Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 252 The Cyclops is not as tall as me

"I'm embarrassed. I seem to have mistakenly blamed those thieves." Zheng Shu looked at the scene in front of him and scratched his head.

"Logically speaking, shouldn't this be the habitat of centaurs? Why are there so many Cyclops? And if I remember correctly, shouldn't Cyclops generally be solitary creatures? What happened to this large group? thing!?"

In front of Zheng Shu, stood a group of large and small one-eyed... giants. In other words, these things should be regarded as giants. Zheng Shu took a look at these monsters that were not taller than himself and was a little confused.

If it weren't for the eye in the middle of the opponent's head that was so distinctive, Zheng Shu wouldn't even dare to confirm that these were Cyclops.

The main reason is that the average height of the dozen Cyclops in front of him is between 2.3 and 2.4 meters, and the tallest one will reach the level of 2.5 meters. Zheng Shu has strengthened Hercules. The height behind the template has soared to over two and a half meters.

So there is such a strange situation. The Cyclops, who is famous for his tall stature, needs to look up when facing Zheng Shu, but Zheng Shu, a so-called human, can look down at the group of Cyclops in front of him.

But think about it carefully, in this barren era, even with the influence of magic, the physical fitness of ordinary people is not inferior to that of professional athletes among modern people. However, due to long-term nutritional deficiencies, except for a small number of talented people and The height of ordinary people other than divine blood heroes can only hover between 1.3 and 1.5 meters.

In other words, for ordinary people, there is almost a one-meter height difference between these cyclops with an average height of two meters and four. When actually facing a battle, they are almost like a normal adult male running to a kindergarten or elementary school. He looked like he was killing everyone in the first and second grade.

From this point of view, it is not wrong for these Cyclops to be called giants.

While Zheng Shu was still thinking about these strange questions, the Cyclops opposite him was obviously confused when he saw Zheng Shu.

Cyclops' IQs are generally not very high. Their hunting methods usually rely on trees or rocks to cover their silhouettes, and then when they find prey, they suddenly jump out to frighten the prey and then hunt with a finishing blow.

And when such a large group of Cyclops gathers, their hunting efficiency increases wildly.

But this time, when the Cyclops suddenly jumped out of a cave and tried to scare their prey, they found that they were the ones who were frightened.


After being stunned for a long time, the group of Cyclops finally began to spin their brains, which were not much bigger than walnut kernels, thinking about whether the creature in front of them could be considered a sibling.

After a heated discussion, the group of Cyclops finally came to the conclusion that the one in front of them was also of the same race, but due to bad luck, he was born with some deformities and two eyes.

"What kind of conclusions are you bastards drawing so casually?!" Zheng Shu grabbed a stone next to him and threw it over, knocking the Cyclops at the front to the ground.

Although he didn't know what the other person was saying, even from such a long distance, Zheng Shu could clearly see the meaning of pity in their big eyes that took up half of their faces.

Zheng Shu felt that no matter how miserable he was, he would not be pitied by a group of man-eating beasts.


Seeing their companions being knocked down, the other Cyclops didn't care whether the thing in front of them was a member of their own race. Their cruel nature made them let out shocking roars.

Picking up the surrounding giant rocks, the Cyclops took the lead in launching their own characteristic attack: throwing.

Stones as small as basketballs were thrown out by the Cyclops. Under the terrifying force, they screamed like cannonballs and flew towards Zheng Shu accurately.

Bang bang bang!

Stretching out his palm, Zheng Shu did not make any special protective gesture, but simply smashed all the stones thrown at him like swatting flies. The hard rock seemed vulnerable in front of him, and the terrifying force hitting his body had no impact at all.

"Roar!" Several roars full of anger came. Taking advantage of the opportunity when Zheng Shu smashed the rock and his vision was obscured by dust, the cyclops took steps and ran to Zheng Shu.


The huge wooden stick was wrapped with strong magic power and hit Zheng Shu's unsuspecting head accurately. The huge force contained in the wooden stick was transmitted to the earth through Zheng Shu, and the ground with Zheng Shu as the center was directly affected by this power. One floor collapsed.

"The body looks quite big, but the strength is a bit lacking." Zheng Shu's voice came from the dust.

After the smoke dissipated, the Cyclops who was the first to attack was horrified to find that the wooden stick blessed by magic in his hand had broken. However, Zheng Shu in front of him did not have any injuries and was still just standing there with his head tilted and looking at Own.

