Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 265 Armor without defense (Easter egg chapter later)

When Zheng Shu woke up, he found that Hephaestus was gone and he was lying on a recliner at some point.

The ten gleaming pieces of divine metal that he spent a lot of effort to create before falling asleep have disappeared, replaced by a flowing liquid that looks as warm as jade above the temple.

"Is this... considered completed?" Zheng Shu looked at the ball of liquid in the sky with hesitation.

However, Hephaestus seemed to have said before that the God's Arms can change its own form. If it is like Iron Man's Nano Armor, it is not incomprehensible that the finished product is a ball of liquid.

"It's almost there. We just have to complete the final stage of form adjustment, but because you've been sleeping, you can't take the next step." Hephaestus's voice came from behind.

Turning his head and looking at Zheng Shu, he suddenly froze: "Lord Hephaestus...your detector?"

"Oh, you're talking about this." Hephaestus touched his eyes that were originally covered by the detector, "Because the power used in making the Arms of God was too high, it exploded, but it doesn't matter. This thing will explode every once in a while, and it will grow back soon - the reason why I integrated it with my body is to allow this machine to continuously 'heal' itself."

"Ah... thank you very much for your help." Zheng Shu didn't know how to express his gratitude after hearing what Hephaestus said. He could only bow to express his gratitude.

"Okay, thank you later. Let's complete the last step now." Hephaestus waved, and the liquid above the temple flew to his side, "Stand there and don't move, by the way. , also stretch out your ears and tail."

Zheng Shu was very obedient and unfolded the animal ears on his head and the tail behind him. He looked a little nervous as he looked at the liquid approaching him.

The embryo of the God's Arms shook in front of Zheng Shu, as if scanning his body. Immediately afterwards, what originally looked like a small group of liquid that was only about the size of a human head suddenly expanded and "swallowed" Zheng Shu inside like a slime.

Zheng Shu still stood quietly without any resistance. Sure enough, after a while, he felt the light in front of him.

Glancing down, he saw that the embryo of the God's Arms had wrapped himself all over his body, and it looked as if he had been plated with a metal film on the outside of his body.

"I remember that in the information, you should have transformed into a half-dragon combat state, right? Let's change it here. The God's Arms needs to absorb your body data to form the final form." Hephaestus was on the side very promptly. reminded.

"Yes!" Zheng Shu took a deep breath and activated the dragon transformation for the first time after strengthening Hercules' enhanced template.

Click, click, click!

The first thing to change was still the bones. With the "click" sound in the body, Zheng Shu completed the keel state, and the body also continued to expand and change in the process. His height changed from the original 2.5 meters to nearly 2 meters. 7 height.

Traces of scales began to appear on the body surface and face, and the top of the head began to bulge, as if horns were about to grow.

The biggest change should be Zheng Shu's tail. The lion's tail, which was originally covered with a layer of soft and smooth hair, has undergone drastic changes. The end close to the body has become thicker, while the end far away from the body has become thinner. It was originally smooth. The hair also began to fade and grow into fine scales.

By the time Zheng Shu completed his dragon transformation, the tail on his back had completely transformed into a long dragon tail.

Zheng Shu was a little surprised when he looked at his own dragon tail. When he originally strengthened the enhanced template in the third generation, he chose a human body, so even if he used a dragon-shaped body, there shouldn't be a dragon tail behind it.

As Zheng Shu's body expanded, the coating formed by the God's Armed Embryo on the surface of his body was also constantly changing, and at the same time, the coating was still flashing with various lights.

"Okay, you can change back now." Hephaestus waited until the coating on Zheng Shu's body stopped glowing before he spoke.

"Is this enough?" Zheng Shu looked curiously at the squirming weapons of God on his body, "Didn't you say that you need to make final adjustments to the form?"

Hephaestus looked very confident: "No problem. After it has detected all the data on your body, it will form the shape you like based on the relevant impressions in your memory."

"So smart?" Zheng Shu wondered.

"Of course!" Hephaestus raised his head proudly, "Since the last time I was beaten up by Athena because of the wrong shape, I have set this function on all the armor-type equipment I made. , although the form transfer can only be used once, it will definitely give you the impression of your favorite shape."

"..." Zheng Shu was silent for a moment. He seemed to have heard some extraordinary information from the God of Forging just now, but since he was still in the other party's temple, Zheng Shu decided to pretend that he had not heard it.

After such a delay, Zheng Shu's divine weapon finally took on a fixed form.

Jade-black armor was spread all over the body, and from a distance it looked like a leather tights. An additional silver-white breastplate is installed on the chest of the upper body, as well as extra exaggerated-looking shoulder armor.

There are two rows of silver-white armor in the center of the body that seem to protect the most vulnerable abdomen. The armor extends to the thighs of the lower body.

There are many tiny spikes on the helmet. There is a very conspicuous gem in the center of the forehead. There are also two largest spikes on the top of the head. They look like the dragon horns that Zheng Shu grew after transforming into a dragon. Same.

The gauntlets on the arms and the greaves on the feet looked extremely thick, and there were three exaggerated-looking sharp blades attached to both the arms and calves.

Zheng Shu blinked at this somewhat familiar shape. Under the movement of his mind, the sharp blade originally attached to his arm suddenly bounced up to protect his wrist, making Zheng Shu's arm look like a Wolverine.

"A battle armor that can be played like this...why does it feel so familiar to me..." Zheng Shu looked at the sharp claws on his arms with curiosity.

Along with the activities of his thoughts, the originally fully covered cheeks opened to reveal his face, and as time went on, the changes in God's weapons came to an end.

The silver-white armor on Zheng Shu's lower back suddenly began to extend backward along Zheng Shu's tail, eventually forming a mechanical tail that looked like a dragon's tail.

