Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 266 If I had known earlier, I would have become the Demon King of Time

Subsequently, Zheng Shu and Hephaestus conducted a series of tests on the armor and were quite satisfied with the results.

In general, at this stage, there is no upper limit for the conversion of regular attacks by the armor. No matter how hard Hephaestus exerts his force, Zheng Shu will only be impacted by the converted energy in the end.

Based on Hephaestus' status in ancient Greek mythology, it is basically certain that at least in the area ruled by the Olympian gods, there should be no enemies who can break through the limit of this armor's ability to absorb regular attacks.

As for god-level curses, this armor can easily block them. In many cases, Zheng Shu doesn't even feel that he is affected.

After all, in essence, the curses and blessings issued by the gods are more dependent on the leveraging of laws to take effect.

If the ordinary magic curse is an appraisal of a creature's "magic power", then the divine curse is essentially a skill for appraisal of a creature's "divinity".

Unless they have enough divinity, no matter how powerful a hero is, they will not be able to resist the curse of the gods, but the actual power consumed by the gods when releasing the curse is not too strong.

In other words, with this set of armor, Zheng Shu can basically be sure that he can completely get rid of the most troublesome curse of the gods in ancient Greek mythology. After all, in myths and legends, heroes who are thrown into the street because of the curse of the gods can countless.

Zheng Shu was also very satisfied with this result, although this armor could only buffer but not offset ordinary physical attacks and magic attacks. But after strengthening the strengthened template of Nemea's lion, Zheng Shu has already developed extraordinary resistance to such ordinary attacks. Anyway, even if he only strengthened the lion's defense level by less than half, he still has no resistance to this day. Find attacks that break through your defenses.

In a sense, this armor helped Zheng Shu make up for his final shortcoming.

"But... why do you feel like you have forgotten something?" Zheng Shu rubbed his chin and frowned.

The moment the armor was completed, he felt that his mind seemed to clear up, as if a person who had been sleeping had suddenly had Fengyoujing dotted on his forehead.

Based on the function of his armor, Zheng Shu speculated that he had been cursed or interfered with by a god-level existence without his knowledge.


"There are no special memories in my mind, and there are no obvious changes in my body... What exactly has affected me?" Zheng Shu's face looked a little ugly.

This is also the most troublesome thing in this kind of world with gods. You never know under what circumstances you will be cursed by the displeased gods.

Fortunately, with this armor, Zheng Shu has a strong ability to resist when faced with such a situation.

"It's almost time to test. It's time for you to choose the convergence form of the armor." Hephaestus's voice pulled Zheng Shu out of his thoughts.

"Conclusion form?" Zheng Shu repeated subconsciously.

Hephaestus nodded: "Yes, like a shield or something like that. After all, you can't wear this armor all day long. The bundled form is a kind of armor that is more suitable for carrying in a non-combat state." Form. Although the protective power of the armor will decrease in the restrained form, it can still maintain its basic function."

"Oh?!" Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then how small can the bundled form be?"

"Well..." Hephaestus made a little calculation in his mind, "Because your armor uses a relatively large amount of divine metal, the size of the restrained form will not be too small, at least to protect the body. Don’t think about the form of a wrist or a necklace... at least it should be the size of a small buckler or two boots."

Hephaestus stretched out his hand to show Zheng Shu the size: "I personally recommend you to use boots, so that you can wear them almost all day long."

"You can't choose too small..." Zheng Shu was a little disappointed for a moment, because he would not be able to learn the summoning method of this armor prototype comic.

But after seeing the size of Hephaestus's gestures, Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up again: "Where's the belt? Can the restrained form be made into a belt?"

"Belt?" Hephaestus frowned and thought for a moment, "It's not impossible, but with the size of your divine weapon, the size of the belt will become a bit bloated, although it will not affect your health. Normal activity, but it shouldn’t look too good..."

"No problem!" Zheng Shu gave a thumbs up to Hephaestus, showing a healthy smile with eight teeth, "The bloated belt is also a feature in a sense! By the way, can I design the image of the belt myself? "

"That's no problem..." Hephaestus nodded inexplicably, "You actually like to use a belt. Your aesthetics are really strange..."