Before the cyclops could realize something was wrong with the enemy and retreated, the cyclops behind them had already rushed up and charged towards Zheng Shu.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of flesh being struck was heard, and the several Cyclops that had just rushed up, as well as the one that attacked first, were all knocked back by Zheng Shu's punches.

They flew dozens of meters upside down in the sky before falling to the ground. They withstood such a heavy attack that even the thick-skinned Cyclops could not stand up for a while and lay on the ground wailing.

"Huh? Are these guys a little too skinny?" Zheng Shu looked at the Cyclops lying on the ground and was still wailing, and suddenly became confused. He didn't hold back those punches just now. Although he didn't charge any force, in theory, It shouldn't be something these guys can handle.


The deafening roar sounded again, and the leader who was knocked to the ground by Zheng Shu with a stone finally stood up.

He seemed to be completely angered by Zheng Shu's actions. He opened his bloody mouth and roared angrily. The stench emanating from that mouth choked Zheng Shu even from a distance of several meters.

"You should pay attention to oral care." Zheng Shu covered his nose in pain.

The Cyclops did not respond to Zheng Shu's words. With his IQ, he could not understand such a complicated problem. However, the next action of the Cyclops surprised Zheng Shu, because he pulled out a handful of blood from his back. A battle ax made of metal.


After taking out his favorite weapon, the Cyclops raised his battle ax high and jumped directly towards Zheng Shu. The surging power allowed him to easily cross the distance of dozens of meters between the two sides.

clang! Click...

The sound of the collision was followed by the harsh sound of metal twisting. Zheng Shu raised his arm to directly block the Cyclops's jumping attack.

The metal ax that looked unusually heavy hit Zheng Shu's arm. Not only did it not cause any harm to him, but it also caused the ax blade to shatter. The entire giant metal ax got stuck directly in Zheng Shu's arm.

Using his arm to block the blockage stuck on his arm, Zheng Shu took advantage of the Cyclops' open door and used his other hand to hammer the opponent's head hard.



An indistinct scream screamed from the mouth of the Cyclops. Zheng Shu's punch not only directly exploded his big eye, but also completely broke the fangs in his mouth. After suffering the blow, the Cyclops completely lost the ability to fight and could only cover his face with his hands and howl in pain.

"It's really a metal weapon, and it's specially made according to this guy's size." Zheng Shu took off the bone stuck in his arm and observed it carefully.

He kept holding the metal ax with his hands. Although the attack on Zheng Shu caused a gap the size of an arm, Zheng Shu could clearly feel that the quality of this giant metal ax was excellent based on the feel of his hand. , the weapons used by many low-level heroes may not be as high quality as this one.

And judging from the length of the handle and the size of the ax, this ax was specially made according to the figure of this Cyclops.

The length and thickness of the ax handle are far longer than those of ordinary battle axes. This is because the Cyclops's palm is too huge and completely disproportionate to the size of the body, so it is a unique modification in order to better hold the weapon.

As we all know, the common shortcoming of the Cyclops family is that their intelligence is too low. Being able to throw stones and pull up trees as weapons is already the limit of their IQ, let alone forging metal weapons, even using animal fur as clothing This kind of behavior is a bit out of character for a Cyclops.

Moreover, while their intelligence is low, Cyclops are also cruel in nature, so that it is impossible for them to have a cooperative relationship. The scene of collective hunting in small groups like what Zheng Shu encountered is impossible to occur in the Cyclops population. right.

"Such a change... This is another guy who is going to cause trouble because of his inexplicable ambition." Zheng Shu sighed.

Looking at the remaining Cyclops surrounding them, he grasped the handle of the battle ax tightly with both hands. After estimating the distance, he made a sweeping sweep at the group of Cyclops, causing the heads and bodies of all the Cyclops to separate.

Most of the Cyclops lost their lives directly under this blow, but there were a few Cyclops at the last position. Because the traces of Zheng Shu's swing were a little off, their necks were not cut off directly but their chests were severed.

Because they did not die immediately, the severe pain of the severed body hit the Cyclops's brain, but with their chests severed, they did not even have the strength to cry out. They could only open their big mouths in vain and let out a silent scream towards the sky. Call.

"Do you like seeing the miserable expressions of your enemies?"

"No, I simply didn't control the weapon well." Facing the voice coming from behind him, Zheng Shu turned around very calmly, "First time meeting, Mr. Chiron."

(Three updates completed!)

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