Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 274 The truth revealed

"It feels like I haven't seen Kaya for a long time. I can only play pranks on Medusa recently, and I'm a little tired of it." Stheno sat on the lawn and looked at the sky.

But on a tree in the distance, Medusa was tied up like a caterpillar hanging on the trunk and wriggling constantly. Her beautiful figure showed a beautiful scene in such a struggle. It was a pity that she could Only two goddesses saw this scene.

"Kaya..." Eurielle also sat on the lawn and stroked the head of a ewe next to her. "From what you said, Stheno, it seems like we haven't seen each other for several years. Have you passed him? I don’t know where this little guy went.”

"It turns out we haven't seen each other for several years? Does this child hate us, so he deliberately avoids us?" Stheno also touched the head of the ewe with some annoyance.

"Does he hate us? It doesn't feel like it. Maybe he just found a place to sleep. After all, he is a dragon, and dragons will sleep like this for several years." Although Euryale said this, But his expression clearly looked a little irritable.

The more she thought about it, the more irritated she became. Euryale simply stood up and walked under Medusa. She kept scratching her sides with her hands to play pranks. Medusa could only look like a piece of fur when she saw that she couldn't resist. Wriggling like an insect.

Seeing this, Stheno also stood up, ran to the other side of Medusa's body and tickled her, so the two of them briefly forgot about Zheng Shu while Medusa was twisting in pain.

As the two people focused their attention on Medusa, Medusa, who had seemed a little slow to react because she was left aside, became more flexible again. Both the brilliance in his eyes and his reactions to various stimuli have become more vivid.


Just as the two were indulging in playing pranks on Medusa, Stheno suddenly made a suspicious sound. She waved slightly, and an egg-shaped object that seemed to be made of copper and gold flew out of the treasure house in the distance and landed in her hand.

"What is this? Is there anything like this on the island?" Stheno looked at the egg-shaped object suspended in mid-air and still shaking constantly, his eyes full of curiosity.

This thing is quite big, even more than half the height of Stheno. It has a uniform oval shape. The overall material is made of copper and gold, and various complicated-looking patterns are carved on the surface.

For the two goddesses, such exquisite items that can be called works of art are their favorites.

"It looks like it flew over from the treasure house. Kaya has always been in charge of the treasure house... this bad guy! There is such a beautiful treasure hidden in the treasure house without telling us." Euryale was angry. Di puffed up his face and decided to play a huge prank on Zheng Shu the next time he saw him.

"Really, if you don't tell your mothers about such a good treasure, even though Kaya is still so young, does it mean that she has already revealed the greedy nature of dragons?" Stheno held his face with sad eyes, She looked like a mother who had been abandoned by her son.

Just when the two goddesses were sighing, Medusa, who was tied to the tree next to them, spoke hesitantly: "Sisters...that thing was not discovered by Kaya from the treasure, but made by himself. , I saw the process of him making this thing, and I heard it was called a 'bone bottle'..."

Before Medusa finished speaking, her voice gradually became quieter because she found that her two sisters were staring at her viciously.

"What?! Medusa, you clearly knew that Kaya could make such a treasure, why didn't you tell us? Do you want to monopolize such a treasure for yourself!" Stheno threw aside the shaking bone bottle. He pinched his waist with both hands and stared at Medusa with "evil" eyes.

"That's right! If you had told us earlier, we would have definitely been able to ask Kaya to help us make many of these babies." Euryale nodded in agreement, and then a look of disgust appeared on her face, "And What's the 'bone bottle'? Kaya's naming taste is really bad."

Stheno nodded in agreement, reached out and cut the rope that tied Medusa: "That's right, Medusa, go and get all these things from the treasure house! Euryale , let’s think of a new name for this thing.”

"Okay, Stheno." Euryale smiled gracefully.

But before the two goddesses could start their name-changing plan, their expressions suddenly changed.

The three goddesses, including Medusa, looked up at the sky at the same time. On the distant horizon, a figure with huge "wings" quickly flew towards the island with a white line composed of air currents.

"That's...Kaya?!" Before Stheno finished speaking, Zheng Shu had already landed on the island carrying a huge air current.


Under a burst of "braking" at a speed that could kill someone, the sonic boom cloud surrounding Zheng Shu turned into a shock wave and spread towards the surroundings. The strong wind caused the trees and grass around his landing point to sway constantly, and several The goddess's clothes were also blown loudly.


Before Zheng Shu could say anything after landing, he was interrupted by the angry voices of Euryale and Stheno.

"Kaya!!! You blew ashes into my face!"

"Uh..." Looking at the two goddesses who were screaming and patting themselves in front of him, Zheng Shu's originally arrogant momentum suddenly subsided.

He honestly shrunk the huge cloak on the back of the armor, and with a clicking sound, Zheng Shu's armor retracted into a belt.

