Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 442 Three rounds of visitors (10,000-word chapter!)

Seeing that this farce was finally over, Zheng Shu stopped paying attention and followed Liu Xingyang and Huang Ming out of the competition venue.

Of course he saw Wang Bing's last glance, but Zheng Shu didn't care.

The other party didn't take action against him, and he couldn't take action against the Wang family, so if that old guy Wang Ai really dared to mess with him, he wouldn't mind taking a look at the original copy of General Gu Ling.

In fact, Zheng Shu was skeptical about whether the Wang family would have the time to provoke him in the future.

Anyway, after this game, Wang Ai will definitely have a showdown with Feng Zhenghao. When the time comes, the two ten guys will plot against each other, old vs. young vs. young. Whether Wang Ai can survive this conspiracy remains to be seen.

If it were before, Zheng Shu would have felt that the outcome of the battle between the two families was uncertain, but after seeing the full version of Ju Ling Qian Jiang, he understood that in this fight, holding the full version of Ju Ling Qian Jiang The Wang family is doomed.

Yes, the Ju Ling Qian Jiang held by the Wang family is indeed complete and has not been modified too much.

After all, when Feng Tianyang faced so many big guys who imprisoned him, it was unreasonable to temporarily make up another version of the Eight Wonders. The only possibility is that the original version of this thing is indeed like this, and the Feng family inherited it. Broken version.

But just because the Eight Wonders inherited by the Wang family were complete, problems arose.

Not to mention that the eight magical skills now revealed in the original work all have their own shortcomings. Zheng Shu is the real expert on whether fusing other people's souls will cause problems for oneself - after all, up to now, he has There is no cure for the mental aberrations yet.

What's more, the souls that Ju Lingshuang will devour are all souls with their own memories, so the impact will be further increased.

"The next step... is to wait for Zhang Chulan and the others to come to the door." Thinking of this, Zheng Shu walked briskly towards his temporary residence in Longhu Mountain.

"Walk slowly, Master Wang Ye."

At the door of the dormitory arranged by Longhushan, Zheng Shu waved his arms and watched Wang Ye leave.

He didn't expect that the first person to come to him after today's game was not Zhang Chulan, but Wang Ye.

After the other party came here, he told him in detail the reason why he came to participate in the Luotian Dajiao, and put forward the reason why he came to Zheng Shu: he hoped that Zheng Shu could give Zhang Chulan a chance to choose.

Because he had talked with the old master, Wang also knew that Zheng Shu would let Zhang Chulan win the next competition, but he still came to look for Zheng Shu with an extremely slim possibility, hoping that Zheng Shu could win next time Before the competition, Zhang Chulan was given a chance to choose whether to "give up".

Zheng Shu naturally agreed to his request. After all, he knew very well what kind of character Zhang Chulan was. This guy would not give up so easily in pursuit of the truth.

Of course, even if the situation changes and Zhang Chulan really chooses to give up pursuing his ideals and instead hopes to achieve true peace, Zheng Shu will not mind helping him fulfill this wish.

I believe that as long as it is Zhang Chulan’s own choice, Heavenly Master will not blame him.

After seeing Wang Ye off, Zheng Shu looked at the sky and prepared to wait a while before leaving for dinner.

But not long after he closed the door, his expression suddenly became weird.

"It's interesting. There are a lot of unexpected guests today."

Not long after, the door was knocked again. Zheng Shu opened the door as expected and saw Feng Xingtong standing outside the house.

At this time, there were still a lot of bandages on his body, his face was pale, and he was in a daze. It looked like he had just woken up from the hospital bed and crawled over with force.

"Daozhang Zheng...thank you!"


Before he finished speaking, Feng Xingtong fell to his knees on the ground in front of Zheng Shu, crying bitterly, with tears streaming down his face.

"Oh my god, Blessings Infinite Heavenly Lord, what are you doing? Get up!"

Zheng Shu had to admit that Feng Xingtong's operation really frightened him. He immediately bent down and lifted Feng Xingtong off the ground forcefully.

After being lifted up, Feng Xingtong struggled twice and wanted to kneel down on the ground again, but his strength was not as good as Zheng Shu's, and his body was also extremely weak now. How could he resist.

He could only watch helplessly as Zheng Shu lifted himself onto a chair aside, but in the process, he kept expressing his gratitude.

