Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 276 Servant Summoning and Mutation

In the moon-shaped world, the Heroic Spirit Constellation itself is above the timeline, so the plan proposed by Inhibition can indeed be realized. The only problem is...

"Change...what is this?" Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought.

Fortunately, the thoughtful panel gave a prompt at this time:

[World consciousness detected and transaction proposed]

[Transaction content: The user pays an impact factor equivalent to 25% of the collection progress according to the conditions proposed for the completion of world consciousness. 】

Zheng Shu suddenly realized after seeing the prompt on the panel: "Is the impact factor the so-called change... Is the impact factor such an important thing to the world?"

At this time, Zheng Shu also recalled what happened when he first entered the world of Xingyue. As an existence that is more alien than ordinary "alien", Zheng Shu, an "invader" from outside the world, could actually make Xingyue The two extremely exclusive inhibitions of the Moon World and the Earth allowed him to enter his own world. During this period, the influence factor that played the biggest role should be the panel's influence factor.

As long as you pay enough influence factors, not only can your originally stubborn restraint allow you to come into the world, but you can also help you arrange a novice village. From this, we can actually see that the impact factor should be a particularly precious "resource" for the world.

Combined with the name of the influence factor of inhibition: change, Zheng Shu thought of his own method of obtaining the influence factor, and he probably understood the essence of the influence factor of the panel.

"Okay, I agree with your proposal!"

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu simply agreed to the transaction with Inhibition.

——Then, let’s start the transaction between us now!

This sentence was not displayed on the panel, but appeared directly in Zheng Shu's mind.

It can be seen that he was quite excited to earn such a sum of money, and he was even a little impatient. He simply bypassed the panel process and directly poured information into Zheng Shu's mind.

Judging from the reaction of the inhibitory force, if Zheng Shu had lowered the price before, the inhibitory force might also agree to this transaction.

However, although he already knew that the impact factor was a very valuable thing to the world, Zheng Shu did not mean to be too frugal. After all, for him now, it is very simple to obtain something like the impact factor.

...What's more, after completing the transaction with Inhibition, it is not certain whether Zheng Shu's influence factor reserve will decrease or increase.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the number of influence factors obtained by Zheng Shu after participating in the Holy Grail War is still lower than the "ticket" he gave to the suppression power, then Zheng Shu might as well stop traveling across the world and just find a corner to die alone. .

"Wait, it won't take too long this time, right?" Zheng Shu suddenly asked a question.

Although he knew that the two Stheno sisters would not wake up so soon, since Zheng Shu had already made an agreement with them, and the first thing they saw when they woke up was him, Zheng Shu would naturally have to abide by it.

If the restraint force cheats and delays the time travel, Zheng Shu will not be able to fulfill the agreement.

——Don’t worry, the Hall of Valor is beyond time. No matter how long you spend there, it will be the same moment after you leave when you come back.

"Is that so? That's good..." Zheng Shu nodded.

He noticed that when he said this, there was a slight fluctuation in Inhibition's originally mechanical tone, which seemed to become more "expectant".

However, Zheng Shu did not feel any malice. In the end, he could only interpret this emotion of "expectation" as the desire to suppress the influence factors he was about to obtain.

——So, a deal?


As soon as Zheng Shu finished speaking, several prompts appeared on the panel in front of him:

[Instruction received]

[Transaction content confirmed]

【Under preparation...】

[Exerting awareness to influence factors to ensure transaction completion]

Zheng Shu felt that part of his mental power was actively extracted by the panel and mixed with the influence factors that were about to be used in the transaction. With this part of Zheng Shu's will, once the restraint force did not complete the transaction as agreed, then this part of the influence factors It will be destroyed by Zheng Shu's will.

[Consciousness application is completed, ready to extract influence factors. 】

[25% of the influence factors of the collection progress have been extracted and are ready for trading]

Progress: 200.32%→175.32%

Zheng Shu watched as a green ball of light floated from his chest and rose to the sky. Then an overwhelming sleepiness hit him. Zheng Shu just lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In the room, Matou Sakura put the book back on the bookshelf, and then looked out the window with her dull eyes.

It is indeed painful for the Matou family to modify the seal, but the effect is very obvious. At least Matou Sakura's perception has been greatly improved after being modified, and she can now feel that there are bugs in every corner of the house.

She doesn't like it here, but she can only stay here after being abandoned by her father.

Just then, there was a knock on her door. After opening the door, Matou Sakura found that the person knocking on the door was Matou Sakura Zouken.

After seeing Matou Sakura behind the door, Matou Zouken forced out a smile. He seemed to want to smile kindly, but paired with Matou Zangyan's skinny and skeleton-like face, this smile would only be more penetrating.