"Stheno, Euryale...and Medusa, I'm back." Zheng Shu stood honestly in front of the three goddesses.

She is obviously more than twice as tall as the two goddesses, but she looks unusually short in terms of aura. The ears on his head trembled unconsciously, showing the tension in his heart.

"Are you Kaya?!" Euryale opened her mouth in disbelief, "Why are you so tall?"

Looking at Zheng Shu, who was twice as tall as him, he couldn't believe that this was the little cub they picked up on the beach.

"Yes, Euryale, it's me." Zheng Shu sighed looking at the two goddesses who were no taller than his own thighs, half-kneeling on the grass, bending down to look at them as level as possible.

"But how come you are so tall? I remember that when you left, you were only a little taller than me!" Euryale still couldn't imagine it.

And Stheno's reaction seemed even more violent: "Ah! Kaya! You have completely turned into a male! Also, what about the ears on your head and the tail on the back? Have you become a bad boy? Yet?"

As she spoke, she even came up and tried to touch the pair of ears on Zheng Shu's head.

"Uh... Stheno, I was a male from the beginning, ah, not a male." Zheng Shu's face twitched a little, but he was still very obedient. He lowered his head as much as possible so that the short girl could reach his ears, "Also Yes, although the ears and tail look a little strange, they shouldn’t be a symbol of becoming a bad boy, right?”

"It's so annoying. Kaya, who was so beautiful when she was young, has now turned into a guy with ugly muscles all over her body. I'm starting to hate you!" Euryale said angrily.

Zheng Shu still maintained the image of half-kneeling on the grass and bending over to let Stheno touch his head, but after hearing these words, several angry veins immediately stretched on his head: "Uriai Li, I’m really sorry for turning you into such a disgusting person. But before you say this, can you get off my tail first?!”

When Zheng Shu said this, Euryale kept stroking the thick and furry tail behind him. When Zheng Shu finished speaking, she was even ready to use the tail as a chair to sit on. .

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hard muscles are really disgusting, but such a fluffy tail is our treasure!" Euryale said very confidently while sitting on Zheng Shu's tail.

She didn't care at all what the owner of the tail looked like, it seemed like she had already regarded the tail as her own.

"Yes, we are cherished goddesses, so all the treasures in this world belong to us. For the sake of our treasures, you remember to take care of the fur of this tail from time to time." Stheno also agreed.

...Okay, now I have another goddess on my tail.

Zheng Shu sighed helplessly and stood up straight.

His tail also kept rising when he stood up straight. The two goddesses sitting on the tail not only did not have any fear when they saw this, but they also smiled very happily and sat on Zheng Shu's generous tail and swung themselves together. legs, looking quite happy.

"Hurry up and shake Kaya, we're going to swing." Stheno and Euryale laughed like silver bells, slapping Zheng Shu's tail to make him move faster.

Zheng Shu had a dark face, but his tail waggled gently as he obeyed.

Anyway, with the power of his current tail, let alone two goddesses with unusually petite and soft bodies, even a strong man of the same weight as him can easily catch them, and he won't even feel any pressure while carrying these two goddesses.

After leading the two willful goddesses to play for a while, Zheng Shu looked at the two goddesses who were having an extremely happy time, and suddenly said with a sad expression: "You guys are having a little too much fun, even Medusa is ignored."


When Zheng Shu said this, the silver bell-like laughter of the two goddesses suddenly stopped, and they suddenly fell silent collectively. Zheng Shu could even clearly feel their bodies stiffen.

Medusa, who had been standing aside since just now and seemed a little slow to react, spoke at this moment: "It's okay, Kaya, sisters, just have fun."

"Really?" Zheng Shu glanced at Medusa with sad eyes and reached out to touch her head.

Medusa was originally the tallest among the four, but after several enhancements, Zheng Shu's figure has far exceeded hers. Against the backdrop of Zheng Shu's height of over 2.5 meters, even Medusa's tall figure The bodies all look extremely petite.

"Kaya, don't change the subject. You just flew in from outside the island, right? You actually sneaked out of the island behind our backs!" Stheno suddenly jumped off Zheng Shu's tail and pinched his waist. Zheng Shu scolded him loudly.

Euryale also jumped to the ground and made the same gesture as her sister to scold Zheng Shu: "That's right! You didn't listen to the mothers and sneaked out. This is an unforgivable mistake. You must accept punishment!"

Medusa ran to the two sisters with a frightened look and begged in a low voice. The user excused Zheng Shu with extremely poor reasons: "Sister, Kaya didn't mean it. He must have been blown away because of the storm. To the outside of the island, right?”

Faced with the accusations from the two goddesses and Medusa's excuse, Zheng Shu didn't say anything, but just stood there and looked at them sadly.

Under Zheng Shu's gaze, the voices of the three goddesses became more and more impatient and they spoke more and more.