"Zheng Daozhang, I must thank you today. If it weren't for you, Grandpa Wang would be in despair. You are Grandpa Wang's savior. I must thank you..."

Seeing Feng Xingtong muttering these two sentences over and over, Zheng Shu blinked and put his hand on his forehead.

With Zheng Shu's control, a surge of innate energy entered Feng Xingtong's body, helping him repair most of the wounds in his body, and finally woke him up from a state that was close to coma again.

After Feng Xingtong woke up, he looked at Zheng Shu and wanted to say something more, but was swallowed back by a black spirit pressed on his face by Zheng Shu.

"Grandpa Wang!"

"Take it, take it, this old man has given it back to you, so don't bother me anymore."

Zheng Shu waved his hands impatiently and sat down on the chair next to him. Seeing that the boy in front of him was tending to kneel down towards him again, Zheng Shu glared fiercely.

"You have to kneel down and thank me again. Believe it or not, I will take it back."

"No, no! Then...thank you, Daozhang Zheng."

Feng Xingtong shook his head in panic. After confirming that his grandfather Zhong, the prince, was really back, he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

"Okay, I accept your thanks. I'm very tired from today's game and I want to rest. I won't leave you, Master Feng, to chat here."

"Ah...yes, I'll take my leave now."

Feng Xingtong, whose mind was still a little confused, stood up and saluted reflexively, but before going out, he stopped again, turned back and looked at Zheng Shu seriously: "Thank you."

"Hmm, I accept your thanks."

Zheng Shu smiled. Sure enough, polite children are welcome.

After Feng Xingtong left for a while and confirmed that this kid was no longer here, Zheng Shu spoke again.

"President Feng, come in."

"Daozhang Zheng is so young and promising, he discovered me so easily."

Following the sound, Feng Zhenghao, with gray hair and gentle face, opened the door and walked in from the outside.

Zheng Shu had already felt the presence of another aura when Feng Xingtong came before, but when he saw that this old man had been hiding nearby and did not show up, he knew that the other party did not want his son to know what was going to happen next.

"If President Feng wants to express his gratitude, there is no need. Young Master Feng has already expressed his gratitude to me just now."

Feng Zhenghao looked at the presence of the old god Zheng Shu, sighed, and took the initiative to salute Zheng Shu with a wry smile.

"Daozhang Zheng is right. I am indeed here to thank you for your help today, but please don't refuse. Mr. Wang and I have been friends for many years. We were good friends before he was alive. I have always been very fond of Xingtong when he was a child. Busy, he was also brought up by Mr. Wang, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is his biological grandfather.

You were able to save Mr. Wang today, which really makes me unable to repay you. Xingtong is young and ignorant, but I have to express my gratitude. "

After saying this, Feng Zhenghao took out a book from his arms and handed it to Zheng Shu respectfully with both hands.

"After all, the time since the founding of the Tianxiahui was too short, and there is nothing I can thank you for except money and other worldly things, so I can only give this to Daochang Zheng to express my feelings."


Zheng Shu curiously took the book from Feng Zhenghao's hand, opened it and flipped through it, then looked at the president of the Tianxiahui in front of him in surprise.

"President Feng, are you sure you want to take this as a thank you gift? This is a bit too expensive!"

"Look what you said, this time I'm just here to express my gratitude verbally. As for this book, I gave it to you a few days ago, so please don't refuse."

Zheng Shu looked at Feng Zhenghao seriously, then suddenly sat up straight with a serious expression:

"In that case, I will accept this thank you gift from President Feng."

"You're welcome..."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while before Feng Zhenghao left in a hurry. It seemed that President Feng also took some time out of his busy schedule to come and thank Zheng Shu.

At first, Zheng Shu was still a little surprised by the book in his hand.

"Feng Zhenghao? He is indeed a person. The eight magical skills passed down from his family were handed over to me so easily. It seems that it is not just luck that the world has become a behemoth in such a short period of time."

The gift of thanks that Feng Zhenghao gave to Zheng Shu was naturally the Eight Wonders passed down from their family - Ju Ling Sen Jiang.

However, Zheng Shu also knew very well that the reason why Feng Zhenghao handed it over so easily was because he had shown the power of restraining spirits and dispatching generals when he saved Wang Zizhong's soul just now.

