Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 262 The God of Forging with Wrong Style

"This is it." Al said to Zheng Shu, pointing to a bubbling magma pool in front of him.

They were now in a wide cave, affected by the heat of the magma pool. The cave that should have been moist was abnormally dry, and the stalactites around the magma pool were severely damaged by the high temperature.

To be honest, a lava pool actually emerges from the cave. This ghostly phenomenon is enough to shock anyone who has studied geography.

If this were placed in the world before Zheng Shu's time travel, Into Science would have produced at least ten more episodes.

"It is indeed here." The corner of Zheng Shu's mouth twitched unconsciously. He sensed a large amount of hot divine power here, indicating that this is indeed the location of Hephaestus, the god of fire and casting.

The magma pool in front of you appeared because it was affected by divine power for a long time. In other words, the message from the sun god Apollo to Zheng Shu did not mean that Hephaestus would settle next to the magma, but that as long as Hephaestus settled in the place where Hephaestus settled, he would inevitably appear. magma.

Looking at the environment in front of him, Zheng Shu was amazed. He found no trace of deliberate modification.

In other words, even if the existence of gods lives in a certain place for a long time, it will have a huge impact on the local natural environment. The magic and divine power they naturally dissipate in daily life is enough to transform the surrounding environment.

Looking at the leopard through the tube, Zheng Shu also had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the twelve main gods of Olympus through this magma pool. What was surprising was that he found that he could now see the backs of these main gods.

Based on the calculation based on the growth rate of Hercules' own strength after completing the first trial, after he really completes the twelve trials, his strength should at least be able to touch the lower limit of the Lord God level.

While thinking about it, Zheng Shu heard the crisp sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang clang together out of his ears. The clanging sound was clearly surrounding his ears, but there was nothing around him that could make such a sound.

Zheng Shu turned his head and glanced at Al, who was still worried next to him. It was obvious that the young man did not hear the corresponding sound.

Smiling, Zheng Shu took out a bag of "instant noodles" and a few gold coins from his luggage and handed it over: "Thank you for leading the way. This is your reward for leading the way. This is indeed where I want to come. .”

Al glanced at the thing in Zheng Shu's hand but did not reach out to take it. He just summoned up the courage to look up and look into Zheng Shu's eyes: "You are here to see Lord Hephaestus, right?"

"Oh, you're a very keen little guy." Zheng Shu smiled in surprise, "I don't want to deceive you, your guess is right."

Al's mood dropped visibly, but only for a moment. He cheered up again, pulled out several weapons he made from his back and stuffed them into Zheng Shu's hands:

"I give all these weapons to you. Although they may not be of much use to your strength, they can be sold at a good price in the city-state.

I don’t have much request. Judging from your performance just now, you should have found traces of Lord Hephaestus. The fact that I didn’t find any traces of Lord Hephaestus means that my current level is not qualified to see Lord Hephaestus. .

Since Lord Hephaestus feels that I am not qualified to see him, I will not force him. However, I hope you can show these weapons of mine to Lord Hephaestus. If you can get Lord Hephaestus's comments... No! That's my extravagant wish, I just hope you can let Lord Hephaestus take a look at my results. "

Changed from the taciturn image he had when they first met, Al seemed to have already written a script deep in his heart, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke a lot.

After finally saying these words in one breath, Al looked at Zheng Shu nervously, anticipating his reaction.

After taking a closer look at the weapons made by Al, Zheng Shu felt the fluctuations of divine power around him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "You actually tried to ask the gods to help you comment and guide you, you are really a greedy little guy. . But I happen to be a very kind person, so... I accepted your commission!"

There was a look of surprise on Al's face. He was so excited that his hands that could easily hold the weight even trembled uncontrollably: "Thank you very much, thank you very much!"

"Okay, let's wait until I come out to say thank you. It's almost time for you to leave here. I'm not sure whether the power emitted by the gods will hurt you little guy." Zheng Shu said these few words. He stuffed the weapon into his backpack, reached out and pushed Al towards the outside of the cave.

"Yes! I'll leave immediately! Thank you very much!" Al obeyed the advice and ran decisively outside the cave. It was not until he was about to leave the cave entrance that he turned around and bowed to Zheng Shu again.

"What a nice little guy." Zheng Shu smiled and waved to Al.

"Yes, he is considered the more talented among my followers."

I don't know when the crisp sound of hammering had faded away, but a rich male voice came from Zheng Shu's ears.

The magma pool next to him suddenly fluctuated violently. After a while, the magma inside erupted from the magma pool as if it had life, filling the entire cave.

The environment around Zheng Shu has also become hotter. The original cave has disappeared from Zheng Shu's field of vision. The environment he is now in looks more like the inside of an active volcano.

Zheng Shu looked at the changes in the surrounding environment without any fear, but instead had a smile on his face.

He felt the node of divine power fluctuation and took a step forward without hesitation.

The next moment, a strange change occurred in the space. Zheng Shu saw the surrounding scene receding rapidly, and the surrounding light began to become distorted.

When his step landed, an ancient and glorious bronze hall appeared in front of Zheng Shu.

Looking at the unusually heavy bronze door in front of him, Zheng Shu took a deep breath, bulged up his muscles, stepped forward, and pushed the bronze door with all his strength.


The weight of the bronze door was far beyond Zheng Shu's imagination. It was not too heavy, but rather too light.

The moment Zheng Shu's hand touched the bronze door, he felt like he had touched two light marshmallows.

