Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 275 Proposal of Inhibition


When the first ray of sunlight shone into the temple, Zheng Shu, who was lying in the side hall of the temple, opened his eyes.

Stretching, Zheng Shu took a deep breath of the morning air on the island that was filled with thick fog, and couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't felt like this for a long time, and I still miss it a little bit."

After cleaning himself with the water outside the temple, Zheng Shu came to the main hall of the temple. In the middle, on a large, soft-looking bed, lay two petite goddesses.

Zheng Shu first carefully checked the status of Stheno and Euryale and found that they were still in a deep sleep without any signs of waking up.

After confirming that the conditions of Stheno and Euryale were relatively stable, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly, sitting cross-legged in the temple and looking at the two goddesses lying on the bed in front of him in a daze.

Three days have passed since he returned to the island, and the two goddesses have not woken up since they fell into a deep sleep that day.

After the divine barrier covering the entire island was lifted, the resilience of the gods themselves was reflected. Their divine bodies that had begun to collapse have stabilized, but the recovery of the gods will still take an extremely long time.

Before their divinity was fully restored, Zheng Shu estimated that they would remain in such a deep sleep.

After all, if you calculate it, in the nearly hundred years since Medusa's death, the two goddesses have been overdrafting their divinity. Now they have a chance to recover, which is considered to be a good fortune.

To be honest, Zheng Shu can be said to be very confused now. He doesn't know what he will do next, nor what he can do.

At first, he thought about revenge for Medusa, but Perseus, the main culprit who killed Medusa, had been hunted to death by Theseus, Sterno and Euryale.

As for the other one, the goddess Athena who seems to be the mastermind behind the scenes in myths and legends...

Zheng Shu scratched his head. If he had known about the status of Stheno and Euryale, he would have definitely thought that Athena was also one of the enemies.

But after deducing Athena's support for Euryale and Stheno, Zheng Shu seemed a little confused again.

Zheng Shu had already understood before that the reason why the remaining two Gorgon goddesses were able to support the divine barrier for such a long time was because they had the support of some of the beliefs of Athena believers.

Whenever they create art using images of Medusa's head, part of their belief in the Gorgon monster becomes nourishment that enhances the divinity of Stheno and Euryale.

The main reason why people in Athens carried out such artistic creations was because after Athena accepted Perseus' sacrifice, she mounted Medusa's head on her breastplate or shield. .

Although there are different opinions on the specific inlaid parts, it did arouse the passion of the people in Athens for related artistic creation.

Even in a sense, because Medusa's head is regarded as part of the goddess Athena's equipment, any belief in the goddess Athena will allocate a small part to the concept of "Gorgon Monster".

As the remaining Gorgon monsters in the world, Stheno and Euryale can also use this part of their faith to transform into their own divinity.

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably think that the goddess Athena's action of mounting Medusa's head on her equipment was a "coincidence" that allowed Stheno and Euryale to survive, but they know very well about the weapons of gods and Zheng Shu, who has the strength of Athena, doesn't think so.

Whether it is Zheng Shu’s existing divine weapons or Aegis owned by Athena, their method of defense is not to use their own materials to block external attacks. Their essence is actually to have the structure of a divine body. The conceptual arm of the world.

To put it simply, it is not the armor itself that provides defense, but the divine body barrier formed by the armor.

Therefore, Zheng Shu's God's Arms can defend the whole body without any blind spots, whether in the closed state or the unfolded state. However, because the closed state itself is a low power consumption mode, the defense power and conversion efficiency will be slightly lower than that of the transformed state. into the unfolded state of the armor.

But to put it bluntly, the defensive power of the God's Arms has nothing to do with its shape. For example, Athena's Aegis is the opposite of Zheng Shu's God's Arms. Its unfolded state is in the form of a shield, while its closed state is in the form of a shield. The state is in battle armor form.

Therefore, in the history of the moon world, when Odysseus was able to wear Aegis as a gift from Athena, there was a clear gap between the defensive power displayed and when Athena used it personally.

Based on this characteristic of God's Arms, Zheng Shu can clearly understand that Medusa's head cannot be mounted on Athena Aegis!

This is because the so-called Arms of God is essentially a barrier generator. Inserting random things into it will not only not enhance the combat effectiveness, but may even weaken the protective capabilities of the Arms of God.

What's more, with Athena's main god-level combat power, Medusa's head cannot give her any improvement in combat power.

Enemies that can be affected by Medusa's Petrified Eyes can be killed by Athena herself with one slap, but for enemies that can truly compete with Athena, Medusa's Petrified Eyes cannot break through their divine defenses at all.

So based on all the previous information, Athena has no need to mount Medusa's head on her equipment.

The only explanation is that she already knew what the two Stheno sisters had done, so she used this method to secretly help them.

After coming to this conclusion, Zheng Shu also felt helpless. As a result, there were no enemies alive in the world now, and he could not find anyone to vent his anger on.