If it is other people who are not good at witchcraft and Gu, they may still be confused, but as the Feng family and the Wang family, who specialize in spirit arresting and dispatching generals, they can easily tell that what Zheng Shu is performing is theoretically not the first thing to be done. Ju Ling sent generals who were known to the three parties.

Therefore, Feng Zhenghao's thank you gift this time was not the Ju Ling Dispatch General that Zheng Shu had already mastered, but a "reason" for him to use Ju Ling Dispatch General.

As the president of the Tianxiahui, Feng Zhenghao is naturally a human spirit. He did not ask Zheng Shu why he was able to use the Juling Dispatch General, but he knew very well that Zheng Shu’s Juling Dispatch General was definitely not obtained through the Wang family or the Feng family. of.

Privately, he might also be curious about why Zheng Shu was able to obtain this eight magical skills, but at least on the surface, he was indeed willing to help Zheng Shu hide this secret.

Attributing the reason why Zheng Shu was able to use Ju Ling to dispatch generals to himself would not only return Zheng Shu a favor, but also achieve the effect of buying horse bones for a thousand gold.

Others would be surprised to see that Feng Zhenghao was willing to give away eight magical skills such as Ju Lingqian, but with Lu Jin's experience, his behavior was not too outrageous.

The most important thing is that most strangers who hear this news will wonder if it is possible for them to obtain this unique skill if they join the Tianxiahui.

Not only did he express his gratitude to Zheng Shu, but he also helped his Tianxiahui attract a wave of talents, so Zheng Shu felt a little emotional.

"But... this really troubles me. Now that I have accepted this favor, the gratitude Feng Xingtong gave me is a bit hot."

As a being who has reached the pinnacle of strength in two consecutive worlds, Zheng Shu's way of dealing with things has become very close to those of the gods of the Xingyue Goddess Generation.

He will punish those who are disrespectful to him, and he is willing to help interesting people, or observe from a distance. But if he accidentally receives a gift from a mortal, he will also find a way to give the other person a " bless".

After going through his future plans in his mind, Zheng Shu quickly revised a few key points.

"That's it. Although the Wang family will be sacrificed, I don't like that kid anyway, so I think they are unlucky."

Stretching, Zheng Shu picked up the book that Feng Zhenghao gave him that recorded the generals who were detained and dispatched, and read it with relish.

Although he himself had figured out how to use Julingsendong before, it would be good to take a look at the serious release route and understand other people's ideas.

It wasn't until the sun set in the west that Zheng Shu came back to his senses from being addicted to books.

"It's this time, hey, I'm here, but at this time, I don't think I can go to eat."

Dong dong dong...


"Daozhang Zheng, seeing that you haven't gone out to eat, I went to the cafeteria to bring some food. Do you want to eat some together?"

Zhang Chulan opened the door with a mean look on his face, holding a meal packed from the cafeteria in his hand. Feng Baobao and the Xu brothers stood behind him silently.

"Come in, no one will be here for a while."

Zheng Shu casually closed the book and placed it on the table, nodding towards a few people.

After the four people came in, Xu San closed the door very considerately.

Zheng Shu could feel that after closing the door, Xu San also used his telekinesis to lay a barrier around the room. In addition to being able to detect other people approaching in time, it could also prevent sounds from leaking out.

After Zhang Chulan entered the house, he spread out the meals he had packed on the table very quickly, and also took out a bottle of juice and placed it in front of Zheng Shu.

"Okay, everyone, please take a seat."

Zheng Shu was not polite, extended his hand to invite, and immediately picked up the rice and started eating. He was indeed a little hungry.

Seeing Zheng Shu's performance, Zhang Chulan and Xu Si looked at each other and sat down at the table without hesitation.

"Daochang Zheng is still so hardworking and studious at such a young age. He is truly a role model for our generation!"


Zheng Shu interrupted Zhang Chulan's flattery with a very crisp wave of his hand and put down his job.

"I know what two things you came to me for, but let me tell you first. First of all, I have already talked with Master Tian before, so you don't have to worry about this competition. I won't know how to do it then. If you play, you will automatically qualify for the finals. But..."

Zhang Chulan just breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the previous words, but was immediately frightened by Zheng Shu's turn and raised his ears.

