Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 264 Forging (Transition Chapter)

clang! clang! clang!

The collision between the huge hammer and the red-hot iron caused dazzling sparks. As the hammer continued to hit, the sparks kept blooming like fireworks.


Zheng Shu took a deep breath to regain some of his strength, picked up the hammer again and continued to hit the metal in front of him.

Under the beating of his terrifying power, the metal fixed on the anvil was gradually formed. Affected by the aftermath of the power released by Zheng Shu, the hot magma was shocked and splashed out from around the cracks in the ground.

"The effect is good. Continue beating for about fifty times." Hephaestus on the side held his detector and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay!" After hearing this order, Zheng Shu's mouth twitched, he raised the huge hammer in his hand, and hit the red-hot metal in front of him again.


Another heavy hammer fell, and the magma pool next to him rioted again. Zheng Shu did not dodge and allowed the hot magma to splash directly onto his body.

In addition to the fact that the magma could not break through his defense, another important reason was that Zheng Shu was close to exhaustion. He even felt dizzy for the first time in a long time.


The hammer slipped from Zheng Shu's hand and hit the ground heavily. Zheng Shu leaned weakly on the anvil beside him, feeling that his consciousness was a little blurry.

"Not bad." When Zheng Shu's energy was exhausted, Hephaestus finally nodded with satisfaction and took over the subsequent processing.

Picking up the hammered metal block and putting it into the forging furnace nearby to keep it warm, Hephaestus nodded to Zheng Shu who was as tired as a dead dog: "Okay, let's take a rest! "

"I said... Dear Lord Hephaestus, do I have to do this blacksmithing myself? Or if it doesn't work, we can just change it to a hammer." Zheng Shu didn't care about the hot environment around him and sat down on the ground and gulped. Breathing heavily.

In fact, Hephaestus's hammer is not that heavy. In other words, with Zheng Shu's current level of strength, the density of the hammer would have to be close to that of a neutron star to make him feel fatigued.

The reason why Zheng Shu consumes so much physical energy is because this hammer does not purely rely on physical impact to forge metal.

Every time Zheng Shu uses this hammer to hit metal, the hammer will absorb part of his physical strength and magic power and pour it into the metal for deeper strengthening.

This hammer's demand for energy is like a bottomless pit. After Zheng Shu strengthened the enhanced template of Hercules, his almost inexhaustible physical strength finally found its limit after encountering this hammer. If it were an ordinary person using it, If you get this hammer, you may die of exhaustion due to the hammer draining your strength before you swing it.

"This is not possible. Ordinary metals cannot contain the power of gods at all. Even if the materials you bring are very good, they are just the base. Without sufficient tempering, they cannot be made into the weapons of gods." Hephaestus He smiled and picked up the hammer that fell next to Zheng Shu.

Swinging it, feeling the weight of the hammer in his hand, Hephaestus' eyes showed a trace of nostalgia: "This hammer has been with me since I became conscious, whether it is Zeus's lightning or Poseidon's three prongs. Halberd, Hades' helmet, Apollo's chariot, in this area, almost all the weapons of the gods that you have heard of are made with this hammer.

As far as I know, there has always been a legend among my followers that this is a hammer that only gods can swing, and it is a kind of training for mortals just to pick it up. Although the statement is a bit exaggerated, if you hold this hammer and use your own strength to forge it, you will indeed be tempering yourself while swinging it. "

"Okay, thank you very much for your kindness, but do I really need to do it myself to build equipment? I have never learned the technology of blacksmithing before. During this time, just to make me Learning how to forge metal embryos correctly has damaged a lot of materials, hasn't it?" Zheng Shu took a few breaths of hard breath and turned his attention to a corner next to him.

There are already piles of damaged metal embryos there, which are the "tuition fees" that Zheng Shu broke during this period.

Because there is no concept of day and night here in Hephaestus, Zheng Shu has forgotten how long he has been here. He only knows that every piece of metal embryo has to be beaten tens of thousands of times by himself, and in that corner, the damaged metal The embryos have piled up into a hill.

Recalling the life he had experienced during this period, Zheng Shu couldn't help but shudder: "And it seems that I have been here for a long time. Although I have made some progress now, it feels like it was wasted. It took you a lot of time, Lord Hephaestus."

"There is no need to worry about material loss. Even if those metal embryos are damaged a little, they can be reused as long as they are resmelted. And as the God of Flame and Forging, I can still afford this material loss. "

Hephaestus put his hammer on the anvil and squatted in front of Zheng Shu: "As for time, you don't have to worry about it. As a god, this time is not as long as it takes me to take a nap. "

"Ah haha, okay..." Zheng Shu smiled awkwardly and did not dare to refute.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Hephaestus walked to the seat next to him and sat down. A large barrel of wine appeared out of thin air on the table next to him and fell on his hand. "If you really want to calculate it, this should actually be Your own pot, because you want to make armor so that’s the only way to go.”

Hephaestus boldly poured a few sips of wine into his mouth, wiped his lips and continued to explain: "If you choose a weapon, because the production process is not complicated, and you have already prepared the base material, So it’s not very troublesome to make, and it doesn’t require much energy consumption. But the armor is different..."

Hephaestus shook his head and continued to take a sip of wine: "Especially your armor also needs to have protection against rule-based skills, so the energy consumed will increase significantly. If it were before, it would still be It's easy to say, with Chaos providing us collective strength, I don't need to worry about energy issues. But in my current situation, it is still too difficult to make armor-like weapons of God alone."