The only thing he can do now is probably to find a way to wake up Stheno and Euryale. Of course, it would be better if he could find a way to resurrect Medusa.

Another morning, Zheng Shu checked the status of the two goddesses as usual after waking up.

After discovering that they were still sleeping peacefully and deeply, he used the rudimentary magic knowledge he learned from Chiron to set up a simple warning barrier to ensure that he could come back as soon as possible after they woke up.

After that, Zheng Shu left the temple and wandered around the island.

The reason why he chose to leave the temple this time was because the food he had stored in the temple had been exhausted. This time, I mainly wanted to go to the beach to catch some fish to use as food for the next few days, and patrol the island to see if anything unsightly came in.

Although this unnamed island is shrouded in storms and fog all year round, it is impossible for humans to break in without the blessing of the gods.

However, some monsters that live in the ocean are sometimes blown ashore due to storms. At this time, Zheng Shu must deal with them in time. In addition to harvesting a large amount of food, it is also to prevent these monsters from absorbing the scattered particles. The overflowing spirit of the gods later evolved into an even more terrifying disaster.

It has been more than a month since Zheng Shu returned to the island, and he has basically become accustomed to this kind of life.

For Zheng Shu, the main purpose of working hard to improve himself before was to protect his "family" in the war with Guigantes.

That's right, the three Gorgon sisters have long been regarded as family members by Zheng Shu.

After all, he has lived on the island for more than ten years. When he had no ability to move in the early stage, it was the three sisters who raised him. Although Zheng Shu suffered a lot due to his lack of common sense in his childhood, they still had a strong relationship with Zheng Shu. But he did try his best to raise her.

It is no exaggeration to say that compared to the two "parents" in the dragon world who did not cause him any physical suffering but always ignored him, the three Gorgon sisters paid more to raise Zheng Shu. That's why Zheng Shu felt so angry after learning the news of Medusa's death.

After Zheng Shu left the temple, he first ran to the beach to check whether any prey had been caught in the traps he had set before, and then collected some wild fruits as a side dish.

After hoping to bring all the gains back to the temple and sort them out bit by bit, it was already afternoon.

Zheng Shu glanced at the sun that had begun to set in the west, unfolded the armor form of the God's Arms, and patrolled along the coastline of the island.

In addition to making the protective stance stronger, the God's Arms in the form of armor also comes with some minor functions. For example, it can make Zheng Shu more sensitive to the surrounding environment, and the range of perception can also be greatly improved.

Silently walking around the edge of the island, Zheng Shu was not only searching for monsters that might wash ashore, but he was also exercising his perception.

Suddenly, Zheng Shu was stunned for a moment. His senses, which had been strengthened by the armor, seemed to sense some special object. He immediately took off his feet and ran in one direction towards the jungle on the island.


While running, a magical beast that looked to be the size of an elephant sprang out from the nearby woods and pounced towards Zheng Shu.

The monster's body is covered with slippery scales. Its upper body looks like a shark, but its lower body is covered with claws and shells similar to crabs.

In addition, there are several tentacles that are constantly wriggling on the back of what should be the fins. The tentacles also have very long cilia, which looks quite disgusting.

Obviously, this monster was blown to the island from the sea by the storm.

It must have absorbed a certain amount of divinity residue, so the body is in a period of rapid mutation, which makes its image look so unstable.

Zheng Shu watched the monster with its mouth full of sharp teeth charging towards him menacingly, and stretched out a hand with an expressionless face.


An explosion-like muffled sound exploded from the point where Zheng Shu's fist came into contact with the monster's head, and a translucent shock wave mixed with flesh and blood fragments scattered around.

After receiving such a heavy blow, the monster lay directly on the ground and twitched for a few times before losing its breath of life.

Although it looked like there was just a blood hole the size of a fist on the outside, in fact the internal organs of this monster had been completely shattered by Zheng Shu's power, and even the large muscles on the body were separated by the shock.

Glancing at his palm, if he had faced this monster before, he might have had to punch a few more times, but after strengthening the enhanced template of Hercules who had completed the twelve trials, Zheng Shu's strength had exceeded He has reached a certain limit. Except for the main god-level enemies, all creatures in the world are basically a matter of one fist for him.

It's a pity that the enhanced templates produced by the same creature can only cover but not overlap after being strengthened. Otherwise, Zheng Shu would like to strengthen Hercules' power several times.

Shaking away the blood on his fist, Zheng Shu was about to move forward to move the body of the monster to the temple when he suddenly sensed something.

Frowning, he raised his head and looked in a certain direction. Logically speaking, that should be the location of the temple, but based on the induction of the magic barrier he had set up, Zheng Shu found that it was actually some distance away.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to make such a basic mistake after living on this island for more than ten years. Then the only possibility is that there is something extra in the journey.

Zheng Shu simply left the body of the monster behind, activated the protection of the God's Arms with all his strength, and walked towards the location where he had a perception error.