"Huh? Shouldn't all gods have special abilities like future vision or clairvoyance? If you have seen the information about the future of this world, you should be able to understand what I want to say, right?" Zheng Shu was a little strange.

"What you said is not quite accurate. I do have the ability of clairvoyance, but the effect of each person's clairvoyance will change according to personal circumstances." Hephaestus shook his head and pointed to his eyes, "Like It is my clairvoyance. Because my body has been fused with a material analysis detector, it focuses more on detailed analysis of the existing situation. It is particularly useful when checking for damage to equipment or making new equipment, but it cannot obtain future information."

"Okay, so it might be a little difficult to describe the image of the belt I want." Zheng Shu pinched the bridge of his nose and began to think about how to accurately describe the image of the belt he wanted.

As the space fluctuated like water waves, a figure appeared out of thin air in the cave.

The figure looked unusually tall, over two and a half meters tall. The originally tall cave looked extremely small in front of him. In some places, he could only bend down to pass.

Apart from that, the most conspicuous thing is probably the thick belt around the figure's waist. It's obviously still wrapped in animal skins, but the belt around the waist looks extremely technological.

Although the belt looks very thick and the shape is a bit strange, it looks subtle and harmonious when paired with the figure's tall body.

This person is Zheng Shu who just came out of the Temple of Hephaestus.

"It's out..." Zheng Shu tapped the sunlight outside a little with his hands, climbed out of the hole and looked at the surrounding scene.

After looking around, Zheng Shu's expression suddenly became a little strange: "That's not right, why are the surrounding plants changing so much, and even the seasons are different? How long have I been in the temple?"

"If calculated based on human time outside, you have been in the temple for a year and a half." Hephaestus's voice came from Zheng Shu's ears.

Although he has left the temple in space, he has not yet left the scope of the temple's divine power, so the two people can still continue the conversation.

"One and a half years?! Did it take me so long?" Zheng Shu was a little shocked.

He looked at the tree next to him. According to his memory, this tree should have been just a thin sapling before he entered the temple, but now it has grown well. Based on the growth pattern of this sapling, Zheng Shu had to admit that he might indeed have spent such a long time in the temple.

"It's bad, so long time has passed suddenly. I don't know which round of trials Hercules has gone through now. If the twelve trials have not been completed yet, fortunately, if they have been completed, they have even boarded the A If it's the Gore, it'll be over." Zheng Shu suddenly felt anxious.

He hadn't expected that it would take so long to make his own god's weapons, and now he could only hope that Hercules hadn't boarded the Argor yet.

Otherwise, not to mention how difficult it is to find a ship on the vast sea, if Zheng Shu remembers correctly, the war between the gods and the giant Guigantes took place while Hercules was still on the Agor. It's time to start.

Just when Zheng Shu felt distressed, he suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction: "Who is it?!"

Along with his angry shout, a tree in the distance that originally seemed quiet suddenly began to shake. After a while, a young man with his pants pulled up and an embarrassed face walked out of the bushes under the gaze of Zheng Shu, and behind him, followed a woman with a red face.

Both of them looked disheveled. They must have been disturbed by Zheng Shu during the "battle".

"Uh..." Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly became strange.

He didn't react because he had just left the temple, but he understood after seeing the clothes and facial expressions of the two people.

"You...are you Al?" Zheng Shu was still a little embarrassed at first, but after carefully looking at the young man's face, he suddenly asked in surprise.

"Ah, yes! It's me, you are Master Zheng Shu, right? I didn't expect to see you again after so long." Al also looked a little surprised, but Zheng Shu's body shape and face were really too big for him. He was so discerning that he recognized it immediately.

It’s not surprising that Zheng Shu was surprised, mainly because in his impression, this little guy named Al was originally less than 1.5 meters tall, but now standing in front of Zheng Shu was a 1.8 meter tall man with determined eyes. A strong, unshaven warrior.

"Hiss... Lord Hephaestus, are you sure I've only been away for a year and a half?" Zheng Shu couldn't believe it. If it weren't for the fact that he still remembered Al's aura, he wouldn't even dare to recognize him.

