two emotions, positive and negative.

He will repeatedly switch between positive and negative emotions to weaken the opponent, just like bending wire. In the end, the enemy will collapse and sink into a certain emotion, unable to extricate himself, and the corresponding organ will also be severely damaged.

Zheng Shu was not worried that his internal organs would be severely damaged, but he would definitely not be able to bear it emotionally. He didn't need to think about it to know that once he fell into a certain emotion, it must be due to Alter's mental distortion.

If it were the worst case scenario, Zheng Shu even suspected that he would use Oort's enhanced template under the guidance of his emotions to let this alien visitor reappear in the world.

But in the world under one person, he couldn't find Ultraman to deal with this monster.

Zheng Shu grabbed a medium-sized stone from the ground, shook it slightly, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The size is appropriate, so you don't have to worry about the spread being too large."

With his field of vision expanded to the extreme, Zheng Shu instantly understood the locations of all the personnel in Longhu Mountain in the direction he was facing.

Turning his attention back to Lu Jin's position again, Zheng Shu found Gao Ning, the thunder smoke cannon who was releasing the twelve labor formations, through the energy range released by each figure.

"The range of Qi's release is so wide, it should be this person."

After moving a few steps to the left, Zheng Shu aimed at the position between the two parties and confirmed it again.

"Okay, there are no other biological sources in this direction except me and Gao Ning."

Seeing the figure representing Lu Jin fluctuating more and more violently, Zheng Shu no longer hesitated, raised the stone in his hand, and aimed at Gao Ning in the distance.

"Strength...just in case, use 30%. Go!"


Zheng Shu seemed to just flick it lightly, but his arm brought out a white sonic boom. The deafening explosion sounded like some heavy artillery was being fired here.

The stone originally held in his hand had disappeared, but in the trees directly in front of him, a circular passage appeared in the direction of Gao Ning. Broken wood chips were constantly fluttering in the remaining storm wind. Land slowly.

Seeing Zhang Lingyu being taken away by Xia He, Lu Jin's solemn face finally showed a relaxed expression.

"Huh... I feel more at ease now. I'm almost at my limit. If I'm distracted by you, I won't be able to use this method."

Lu Jin's expression became more and more ferocious, his eyes widened in anger, his teeth clenched, and his gums even bled from the excessive force.

"Gao Ning... Damn bald donkey, you win, but since you want me to fall into the inner demon, then I will fall into it for you!"

The originally white hair became whiter, while the color of the skin and eyes began to fade, and the body began to emit a faint Qi, which was the third level of inverse life that Lu Jin forcibly used in this environment.

Shen Chong, who was closest, immediately noticed this change in Lu Jin and stepped back without hesitation: "The third level of reverse life is used again!"

Gao Ning, who had been presiding over the Twelve Labor Formations, also discovered what Lu Jin had done. While quickly retreating, he reminded loudly:

"Everyone, please move away and keep a safe distance from old donor Lu!"

"Withdraw? If we don't take action now, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future!" Although he said so, Yuan Tao quickly retreated without hesitation.

After Gao Ning retreated to a distance he felt was safe, he answered Yuan Tao's words.

"It doesn't matter, he is already a turtle in the urn, but he is just a little troublesome... Mr. Donor Lu is so decisive!"

Lu Jin seemed to hear a real "pop" sound in his mind. He knew that it meant that his sanity was constantly breaking.

He knew that he couldn't get rid of the control of these people in front of him, so he could only use the last bit of self-control to adjust his emotions.

Reluctantly using the third level of rebirth and then immediately giving up on the Foot Que Yin Liver Meridian is equivalent to actively pushing oneself to the extreme level of anger and hatred. In this way, one can in turn use the Twelve Labor Formation to transform oneself into a murderer. machine.

This is the only way Lu Jin can think of to use all his strength in this situation. He gives up all rational and calm thinking, plunges himself into madness, and kills everyone present!

This is why Lu Jin never dared to use this move when Zhang Lingyu was still around.

"Come on! Even if I have to fall into inner demons, at least I have to decide which prison I end up in!"

The last sanity in Lu Jin's body was about to collapse. He forced himself to say this sentence, his eyes even glowed with a faint red light, and his whole posture became less like a human being and more like a beast.

"I want you to die……"


Before Lu Jin finished his last words, Gao Ning, who was standing in the distance, suddenly disappeared.

No! It doesn’t mean it disappears!

Trembling, he touched the blood spattered on his face and felt the sudden stop of the twelve labor formations around him. The weapon refiner Yuan Tao ran towards the depths of the woods without hesitation. In the process, he He didn't even make a sound, as if he was afraid of disturbing some monster.

That's not disappearing! That Gao Ning, who was a man with all four qualities, is dead!

In full view of everyone, without anyone reacting, this guy's body was directly blown into pieces by an unknown attack. Not even a fingernail-sized piece of debris could be found in his body!