As he walked, Zheng Shu silently calculated the distance in his heart. When he was about to take the step out of the forest, Zheng Shu stopped and frowned as he looked at the area that suddenly turned black in front of him.

If his calculations were correct, this should have been the treasure house area behind the temple, but now it seems that there is no way to connect this place with the treasure house.

After looking carefully, Zheng Shu discovered that the area in front of him suddenly turned black because it was covered with a thinner-looking barrier. It should be the divine barrier that Stheno and his wife had deployed on the island before. central location.

After looking at the patterns carved on the ground next to it, it may be that these symbols are engraved on the outside, so that the barrier can last longer.

However, due to the long-term loss of energy supply after Stheno and Euryale fell asleep, the barrier was on the verge of reaching its limit and even escaped from the original alien space, so Zheng Shu was able to discover that something was wrong.

Looking at the very transparent barrier in front of him, Zheng Shu hesitated for a moment and touched it up with his hand in armor.


A clear crackling sound came, and centered on the point Zheng Shu touched, a large number of cracks quickly appeared in the entire barrier, eventually exploding into light spots scattered all over the sky.

After the barrier disappeared, this alien space was finally completely embedded in the island, and Zheng Shu also found that the things here looked extremely weird. Both the ground and the plants looked like they were made of stone.

Stone? !

Zheng Shu was startled, and without thinking about anything, he quickly walked into this area made entirely of stones.

With Zheng Shu's foot power and deliberately moving forward quickly, it didn't take long to reach the center of this area. Here, Zheng Shu saw something that made him breathless.

A corpse as huge as a mountain fell to the ground, with purple scales covering the whole body. From the figure, it could be seen that it should be the body of a woman. Although it was not known how long it had been dead, the skin still looked rosy and fair.

What seems particularly horrifying is that the head of this corpse has completely disappeared, leaving only such a huge headless corpse lying on the ground.

"Medusa..." Zheng Shu muttered to himself unconsciously.

From the surrounding environment and the memories of his previous life, he could basically tell that the corpse in front of him should be the remains of Medusa after she transformed into a Gorgon monster.

Although the corpse looked lifelike, it was indeed completely lifeless.

Zheng Shu stood there blankly for a moment, and finally stepped forward slowly. Gorgon's monster form, Medusa, is extremely huge. Zheng Shu's height is only the size of Medusa's hand.

Reaching out to touch the completely cold body, Zheng Shu's eyes were distracted, and his thoughts were wandering to nowhere.


Returning to the side hall of the temple, Zheng Shu lay on the bed and stared at the stars in the sky.

Although he had long accepted the fact that Medusa was dead, when he saw Medusa's decapitated body appearing in front of him, Zheng Shu still felt a huge shock.

Reminiscent of the Athenians who created Medusa's head as a symbol, Zheng Shu's mind was almost blinded by rage and flew to Athens on the spot to carry out a revengeful massacre.

At the same time, Zheng Shu finally understood why Euryale and Stheno chose such an extreme method to "resurrection" Medusa.

He was already so angry just after seeing the corpse. He could not imagine how sad the two goddesses were when they saw their sisters being decapitated.

But now Zheng Shu found that he couldn't do anything. The strength in his body had no effect at all in such a situation.

The anger caused the veins on Zheng Shu's head to burst, but he felt unusually weak while lying on the bed. He can do nothing but be incompetent and furious!

As if aroused by Zheng Shu's furious emotions, the light blue panel jumped out of the depths of his consciousness.

[The consciousness of the world is trying to make contact, is it connected? 】


The sudden change made Zheng Shu, who was originally slow-thinking due to anger, a little stunned. After being silent for a long time, he barely suppressed his anger, sat up from the bed and looked at the information on the panel.

"World consciousness? Inhibition? What are they looking for me for?" After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu decided to try to contact the inhibition, "Panel, connect the contact."

[Instruction received. 】

[After receiving the world consciousness information, readable information will be synchronized on the panel, please pay attention to check it. 】


There was a sudden silence after the information popped up on the panel. Just when Zheng Shu began to wonder if the consciousness of the world had left, new information finally popped up on the panel.

[We have a way to let you see Medusa again. 】

A flash of light flashed in Zheng Shu's eyes after seeing this message. The "tone" of this message was completely different from the previous mechanical feel of the panel. It was obvious that the willpower of Xingyue World was directly talking to him.

"What method? What's the price?" Zheng Shu didn't have any intention of beating around the bush and asked his question very simply.

[We can upgrade you, who is still alive, to a heroic spirit, and then you can participate in a battle as a heroic spirit, and someone will summon Medusa in that city. 】

[The price is change, we need enough changes in you. 】


The light in Zheng Shu's eyes was even brighter, and he immediately thought of the most famous thing in the world of Xingyue: the Holy Grail War.

(PS: The main film begins.)

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