"Well... there should be no mistake in the time. It seems that because the body has reached adulthood, the divine blood in this little guy has begun to take effect." Hephaestus's calm voice reached Zheng Shu's ears.

"It only took a year for this horse to step on the horse?! No... Even if it is influenced by the blood of gods, such a change is too amazing. Can a creature like human beings really change in a year and a half?! "

"What do you think?"

Obviously he just heard the sound, but Zheng Shu felt inexplicably that Lord Hephaestus was squinting at him.

Recalling what he said when he lied to Hercules, Zheng Shu couldn't help but show a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Ahem, but I didn't expect this kid to do such a thing in broad daylight. Are all the people in their village having such a good time?" Zheng Shu coughed twice in embarrassment in his mind and changed the subject.

"No, although this boy's village is relatively barbaric, it can be considered simple. It's just that this guy plays wildly." Hephaestus's voice seemed a little helpless.

Glancing at Al who was already in front of him, Zheng Shu touched the much smaller package behind his back and took out the weapons he had given him and the metal letter Hephaestus had written for Al. The board handed it over: "Here, this is something you entrusted me with before. Although it's a little late, I hope it can be useful to you."

Al took the metal plate tremblingly from Zheng Shu's hand with some disbelief, and carefully looked at the words engraved on it.

To be honest, Zheng Shu didn't appear again for so long after entering the temple. Al even thought that the other party left here without him knowing, so after being disappointed, he never had expectations for this matter.

The reason why I will come here regularly in the future is just out of habit.

Unexpectedly, just today, not only did he meet the hero who he thought had left, but he actually brought his weapon to ask the gods.

"Thank you... thank you!" Al's voice even trembled because he was too excited, "I'm sorry! It's my fault that I doubted your character before. You are indeed a benevolent devil!"

"Wait a minute!" Zheng Shu originally squinted his eyes, intending to listen to Al's compliments, but suddenly realized that he had heard something extraordinary, and he was so frightened that he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Explain to me, what does that title mean just now?"

"Huh?" Al was stunned for a moment by Zheng Shu's sudden change of attitude, but he quickly reacted.

"It's like this. In recent times, the village that you saved and then believed in Lord Hades has spread your deeds to far away places. In the process, others discovered that the villages you saved were not just The number of these is far beyond people's imagination. There are already more than 20 villages that are known now.

Moreover, you did not collect their rewards in each village. Although different villages have different disputes about the gods you believe in, your personal qualities have been recognized by the surrounding city-states, and your reputation has even surpassed The recently famous hero Hercules.

In short, because you are too famous, some people want to give you a nickname, and the most popular nickname is naturally the nickname that came from the village that believed in Lord Hades: 'The Merciful Demon King'. "

"I've started to feel a headache." Zheng Shu felt that his temples began to hurt.

He felt that he was careless. He did not expect that the biggest harm from staying in the temple for such a long time was not the situation of Heracles or Guigantes, but his previous title of second grader.

Sighing, sighing, wanting to speak but stopping, stopping speaking but wanting.

Under Al's gaze, Zheng Shu's expression kept changing, and finally he let out a long sigh as if he had figured out something: "It's a shame for you, I should have known that the shape of the King of Time was used when designing the belt! "

Now that the deal is done, it's better to accept it than to choose pain.

If I had known earlier, I would have been even more unlucky, and directly chose to change the belt of the armor to look like King of Time, and then find someone who specially celebrated during battles, so that when I fight with others in the future, I can just summon the armor. Rely on the strength of the middle two to suppress the opponent's momentum.

"Huh?" Al tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what the hero was saying just now.

"It's nothing. By the way, you just mentioned Hercules. What is he doing now?" Zheng Shu directly interrupted Al's association and asked about business.

"Hero Hercules... Because the news from our village is lagging behind, we can only know that he just completed his tenth trial last month." Al scratched his head, "Mr. Zheng Shu, could it be that Do you know Heracross too?"

"That guy you're talking about..." A strange smile appeared on Zheng Shu's face, "I should be very familiar with him."

(I did some calculations that day, and suddenly realized that I seem to have added more this month. Forget it, I’ll just write more if I can!)

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