"Taoist Master Wang Ye from Wudang Mountain came to me just now and told me the reason why he came to participate in the Luotian Festival. He also hoped that I could give you another choice."

"Choose?" Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

"Yes, one of the purposes of his coming here is to give you one more choice, a choice to give up."

"Give up? Do you mean to ask me to give up becoming the heir to the Heavenly Master?"

Zheng Shu sat on the chair and shook his head with a calm expression.

"No, according to Wang Ye, it doesn't matter what happens in this conference. The choice he wants me to give you is to give up pursuing the truth, so that you will get what you have always wanted."

Zhang Chulan's expression was stunned, and she suddenly became a little excited.

"Stop being ridiculous, Daozhang Zheng, what's wrong with pursuing the truth? And that's what I want!"

Zheng Shu was not affected by Zhang Chulan's sudden excitement. His expression remained calm, his eyes were lowered, and he seemed to be in trance.

"Yes, you really want the truth, but you also want cars, houses, and women. There is nothing wrong with pursuing these, but once one item is satisfied, people will pursue the next item.

So it’s not that desires cannot be satisfied, it’s that there are too many things to pursue, and people forget what they want most. And what I am talking about is something that you have always wanted but cannot get. Once you get it, you will give up everything for it. Only then can it be called the "most wanted thing". "

At this point, Zheng Shu's originally enigmatic image suddenly became active. He raised his eyes to look at Zhang Chulan, stretched out a finger and emphasized:

"What I just said are the exact words of Taoist Wang Ye. I just repeated them to you."


Zhang Chulan, who was about to scold "Don't pretend to be sophisticated", was choked back by Zheng Shu's words, and could only sit back in his seat blankly.

"In short, if you choose to give up pursuing the truth, you can get the peace and quiet you have always wanted."

"Quiet... Hey, that's really good, but it sounds easy, how can it be so easy..."

Zhang Chulan sat on the chair with a downcast expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But that Taoist Priest Wang Ye is not related to me, so he wouldn't have come to this muddy water just for my personal benefit..."

"According to Taoist Priest Wang Ye, Zhang Chulan, your personal destiny weight in this world is very high, so your choice will change the destiny of many people."


Looking at the silent Zhang Chulan, Zheng Shu took the initiative to wave his hand.

"You don't have to give me the answer now. According to the agreement with Master Tian, ​​in order for you to win, I will not play again tomorrow. But if you have any thoughts of giving up before the game, you can come to me at any time. Me, then I will go to the arena and defeat you without hesitation."

"Ah haha...thank you." Zhang Chulan laughed twice.

"Okay, although we have completed Taoist Wang Ye's commission, we can move on to the next topic - it's time for us to discuss this Miss Feng."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the four people who had been thinking just now immediately became serious.

To be precise, there were only three people who really became serious, and Feng Baobao still looked dull.

"Excuse me, Daozhang Zheng, what is the special feature of Feng Baobao that you mentioned?"

The first person to lose his composure was Xu San, who looked stable on the surface. He adjusted his glasses and his arms were shaking involuntarily.

Zheng Shu knew at a glance that this was a fighting posture. If he answered any questions, the three people in front of him would probably fight with him even if they risked their lives.

Glancing at Zhang Chulan and Xu Si, who were equally nervous, Zheng Shu smiled and did not answer their questions directly. Instead, he turned his attention to Feng Baobao sitting aside.

"Before that, I want to confirm with you first. Feng Baobao, how much do they know about your secret?"

"What's the meaning?!"

Just as Xu San was about to have a seizure, he was stopped by Xu Si and Zhang Chulan.

Especially Zhang Chulan, although his expression didn't change much at this moment, Zheng Shu could feel from his mental fluctuations that this kid was thinking about a lot of things at this moment.

"What are you talking about, what secret? Ah! Are you saying that I won't grow old?"

"Baby Feng!!!"

"Sister Bao'er!!!"

In an instant, the Xu brothers and Zhang Chulan's mentality collapsed, and the expressions on the faces of the three people became similar to that "screaming".

"Oh, that's right, you guys don't seem to let me say it. But it doesn't matter, he should be about the same as me."

Feng Baobao still had the same blank expression, and said words in a calm tone that were enough to make three people's hearts explode, but Zhang Chulan was very keenly aware of Feng Baobao's last words.