"I see." Zheng Shu rested for a while and felt that his physical strength had recovered. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, "So do you need my energy as a subsidy..."

"That's right, it's not just you. When you helped Zeus and the others make weapons, you also used their energy." Hephaestus put down the empty wine barrel in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief, "Especially The most important weapons on their bodies are the weapons of gods made by combining the energy of several main gods."

"That sounds really exciting. Can my armor reach this level in the future?" Zheng Shu's face was full of excitement, and the fatigue he had been feeling was gone.

"Hmm... it shouldn't be too bad." Hephaestus touched his chin, "Although it is certainly not as good as Zeus's thunderbolt or Hades's helmet, it is because it is made of The time is long enough, so the energy you put in is not small, and the intensity of the finished product should be much stronger than ordinary weapons of God.

In addition, your God's Arms is a type that completely abandons other specializations, so its targeted effects will definitely not be inferior to those of the top God's Arms... and may even exceed them. "

Hephaestus, who usually seemed taciturn, seemed extremely talkative when it came to topics related to his priesthood. Zheng Shu even had the illusion that the other party was a different person.

"In that case, let's continue forging!" Zheng Shu stretched his body. At this time, his physical strength had almost recovered.

The rapid physical recovery of the third-generation dragon species played a major role in this process. In theory, as long as there are enough nutrients, Zheng Shu can continue to exercise like a machine.

In addition, the concentration of magic power in the temple of Hephaestus far exceeds that of the outside world. With his current magic absorption rate, it is no exaggeration to say that Zheng Shu can survive in this place just by breathing.

Before I knew it, a long time passed.

Zheng Shu didn't know exactly how long it had been since he came to this temple. He only knew that his blacksmithing skills had cost him nearly an entire hill of metal materials since he was unfamiliar with them at the beginning.

After his blacksmithing skills reached a certain level, Hephaestus re-smelted the metal blocks that Zheng Shu had scrapped and asked him to forge them again.

So Zheng Shu spent a lot of time reforging the hill-like metal scrap into the batch of shiny metal blocks in front of him.

With so much metal and the raw materials the size of millstones that Zheng Shu brought over at the beginning, under the influence of magic, divine power and Hephaestus's hammer, only ten pieces of metal that looked only the size of a human head were forged. ingot.

"Ten pieces of God's metal, not bad! Although the quality may be a little inferior, the amount used has exceeded the materials used to forge Zeus's lightning." Hephaestus looked at the man who collapsed on the ground. Zheng Shu, "Your perseverance is beyond my imagination. I thought you would be able to make only five or six pieces at most."

At this time, Zheng Shu was already lying on the ground due to exhaustion and did not want to speak at all. He just raised one of his arms tremblingly and barely extended a thumb in a thumbs-up gesture.

"Get some rest. The armor should be completed by the time you wake up." Hephaestus smiled.

After hearing the words of the forging god, Zheng Shu finally closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The huge magic power gathered around him to form a huge energy vortex, restoring Zheng Shu's almost dry body.

Hephaestus waved his hand, and the ground in the temple automatically moved, moving Zheng Shu to a recliner next to him to rest.

Turning his head to look at the ten pieces of divine metal suspended on the magma pool, Hephaestus closed his eyes and adjusted his spirit.

When he opened his eyes again, huge divine power surged out of his body, and the rules of the world changed with his beliefs.

The lava in the magma suddenly erupted and wrapped the God's Metal above. The God's Metal that originally seemed extremely hard was instantly transformed into a flowing liquid under the action of divine power, and turned into ten torrents of light with bright light. It shot out of the magma and gathered in the center of the temple in a vortex shape.

Looking at the constantly fluctuating metal vortex above, Hephaestus opened his palm, and only a walnut-sized ball of the top-grade god's metal flew out of his palm and slowly merged into the fluctuating metal vortex.

With the integration of the last top-grade God's metal, the metal vortex above the temple began to slowly condense, forming a group of energy light that exuded bright light.

Hephaestus opened his hands, and the entire temple resonated with his will. Countless rays of light of different colors shot out from all over the temple, hitting the energy light group directly above.

If the observer's vision is strong enough, through the bright light, he can see that these lights are transforming every particle inside the energy cluster.

As time went by, even Hephaestus felt tired. Because a lot of computing power was consumed, the detector on his eyes even began to glow with red light representing high fever, which meant that too much energy had passed. The high power consumption caused the instrument to overheat.

Hephaestus continued to operate at such high power for a long time. It was not until the ground around him showed signs of melting due to the high temperature emitted from his body that Hephaestus slowly stopped.

The temple that had always been in resonance also fell into silence, leaving only the metal mass directly above the temple that became like white jade and exuded a warm and divine luster.

"The embryo is ready. It just needs to be finalized in shape." Hephaestus looked at the weapon embryo above the temple and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the detectors on his eyes suddenly erupted into bursts of fire.


With a slight explosion, the black detector suddenly exploded, revealing Hephaestus's covered eyes.

"It exploded? It seems that the load this time is not small..." Hephaestus touched the broken detector on his eye as usual. "It looks like it will take a lot of time to regenerate. It's just right." , I can also take advantage of this time to take a rest.”

At this time, his eyes were completely exposed, leaving only a black mechanical residue next to his temple that seemed to be fused with the skin.

And as time went by, the originally motionless mechanical remnants suddenly shone with light again, and it seemed like it was... growing.

(PS: There is one more chapter)

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