With the appearance of the mechanical dragon tail, two groups of light suddenly extended from the shoulder armor on Zheng Shu's back, and finally connected into two pieces of cloak that looked somewhat broken.

At first, Zheng Shu just felt that the look of his armor looked familiar. When these two iconic-looking cloaks came out, he immediately reacted: "Holy shit! Origami Warrior?!"

This comic is a long-lasting memory for Zheng Shu, but it was precisely because of this domestic comic that Zheng Shu opened a new door and made him fall in love with Japanese tokusatsu dramas later on.

And his current image is quite similar to the armor of the second male lead in the first comic.

But thinking about it carefully, although the impression was a bit blurry, what impressed him most about the Origami Warrior was that the Dragon Clan's armor can change into two forms. In addition to the normal fighting posture, there is also an ultimate ability that can only be unlocked after transforming into a dragon. form.

If converted, it is quite consistent with Zheng Shu's current state.

In addition, the main function of the god's weapon produced by Zheng Shu also overlaps with the main function of the protagonist's final armor in the first comic.

From this point of view, the embryo of the Arms of God's analysis of Zheng Shu's subconscious was quite accurate.

"It looks good, but what about the cloak on your back? Won't this thing cause an obstacle during the battle?" Hephaestus picked up an instrument from the shelf next to him and scanned Zheng Shu. , looks like it should be a replacement for his analyzer when it breaks.

"Fortunately, this thing is actually part of the weapon." Zheng Shu recalled the settings of this kind of armor in his previous life and tried to control it.

Sure enough, the two broken-looking cloaks behind him immediately swayed up and down according to his thoughts.

Following the movement of Zheng Shu's thoughts, the two originally soft-looking cloaks suddenly flashed with a cold light, creating cracks on the ground as the cloaks danced.

"It looks like a good attack method, but have you forgotten what the main effect of your armor is? Doesn't this thing increase your attack area?" Hephaestus sighed helplessly. Take a breath.

"You have to remember that your armor has no protection against ordinary physical attacks and magic attacks... It can even be said that in most cases, because of the energy absorption efficiency of this armor, you You will additionally bear the impact of power that should have turned into aftermath.”

Hephaestus pointed at the two cloaks behind Zheng Shu: "Although this thing is of great use in attacking, it will also increase your ability to absorb the aftermath power."

Zheng Shu shrugged helplessly: "No way, the armor in my impression is indeed like this. But it's not a big problem. In addition to increasing the attack power I absorb, these two cloaks can also increase my ability to resist attacks. The speed of absorbing magic power, coupled with the attack ability of the cloak itself, it’s not a particular disadvantage after all.”

"Hmm... If it can increase the magic absorption efficiency, it is not unacceptable." Hephaestus nodded thoughtfully, "Anyway, with your current defense level, there is basically no way to break through you under normal circumstances. For defensive attacks, whether the impact is more or less is just a matter of the impact on your movements."

"How about it, do you want to try the main function of this armor?" Hephaestus suddenly changed the topic.

"Ah...yes, yes."

Zheng Shu really wanted to confirm what the main functions of his armor could accomplish, but when he saw the excited light in Hephaestus's eyes, he suddenly shuddered and had a bad feeling.

"Is it right here?"

Hephaestus nodded and raised his hand. Many machines suddenly protruded from the walls of the temple. Zheng Shu knew at a glance that these things should be used to record and analyze data: "Don't worry, I have protective measures here." It’s very good, even if the effect of the armor is not very good, it won’t hurt you.”

Seeing the look in Hephaestus' eyes looking at the little white mouse, Zheng Shu swallowed hard and nodded helplessly.

"Very good, then get ready...start!"

As Hephaestus finished speaking, Zheng Shu felt a powerful energy bombarding him before he could say anything.


A shock wave emitting red light exploded on Zheng Shu's body, and the terrifying impact even made Zheng Shu take a step back involuntarily.

However, because the armor's absorption effect on energy attacks was too obvious, except for Zheng Shu himself, even the rocking chair next to him was not affected by any force.

"How do you feel?" Hephaestus did not continue to attack, but walked to Zheng Shu and kept scanning him with the detector on his hand.

"Well... the power is quite strong, but Master Hephaestus, didn't you use the law to attack just now?" Zheng Shu touched his chest.

Although this armor does not have any resistance to various physical attacks and energy attacks, the two layers of breastplate on the surface still play a certain buffering role.

The moment he was hit, God's Arms evenly distributed the attack he received to all parts of his body.

So although Zheng Shu took a step back because of an inadvertent move, he hardly felt any big impact.

"In fact, I not only used a conceptual attack just now, but also imposed a law-level curse on you. Theoretically, even Zeus would suffer a big loss if he took two hits from me without wearing equipment. "Hephaestus's eyes shone, looking extremely excited, "It's just that the damage caused by the law-level curse after being converted into energy shock is too low, and you don't even feel any obvious sensation.

It seems that our idea was successful. This armor can indeed help you convert the concept or law-based attacks you receive into pure energy damage! "

Zheng Shu touched his breastplate again. He finally recalled that before he was attacked by the shock wave, he felt a little resistance, but its intensity was probably equivalent to the feeling of an ordinary person hitting a spider web, so Zheng Shu was Just ignored it.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu couldn't help but reveal an excited smile. After abandoning all his defenses, his divine weapon finally allowed him to ignore law-based skills.

From now on, as long as he has this armor on him, he will never be affected by any god-level curse again!

Anyone who wants to defeat him must fight it out on pure strength.

But... pure power...

Zheng Shu "looked" at the panel deep in his consciousness, and the smile on his face became more and more arrogant.

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