"Sister Bao'er, what do you mean by that last sentence? What does it mean to be similar to you?"

"It means that, theoretically, I can live forever." Zheng Shu helped Zhang Chulan answer Feng Baobao's words without hesitation.

He looked at Feng Baobao with some admiration. Although he knew that her situation was special, he didn't expect that he could still detect his own abnormality.

It seems that in addition to having the ability to degrade immortality, Feng Baobao should have other special features.


After hearing Zheng Shu's words, the three people behaved differently.

The Xu brothers were surprised that the Taoist priest in front of them actually had such special characteristics, but while they were surprised, there was also some doubt in their eyes, and they couldn't believe that there could be another person with this kind of ability.

Zhang Chulan's reaction was even more interesting. After being surprised and questioning, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had some hope.

"Taoist Priest, if you can live forever, do you know anything related to Sister Bao'er?"

Zhang Chulan's words made the Xu brothers' eyes light up.

yes! Since the almost unbelievable ability of immortality appears in the second person, it is very likely that there is some kind of connection between him and Feng Baobao.

"Interesting, judging from your looks, this Feng Baobao must have forgotten his past things, right?" Zheng Shu shook his head and decisively rejected their speculation.

"Unfortunately, although I was also surprised that immortality would appear in the second person, I really have nothing to do with her. Judging from the marks on Feng Baobao's body, she should have lived for more than fifty years, but I am only fifteen years old now, so it is naturally impossible for me to know what happened to her before."

Well, Zheng Shu felt that he was not lying. His body was indeed that of a fifteen-year-old. Moreover, before he traveled through time, the situation about Feng Baobao was not explained very clearly.

"That's it..."

Zhang Chulan was disappointed for a moment, but Xu Si was still very vigilant.

"This... Daozhang Zheng, you said that you are immortal. Is there any evidence to prove it? It's not that I doubt you. The main reason is that according to what the Taoist said, you are only fifteen years old now, so you should not be able to verify this. That’s what’s right.”

"Ah, this is good proof. Several of you here are strangers, so you should know what the innate Qi means, right?"

"That's natural."

"Then you must also know that when a person's innate energy is exhausted, he will die naturally even if his body has no disease, right?"

The Xu brothers nodded, and Feng Baobao on the side also nodded like the two of them, while Zhang Chulan's eyes trembled, as if he thought of something impossible.

Zheng Shu looked at Zhang Chulan's reaction and nodded in agreement:

"It seems that Brother Zhang Chulan has already thought of it. Yes, I have been able to control my innate energy since I was a child. If a person's innate energy is exhausted, he will die. Then conversely, a person's innate energy If it never runs out, then he will never die."

"Is there really such an innate ability to manipulate innate energy? How is this possible?! Innate abilities should be evolved based on innate energy. In theory, such an ability is impossible!!"

Xu San, who has the most theoretical knowledge among the people, has already shouted out. As he said, all the superpowers of innate aliens should be evolved based on innate energy, so in theory, it is impossible to manipulate innate energy. The superpower of Qi.

"Who knows, maybe this is not a skill, but a talent?" Zheng Shu smiled mysteriously, "You may not be able to understand it just by talking about it, but I can let you experience it for yourself. , does anyone want to try it?"

When people talked face to face, Xu Si's face turned grim, and he walked up to Zheng Shu first: "Let me try it!"

"Wait, fourth brother, let me do it!" Zhang Chulan stopped Xu Si's behavior and squeezed in front of Zheng Shu, "I had already promised Mr. Xu, so let me try it! Besides, I am the weakest among us, so if something happens, I have to rely on you to save me."

Xu Si's expression changed for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and retreated voluntarily.

"Okay, be safe!"

"Hey, guys, can you trust me a little more? I am also a monk after all, so the reputation of Baiyun Temple should not be so bad."

Looking at the few people in front of him who seemed to be separated from each other, Zheng Shu sighed.

"Hey! Look what you are talking about, Taoist priest, no matter who you encounter the ability to manipulate innate energy, you will be frightened!" Zhang Chulan adjusted quickly, and immediately turned into that playful smile again.

"Come on, if others want to experience my ability, it depends on my mood. If you are allowed to experience it for free, you are already lucky."

Zheng Shu glanced at him and waved, asking Zhang Chulan to reach out and touch his hand.