The only clue left by this attack was the trajectory that penetrated the entire jungle!

boom! ! !

The moment Yuan Tao turned around and tried to escape, the belated sound and shock wave finally enveloped the place. The terrifying sonic boom swept up a large amount of fallen leaves and dust, and some not-so-thick trees even broke directly and turned into debris. Being carried by the hurricane, it continued to blast forward.

Everyone present even had the illusion that their bodies were about to be torn apart.


Looking at the wounds on his body and the blood spurting out due to the vibration of his internal organs, Shen Chong knew that this was not an illusion, and that his body was indeed being torn apart by this terrifying shock wave.

Regardless of the serious injuries his body suffered, Shen Chong turned around and fled here without hesitation.

At the same time, all the people present made the same choice as him.

On the other side, Lu Jin, who was about to fall into the inner demons, suddenly came to his senses. Not only because of the automatic stop of the Twelve Labor Love Arrays without anyone in charge after Gao Ning's death, but also because of the unknown attack in front of him.

To be honest, even Lu Jin has never encountered such a situation.

He always felt that he was about to be swallowed by his inner demon just now, but after seeing this scene in front of him, the inner demon that had just appeared retracted very decisively, so that he now regained his sanity.

Compared with the situation of Shen Chong and others, Lu Jin's situation is much better, not only because he is further away from the attack center, but also because he is in the third level of reverse life, and all kinds of damage he receives can be dealt with quickly. repair.

"What's happening here?!"

Using his own Qi to continuously repair the damage on his body, Lu Jin looked at the scene in front of him with uncontrollable surprise in his eyes.

"It seems to be a little more powerful."

Standing where he was, Zheng Shu looked at the scene in the distance and made a more pertinent evaluation.

He no longer has to use infrared vision to observe that position, because now a circular channel with a diameter of several meters appears in front of him, which is the "ballistic path" bombarded by the stone he just threw. "Zheng Shu can see the scene there directly through this circular passage.

...Although no matter who comes to see it, they will not think that this thing is a ballistic, but will think that it is a tunnel dug by some shield machine.

Because Zheng Shu cleverly took advantage of the height difference in the mountain, the stone he threw shattered Gao Ning's body and quickly flew through the trees and into the sky.

However, because the Qi that Zheng Shu had poured into the stone to protect its shape and maintain its solidity had been exhausted before, so after the stone flew into the sky, it didn't take long for the stone to lose its heat due to the high-speed friction with the air. And the gas disappears.

From a distance, it looks like a fleeting counter meteor.

Zheng Shu picked up the second stone, and his eyes quickly caught Dou Mei, the intestinal poison who had quietly retreated earlier.

Although this person looked gentle, like a gentle woman, she actually ran faster than anyone else. Even before Yuan Tao started, Dou Mei had already left here quietly.

However, under Zheng Shu's field of vision, she was still unable to hide. She kept counting the number of creatures in the straight line between herself and the opponent. Zheng Shu quickly moved a few steps and arrived at a place in advance according to Dou Mei's movement trajectory. Location.

"If the prediction is accurate, there should be no harm to innocent people here."

Taking the throwing posture again, Zheng Shu poured the remaining Qi in his body into the stone.

"The power of the attack just now was a bit too great. There is not enough Qi left to prevent the stone from shattering under such a throw. So if you reduce it a little... 20% of the power should be enough."

After quickly calculating all aspects of the situation, Zheng Shu looked at the moving red figure in the distance in the infrared vision, and threw the stone in his hand the moment the opponent reached the attack point.

"Second shot...go!"


There was the same deafening sound like a heavy artillery fire, and a circular ballistic path appeared in front of Zheng Shu's eyes again, but the diameter of this ballistic path was much smaller than before.

Not surprisingly, after Zheng Shu threw his attack, the figure representing Dou Mei in the distance immediately disappeared.

Shen Chong and Yuan Tao, who were escaping quickly in the jungle, trembled after hearing the same noise as the previous killing of Gao Ning, and their feet became a little faster.

"Completed. So, if we don't use our wits, how could Superman lose when Superman and Batman fight."

After clearing out the two enemies that posed a greater threat to him, Zheng Shu took a look at Lu Jin's situation from a distance.

The other party seems to be doing well, has regained consciousness, and the injuries on his body have been completely healed by the third level of regeneration, so there should be no need to worry too much for the time being.

He glanced at Zhang Lingyu and Xia He who were alarmed by the movement of his attack further away. Zheng Shu glanced at the old Heavenly Master who had not arrived yet, thought about it, and walked in the direction of those two people.

(PS: According to statistics, the total number of monthly votes on Qidian and Qiyu last month was 937 votes. According to the previously agreed monthly ticket, the 20-character rule of adding 20 words will be added, which means that I will add 937 votes this month. It is 18,740 words. To simplify the calculation, I calculated it as 19,000 words.)

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