Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 251 About the choice of next target

"Oh? Who is it?" Zheng Shu's eyes lit up after hearing what Hercules said.

"Of course it's the mentor who once taught me: Teacher Chiron." Hercules said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zheng Shu suddenly slapped his thigh. Yes, how could he forget this most famous sage in ancient Greece.

According to ancient Greek mythology, Chiron was born to the former chief god Cronus and the goddess Philea of ​​a certain island. But because Cronus had sex with Philea in the form of a horse, Chiron was born in the form of a centaur (there is also a theory that he turned into a stallion and escaped after being attacked by his wife Leia during sex). Philea refused to feed Chiron because of his strange appearance, and eventually turned into a Bodhi tree.

Although he is a centaur, he is completely different from his cruel kin who like to eat people. It can even be said that Chiron is an unusually calm exception among the passionate heroic Greek myths.

Chiron, who had no parents to protect him, studied hard to become a sage when he grew up, and began to educate the "future heroes" that Greece needed.

In terms of the person who is most suitable as a teacher, Chiron is almost the first-class existence in the entire ancient Greek mythology.

In mythology, Chiron learned various skills such as music, medicine, and hunting from Apollo and Artemis, and then became the mentor of many Greek heroes, including Perseus, Theseus, Achilles, and Iris. Familiar top heroes like Song and Hercules. In addition to this, he even served as a teacher to Asclepius, the god of medicine.

Even if the talents of the students he selected were all top-notch, being able to teach so many top heroes was enough to prove how high Chiron's educational standards were.

The most important thing is that although Chiron is the descendant of two gods, he himself is not a god except for a little divinity. This means that Zheng Shu can use it directly after obtaining his enhanced template.

Although the enhanced template cannot copy the knowledge of the sample, Chiron also has special abilities that Zheng Shu wants to obtain.

As a descendant of the previous god-king, Chiron also received a gift from his parents: god-level immortality.

How strong is this level of immortality? After Chiron was shot by an arrow coated with the poisonous blood of Hydra, he was not a god but could still resist the poisonous erosion of Hydra and would not die.

Of course, because Hydra's toxicity was so terrifying that the pain he endured even exceeded death, Chiron voluntarily gave up his immortality and exchanged freedom with Prometheus to obtain eternal liberation.

For Zheng Shu, Chiron's immortality can make up for his biggest flaw.

Zheng Shu has always called his influence factors resurrection coins, but there is a fundamental difference between using influence factors to strengthen the body to repair the body and resurrection coins.

Theoretically, if someone could disrupt Zheng Shu's consciousness or even knock him out before he could react, he could be killed while he was unconscious.

In this case, Zheng Shu could not be resurrected no matter how many influencing factors he had.

But with Chiron's immortality, even if he is accidentally knocked unconscious, he does not have to worry about the danger of his life. Coupled with the enhanced ability of the upper panel, Zheng Shu can really make himself There are unlimited opportunities to come back.

...Okay, not unlimited times, but less than three hundred times.

Zheng Shu quietly glanced at the impact factor collection progress on his dashboard.

Progress: 289.17%

The Lion of Nemea only provided Zheng Shu with less than 2% of the impact factor collection progress, not much.

But this is understandable. After all, even though Zheng Shu fought so happily with it before, he did not cause any substantial damage to the lion. The main force that really killed the lion was Hercules.

"I have also heard of Chiron's name, but not to mention that I don't know the residence of this sage. For such a great sage, wouldn't it be too rude for me to visit him casually?" Zheng Shu asked.

"Don't worry! I know where the teacher lives." A smile appeared on Hercules' face, as if he was happy to be able to help his friend. "And although Teacher Chiron is a centaur, he himself is very Gentle and willing to teach others, he will not refuse as long as someone learns from him. After you go there, just explain your purpose and the teacher will guide you."

"That's great." Zheng Shu also smiled.

In fact, Zheng Shu only needed to use the blessing given to him by the moon god Artemis at night to search for Chiron's location. So the purpose of asking such a question is to get the "ticket" to Chiron's residence from Hercules.

Although there is no substantial proof, with these words from Hercules, Zheng Shu can ensure that he can really be guided by Chiron.

The two sat on the ground and chatted about combat for a while, before Hercules finally picked up the lion skin next to him and waved goodbye to Zheng Shu: "It's getting late, and I should go back to report on the mission. Wait. I'll find you after I've taken care of everything."