"I remember that you are also practicing the Golden Light Spell of Longhu Mountain, so you should be able to feel the changes in the innate energy in your body. Then, enter meditation and feel it carefully."


Zhang Churan nodded, breathed a deep sigh of relief, and closed his eyes with a serious expression.

Zheng Shu acted very relaxed. When the Qi in Zhang Chulan's body began to move, Zheng Shu began to use his super mental power to forcibly mobilize the innate Qi in Zhang Chulan's body.

Zheng Shu didn't do anything too strange, he just helped Zhang Chulan correct a few problems that occurred when he was running Qi in his body.

Zheng Shu used his own mental power to forcefully carry the innate energy in Zhang Chulan's body, and then let go of his hand after helping him circulate in the body, ending this display.

But before letting go of his hand, Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan's lower dantian, intentionally or unintentionally. There, he could feel a power different from the Golden Light Spell hidden in it.

"Is that the so-called 'old farmer's skill'? It's indeed a bit strange. It feels like it has its own consciousness deliberately avoiding my investigation."

This thought circulated in his mind for a moment, and Zheng Shu turned his attention again to Zhang Chulan who slowly opened his eyes.


Zhang Chulan suddenly came back to reality as if he had suddenly woken up from a nightmare, panting heavily, and looked at Zheng Shu with unconcealable fear in his eyes.

"How are you doing?!"

Xu Si was so frightened that he immediately stepped forward to stabilize Zhang Chulan, who was shaking a bit, while the remaining two people stared at Zheng Shu warily, as if they were about to take action at any time.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine! Don't do this to the fourth brother and the third brother!" Zhang Chulan immediately stopped his companions after reacting. "I'm just a little bit unaccustomed to my innate energy being suddenly affected by others, but Zheng Daozhang He really doesn’t have any ill intentions towards me.”

After explaining, Zhang Chulan still had unbearable fear in his eyes when he looked at Zheng Shu. The other party did not have any ill intentions towards him.

It is no exaggeration to say that what he just did saved him several days of hard work, and he believed that as long as he followed the cultivation path that Zheng Shu led him to before, his cultivation speed would be faster in the future even without Zheng Shu's guidance. It can rise by about 10%.'s so scary.

Innate Qi represents the source of a person's life. Having your life controlled by someone and being manipulated at will is much scarier than having the lifeblood of your lower body held in someone's hand.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan suddenly understood.

These secrets of Feng Baobao are nothing compared to the ability of the Taoist priest in front of him. If the secrets of the Taoist priest in front of him are spread, he may be exposed to the alien world... No! Everyone in the world should be hostile and covetous.

Just like what he said, being able to control the innate energy can naturally make oneself immortal.

But what the Taoist Master Zheng Shu in front of him could not only control his own innate energy, he could also control the innate energy of others.

This means that Zheng Shu can not only make himself immortal, but also make other people immortal.

What does this mean?

Zhang Chulan was sweating on his forehead, and he didn't even dare to imagine the meaning behind it, and how much shock it would cause to society if this ability was exposed.

"Daozhang Zheng... what are you..."

Zhang Chulan's voice began to tremble. He didn't believe that Zheng Shu would not understand the meaning behind it. Even if the person in front of him was not very old, the temperament and mind displayed by the other person made Zhang Chulan unable to look at it like a child. To see him.

But since he knows the risks behind this, what is the purpose of the Taoist priest Zheng Shu showing this ability in front of him?

"It's very simple. I think we should show our sincerity before cooperating with each other. Since your biggest secret is known to me, I don't mind revealing my secret to you."

Zheng Shu acted extremely relaxed, as if he was just doing something small.

"Taoist Priest is joking... This sincerity is too serious. Aren't you afraid that I will leak it out?"

The Xu brothers looked at Zhang Chulan in surprise, wondering why his attitude became so sincere just after experiencing it. However, in this case, they would not interrupt the negotiation between Zhang Chulan and Zheng Shu.

"Two reasons." Zheng Shu stretched out two fingers and placed them in front of the four people.

"First, I found out from Feng Baobao that you are not bad people. At first, I thought that Nadutong discovered Feng Baobao's special features and arranged for you to monitor her. However, when you saw me today, I I found that there were only four of you, and you didn’t lead any subordinates to ambush around.