"No! Him running out of the island privately is a very serious betrayal and must be punished!"

"That's right, Kaya, we're going to pull a big prank to punish you!"

"Sisters, please go around Kaya!"

But facing the noisy three goddesses, Zheng Shu never responded at all, and still stood quietly in that sad posture.

Faced with Zheng Shu's posture, Stheno and Euryale, who were originally full of energy, their voices became softer as they spoke.

By the end, Stheno and Euryale had already run in front of Zheng Shu, beating his thigh as if to vent their anger, their tone even crying: "We...we must punish you, we must... Make a big prank to punish your mistake..."

Zheng Shu, who had been motionless, finally moved. He slowly knelt down on the ground, stretched out his arms to hug the two crying goddesses, put their heads on his shoulders and comforted them gently, his voice filled with laughter. Unconsciously, he became a little hoarse:

"Okay, Kaya will accept the punishment. But before that, you need to take a good rest. You have been having this 'dream' for too long, and it's time to 'wake up'."

"Really?" Stheno buried his head on Zheng Shu's shoulder, his body trembling slightly, and his voice became unclear.

Zheng Shu could clearly feel wet liquid dripping on his shoulders.

Yuri Ellie on the other side also buried her head on Zheng Shu's shoulder and cried: "Are you really not going to leave us?"

Zheng Shu blinked his sore eyes, and his voice became extremely firm: "Sleep peacefully, don't worry, I will always stay by your side, absolutely! I will never leave! When you wake up, the first You can see me with your eyes.”

After receiving Zheng Shu's assurance, the sobs of the two goddesses gradually became quieter, and their breathing gradually became steady - they fell asleep.

Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Medusa with feeling. Medusa, who had been standing there smiling silently, suddenly showed a beautiful smile towards Zheng Shu.

Her body gradually became smaller as the consciousness of the two goddesses became blurred. From the original "tall" appearance, she became petite. When her body turned into a juvenile form holding a sickle, it no longer changed. Instead, her body began to gradually Become transparent.

When Medusa's body was about to completely dissipate, she suddenly opened her mouth and said one word to Zheng Shu. Although she could no longer make a sound, Zheng Shu recognized the word through the shape of his mouth: Thank you. .

Looking at the position where Medusa completely disappeared, Zheng Shu was stunned and didn't know what he was thinking.

It wasn't until he felt that the slight squeezing feeling he had felt since entering the island disappeared that he came back to his senses. He took a look and saw that Euryale and Stheno had fallen asleep on his shoulders.

The squeezing feeling Zheng Shu felt was actually a cognitive shielding curse caused by Stheno and Euryale using their divinity to cover the entire island. After being transformed by Zheng Shu's divine weapon, they The damage done to his body.

The squeezing sensation completely disappeared, indicating that the two goddesses had truly fallen into a deep sleep.

It seems that they must be very tired, but this is normal. In order to maintain the existence of "Medusa" for a long time, these two goddesses must not have had any rest or sleep.

Although in theory the gods themselves do not need to take any rest, the situation of Stheno and Euryale is different, because they are equivalent to maintaining a barrier the size of an entire island at all times, and this barrier The fuel that the world needs to consume is their divinity.

As Gorgon monsters who were exiled on an uninhabited island, the three sisters themselves did not receive much belief. Most of their divinity was inherited from their parents.

Of course, the greed or fear of outsiders towards them can also be converted into divinity at a very low rate, but it will take a long time to accumulate.

It's ridiculous to say that the main source of faith why Stheno and Euryale were able to maintain the divine barrier covering the entire island for a long time was actually Perseus who killed Medusa.

After Perseus presented Medusa's head to Athena, Athena mounted it on her breastplate, and so the whole of Athens, as Theseus said, put Medusa's head This representational symbol is widely used on various Athens-related items.

Although they may not have any special beliefs when using this symbol, this little symbolic action still provided a lot of faith to the two remaining "Gorgon Monsters", which made it completely impossible to Believers of the two goddesses were able to hold on for such a long time.

However, even with this additional supplement of faith, the two goddesses have been on the verge of running out of gas after so many years of persistence.

Zheng Shu could clearly feel that when he first traveled to this world and came to this island, Medusa's agility was flawless. Even though it had the effect of shielding the cognitive curse, Zheng Shu had lived together for so many years. Nothing wrong was found.

But this time when she came back, Medusa's freedom of movement was obviously reduced.

Obviously, during the long-term fatigue, the "computing power" of Euryale and Stheno began to dry up, so this method of unconsciously saving "resources" appeared.

Looking at the two goddesses who were sleeping deeply, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly. The two of them were in very poor condition. In order to maintain this divine barrier, Stheno and Euryale had even begun to burn their own divine enchantments. body.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu came back in time. If it had been more than ten years later, there would probably not be a single living thing on this island by the time he came back.

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