"It's in the room. I asked Shenji to come find you just now, but he said you're not in the room, Sakura, so I came over to take a look." Matou Zangyan hunched over his body and kept talking from time to time. He coughed twice and looked like he was going to die at any moment.

"Sorry grandpa, I just went to the study to get a new magic book. Is it time? I'll go there right away." Matou Sakura replied calmly, but there was a trace of fear hidden under that calmness.

"So that's it... very good. You work very hard. This is a necessary quality for the heir of the Matou family." Matou Zangyan nodded seemingly in approval, and then said, "I came here to tell you something. Well, there is an important ceremony in the basement tonight, so there is no need to come over."

Matou Sakura nodded to express her understanding. This well-behaved look made Matou Zangyan very satisfied. After giving some guidance on magic learning issues, she turned around and left.

Watching the door of her room being gently closed, and after confirming that Matou Zouken had gone far away, Matou Sakura's eyes started to fluctuate, as if she was relieved.

"Is it an important ceremony?" Matou Sakura frowned.

When Matou Kariya came back before, Matou Sakura overheard a conversation between two people, which seemed to be about a certain ritual that was about to be performed.

However, I didn't hear much information. I only knew that some kind of powerful familiar would be summoned during this ritual.

It seems to be called... Servant?

It seems that if the ritual is successful, you will get a dream object that can fulfill all your wishes.

"Can all my wishes come true?" Matou Sakura looked down at her palms, her eyes trembling slightly, "If there really is such a thing... can my wish come true?"

Matou Residence, underground, insect warehouse.

The bugs that usually filled the entire underground space have disappeared, as if hiding in deeper shadows, leaving only the floor that looks relatively clean.

Matou Zouken and Matou Kariya stood in the center of the insect warehouse. In front of them was a complex magic circle carved with blood-red paint.

At this time, as the incantation chanted by Matou Kariya was coming to an end, the magic circle in front of him was already emitting a dazzling light, which meant that the ceremony had entered the most critical moment.

Matou Kariya could clearly feel that the bugs in his body began to squirm continuously, and the skin on his body continued to bulge and fall. The severe pain caused the veins on his face to burst, and blood and tears fell from his eyes. It keeps flowing out.

As the ceremony progressed, the activity of the bugs in his body became more and more intense, and they even began to eat his body to convert his life force into magic power.

But for Matou Kariya, who had never developed his own qualifications as a magician, such huge magic power caused another kind of pressure on the body, and the vision in his left eye began to become blurred. This was a manifestation of the magic power affecting the nerves.

After discovering that his host's body was irreversibly disabled, the imprinting insect in his body did not hesitate at all and simply ate Matou Kariya's left eye to convert it into greater magic power, which was used to supply the magic circle. run.

As a person who has not developed his own magician qualifications, if he wants to use this top-notch summoning circle, this is the price Matou Kariya must pay!

With the continuous infusion of magic power, finally, a figure filled with strange black mist slowly appeared in the center of the summoning array. The figure's body was covered with black heavy armor, and it looked unusually majestic and powerful.

At this time, Matou Kariya's body had become extremely weak. He was breathing heavily. Even though the ceremony had not been completely completed, his body was already on the verge of collapse.

However, looking at the black figure appearing in the center of Fuzheng, Matou Kariya's remaining right eye still flashed with excitement: "It... it's successful! I succeeded!"

Feeling the huge power transmitted from the contract, Matou Kariya was so excited that he could not control himself.

He knew that this was his only possible chance.

As long as he grabs this only card in his hand, defeats Tokiomi Tohsaka, the guy who trampled on the happiness of Sakura and Aoi, and gets the Holy Grail, then he can take Sakura out of this hell.

I will definitely succeed! For Sakura, for Aoi...


There was a loud noise that seemed to shake the space.

While Matou Kariya was still thinking about the future, something unexpected happened to the summons that was about to come to an end.

Behind the black figure that had just been summoned, the space suddenly began to vibrate non-stop. Vibrations like water waves appeared out of thin air, as if something terrifying was about to penetrate the world barrier from the world behind the space and cross here.


As if sensing danger, the black figure who had been standing silently in the center of the circle roared like a wild beast.

Along with this angry roar, the space above the magic circle finally appeared "cracks" in the continuous vibration.

Click, click, click!

A clear cracking sound was heard, and the originally inaccessible space shattered like a mirror, revealing the void world behind it.

"What the hell is this?" Matou Kariya muttered to himself as he looked at the cracked space in disbelief.

But Matou Zouken, who had been standing beside him, had disappeared without knowing when. He had already hidden himself when the mutation first appeared, and the sound of swarms of insects could be heard throughout the basement.

After the space above the magic circle was completely opened with a perfect circular gap, a huge "suction force" came from the black gap.

