Theseus seemed very friendly to Zheng Shu, not only because Zheng Shu and Hercules had a good relationship, but also because Theseus could clearly feel the power contained in Zheng Shu's body in hell.

Although he is still far behind Hercules, he has already surpassed the strongest hero in Athens.

Becoming the prince of Athens would be of great benefit if you could build a good relationship with such a hero. Even if you couldn't bring him to Athens, simply maintaining a good relationship would be a good gain.

In addition to taking out the medal to prove his identity, he also hoped to use it as a token to get in touch with Zheng Shu. Even if he couldn't fight immediately, it would be a good result to have a drink and chat with each other first.

Contrary to Theseus' expectations, Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the medal he took out, and he snatched it away.

Although he was dissatisfied with Zheng Shu's rude actions, Theseus still showed his accomplishments as a royal. Seeing that Zheng Shu was so interested in this medal, he continued to help Zheng Shu explain the meaning of this medal. The origin of the pattern:

"This is the medal of the city of Athens. The pattern engraved on it is the head of a monster called Gorgon. The hero Perseus used the severed head of Medusa to kill the sea monster Cetus and returned Later, he presented the head to Athena, the goddess of protection of heroes, and Athena fixed it in the center of her shield or breastplate. Up to now, the image of this head has been used in Athenian coat of arms, architectural decorations, coins and even soldiers. On the shield. Of course, only the royal family can use this kind of head as a badge..."


Before Theseus could finish his words, he was hit by a fist in the face, interrupting what he was going to say next.

Caught off guard, Theseus had a look of horror at the powerful force transmitted from his fist, and his whole body flew backwards and rubbed against the ground for several meters before stopping.

"You talk too much, Theseus, it's time to stop." A deep voice came, and Hercules put away his fists.

The person who interrupted Theseus was not Zhong Zheng Shu but Heracross who was standing aside, because he had already discovered that as Theseus spoke more and more, Zheng Shu's face became more and more ugly.

The huge Hercules had an extremely delicate mind. Although he didn't know what was going on with his "junior brother" who came from the same school, his sense of responsibility as a "senior brother" still made him ignore the possibility of offending the whole of Athens. As a result, the punch stopped Theseus from chattering.

The first reaction of Theseus, who was knocked to the ground, was anger, but then after seeing Zheng Shu's performance, he immediately realized... he had just gotten into trouble!

Zheng Shu's current expression does not look too angry, and even looks very calm. But everyone present could feel that underneath the calm was the roaring anger, as full of fear as a volcano about to erupt.

Because Zheng Shu was too excited, the huge magic power in his body even resonated with the outside world. The two broken-looking cloaks behind the God's Arms moved automatically without wind, and were blown fiercely by the huge whirlpool of magic power. All living creatures can feel the terrifying oppressive force emanating from Zheng Shu's body.

Even the three-headed hell dog that Hercules brought out of hell carefully took two steps back. The suppression it received in the human world was not small. If the little thing in front of him went crazy, he would not be able to defeat it.


Swallowing hard, Theseus suddenly felt grateful to Hercules. Looking at the state of the man in front of him, if it hadn't been for the punch Hercules had given him just now, his head would have been separated by now.

Staring hard at Theseus, Heracles calmly covered the two of them with his body and stood in front of Zheng Shu.

After hesitating for a moment, Hercules made preparations for protection, then reached out and patted Zheng Shu on the shoulder: "Zheng Shu?"

"Don't worry, senior brother, I can still control my reason." Zheng Shu did not suddenly become violent and hurtful as they expected. Instead, he just spoke very calmly, but he didn't know when his voice started to sound. Became extremely hoarse.

"Well..." Seeing that Zheng Shu could still speak normally, Heracross secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "You... if you need anything, you can tell me, and I will definitely help you!"

"Thank you." Zheng Shu twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to smile to show that there was nothing wrong with him, but unfortunately he failed.

"Something happened at home, so we may have to part ways here, sorry!"

After saying that, Zheng Shu didn't care about Hercules' reaction and controlled the two cloaks behind the God's Arms to unfold.

The two black cloaks, which didn't look too big at first, immediately stretched out after receiving Zheng Shu's instructions. Soon, the two cloaks, which were only the size of the torso, grew to the size of two or three people.

A huge black cloak extended from the back of the armor, fluttering slightly with the operation of magic power. It looked like two huge black wings grew out of Zheng Shu's back.

With the infusion of Zheng Shu's magic power, the cloak became stronger and emitted a faint light. After the magic power in the wings reached a certain amount, Zheng Shu just waved slightly, and his body left the ground and flew towards the sky.


An explosion came from high in the sky. Zheng Shu stretched his "wings" with all his strength after leaving the ground at a sufficient height. Driven by the terrifying magic power, Zheng Shu's whole body shattered the air in an instant, with a white sonic boom cloud. Disappeared into the horizon.

"He, he...he flew?" Theseus stared blankly at the white trace left by Zheng Shu's flight in the sky.

No matter in which era, magic that allows people to fly freely in the sky is the most advanced. Generally speaking, even gods cannot fly freely at all and must use special props or mounts.

"Yes, he is Teacher Chiron's apprentice, my junior brother." Hercules looked at Zheng Shu disappearing into the horizon and nodded gently, with uncontrollable worry in his eyes.

"I hope you will be fine..."

High in the air.

Zheng Shu followed the guidance in his heart and kept flying in one direction. The magic power in his body kept pouring into the two cloaks behind him, causing his flying speed to continue to rise, rise and rise again.

