Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 263 Armor? No, it's a mecha!

Does the favor of Apollo, the sun god, work so well?

Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought, because in his opinion, Hephaestus's attitude was surprisingly good from the moment he met him.

If he hadn't confirmed that this guy didn't have that kind of desire in his eyes, Zheng Shu would have suspected that Hephaestus was eyeing his ass.

"No...the reason why I have such an attitude towards you is not because of Apollo's favor. In fact, if you really think about it, I don't owe that guy too many favors. If I rely on Apollo's favor If so, I will probably give you a good weapon directly." Hephaestus pointed to the weapon shelf next to him, which was filled with various equipment.

Every weapon exudes a terrifying aura, and you can become a top hero just by taking it out.

If necessary, even city-states would go to war with each other over any one of these weapons.

And it is this kind of top-level weapons that can cause war, but there are a lot of them on the shelf of the God of Forging. From the looks of it, I'm afraid those weapons aren't much better than garbage in his mind.

"You don't need to make any random guesses. I can tell you that in a sense I owe you a big favor, so I will do my best to build your equipment this time." Hephaestus continued. explained.

"I see...that's not right! You can actually see what I'm thinking?!" Zheng Shu later became vigilant.

"My machine can directly see the particle composition of matter, and it is easy to see the changes in your expression." Hephaestus pointed to the material analysis detector on his eyes, "In addition, my original processing The core is relatively close to Aphrodite. As long as you connect to Aphrodite's database, even if you can't match her in terms of intelligence, you can still see what others are thinking purely by relying on their expressions."

"What an amazing technology..." Zheng Shu sighed, and suddenly as if remembering something, he took out the weapon that Ella handed him from his backpack and showed it to Hephaestus, "Can I ask, if I consume As a favor to the sun god Apollo, can you please help me comment on these pieces of equipment?"

"You are more interesting than I thought before." Hephaestus looked Zheng Shu up and down carefully again, and streaks of light flashed on the surface of the material analysis detector in his eye sockets. , it seems that the observation power of Zheng Shu should be increased.

Finally, Hephaestus seemed to have confirmed something and nodded to Zheng Shu: "You should keep the favor from Apollo, the sun god. After all, favors from gods are quite rare. That little guy was originally Even if he is a believer of mine, it is not a troublesome thing to give him some guidance."

Taking the weapons from Zheng Shu's hands, the detectors on Hephaestus' eyes kept flashing.

After a while, Hephaestus nodded as if he understood something, walked to the wall, reached out and pressed on a machine above that looked like a printer.

As the high-energy laser began to flash, words gradually began to appear on a metal plate stored under the "printer." When the laser stopped flashing, the metal plate that was originally only a palm-sized piece was already covered with densely packed words.

Hephaestus casually picked up the metal plate and handed it to Zheng Shu: "Okay, these are my evaluations of his weapons. By the way, I also wrote some additional suggestions for his subsequent technical improvement."

After Zheng Shu took the metal plate, Hephaestus nodded and turned his attention to the huge package behind Zheng Shu: "Okay, now let's talk about the casting of your equipment. You should Have you prepared the materials yourself? Take them out and let me see."

"Okay!" Zheng Shu immediately took out the metal block the size of a millstone from his backpack, and then laid out the other metals given to him by Teacher Chiron.

"Hmm... It's a pretty good material. The material itself is very good, and it has been washed away by a lot of life breath and magic power. In addition, it has also been impacted by unknown divine power. This piece of metal is qualified enough to make a god's weapon." Armed." Hephaestus looked at the large piece of metal that Zheng Shu had brought over and marveled.

"So what kind of equipment are you going to make?"

"Ah... is there any sample that I can refer to?" Zheng Shu opened his mouth but suddenly didn't know what to say, and in the end he could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

"How could there be additional samples of God's Arms to show you?" Hephaestus shook his head helplessly, "But if you want to choose a style, there are other ways."

With that said, he took Zheng Shu to another room.

"The equipment displayed here are all equipment that can be made with my current technology. Of course, some equipment requires a lot of materials. The materials you bring yourself are far from enough. But for the sake of the favor I owe you, Come on, I can use my own inventory to replenish some for you." Hephaestus waved his hand, and Zheng Shu felt his eyes suddenly light up.

The originally hidden door was opened, revealing the layout inside. The room was lined with neat cabinets made of crystal, displaying various equipment.

Although these equipment are all phantoms simulated by projection, Zheng Shu can also understand the general functions of these equipment based on the description on the brand below.

There are also various types of weapons, ranging from spikes as small as needles to heavy weapons that are rougher than the mace Zheng Shu used before.

However, after looking around for a while, Zheng Shu suddenly made a strange discovery: "Is there no shield-type equipment here?"

"Shields? Oh... you may not know very well. For us, shields and armors are actually a kind of equipment. Most shields can basically be unfolded into armor that wraps the user's whole body." Hepheus Toss touched his unshaven chin, "Of course, when facing some highly penetrating attacks, he will also choose to change the armor back into a shield form for concentrated defense."

With that said, Hephaestus waved his hand again, and the shapes of the weapons in the display cabinets in the room changed, and they all turned into various types of armor.

"Huh?!" Zheng Shu's eyes widened after seeing these armors.

Turning his head in disbelief, Zheng Shu pointed to the armors inside the exhibition cabinet: "This the armor you are talking about?!"