"Go ahead, I hope one day I can hear the legend about you." Zheng Shu waved his hand, turned around and left here first.

"Then I have to work hard..." Hercules looked at Zheng Shu's leaving figure and touched the lion skin on his shoulder, with a cheerful smile on his face.

At night, Zheng Shu sat on the ground and stared at the bonfire in front of him in a daze.

Half a month had passed since he met Hercules, during which time he had been in a hurry.

In fact, Zheng Shu initially wanted to follow Hercules shamelessly and accompany him to complete the twelve trials. He was afraid that Zheng Shu himself would not be able to gain strength from these trials, but whether Hercules completed the trials The enhanced templates that were refreshed later, and the other enhanced templates that he might obtain during the trial were all very attractive to Zheng Shu.

However, after careful consideration, Zheng Shu gave up his plan to follow Hercules and instead chose to prioritize finding Chiron to make up for his shortcomings in fighting skills.

Although it was a pity to lose Zheng Shu's enhanced templates for those monsters, in terms of combat effectiveness, Hercules' enhanced templates were enough to defeat these monsters.

As for the fact that Hercules can refresh his own strengthening template every time he completes a trial, Zheng Shu only needs to find an opportunity to contact Hercules once after he completes all twelve trials to obtain the final version of the enhanced template.

In this way, the only attraction that the enhanced templates of those monsters have for Zheng Shu is their own special abilities. However, in terms of special abilities, Chiron's immortality is more attractive to Zheng Shu than these monsters. There are many, so Zheng Shu completed this choice very decisively.

According to the guidance of the moon god's blessing, Zheng Shu speculated that he would be able to reach Chiron's residence probably tomorrow afternoon.

"So are you sure that the centaurs' gathering place is not in that direction?" Zheng Shu suddenly asked coldly.

"Really! Really! I can swear to the gods, hero, that the gathering point of the centaurs is really in another direction!"

As Zheng Shu asked, a group of ragged thieves kneeling next to him cried out and scrambled to answer his questions, for fear that they would be "processed" if they answered late.

Having witnessed Zheng Shu's terrifying performance of pushing his boss directly into the ground with a single click, these thieves behaved more honestly than quails. Even though Zheng Shu did not bind them in any way, they still knelt down beside the bonfire fearfully. This monster was offended.

Looking at this group of thieves who looked very honest, Zheng Shu frowned, because the direction these guys pointed was completely opposite to the guidance of the Moon God's blessing.

As for who to believe, compared to a group of scum who kill without blinking an eye, Zheng Shu naturally believes in the blessing of the moon god.

"I didn't expect that you would still dare to lie to me now. You are really brave." Zheng Shu patted the dust on his butt and stood up. "Although you are all a bunch of scum, I still have to respect you for such courage." He's a man, don't worry, I'll let you die a happy death."

The tall bodies cast an even bigger shadow under the light of the bonfire, completely covering the group of thieves and giving them horrific mental oppression. Some of them even wet their pants because they couldn't bear the fear.

"I'll kill you!" Under extreme fear, many thieves also burst out with their final ferocity, suddenly jumping up from the ground and rushing towards Zheng Shu.

However, more thieves still chose to take this opportunity to stand up and escape into the darkness. Even if they rush into the forest in such a dark night, they are likely to be eaten by wild beasts as dinner, but the survival rate is higher than fighting this monster. .


Zheng Shu just waved his hand, and the heads of the thieves who rushed in front of him turned into blood mist.

Looking up at the thief who had run away, Zheng Shu raised his finger. Along with Long Wen's chant, a little red light gathered on his fingertips.


The light exploded, turning into a finger-thick crimson light and shooting towards a thief who had run the farthest, easily penetrating his body and using the remaining high temperature to carbonize his body.

Gently turn your finger, and the red ray moves like a laser pointer, quickly streaking across the bodies of all the escaping thieves.

"Not bad, the control over magic power has improved very significantly. As expected of Hercules, even his talent in magic power is so extraordinary." Zheng Shu looked at the gradually dissipating rays and nodded with satisfaction, congratulating himself on this period of time. The training results were affirmed.

"But..." Glancing at the thieves who had all turned into charcoal in the distance, Zheng Shu touched his chin, "Do these thieves really have the guts to lie to me in this situation?"

(PS: There will be another update in the afternoon and three updates today.)

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