The birds and beasts ahead sensed the terrifying pressure emanating from Zheng Shu and left his flight path as if fleeing for their lives. Some villages that were closer to him would find that their villages could suddenly capture more prey.

Occasionally when passing over the village, the villagers on the ground will worship Zheng Shu as a god after seeing his figure disappearing from the sky, and associate the subsequent good harvest in the village with this unseen figure. On the gods.

Zheng Shu, who caused the chaos, did not know these things, and his face became increasingly ugly during the flight.

Flying has never been an easy matter for an individual. Even with Zheng Shu's current strength, the ocean of magic power in his body was almost exhausted after flying such a short distance.

Although Zheng Shu would not be harmed even if he fell from a high altitude with his current defense, for the sake of efficiency, what he should do most now is to fall to the ground to rest and recover, and wait until his physical strength and magic power are fully restored. Then proceed to the next round of flight.

But for Zheng Shu, he has another better choice.

"Panel, strengthen Hercules' latest strengthening template to overwrite the original strengthening template, directly strengthening it to full strength!"

Along with Zheng Shu's will, the light blue light curtain trembled slightly, and several messages quickly emerged:

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factors to strengthen]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 250.32%→200.32%

The green light enveloped Zheng Shu's body, but the strengthening process that should have been carried out in a quiet state was forcibly ignored by Zheng Shu.


Because he wanted to forcefully move during the strengthening process, the already terrifying pain increased again, and even with Zheng Shu's endurance, he couldn't help but scream.

But even so, he still did not give up and continued flying. Instead, he continued to pour the magic power continuously generated in his body into the cloak behind him. With enough magic power, the flying speed of the cloak increased to another level.

In order to divert his attention, Zheng Shu began to think about what happened before.

The moment he saw the Gorgon portrait on the medal handed over by Theseus, Zheng Shu finally understood what he had been feeling wrong since completing the Arms of God.

That's right! How could he ignore such an important thing?

Hercules is the great-grandson of Perseus in terms of blood, and Perseus is a very famous hero in ancient Greek mythology. There is a "monster" in his most well-known deeds: Beauty Tusa.

Heracles has grown so big, so naturally all the deeds Perseus has experienced have been completed, which means... he has already killed Medusa!

Moreover, the pattern on Theseus's medal confirmed Zheng Shu's guess. Even in the ancient Greek mythology of the moon-shaped world, Perseus did kill Medusa.

So the question is, if Medusa died before he traveled to the world of Xingyue, then who was the Medusa he met on the nameless island? !

Thinking about it carefully, Zheng Shu's panel confirmed that Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa were all genuine gods, but the enhanced templates of these three gods named after Gorgon monsters could not be integrated with each other.

That means there must be something wrong with someone among these three people.

Thinking back to it, the moment Zheng Shu completed the armor of God, he felt the curse related to the gods that was expelled from his body.

But no matter whether before or after the curse was lifted, his body and memory did not suffer any obvious changes. Combined with the fact that he has never realized that Perseus has completed his "great deeds", the impact of Zheng Shu's curse on him is obvious - this curse only affected part of Zheng Shu's judgment. ability.

In essence, it does no harm to his body, but simply makes him unconsciously ignore the information or memories related to Medusa's death. If the weapon of God had not dispelled this curse, I am afraid that Zheng Shu would have come up with a new reason for it even if he saw the medal with the pattern of Medusa's head.

Being able to issue a curse that only gods can issue, and if you want to complete this curse without any gap between Zheng Shu and Zheng Shu, you must do it when he is extremely weak.

In this way, the situation is very obvious. The only ones who can meet such conditions and issue a curse for Zheng Shu are the two gods who are also on the unknown island: Euryale and Stheno.

After figuring this out, Zheng Shu also connected all the clues.

Whether in myths and legends or in the history of pan-humanity, among the three Gorgon sisters, only Medusa is special. Both of his sisters have the immortality inherent in gods, but Medusa is not. It is a "flawed product" that will die.

In myths and legends, Perseus actually killed the remaining two goddesses who were also Gorgon banshees, but Euryale and Stheno would immediately resurrect and attack him. The only one who was killed by him was The only one who really killed was Medusa.

On the other side, the relationship between the three Gorgon sisters in the Xingyue world is actually quite good.

Although it seems that the two sisters will often bully Medusa, who is their younger sister, in fact only Medusa was exiled on the unknown island at the beginning, but Stheno and Euryale also volunteered to be exiled for Medusa's sake. Exile stayed on the same island as her.

As the controllers of the rules of the world, gods have the ability to change the world with their own will.

The slain Medusa, the three Gorgon sisters who had an excellent relationship, and the ability to change the rules of the world.

After connecting these three clues and combining them with Zheng Shu's reaction, he sorted out his memory and found that every time he saw Medusa, there would be two goddesses, Steno and Euryale, next to him. So, The result is obvious.

——Zheng Shu’s experience on the nameless island was actually just a dream, a dream caused by two goddesses who were unwilling to admit the facts.

"Stheno, Euryale." Zheng Shu endured the pain of body transformation, but his flying speed continued to rise, "You's time to wake up!!!"

Accompanied by Zheng Shu's heart-rending roar high in the sky, he crossed a long distance, broke through the storm and fog on the sea, and saw the small island on the horizon in the distance.

(PS: A foreshadowing at the beginning of this world is recycled.)

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