This suction force did not affect the surrounding materials, even the air did not flow at all.

However, Matou Kariya, who was in a state where his magic power was active, could clearly feel that the magic power in his body was rapidly draining away. The speed was like someone putting a water pump in the bath. No matter how much Matou Kariya tried to resist, he could not resist. any effect.

Even the imprinted insects in his body gradually lost their lives under such high-power extraction - after all, the vitality of living things can be converted into magic power.

And Matou Kariya appeared with a physical body, not to mention the Servant who was directly under the circular gap where the suction was strongest and whose body was completely composed of magic power.

With almost no room for resistance, Matou Kariya watched helplessly as the servant he had just summoned turned into black magic power and was absorbed by the circular hole.

"Beast! Stop...stop!" Matou Kariya roared at the top of his lungs, but he could only watch helplessly as his last hope of saving Sakura was completely destroyed.

The three "spells" that appeared on the back of Matou Kariya's hand after the contract had just been concluded, and the huge magic crystal were also targeted by the suction force emitted by the round holes. The moment the black servant disappeared, Matou Kariya The spell on the back of the hand was also drained of magic power and faded.

Seeing this scene, Matou Kariya was even more furious, which meant that he was completely disqualified in this Holy Grail War.

However, his body was extremely weak after being destroyed, and after losing the marking bug in his body and the followers he summoned, he had no choice but to become helpless and furious.

After absorbing all the magic power within the suction range, the circular hollow seems to have some unfinished business.

But for some reason, this hole didn't suck away Matou Kariya's life force. It just sucked out the life force of the bugs in his body and stopped absorbing his life force.

After calming down for a while, when even Matou Kariya, who had fallen on the ground, had somewhat recovered, new movement finally appeared in the hole.


A large group of slender black tentacles made of magic power surged out of the hole and quickly swept across the insect swarm hidden in the basement.

These tentacles made of magic power looked like they were not real objects. Matou Kariya, who was lying on the ground, was brushed by black tentacles several times, but he did not notice anything wrong with him.

However, all the insects that were passed by the black tentacles suffered. The life force on their bodies would be sucked out just for a moment. In addition to the tentacles that contained a large amount of magic power that could be seen clearly, there were also entanglements around the tentacles. With invisible suction.

Any bug that cannot escape in time will die in an instant, leaving only the fragile bug body on the ground.

Not long after, all the insects originally stored in the Matou family's insect warehouse were slaughtered, leaving corpses everywhere.

Matou Kariya felt numb all over as he looked at the insects that kept pouring out of the shadows. Although he had seen the scene in the insect warehouse several times, he never thought that his father could hide so many insects.

After a long time, when all the insects that could be touched were absorbed, the magic tentacles were still waving non-stop, as if they were still not satisfied.

As if they had noticed something special, all the tentacles plunged downwards. The illusory tentacles easily passed through the floor and continued to move deeper into the underground, and soon came into contact with a large number of magic gathering points.

This is the territory of the Matou family, and it is also the most precious treasure of a magician family besides the seal.

The black magic tentacles danced happily like mice that had entered the granary, frantically sucking in the huge power of the earth veins.

Under the terrifying absorption efficiency of the tentacles and the intensity of absorption, even the earth veins full of power are showing signs of drying up - after all, the Matou family's earth veins are just a branch, and in order to be able to carry out the Holy Grail War, they have already been A lot of magic power has been accumulated elsewhere.

The tentacles seemed to be aware of this, so they followed the flow of the earth's veins towards the source of the accumulated magic power.

The illusory tentacles themselves have no length limit, and with the blessing of the surging magic power of the earth's veins, they quickly reach the source they want.

Looking at the huge magic group in front of him, the tentacles exuded humanistic joy, and then they plunged into the magic group.


Bah bah bah!

The tentacle that had just plunged into the magic mass suddenly retracted as if it was electrocuted. The entire tentacle made an action similar to that of a human being who had eaten something dirty, and kept spraying the magic power it had just absorbed from the magic mass. Return to the magic group. Even because he felt it was too disgusting, he simply cut off the tentacle that originally penetrated the magic group and threw it into the magic group.

After suffering this incident, the other tentacles that were actively absorbing magic power seemed to have wilted and quickly retracted into the hollow.

Seeing the inexplicable changes in front of him, Tong Yanye stared blankly, seemingly falling into a hollow of calm.

Suddenly, the magic power that had just been absorbed burst out from the hole, forming a bright magic light beam that poured fiercely into the summoning circle directly below.

The magic circle that was originally supposed to be inoperable due to exceeding the time limit became operational again under the infusion of huge magic power.

Under Matou Kariya's surprised gaze, the summoning circle once again lit up with bright light, and a vague figure slowly emerged from it.

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