"Yes, of course the appearance can be changed at will. Except for some special models, the appearance of most weapons can be customized individually." Hephaestus nodded without knowing why, and waved his hand again to show off the exhibition. The image inside the cabinet changed back to a variety of weapons, "So have you chosen what kind of weapon you want to use?"

"Armor! I hope you can help me build a new armor." Zheng Shu said decisively.

"Ah?" Hephaestus scratched his head curiously, "Why? You should not lack defense power."

As he spoke, the detector on his eyes flashed again, seemingly scanning Zheng Shu's skin: "According to the test results, the defense of your skin alone is enough to reach the level of the Arms of God. If you include your In terms of the defense power of bones and muscles, most defensive god-like weapons may not even have as high a defense power as your body when facing physical strikes.

The only disadvantage is that your skin is not resistant enough to certain special attacks, and it is difficult to provide effective defense when facing conceptual damage and legal damage. But even among the weapons of God, there are very few that can truly resist conceptual damage and legal damage..."

Hephaestus said a lot, but the core meaning was that with Zheng Shu's current physical condition, it would be a waste to choose armor as his divine weapon.

"Thank you very much for your advice, but I have made up my mind and choose armor!" Zheng Shu's attitude was extremely determined.

"Huh?" Hephaestus was a little confused. He reached out and replaced the images on the exhibition stand with the armors he had just seen before and looked at them carefully. "Can I hear your reasons? You shouldn't have any motive for choosing armors. That’s right?”

"I'm actually very confused about you having this problem. Do you think...which man can give up the choice of wearing a mecha!!!" Zheng Shu pointed at the armors on the display screen, his expression looking very excited.

That's right! According to Zheng Shu's concept, what Hephaestus calls armor is a lot of various mechas or exoskeleton equipment.

Even if it was just a virtual image, Zheng Shu couldn't help but get excited when he saw the cold lines and handsome shapes. Some of the particularly exaggerated armors even looked like Kamen Riders.

The moment he saw these armors, Zheng Shu had already decided on the divine weapon he wanted to achieve this time.

There is no man in the world who can resist such temptation!

At this time, Zheng Shu finally recalled why the Trojan horse strategy was successful as described in the game in his previous life.

The reason is actually very simple. The so-called Trojan Horse is a deliberately created, super-large, deformable Gundam.

Such a thing is blocked at the door, no matter who the decision-maker inside is, it will be dragged into the city.

Just kidding, even if you know there will definitely be a pit in this thing, as long as there is a man in this city, he will definitely find a way to drag it back!

After all, this is Gundam!

Imagining what he would look like wearing these armors, Zheng Shu's eyes turned red with excitement: "You never said before that the so-called armors actually look like this."

"Calm down a little bit." Facing the overly excited Zheng Shu, Hephaestus couldn't help but lean back, "The shapes of these armors were all designed by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty... …She said before that such a look can make those who use the equipment happier. I also referred to this image when I helped Athena make Aegis, but Athena didn’t seem very happy… "

"Ah..." Zheng Shu suddenly looked at Hephaestus with very pitiful eyes, and finally said nothing, just shook his head and patted his shoulder.

"Suddenly I feel pitiful... Little guy, don't forget that you have entrusted me to help you make weapons." Hephaestus's face darkened.

"I'm very sorry that I got too carried away. Please don't worry about it, sir." Zheng Shu slid to his knees very quickly.

"Forget it, in short, if you really want armor, I can help you make it, but there is another problem." Hephaestus took Zheng Shu back to the casting room.

"What's wrong? Is it a material problem? If there are any missing materials, I can find a way to solve it!" Zheng Shu's tone was extremely firm.

For the sake of his future mecha, no matter what he lacks, Zheng Shu can go through mountains and ridges to find it.

"It is true that there is a lack of some materials, but this thing does not exist in this world." Hephaestus shook his head, "Since I am building armor for you, then at least make this equipment work. Otherwise, as a god It's too pathetic to be armed.

But if you want the formed God's Arms to obtain regular protection and conceptual protection, then you must have the highest level of God's Metal. "

Zheng Shu suddenly had a bad premonition: "Is this thing... no longer available in this world?"

"That's not the case." Hephaestus stretched out his hand, and a ball of constantly moving liquid metal flew from the cabinet in the distance to his hand and floated out of thin air.

Zheng Shu could sense that Hephaestus had only exerted a power of floating out of thin air on the metal, and had not exerted any other force on it. However, the metal that looked like a liquid was still moving on its own. Look, It looks like it is alive.

"This is the remaining metal of God, only this little is left." Hephaestus said with some helplessness in his tone, "I spent too much to build a shield for Athena, and this is the last inventory."

"Can't we make new ones of this thing?" Zheng Shu's heart sank.

"With current technology, it is simply impossible to create this level of divine metal. And the reason why we were able to create this in the first place was with the help of Chaos' power, but now..." Hephaestus shook his head.

Zheng Shu also gave up the idea of ​​making new materials after hearing this. According to the history of the Xingyue world, Chaos is probably still wandering in other universes now.

"In other words, without enough divine metal of the highest level, the armor cannot have the ability to defend against the rules?"

"Not necessarily." Hephaestus suddenly said after pondering for a long time.

In Zheng Shu's surprised eyes, he asked Zheng Shu a rather strange question: "Can you accept armor that has no defense at all?"


(PS: More updates will be added tomorrow.)

Thanks to the readers of Xiaomijiao, which is not spicy at all, for the tip.

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