At this time, I knew that Feng Baobao’s matter must be known to only a few people, maybe even only the four of you. At least the company must not know, otherwise they would not have allowed Feng Baobao to be so lenient.

And since Feng Baobao can trust you so much, it at least means that you are not evil people. "

"Ha...haha, thank you, Daozhang Zheng, aren't you afraid that the three of us deceived Feng Baobao and made her mistakenly think that we are good people?" Zhang Chulan laughed dryly, not believing that Zheng Shu would show it to him for such a simple reason. Such power.

"That's the second reason." Zheng Shu retracted his hand and seemed to be smiling gently.

"I am strong! Far stronger than you think! Even if you are not good people, I am sure to find your location before others catch you, and then... kill you!"

Along with the words, Zheng Shu's aura disappeared for a fleeting moment, only covering the four people in front of him before he quickly withdrew it.

However, just this moment of breath made the four people present feel the death like an abyss, making them understand that the little Taoist priest in front of them was not lying.

If he and others really betrayed him, he really had the ability to break all the bonds and break their necks.

"Zhang Chulan, I think it's better if you don't mess with him. I can't beat him."

Feng Baobao quietly tugged on Zhang Chulan's sleeve and whispered.

"Thank you for reminding me, Sister Bao'er." Zhang Chulan looked helpless.

He felt that there was no need for Feng Baobao to remind him how powerful the big boss in front of him was. The momentum Zheng Shu showed just now was enough to make them despair.

What's more, Zhang Chulan has not forgotten that the reason why the Luo Tian Dajiao suddenly stopped for a day was because everyone present was oppressed by this man's momentum and became unstable.

And I heard that this person's attack also caused changes in the celestial phenomena.

That would change the sky!

Anyway, with Zhang Chulan's meager knowledge of the alien world, he didn't know who else could do this.

I heard from Xu Si and others that the Heavenly Master seemed to be able to change the celestial phenomena, and some warlocks seemed to be able to do so after long preparations, but no matter what, Zhang Chulan didn't think that was something they could resist.

"I don't know, what are Daoist Zheng's thoughts when he came to us this time?"

Zhang Chulan calmed down and immediately put a smile on his face and asked Zheng Shu.

With Zhang Chulan's attitude, even Xu Si next to him couldn't help but glance at him in this situation. He had to admit that in some aspects, he was indeed inferior to him.

"About this, in fact, I seem to have already said when I met these two last time. My purpose is very simple, just to get to know each other." Zheng Shu pointed in the direction of the Xu brothers.

"Just... just getting to know each other?"

Although Zhang Chulan didn't show anything on his face, his mental fluctuations told Zheng Shu that he absolutely didn't believe it. He was just intimidated by Zheng Shu's fighting power, so he didn't dare to express any opinions.

"Yeah, just getting to know each other. After all, if nothing else happens, before I find a new immortal, the person I will be most familiar with in the future hundreds of years from now may be her. So even if we just get to know each other, we will be able to meet each other every year in the future. It’s also nice to visit during the holidays.”

Zheng Shu gave a somewhat understandable reason and did not continue to explain. Instead, he picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip.

Of course his purpose is more than that, but at this stage it is enough to let Zhang Chulan know that there is such a person as him.

Seeing that Zheng Shu had already started serving tea to see off the guests, Zhang Chulan and the others wisely did not ask any more questions. They could only leave the place in a hurry after saying goodbye in a hurry.

The four of them left the accommodation area in silence and walked towards the forest. After a long time, Xu Si took the initiative to ask Zhang Chulan.

"What do you think?"

"I... I'm not sure. After all, he even told us that he can control innate energy and immortality. The other party should really have no ill intentions, but I can't understand what he wants to do."

Zhang Chulan shook his head. He did not dare to say that Zheng Shu could control other people's innate energy.

After all, the innate energy that can influence others and the innate energy that controls others are completely different concepts. The former can at most gain in combat and auxiliary training, but the latter can help people live forever.

After going through Zheng Shu's previous behavior in his mind, Zhang Chulan actually had a bold idea in his mind, but he was not sure about it.

"It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that you just took one look at the four of us and wanted to form an alliance with us, right?"

(This is a big chapter of 10,000 words, which makes up for yesterday’s leave.)

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