With just a little force, the entire bronze door flew out and smashed into the wall directly in front, causing huge damage to the door frame and wall next to it.

For a time, the originally exquisite and solemn bronze hall was turned into a "ruin" by Zheng Shu.


Looking at the messy scene in front of him, Zheng Shu fell into a long silence. He had already begun to think about whether it would be better for him to leave directly now.

"...What, this is an automatic door, you don't need to use so much force. And...come back here! Don't think you can escape on the spot by destroying my door like this."

Because Zheng Shu's operation was so shocking, even Hephaestus, a god, was silent for a while before he could react.

But before he finished speaking, his voice that originally sounded kind and gentle became a little angry.

"You have misunderstood Lord Hephaestus. I just think that the scenes outside are a bit special, so I want to study them carefully." Zheng Shu turned around and walked into the bronze hall with an upright face. There was no trace of what he had just wanted to do. Someone who wants to sneak away.

"Come in, I'll be inside." It seemed that Hephaestus didn't want to argue with Zheng Shu for too long on this aspect, so he simply gave the order neatly.

Since the owner here has allowed him to enter, Zheng Shu will naturally not be timid.

Ignoring the heat wave that hit his face, he turned along the side wall and entered the casting room deep in the bronze hall. In a room full of lava and casting tools, Zheng Shu found Hephaestus, the god of fire and forging. Sri Lanka.

The image of this god is probably the most mediocre and inconspicuous among the gods Zheng Shu has encountered. Overall, he looks like an ordinary blacksmith. The only thing that is more distinctive is probably the god's figure. One eye wears an eyepatch.

As a god who is theoretically unable to have flaws, Hephaestus's eyepatch is particularly dazzling on his body.

But... that's how it is for humans in this era.

"Combat power detector?" Zheng Shu's expression was a little distorted, because the so-called "eye patch" on Hephaestus's eyes looked like the combat power detector in Dragon Ball.

However, the place where the transparent screen should have been was completely dark. It looked like the god's eyes were covered by a black device. And this machine is not hung on the ears. The part where it is connected to Hephaestus looks more like "fusion" or "inlay" than "mounting".

The shape of the area where the machine connected to Hephaestus' skin became a little blurry, looking more like black skin. Zheng Shu could even see veins under the skin on the edge of the machine.

Zheng Shu could tell from the continuously flowing light on the device's shell that this thing should have been running.

"It's a 'material analysis detector', but I specially put this thing on my face." Hephaestus saw Zheng Shu's surprise and pointed to the machine on his eye socket very seriously. Explained, "After all, it is impossible to create a second such precise instrument with the current technology in this world, and once it breaks down, it cannot be repaired, so I can only fuse it with my body. In this way , even if there is any malfunction in the machine, to me it is just a disease in my body, which can be 'fixed' through its self-healing ability."

In Hephaestus's understatement, a large amount of shocking information was revealed. If Zheng Shu had not learned about the information related to this world before traveling through time, he might have been really surprised.

However, from his words, Zheng Shu also discovered that this god of fire and forging seemed a bit similar to a science student who paid no attention to worldly affairs and devoted himself to research.

"I think you should pay attention to what accidents may happen if this kind of information is known by your followers." Zheng Shu persuaded him seriously.

"Don't worry, the human spirit is much tougher than you think. It's not like no believers have seen me like this before. I've also explained some information about myself to them, but as long as you ask about what's going on about me outside, We know from myths and legends that when human beings face a situation they cannot understand, they will automatically transform it into something they can understand.”

Instead, Hephaestus showed some indifference and continued to swing the hammer in his hand and beat the piece of metal in front of him.

Zheng Shu did not mean to interrupt the other party's work, but stood aside and observed the facilities in the room while waiting quietly.

After careful observation, Zheng Shu finally discovered something was wrong.

Hephaestus's forging workshop looked very primitive, but after careful observation, Zheng Shu discovered that the so-called "original" was just a matter of style, which was probably similar to ordinary people's "retro" the concept of.

That ordinary-looking anvil is actually a stand stabilizer, which can stabilize the metal in the stand and expel all air dust to ensure that the metal being created does not come into contact with other substances.

The ancient forging iron furnace next to it that seems to be built on magma is actually a heat energy gathering device. The heat collected from the magma can be concentrated in the furnace to one point, greatly improving the efficiency of fused metals.

Zheng Shu squinted his eyes and made some estimates. Even under the current operating conditions of conventional power, the temperature inside the furnace has reached a high temperature of more than 5,000 degrees Celsius. Theoretically, most of the materials on the earth will be at this high temperature. Melt down.

No wonder this place has not completely turned into a magma pool despite being under the influence of Hephaestus's power all year round. This is because Hephaestus used this device to extract the heat from the newly born magma and use it for his own forging. , so that the amount of magma is always maintained at a certain amount, which can be regarded as "true self-produced and self-sold".


With the last crisp knocking sound, Hephaestus took a look at his completed results, nodded with satisfaction, and put the metal back into the forge for heating.

He took this opportunity and turned to look at Zheng Shu: "I already know your purpose of coming, no problem! I can help you build a god's weapon suitable for you."

"Ah... thank you for your help." Zheng Shu was suddenly at a loss, because although there was not much change in his expression, he could feel that the God of Forging seemed to have a very... "kind" attitude towards him. ?

(PS: I originally planned to continue adding more updates today, but I delayed it because of something else. Let’s see if I can have some free time tomorrow.)

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